04. The Queen's Secret

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Tywin Lannister/ King's Landing
It was the first time Tywin Lannister had felt pride in a very long time. His grandson was what he wished his children were like. When he recieved the raven that informed him that Robb would be marrying Margaery Tyrell, he had smiled for the first time since Joanna had died.

His grandson seemed to understand what his own children did not. The family legacy. How it was the only thing that lived on.

He rode through the streets of the capital city until he reached the Red Keep. He said his pleasantries to his son in law and left to settle into his chambers. A few hours later, he heard a sharp tap at his door.

" Enter." Tywin said sealing his letter to his brother, Kevan, who was still in Casterly Rock. His door opened for Robb to enter.

" Robb." he said.

" Grandfather. I missed you. You make mother a little bit less... well herself." the boy said laughing.

" Your mother has always been particularly stubborn." Tywin said standing and walking infront of his first grandchild. " I am proud of you, Robb. You have become the man I always hoped you would be." He grabbed the side of Robb's face.

" Thank you, grandfather. That means a lot to me coming from you." Robb said. Tywin had a ghost of a smile on his face as he went back to his chair.

" So, tell me about this Tyrell girl. I hear she is intelligent. Not like your mother, who only thinks she is." he asked sitting.

" She is. I love her. I know you don't talk about grandmother, but Uncle Jaime told me how much you loved her, so I suppose you can understand how I feel. I would never let it blind my judgement. Perhaps, it might make my judgement better seeing as I will be making decisions more carefully." Robb explained.

Tywin stiffened. He loved Joanna until the day she died. Not once had anyone ever brought her up in a conversation even his own children. He could not fault his grandson. He was just trying to explain.

" I suppose I do. We won't have to worry about her father trying to seize power openly. Mace Tyrell is a ponderous oaf. He won't be so brazen. I hear his first son has a sharp mind, though. Must take after that grandmother of their's. Robb, I want you to talk to some of the people your parents have avoided for the past seventeen years. It would do us good to build up our relationships with other houses. You should not always slaughter your enemies sometimes you have work with them. A fact you seemed to have learned." Tywin said.

" The Tyrell's are our enemies?" Robb asked seeming a bit confused.

" For now until Margaery gives you children. They wouldn't dare harm their own kin. Until then they are our largest rivals. Especially with the gold mines in the Westerlands nearly depleated." Tywin explained. Robb looked at him in shock.

" How? I thought our gold stores were full." he asked.

" We have enough to sustain us, but your father owes us nearly eight million gold stags and refuses to pay it back. I won't let him bankrupt House Lannister. Soon I will have to refuse to loan him anymore." Tywin said coldly. That drunken fool will not crumble everything he had worked to build.

" I will talk to father and find a way to help replinish our stores. If you'll excuse me grandfather, I have a wedding to prepare for. It is in days and I have yet to choose my clothing. Mother says she will ring my neck if I don't decide soon." Robb said smiling.

" Go on. I have business with your uncles. I will you see you for dinner. I am looking forward to meeting your future wife. I also have your gift waiting for the breakfast the morning of the wedding. " Tywin said as Robb left. He sat sat for a few moments before his daughter shot through his chamber door.

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