24. Family

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Sansa/King's Landing
Today was they day. Her brother was finally arriving in King's Landing. It had been four months since the King said that Rickon was coming to the capital and she had counted the days.

He and Jon were the only family she had left and Jon was at Castle Black where she would never see him again so really all she had was Rickon. She was pacing her and Dickon's chambers anticipating his arrival.

" Sansa, sweetheart, stop pacing. It won't make them arrive any sooner." Dickon said.

" I know that, but I can't just sit down. I haven't seen him since I left Winterfell. What if he hates me for leaving? What if he blames me..."

" Sansa, stop. He isn't going to hate you. He is your brother."

They both turned towards the door when there was a loud knock upon it.

" The King and Lord Rickon, my lord, my lady." Ser Garrett said opening the door to reveal them.

Rickon was just as she imagined. His hair was still wild and he still looked scruffy as if he hadn't bathed in several days. Though he was taller and looked older. She expected him to shout at her, but instead he ran into her arms and hugged her tight.

" I missed you, Sansa." he whispered in her ear.

" I missed you too, baby brother." she said pulling him in tighter.

King Robb still stood in the doorway smiling at the family reunion.

" I will leave you three alone. Remember little Lord Stark. You still have to meet my cousin. Lady Shireen is very keen on meeting you." he said before he closed the door.

" Sansa, did they hurt you? I heard stories while I was coming here that they hurt you." Rickon asked with tears welling in his eyes.

" No one hurt me, Rickon. And no one is going to hurt you. King Robb is very kind and gentle. He wouldn't let anyone harm you or me."

" Good. Who is he?"

Sansa looked back at a grinning Dickon who stood a little away from them. She took Rickon's hand and led him over to him.

" Rickon, this is my husband. Dickon Tarly. Dickon this is my little brother, Rickon." she introduced.

" I have heard alot about you, Lord Stark. Your sister tells me that you love to hunt. We shall have to go sometime." her husband said.

" I used to pretend to hunt. I have never actually been on one." Rickon said sadly.

" Well then I say the first thing we do tomorrow is take you on a proper Tarly hunt with my father. I know that he would love to meet you."

" I would like that very much." her little brother said cheering up.

" Rickon, I know we haven't been together for that long but Dickon and I have to get ready for Prince Joffrey's wedding." Sansa said sadly.

Her brother's face darkened at the mention of Joffrey, but thankfully for everyone he said nothing.

" I can go see King Robb so that I may visit with Lady Shireen. He says that we are supposed to be married. I never thought I would get married. I always thought I would just stay at Winterfell with Robett and his wife but now I'm the Lord of Winterfell so I need to do my duty because winter is coming." her brother said puffing his chest out, trying to appear more lordly.

" Father would be proud of you. Mother and Robett, too. I know I am. Go on then. Go meet your betrothed." Sansa said trying to keep her tears from spilling over as Rickon left.

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