17. Two Visits and A Wedding

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Tyrion/King's Landing
He layed in his bed for two weeks receiving one visit from a family member and it was Robb, though he only stayed for a couple of hours. His nephew had said something about his and the Queen's lions being sick for quite sometime and that he had to see if the kennelmaster had made progress on curing them.

Even though he didn't stay long, that visit meant everything to Tyrion. It meant that not all of his family despised him like his sister and father.
The former of the two had visited him and questioned him about his impending visit with his father. Cersei was a paranoid, mad wiman who tried to have her own kin killed. He was lucky that Pod was there to save his life.

Now he sat before the man who gave him life, waiting for him to at least say something to him, anything would do to wash away the deafening silence.

" The badge looks good on you. Almost as good as it did on me." he said to gain bo response as his father kept writing. " Are you enjoying your new position?"

" Am I enjoying my new position?" his father scoffed.

" I was quite happy as Hand of the King." Tyrion said wishing his father was still away fighting the Stark boy.

" Yes, I heard all about how happy you were." Tywin said folding the letter.
" You brought a whore into my bed."

" It wasn't your bed at the time." he shot back.

" I sent you here to advise the King. I gave you real power and you chose to spend your time as you always have. Bedding harrlots and drinking with thieves." his father said pressing his seal into the crimson wax on the letter.

" On occassion I drank with the harrlots..." he started as if to tell a story before being silenced.

" What do you want, Tyrion?" the Hand asked standing to pour himself some wine.

" Why does everyone assume I want something? Can't I just visit my beloved father, my beloved father, who didn't visit me once while I lay wounded in a bed." Tyrion said.

" Grand Maester Pycelle assured me that your wounds were not fatal." Tywin said bluntly.

" I helped Robb plan the defense of this city while you were holding court in the ruins of Harrenhal. I bled in the dirt for our family and yet no one, but my nephew has thanked me. Wha...what would I like? A little bloody gratitude would be a start." he said angrily.

" Jesters and children need applause. You are a Lannister. Do you think I demanded a garland of roses everytime I suffered a wound on the battlefield? Hmm?" his father stated.
" Now, I have Seven Kingdoms to look after. Three of which are in open rebellion, so I ask again what do you want?"

" What is mine by right. Jaime is your eldest son. Heir to all your lands and titles, but he is Kingsguard. When he put on the white cloak, he forsake a wife, children, and all inheritance." the Imp began. " Therefore giving up his claim to Casterly Rock. I am your son and lawful heir."

" You want Casterly Rock?" he questioned.

" It is mine by right." Tyrion firmly.

He had let his father belittle him for too long and now he wanted what was his. No one would run Casterly Rock better than him. His aunt Genna had once said that Jaime may have been the golden son, but Tyrion was Tywin's son through and through. Jaime had said himself he never wanted Casterly Rock so why shouldn't it be given to him?

" We will find you accommodations more suited to your name and for your accomplishments at the Battle of Blackwater Bay. In time, you will be granted a position befitting your talents so that you might further our family legacy and if you serve faithfully you will be rewarded with a suitable wife. But I would be consumed by maggots before mocking the family name and making you heir to Casterly Rock." his father spat venomously.

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