37. The Pisswater Prince

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Robb/Storm's End
" What of Prince Oberyn and the dornishmen? Are they near the coast?" Robb asked as he stood over his map table as Reyne paced beside him.

" The scout we sent out reported that Prince Oberyn will be here in a fornight with his soilders, Your Grace. The soilders from the Vale have also been sent by Lord Baelish. They will arrive in a fornight at most. Lord Redwyne has stayed im the Arbor per your command, but he said that he will be ready if he is needed." Ser Loras replied.

" The bastard has set up camp a few leagues from the front gates. His sellswords are dressed in black armor. Not unlike the armor Prince Rhaegar wore, but no doubt Connington put him up to it. We maybe able to hold them if we stay in the castle." Barristan said.

Robb clenched his fists at the very mention of the boy.

He shamed his mother by parading her through the streets like a whore. His mother was far from innocent but she didn't deserve to be humiliated like that. No one derserved that.

" How many tents?"

" Thousands, Your Grace." Ser Cortnay said.

" Perhaps a meeting would be the best, Your Grace. It would help you assess if the bastard is impulsive or not." Arys advised.

If Robb could hold his temper and stay calm, this meeting would prove fruitful. It would by them another day to try and hold off until Oberyn arrived.

The Stormlords had arrived with all hast to Robb's side. House Swann and House Tarth chief among them. Lady Brienne brought with her a fleet of fifty ships docked at Parchments. Her men made up the bulk of the forces from the King's homeland.

His brother-in-law, Garlan, sent him word that the Tyrell forces would march to his side as fast as they could.
Though it might be too late when they arrived.

If he was going to do this, he needed to send someone that Connington wouldn't let the bastard kill. His cousin, Lord Raymund who had escaped Griffin's Roost with his life, would be the obvious choice.

" Edric. Go order Lord Raymund to visit the dragon pretender and ask for a parlay." Robb ordered his half-brother, who quickly complied.

" Robb. Is this a good idea?" Loras asked.

" It probably isn't but it will buy us some time."

"Aegon Targaryen"/Storm's End
He had waited for this day ever since Jon had told him that he was the rightful heir to the throne.

Jon told him on his eighth nameday who he was. He promised himself that day that he would avenge his father, mother, and sister by slaughtering everyon of the Usurper's family members. He would reclaim what was stolen from his family and he would execute any that defied him.

He couldn't help but be angry at Jon. His guardian had filled his head with the notion that the people of the Seven Kingdoms would turn on the Baratheons and raise him to the throne with ease. Yet none of the Stormlords had declared for him nor his uncles in Dorne. It was distressing but he let none of this come to his face.

" Your Grace, my lord. There is man outside who says that he wishes to speak with you. He was sent by the Usurper." one of his guards said opening the flaps of the royal tent.

Jon gave him a skeptical look but he waved it off. He would not cower in fear of the bastard Usurper.

" Bring him in."

They shoved in a lean man who looked to be just shy of his twenty-fifth nameday. He was dressed in fine leathers and had the Connington sigil on his chest.

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