15. A Betrayal and A Betrothal

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Robett/The Riverlands
He walked through his camp with a smile he hadn't had in quite some time.

Even after that single conversation had made feel like he had a larger purpose than freeing his sisters and the North. His purpose was to give everyone in Westeros a new start with a good, just ruler. That man was not him, but maybe that man could be Stannis.

He had reached his command tent when he saw a certain dark haired lady sitting at a small table writing a letter. He smiled at the sight and decided to talk to her.

" Lady Talisa." he said loud enough to make her turn around.

" Your Grace." she said looking up at him. " I'm not sure I am a lady. Westerosi customs are still foreign to me."

" It is hard to keep all the rules straight, but if I remember correctly then any girl of noble birth is called a lady. Unless she is the Queen or a Princess." he explained.

" How do know I am of noble birth?" Talisa questioned.

" I can just tell." he said smiling.

She was trying to hide all the little stiff movements that highborn people made but Robett didn't miss them.

" What if I told you that my father sold silks at the markets? And my mother, brother, and me lived with him above his shop." she said with a serious face.

" I would tell you that, that is a giant lie." he replied chuckling.

" Not very noble to accuse a lady of dishonesty." she said standing.

" Only if she isn't lying. Which you are." Robett pointed out. She smiled breaking her seriousness.

" I always thought that I was a brilliant liar." Talisa said.

" Better at amputations. I'm afraid." the young King stated. He was running out of jests to poke at her so he moved onto the scenery. " It's a pretty spot."

" Will you be here long?" she asked looking around.

" I'm really not at liberty to discuss troop movements with you." he said lightly not wishing to accuse her of anything.

" I'm not a spy." the girl said.

" Of course a spy would deny being a spy." he stated.

" Alright, you've caught me. I'm writing the Lannisters. The Stoic Wolf is on the move." she said sarcastically.

" The Stoic Wolf? I like it." he said mentally applauding her creativity.

" Don't thank me. Thank you men. They're the ones that came up with it." Talisa said.  

" Perhaps, you could join me. If your not busy." Robett asked nervously. He knew he shouldn't develop too many feelings for her. He was betrothed but right now he didn't care.

Before she could answer someone called his name.

" Robett?" his mother said.

" Mother!" he said happy to see her as they hugged.

He had sent her to Storm's End to negotiate with King Renly. Though his force was not as large as the Lannisters and Tyrells together, it would still give them more than they had.

His mother was staring at Talisa after they parted and Robett cleared his throat.

" Mother, this is Lady Talisa. She has been helping with the wounded. She has been very helpful." he said.

" Lady Talisa." Catelyn said inclining her head.

" Lady Stark." Talisa said rolling up her letter.

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