28. Champions

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Jaime/King's Landing
" I made a deal for you. To keep your ungrateful head on your ungrateful neck a little while longer." he said angrily.

" What I am supposed to be grateful for? The chance to live and die at the Wall." Tyrion said.

" This isn't a joke. You do realize that?"

" Of course, it is a joke. Just not a very funny one. I couldn't... I couldn't stand there listening to her lies."

" You fell in love with a whore." Jaime stated.

" Yes, I fell in love with a whore and I was stupid enough to believe that she had fallen in love with me." his brother said pausing for a moment.
" That deal you made. It was everything father wanted. He gets you back as his heir. The future Lord of the Rock. Me at Castle Black out of sight at last. It was so perfect. It felt good to take that away fromn him. He knows I am innocent yet he is willing to sacrifice me anyway."

" He's willing to sacrifice any of us."

" Not you. You're the golden son. You can kill a King, lose a hand, fuck your own sister you'll always be the golden son."

" Careful now. I am the last friend you've got."

" At least, I got to tell them all what they really are."

" Yes, brilliant speech. They'll be talking about it for weeks to come." Jaime said cynically. " I thought you were a realist. I never realized you would die for pride."

" Don't give up on me just yet. I survived one trial by combat without you to save me."

" I can't save you this time either. My training has proved that I can't beat a stable boy with my left hand."

" Where's your sense of adventure?" Tyrion questioned. " Even if you lose, imagine the look on father's face when you fall. The family name snuffed out with a single swing of the sword"

" It is tempting."

They both chuckled at the thought, but the mood turned serious when they both knew it could never happen.

" Well... Bronn fought for me once, he'll do it again. If he wins, I expect I'll be in his debt the rest of my life."

" If he wins." Jaime said knowing full well what his brother's next question would be.

" Who does Cersei plan on naming as her champion? I hope that it's Ser Meryn Trant. I'd enjoy watching Bronn disembowel that pompous child beater." Tyrion said hopefully.

" No, not Ser Meryn." he said as his brother's face fell.

" Of course she would. Who better to take my head than that over grown dog we call the Mountain." his brother said hysterically.

Jaime just hoped that Bronn could beat the giant man somehow. That is if he is willing to fight him.

Cersei/King's Landing
She watched from behind a stone wall near a training ground in the Red Keep.

Ser Gregor looked to be as rabid as he had always been. He sliced through the prisoners that she had brought him with ease. Not that it was hard, but the Black Cells needed cleaning out and what better way to do it.

She, with her four guards following behind, made her way down to where the Mountain was.

Cersei stepped over the entrails of a fresh victim to meet the enormous man.

" Ser Gregor. Welcome to the capital. I thank you for riding here so quickly."

" Who am I fighting?"

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