11. The Death of a King

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Cersei/King's Landing
Ned Stark had summoned her to speak in the gardens. She could come up with a thousand diffrent reasons as to what he would want to talk about , but only one that she was sure he would.

She walked alone to where the injured lord sat before a lily pool. It was ironic really that they were about to speak of something that had already started a war in such a calm, serene place.

" You're in pain." Cersei observed aloud.

" I've had worse, my lady." Ned said standing.

It twinged at her pride that he did not refer to her as "Your Grace" but said nothing about the matter.

" Perhaps, it's time to go home. The south doesn't seem to agree with you." she said giving him the chance to leave the matter unsaid and return to his frozen wasteland to rot.

" I know the truth Jon Arryn died for." he said.

" Really? Did you call me here to be cryptic or are you going to tell me about this truth?" she asked quickly losing her patience.

" Has he done this before?" Lord Stark said pointing to his cheek referring to the bruise on her face.

" Jaime would have killed him. My brother is worth a thousand of your friend." she said smiling at the mention of her brother.

" Your brother or your lover?" Ned questioned.

" The Targaryens wed brother and sister for hundreds of years to keep bloodlines pure. Jaime and I are more than brother and sister. We shared a womb. We were meant for each other." she explained.

Her brother was the one person she loved besides her children and she would die before her children were put at risk because of other peoples' opinions.

" My son saw you with him." he said.

" Do you love your children?" she asked.

" With all of my heart." Ned stated.

" No more than I love mine." Cersei replied.

" And three of them are Jaime's." Lord Stark observed.

" That is where you are wrong Lord Stark. That drunken fool may have sired Robb, but Jaime and I have raised him. I thank the Gods everyday for it." she said before being cut off.

" You've always hated him." he said confidently.

" Hated him? I worshiped him. Every girl in the Seven Kingdoms wanted him but he was mine by oath. When I saw him on our wedding day lean and fierce and black bearded, it was the happiset moment of my life. Then that night he crawled on top of me and did what little he could do and whispered in my ear, 'Lyanna'." she said hardening her heart from the disappointment and sadness she felt that night. " Your sister was a corpse and I was a living girl and he loved her more than me."

" When the King returns from his hunt, I will bring this to him. You and your other three children must be gone from here. I will not have innocent blood on my hands. Wherever you go, go with an army because Robert's fury will follow." he said to her as if she had no other choice.

" And what of my fury, Lord Stark? You were stupid not to take the kingdoms for yourself. All you had to was climb up the steps and sit on the Iron Throne. A fatal mistake, because when you play this game of thrones. You win or you die. There is no middle ground." Cersei said walking back towards the Red Keep.

If her plan worked, Robb would be King by the weeks end and Lord Stark would be gone from their lives one way or the other.

Ned/King's Landing
He hoped that the Queen would heed his warning to take her children and flee the city before Robert returned. He had no wish to see Robert execute them, but it would come to that if Cersei refused to leave.

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