29. The Red Viper

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Robb/King's Landing
" If he wins, we kill two birds with one stone. If he loses... well, I would need to remove Myrcella from Dorne as soon as possible. They won't take his death kindly. She will be a hostage." he as sat on the bed pulling on his boots.

" If he loses. From what Willas has told me he fights well. I won't tell you that everything will be fine. You are too intelligent to think otherwise. But you can help if he does lose." Margaery suggested as she put her crown on top of her head.

" My mother would never forgive me. I would do it anyhow. Uncle Tyrion didn't do this and he shouldn't have to die for it." he said standing up, lacing his arms around her waist and resting his head on her shoulder. " You don't have to go. You could stay here with Lucan and Joanna."

" I will not. We go together or not at all." she said sternly.

" As my Queen commands." he said pressing a kiss to her neck.

" Your mother came to visit the children and me the other day. She wants to have a truce of sorts. For you and I agree with her. For once."

He was surprised and proud of his mother for trying to put aside her feelings towards Margaery for him. He was also surprised that she managed to have a civil conversation with his wife.

" I am glad. I think she finally realized that you aren't going anywhere and that I would never let you go."

" It will start soon. We should leave."

They both left with their three Kingsguard and the lions behind them.

When they arrived at the coast where the trial was supposed to take place, they saw the stands filled with many people already. Robb spied his mother and grandfather waiting on them.

" Mother. Grandfather." he said as he and Margaery took their seats.

Robb looked around to find his Uncle Jaime but saw him nowhere. He knew that his uncle wouldn't miss this so he knew he had to be some where important to not be there yet.

" Where is Uncle Jaime?"

" He is retrieving Tyrion, Your Grace." Tywin said.

" I am still your grandson. Robb will do fine." he said not liking the formality his grandfather was using.

" As you wish."

The trial was to take place at mid-day and the sun was slowly moving to it's high point.

Robb bounced his leg up and down nervously awaiting for the trial to begin. The only thing that help satiate his nervousness was Margaery's hand laced through his.

Tyrion/King's Landing
" I thank you for the wine. It helps a great deal." he said finishing the skin Jaime had brought to him. " Trial by combat. Deciding a man's guilt or innocence by having two other men hack each other to pieces. Tells you something about the Gods. How much longer?"

" Soon."

" Do you think Oberyn has a chance? The Red Viper of Dorne. You don't get a name like that unless you are deadly, right?"

" I've never seen him fight..." Jaime started.

" Oh, he's going to die. I'm going to die."

" Oberyn believes in himself."

" That is putting it mildly." Tyrion said. " What's the punishment for regicide? Drawing and quatering? Hanging? Breaking at the wheel?"

" Beheading."

" Rather ordinary. He was my nephew as well. So what's that? Fratricde is brothers. Filicide is sons. Nepoticide, that's the one." he said sitting.
" Matricide. Patricide. Infanticide. Suicide. There's no kind of killing that doesn't have it's own word."

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