19. Treason, Alliances, and Family

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The Blackfish had dragged him and Talisa out of bed in the early hours of the morning to inform him that the Lannister boys were dead. He told him that they were murdered by Lord Karstark and some of his men.

Robett sent for his mother and uncle Edmure to come to the council chamber so that they might face the traitors.

When they arrived the bodies of the boys were laying on stretch of cloth. Talisa felt to her knees to look at those children that she had fed supper to and tended their wounds. Robett was angrier than he had ever been. One of his own lords diliberatly disobeyed his command. 

" Send them in." the King ordered the Blackfish.

The old man opened the doors and the Karstark men came in with their guards.

" It took five of you to murder two squires?" he asked.

" Not murder, Your Grace. Vengance." Lord Karstark corrected. 

" Vengance? Those boys didn't kill your sons. I saw Harrion die on the battlefield and Torrhen..."

" Was strangled by the Kingslayer. They were is kin..." the Lord of Karhold started.

" They were boys!" Robett shouted.
" Look at them."

" Tell your mother to look at them. She killed them as much as I." the lord said.

" My mother had nothing to do with this. This was your treason." the King replied.

" It's treason to free your enemies. In war you kill your enemies. Did you father not teach you that, boy!" Lord Rickard said before the Blackfish punched to the ground.

" Leave him." Robett commanded.

" Aye, leave me to the King. He wants to give me a scolding before he sets me free." the man said looking up at his great uncle. " That's how he deals with treason. Our King in the North or should I say the King Who Lost the North."

Robett's heart filled with dread. What he had feared was coming to life. Lord Karstark had given him an ultimatum. Kill him and lose the Karstark men or set him free and have the high lords think him weak. Robett knew his choice, though it was a hard one to make.

" Escort Lord Karstark to the dungeon. Hang the rest." he ordered.

" Please sire, mercy! I only watched for the guards." a man said as the rest were being dragged off.

" This one was only the watcher. Hang him last so he can watch the others die." Robett said turning to walk to his chair after the prisoners were gone.

" Word of this can't leave Riverrun. They were Tywin Lannister's nephews. A Lannister always pays his debts." Edmure counseled.

" So you would make me a liar as well?" the King questioned.

" It wouldn't be lying. We bury them and wait until the war is over." his uncle stated.

" I'm not fighting for justice if I don't serve justice to murders in my own ranks. He has to die." Robett said plainly.

" The Karstarks are northmen. They won't forgive the killing of their lord." his mother said standing.

" Your mother is right. If you do this, the Karstarks will abandone you." Talisa said.

" You tended to their wounds. You brought them supper. Now they are dead." he said not believing the words that came out of his wife's mouth.

" And more boys will keep dying before this war is over. You need Karstark men to end it." his wife said bluntly.

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