45. What Is Dead May Never Die

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Robb/Haystack Hall
He walked through the field of dead foreigners. He helped the ones that were still alive to any silents sister that was near by.

He may have killed many during this battle, but he had no wish for them all to die when there was no need. The battle was over quickly enough with Lord Tarly's tactics working to perfection.

Some of the Unsullied managed to escape and were surely running to Dragonstone to tell Daenerys what had happened.

" What were our losses?" Robb asked Garlan as he lifted an Unsullied onto a cart to be carried away.

" Five hundred dead and two thousand injured."

" Any word from the raven sent to Casterly Rock?"

" Uncle Kevan has a garrison of twelve thousand holding the castle. The Greyjoys have not yet been seen but he is prepared and well previsioned." his uncle Tyrion said.

Robb couldn't leave him in King's Landing. His mother would have strangled him in his sleep or have someone else do it for her.

" Good."

The Greyjoys needed to been put in their place once more. They mount rebellions and always scurry back to their islands after being crushed. Then, repeat the process over again in a few years.

They never really do learn from their mistakes.

He heard the sound of a gurgled cough coming from behind him. Robb turned to see a man with a piece of a lance in his stomach.

" Hand me some water and fetch a sister." the King said kneeling beside the man.

" That's Grey Worm. He is Daenerys general of the Unsullied." Tyrion said handing him a skin.

" I don't want to take any prisoners. They are free to return to Dragonstone if they would like to." he said holding it to Grey Worm's lips and letting him drink.

" Robb, are you sure that is wise?" Jaime asked.

" Yes." he said shakily. " If I... if I die when the Others come, I do not wish to have anymore dead men marring my soul."

The thousands of lives he had ended kept him awake at night. He would put on a brave face for Margaery and his family, but the blood on his hands weighed heavily. The only relief from it was that he had done it all for his family, but he would not condemn anymore men than he had to.

His uncle nodded in understanding.

A rider dressed in northern style armor rode up to them carrying a scroll in his hand.

" Your Grace. A message from His Grace, King Rickon." 

He unrolled the paper and read the fourteen year old lord's handwriting. 

" Shipments of dragonglass are arriving at Winterfell. They have begun forging them into weapons. She agreed." he said looking to the shocked faces of the men around him. 

" I wonder what Prince Jon did to persuade her." Tyrion said with brow raised.

" She attacks us but gives us aid against something she most likely doesn't believe is real. Who is this woman?" Dickon said. 

" Someone we can work with. Margaery also sent me a raven some weeks ago that I only saw today. She said that Daenerys might regret sending her army to attack, but she won't give up fighting for her claim. It is why I want to send he Unsullied back to her. To show her the death that has happened because she will not accept me as King."

He wanted her to feel guilty. None of these men would have been maimed or injured had she simply spoken with him.

He knew he was being unfair.

The Honorable Stag | Robb StarkOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz