I've Never Ran So Fast

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I surged forward before I caught sight of Thruster and he caught sight of me. "Starlight," he cried through Keen's fur. He surged to my side and our fur brushed.

"Thruster," I breathed as I tried to keep my composure in front of everyone who was watching me. I just leaned forward and licked him behind his one ear. He looked a lot calmer but his wings were out and his pelt was bright. It didn't blaze but I knew that the water would put out any fire he had.

Thruster rumbled in enjoyment before he looked down as Poultice strode over to me and sniffed my pelt. "Starlight," he breathed as he rubbed against my legs, almost making me trip.

I didn't scold him though since that wouldn't do anything. I just lowered my head and nudged his haunch forward. "We can show our thankfulness later but for right now we have to go," I told him sternly as I picked up the pace.

We suddenly broke into the outside and the crisp billowing air nearly took my breath away. I didn't mind it but I saw a few of the mutant children shiver and shake their heads as the cold jolted through them. I whimpered a bit as I finally looked at Keen in Thruster's mouth. He looked barely alive and I couldn't even see if he was breathing.

We bolted uphill on a large sheet of ice. Poultice yelped as he fell forward. Instead of nudging him forward I sunk my teeth into his scruff and scooped him up. He hung limply and looked around a bit. He seemed heavier than last time I had done this and this made me realize that he was growing older and stronger.

Once we finally reached the top I didn't see the jet that Logan and I had just seen. "There was a jet," Logan kept telling us as he looked around. He was holding a small boy and I realized this was the most compassion we were going to get from him. "It was right here! Tell them Starlight!"

Eyes turned to me and I looked at my paws. I didn't want this attention turned to me but it was now so I just looked about. "Yes it was here but it's not now," I pointed out as he dropped Poultice down and sat him between my legs so I could protect him.

Logan swore under his breath and looked to Jean who had a took of terror and horror on her face. "Magneto," she breathed and I felt my fur bristle along my spine. My father had left again! How could he expect any sort of good relationship with me if he kept leaving in the way that he does.

Suddenly I felt wind slice through through my fur. I sniffed the air and detected massive movement. "Something is coming," I rasped.

Thruster looked up and let out a deep howl despite that Keen was still firmly clamped in his jaws. I joined in along with Poultice who threw his muzzle in the air proudly. His howl was deeper than I remember. It was more than a wolf's howl than a pup's howl.

The jet swerved and landed a bit roughly on the ground. However it still landed and pride surged through me for Rouge. I saw her in there clutching the controls with all she could manage. I knew that she had been the one to try and save us and it had worked.

"I can take him," assured Kurt to Storm as he took the Professor since he couldn't walk. I watched as they disappeared and I realized that if Keen was well that was one of the abilities he could do.

The bottom of the jet suddenly opened and I let out a howl as I pushed Poultice forward, making sure he didn't slip. "Come on follow me," I called as I surged forward, kicking up snow as I trudged forward and tried not to slip on the ice beneath me.

Thruster followed with Ken while everyone else filed in. I noticed that Logan wasn't behind me and I lashed my tail. "Stryker!"

"What," asked Thruster as he shoved his ears forward. "What's wrong?"

"I-I have to go," I stammered to Thruster before I nudged Poultice toward him. "Take care of him!"

"Wait," called Poultice with wide eyes as he bolted toward me. Thruster set Keen down and surged forward to grasp Poultice's scruff. He fell backwards and Thruster dragged him toward him. "What about Mirage? He isn't here! Where is he?"

My heart dropped in my chest and I looked over my shoulder to answer but I didn't. I took a deep breath and surged out of the jet, following Logan's pungent anger scent.

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