Companions (X men Fanfiction)

By Wolfmoon22

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This is the third book in my Becoming an Animal Series. The next book is Trapped and now it's Companions. Thi... More

Companions (X men Fanfiction)
Adjusting to Teaching
It Can't Be Another Mutant War
Glimpse of Cerebro
Farewells and Warnings
Sudden Illness
I'm Not a Healer
Are You Sure You Want to See This?
Questions For Mirage and Poultice
Checking Poultice's Room
Checking Our Room and Chatting
I Can't Lost Another
Knowing Isn't Always Best
Sleep Brings Renewal, Nightmares Bring Hinderances
Restless Night
Wandering the Hallways
Conversation With Logan
I Think I Hear Something, in the Kitchen
It's On
Let Him Go!
Get Away
Arriving At Bobby's House
Unwanted Company
Truth Comes Out
Get Me Out Of Here!
Entering the Jet
Chased in a Jet
Help From Kurt
Trying Not To Kill My Father
Being A Real Wolf
An Actual Good Meal
The Midnight Meeting
Locating Stryker's Base, It's the One Place We Shouldn't Go
Everyone Has Secrets
Assurance In Unexpected Places
I Know When Something Is Wrong
This is Creepy
Nightmares Follow Me Everywhere
Leaving, Finally!
Flying and Planning
Time For Strategy
Sneaking In
Following Logan
I Can't Fight Him
I Lost A Son But Not Forever
It Was Just A Dream
Facing Stryker
Racing Against the Clock
Troubles, Can't You Give Us a Break
I've Never Ran So Fast
Leaving the Past In the Past
Arriving At Washington, DC
Home Is Where My Heart Lies And That's Where We're Going
Looking For Mirage
Preparing For the Pain
Tracking Poultice
I Can't Lose Keen Like I Lost Mirage
Looking For the Mysterious Herb and Poultice
Grizzly Attack
Medical Attention and Miracles
Back To Teaching
Big News
Figuring Out My Problems For My Pups
Another New Book!
Why Stop Now?

Massive Headache

158 6 0
By Wolfmoon22

"So what happened to the girl," I asked as I nuzzled Mirage to an area where he couldn't decay. I couldn't bury him how but I could at least make sure he was well taken care of until his trip to Starbound.

Logan smiled a bit before he led me over to the strange water container. I looked in and saw the lady sinking in the bottom of the water. She looked as heavy as a stone and I dipped my head. "Looks like you fared better than me," I murmured before I leaped onto a strange thing that was over the water container.

Logan leaped on it beside me and I looked through the small holes of whatever I was standing on. I wasn't sure if it was stable or not but I wasn't about to press my luck. I turned my muzzle to the sky before I heard a strange high pitched sound.

"Do you hear that," I asked as my ears twitched.

Logan shook his head. "You can hear better than I can, even with my super senses."

"Yeah I hear something and it sounds so high pitched," I explained before I felt it seem to be inside my head. I screeched and plastered my head against the metal holed contraption I was on. I howled in agony and my eyes widened in agony.

"What's wrong," Logan gasped before he fell to the ground, holding his own hand. He screeched in agony and fell backwards. His head slammed against the metal holed contraption and I heard a metallic clink.

I withered in pain and I felt like someone was sinking claws into my brain and tearing me apart from the inside. I thrashed around and tried to move but the pain in my head was too much. This was the worst headache I've ever had! Pain seared through my mind and any time I tried to concentrate it got worse. I threw my body backwards and yowled, praying it would end.

Suddenly I heard Erik's words flash in my mind. If the Professor was to concentrate on a group too much he could kill them. The Professor was slowly and painfully killing us!

"Please please," I begged as my back bucked and I thrashed in agony. I had my paws over my ear and I extended my claws until I felt blood trickle down my face. "Stop. Stop this!"

Beside me Logan was yowling like an animal. He had his hands pressed against his own ears as he tried to block out the sound of the high pitched crying. I tried to stretch out a paw to comfort him but I was fiercely flung backwards. My fur spiked along my back and I felt my life slowly and painfully ebbing away.

Suddenly I felt the pressure on my skull vanish. I blinked my eyes and realized I could hear my breath. I swung my paws in front of me and sat up. I felt drained with little energy left in me but I was alive.

"Logan," I asked as I licked my lips. "A-Are you alright?" My head was still buzzing a bit but it was much better than the piercing sound that a few heartbeats ago had dictated my mind.

Logan sat up painfully and panted. "Yeah," he rasped before he looked at me. "Are you alright?"

I nodded and hauled myself to my paws. I struggled to pull myself forward but I managed. I leaped from the metal contraption and landed on the ground. I yelped as I felt a jolt rush through my body. I sighed and shook my head to clear it.

"Come on," urged Logan as he stood stiff and looked around.

I dragged myself forward. I flapped my wings but I couldn't take off. "What do you want to do now," I asked. I really wanted to get back to Poultice but I knew that I had priorities with Logan too since he was my companions. Besides Poultice was in good paws with Storm and Jean, hopefully.

"I want to see Stryker," replied Logan as he extended his sharp claws. "Face to face without him cowering behind a mutant!"

I shook my head but I pushed forward. "What will you do when you find him," I asked although I already had an idea. "Kill him?"

Logan barreled around to face me. "It's none of your business to know what I will do to him," growled Logan as he thrust a hand with claws toward me but I knew that he couldn't cut me. "He destroyed me!"

I felt rattled and I took a step back. "I know but will destroying him make you feel any better," I inquired with hard eyes.

Logan rolled his eyes before he turned around. "Like you don't sometimes want to slice Tony's throat."

"Yes I feel that way but I would never do that," I pointed out as I strode along Logan's side, feeling my strength returning. "Don't do something you will end up regretting!"

Logan looked as one of his claws and sliced it against a wall. "Trust me, I won't."

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