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Robb/Storm's End
" You let her do what?!" Robb roared as he stood swiftly came at his brother-in-law and grabbed Willas by the scruff of his shirt.

The Kingsguard remained still knowing they could do or say nothing to calm their angry King.

" Your Grace, you may be married to my sister but I have known her for all of her life. She wouldn't have left no matter what any of us tried to do." the Hand stated as Robb calmed down just enough to release him.

" You should have carried her out then!" he shouted.

He was scared. Truly. The woman he loved, the woman that was carrying his child was going to be a prison of that bastard. Only the Gods know what he'll do to here.

He thought about how unfair he was being to Willas. Margaery was as stubborn as a bull. Once she set her mind to something, it would happen not who didn't approve. It was one of the things Robb adored about her.

" She would have found a way to escape even if you had." he said with a little smile. " I apologize. That was unfair of me and I lost my temper."

" I understand, Your Grace. I feel the same way. But Margaery is stronger than anyone I know. I pity the bastard if he tries to come near her."

" She is the bravest woman I know." the King said whistfully. "Where is my uncle, Ser Jaime?"

" Ser Jaime is currently garrisoned at Harrenhal. He sent a raven asking for his orders. I told him to stay put until I could reach you for your commands." he explained.

Now that the bastard is almost to the city, it would be better to wait until he has his foot hold and then to attack. Everyone would need tk play their part to perfection if he was to take back his home.

" Send for the lords that are here. A raven will be sent to my uncle after we have discussed everyone's role."

Willas nodded and opened the door to inform the page of his task. Within half an hour, all the lords were gathered before their King. They were chattering about the next moves they would make or would profit most from this war.

The talk didn't bother him. That was apart of court life.

" My lords." Robb said silencing the men gathered. " The bastard is near to taking King's Landing. The Queen has bravely decided to stay in the city with our people. With that being said a counter attack is of paramount importance."

He looked at the pieces on the map and began to formulate his plan. He moved the sun pieces and one falcon piece into Blackwater Bay.

" The Martells and half of the Arryn forces will enter by sea. Cutting off any chance of the boy escaping. Prince Oberyn. You will have control over the combined forces."

" An honor, Your Grace. If I had any doubts about that bastard, they were all but gone the day he ran from the battlefield like a coward. A man or woman of Martell blood would never flea. I will lay waste to them." the Red Viper stated with his mouth drawn tight in anger.

" My Baratheon forces and the other half of the Arryn forces, lead by Harry Hardying, will enter the city through a secret tunnel that leads straight into the Red Keep." he said moving the other falcon piece and the stag pieces to Mud Gate then moving the rose pieces next. " The Tyrell forces will attack the Gate of the Gods."

" Why not split the army, Your Grace? Why put all seventy thousand of our troops at one place?" Dickon asked.

Robb was about to answer before Lord Tarly answered for him.

" The King wants the bastard's full forces in one place. So that Ser Jaime can attack from the Dragon Gate. To surround the army on two sides. If they are attacking the forces of the Reach, they can't prevent the Lannister army from entering the city." the gruff Lord of Horn Hill stated.

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