35. The Truth

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He and Shireen had ridden the Kingsroad for about two weeks when they finally caught up with Lord Edmure and Ser Jaime's army that marched north. He left Shireen at Moat Cailin with a garrison of Tully men to ensure her saftey.

His uncle was elated to see him and often made made small talk even when Rickon wished he wouldn't. Jaime wasn't as bad as everyone made him out to be but he was still a bit of an arse.

Rickon sent ravens to the houses of the North for the request of their aide in removing the Boltons from his home. All pledged their fealty to him except the Karstarks and the Whitehills.

Luckily for them, the Ironborn seemed to have been driven out of his homeland causing no trouble for them. They arrived just outside of Winterfell, three weeks afte they had joined.

After the soilders pitch their tent and settled in, Rickon had one of his uncle's men deliver the royal order that King Robb signed, demanding that Lord Bolton vacate Winterfell and return to the Dreadfort.

Two hours later, the man's horse came back with his head in a bag with a letter attached. It said that Ramsay Bolton, Lord of Winterfell,  Lord of the Dreadfort, and Warden of the North refused to give up the castle.

" We should have the rivermen attack them head on and your men should hit them from the left." Edmure said to the Kingslayer.

" No, it would be wiser to hit them with all we have. It is likely that the northern lords will be here within two days. If we can hold them off with the men we have then they will fall easily with they arrive." Jaime replied.

Rickon thought for a moment scanning the map for some advantage that they could use over the bastard. He remembered his Robett taking him for rides in a small forest not too far away from Winterfell. If the rivermen could hide in the those woods to flank them when the time was right, then they would be able to surround the Boltons with no escape.

" The woods just outside. The rivermen should hide there. Waiting util they think they are just facing one force. Then, we can circle around leaving them with nowhere to go." he said moving the map markers to where he wanted.

The two older men looked at the map in surprise and concentration. Trying to decide if his plan was viable.

Jaime nodded.

" It gives us time weaken their force and it makes the northern lords more likely to join us if it works. The battle would be all but won."

" I agree." Edmure said smiling at his nephew.

Rickon hoped that his father, mother, and brother were all watching and that they were all proud of him. He vowed to be the best Lord of Winterfell, the best husband, and the best father, when he had children, that he could be.

" Get some rest. You'll need it." Ser Jaime suggested as he left.

Soon, morning broke over the encampment. The sounds of horns, clanging armor, and horses hurrying about jolted the young Stark awake. He quickly dressed in the armor that Edmure had made for him. He said that Robett wore the same exact armor when he went to battle alongside Grey Wind.

Rickon wished that he had Shaggydog by his side. Sadly, the Umbers made him send the wolf away for fear that if the Boltons visited that they would know that they were harboring a Stark heir.

His hands were shaking as he exited his tent and climbed onto his horse. He wondered if his brother had felt this way before his first battle.

His uncle, the rivermen's cavalry, and some of the Lannister cavalry all looked to be in position when he scanned the camp.

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