36. Four Queens

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" We speak in the presence of the Drowned God. In his name we gather here to choose a new King as our leader." her uncle, Aeron, said before the men gathered on her home island. 

Her father was dead. She had the most right to lead the Ironborn. Yara had lead these men into battle and knew everyone of their names. She was a Greyjoy and the last heir that could continue the family line. She was the only choice to sit the Salt Throne in Theon's place. 

Her brother had changed so much that she barely recognized who she was speaking to. When they were young, before their father's rebellion, he was cocky, arrogant, and outspoken, the man she saw infant of her now was broken, quiet, and humbled. 

Theon glanced to her and nodded his head in assent. 

" I am Yara Greyjoy, daughter of Balon Greyjoy, King of the Iron Islands. I lay claim to the Salt Throne." she said walking forward from the crowd. 

" We've never had a Queen before. Not once." Dagmer stated gruffly from the back. 

" There are many thing we have never done. We've never commanded respect from the other Great Houses of Westeros. They laugh and spit on us like we are nothing. They pay us no mind until we start raiding their coasts and they take enough time away from their games to swat us down. Sending us scurrying back home." 

" Aye!" the crowd shouted in consensus. 

" They humiliate us. They shit on us. We are a sea people. Our god is a sea god. When I am Queen..." 

" You cannot be Queen!" Quolon interrupted. 

" I am not finished!" Yara protested coldly. 

" Yes, you are! A woman cannot lead us. Not when Balon Greyjoy's own male heir has returned home." 

The islanders murmured and looked to Theon, who shifted uncomfortably until he decided to speak. 

" I am Theon Greyjoy. Last living son of Balon Greyjoy. And she is your rightful ruler." he said pointing to her. " Those who have sailed under her, and there are many of you here, know who she is. She is a reaver. She is a warrior. She is ironborn. We will find no better leader. She is our Queen." 

The men cheered and chanted her name. His brother had just given up his birthright for her. A woman. For her there was no better way for him to show that he loved and respected her. 

" I am Euron Greyjoy." her uncle said parting the crowd to come face to face with her and Theon. " I lay claim to the Salt Throne. Niece. Nephew." 

She hadn't seen him in years. He looked different with the eyepatch and fine metal plate armor that glinted in the sunlight like valerian steel, though it couldn't be. her balls tightened into fists. 

If her uncle was home then he killed her father to claim the throne for himself. He had always wished to be the eldest son. To have the power of the Iron Fleet at his whim. 

" When did you return, uncle?" 

" A few days ago. Had unfinished business." he replied. 

" You mean killing our father." she stated as Theon came closer to her and the men started murmuring. 

" Aye. I killed him. he was leading us nowhere just as you will. You speak truths about the lords of Westeros, but you can't beat them with no help. Your father lead us into two wars we couldn't win. Well... I'm here now to change that. I can win for you." 

" And how are you going to do that?" Then questioned. 

" Across the Narrow Sea there is a person who hates the lords of Westeros almost as much as we do. She has a large army, three dragons, and no husband. I'm going to build the strongest Iron Fleet there ever was and sail it right over to Daenerys Targaryen and give it to her. Along with my big cock." Euro explained. 

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