Hozen/ unedited

By Fucking_Trevor

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Lilith Logan and Oliver Queen had violent delights. ❝ Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none. Doubt thou the... More

I. Judo&Anemone
II. Feild & Carnations
III. Bullet & Crisanthimum
IIII. Fish & Roses
V. Steel Points & Lily Pads
VI. Broadhead Points & Rosas
VII. Spears & Lilacs
VIII. Targets & Daisies
IX. Sharp Tips & Sunflowers
X. Blade Broadhead & Atropa belladonna
XI. Quivers & Allium
XII.Coner Notched & Begonia
XII. Curved Tip & Daffodils
XIII. Green Tips & Sycamore Trees
XIV. Contracting Stems & Irises
XV.Basel Notches & Crocuses
XVII. Ironheads & Hyacinths
XVIII. Becker & Laceleaf
XIX.Quads & Lotuses
XX. Triangles & Asters
XXI. Hardin & Freesia
XXII. Clovises & Orchids
XXIII.Simpson & Buttercup
XXIV.Cobbs & Marigold
XXIV.Classics & Birds of Paradise
XXVI.Limbabo & Angelonia
XXVII. Cones & Dahlia
XXVIII. BlueBells & Sandy
XXIX.Tilted Edges & Danilions
XXX. Jags & Tulips
XXXI. Soft Tips & Onions
XXXII. Tinged Ends & Yellow Tips
XXXIII. Obsidians & Families
XXXIV.Bold Curves & Fly Traps
xxxvi. tied ends & dead flowers
xxxvii. shocks & blue tips
xxxviii. dim edges & red flowers
xxxix. dipped ends & matte tips
xl. snipped wires & metallic coating
xli. swirled tips & crimson ends
xlii. jaged tips & moss
xliii. tricked tips & blackmail
xliv. kid ends & rosemary
xlvi. blood stained blades & russet petals

xxxvii. fire ends & green lilies

234 19 2
By Fucking_Trevor

xxxvii. fire ends & green lilies

"Are you nervous?" Oliver asked when they just about ready entered Verdant.

"No." She lied fiddling with her shirt.

"Lilith, it's just your friends down there, Diggle, Roy, and Sara. They just want to thank you for what you did yesterday."

"What about Thea?"

"Thea doesn't know about Roy and I."

She nodded, "she knows about me."


"I told you last night." She scolded him.

"Oh I'm sorry, I was too busy thinking my girlfriend was dead so-"

She kissed Oliver cutting him off, he kissed her back wrapping his arms around her waist. He pulled back smirking at her.

She took a deep breath before following Oliver down to the cave. When she entered it was dark, and Roy jumped out at her making her jump and out of reflex she flung him against the wall, then leaped off the floor pulling out her dagger to rest on his throaty.

"Surprise.." the light flickered on and she saw that everyone's smiles slowly morphed into confused looks.

"Oh." She moved her dagger from Roy's neck and helped him up, "sorry."

Roy smiled, "you risked your life for me, you can threaten to decapitate me any time you like."

"Alright, if you done beating up my partner, would you come over here so we can say thank you?" Sara said still by the computer.

"You guys aren't mad?"

Diggle cleared his throat, "the whole killing thing doesn't sit well, but you as a person, you're one of the greatest women that I've met, Oliver said your killings are somewhat warranted but he wouldn't tell us, when you ready you can tell us."

"It's depressing," She walked over to the group as they sat on the chairs. Oliver sat on the desktop with Lilith sitting between his legs.

"Then we're not talking about it tonight." Roy insisted passing Lily a beer.

As the night went on, Diggle being the grown up he was had to leave early, he hugged Lilith leaving to go home to his wife.

Oliver and Lily were being all cute in their chairs while Roy and Sara were playing darts. Oliver stood up and declared a competition between the three.

Sara scoffed, "no thank you."

Lily stood up and and took her place. "Puh- lease, if I didn't have my daggers, I would take away your arrow trophy."

"Oh really?" Oliver played with dart. "Then let's bring out the actual arrows."

Roy, Lilith, and Oliver got on their marks and decided that Roy went first. He shot and it was a pretty good shot, it landed just a few centimeters from the bullseye.

Lily smirked and closed her eyes.

"Oh, you're showing off." Roy insisted.

"Yep." She kept her eyes close and released her arrow making it land right on the bullseye. "How does it feel to loose?"

Oliver kissed her cheek, "you're cute when you think you're better than me. He kept his eyes on her while he shot his arrow, it cut through Lily's arrow making her arrow fall to the floor in pieces.

He smirked and she rolled her eyes, "fine, it's a tie."

"A tie? I totally won."

"Do you wanna get my sweet kisses?"


"Then it's a tie." She laughed and he sulked to his seat.

Sara was watching this, and was still impressed with Oliver's arrow move.

They went back to sitting down.

"Hay, since we never settled this, wanna see who can last the longest on the Salmon Latter?" Lily asked Sara who was chugging on her fifth beer.

She jumped up excited, "alright."

Lilith took off her sweater, underneath she wore her black sports bra showing off her scars. Oliver bit his lip looking at his women, Roy high fived Sara as they walked over to the salmon latter.

"No cheating." Oliver insisted standing close to Lilith so she couldn't use her powers.

"Psh, this is nothing." She took the pole into her hand and Violet came out. Oliver could actually see it, the change in her posture, her expression, the cockiness, the sex appeal in the change of her stance.

Sara smiled at Lilith and took her bar.

"Ready, and..."

Violet held on with her feet off the floor, Sara smiled at how short Violet was.

"And go."

Violet pushed to the next after next.




"twenty six....."

But forty, Sara as ready to call it quits when she saw Lily going faster, Lily had been through enough trauma to last a lifetime, the salmon latter was nothing. She was dying inside, but she had the poker face of a famous gambler. Sara held on up until fifty but Lilith kept going.

Oliver laughed and pulled her off the latter holding her in his arms.

Sara's ego as shot by she was impressed with Violet's endurance.

After a few moments, they dispersed to their homes, Oliver and Lily went to his house, they had to be very careful. Not to get spotted, they barely got away with Slade, they couldn't chance it.

"I'll meet you at the house, I'm gonna use my powers, it's safer."

Oliver nodded and got into his car, he didn't know if Slade was watching.

Lily made her way jumping across buildings. But of course she couldn't stop herself when she saw suspicious active in an abandoned building. She walked in and saw a homeless woman passed out on the floor, and a man was undressing her sticking himself in her.

Angrily, like a reflex, Violet busted in.

"What the fu-"

"I don't have time for the games, No Witness, No Prisoners, No Mercy." She pulled out her dagger and flung it at his penis cutting it cleaning it right off. He'd be dead in seven minutes. She stayed and watched it happen.

His yells slowly lessened until it stopped all together.

"I forgot my flowers, I guess this will do." She took the Carson from her hair and threw it on the pile of blood and smirk and smiled at her work.

V walked out the building and made her way home.


"Lilith, please just sleep in our bed."

She threw the couch pillow at Oliver angrily, "Fuck Oliver. We just had an argument about me killing someone. You think that I think I deserve to sleep in your bed?"


"Stay the fuck by the door."

"Violet." He whispered knowing was part of his girl that he was talking to.


"You are a part of Lily, I love you. I love every part of you."

"You shouldn't-"

"But I do." He neared and she just about growled at him.

"Oliver, please sleep in your bed without me. I don't feel... i don't know."

"But he was raping that girl, I would have probably did the same thing. But I don't get those opportunities, I've neither been in that situation, not even close, the closest I can even claim was with what almost happened to Thea and it was you who stopped it. You. You are a hero-"

"Not now Oliver." She sighed feeling herself slip into a depression. She felt like Oliver was settling for her, he was so spectacular, he deserved more.

He took another step and Violet pulled out her dagger, "Oliver, go into the room or I'll chop off your fingers."

He only smiled and walked up her and took the blade from her, "You'd never do that."

She bluffed, "I have forbmore on me, keep playing."

"Where are you even hiding them?"

"Two I'm hair, on in my sock, one tucked in my underwear."

"Violet, come to bed."


He frowned, "fine."

He took a pillow and laid on the floor next to her.


"Leave me alone."

She sighed and looked at her beautiful lover. His growing hair, his chiseled and handsome face. His shirtless body. The bulge in his pants. Everything about him was delicious.

"Take a picture." He whispered feeling her gaze on him.

She kissed her teeth and turn to make her back face him and went to sleep.


When Lilith woke up to see Oliver had squeezed himself unto the couch she she sighed and ran her fingers through his hair. His lips were slightly parted and she bent down and kissed him. He slowly opened his eyes and looked over at his clock to see it was only noon.

"You're coming to bed." He demanded and stood up lifting her small body into his arms. She didn't even protest, she missed him when she thought that he wasn't in her bed.

He walked into their room. "Diggles moving your stuff here tomorrow, I'd be too suspicious if I did it. "

"I'm moving out."

"Just until the Slade thing is sorted, I kinda bought the complex so it will be there anytime you'd want to go back." He looked down frowning.

"Don't worry, if you stay this cute, I'll never leave you."


She smiled and cuddled into him.

"We gotta talk about this whole killing thing."


"Not right now, you've had a long day." He kissed her chest lovingly looking at his women. She was so cute with her head wrap, and her cute Pj's it didn't take long for him to fall back asleep.


"Thea, I don't understand."

"Fire! There is a fire at Verdant-" Thea yelled through the phone.

"Okay, we're coming, stay on the floor."

V was suiting up, "this isn't an accident."


"No, I don't care if Slade did this the scare you, he put Thea's life in danger."

Oliver looked at his women, she was far gone. "Look, I'll meet you there, please don't kill anyone there, I know you're upset-"

"No Oliver, I'm livid."

With that she jumped out the window and ran her way to Verdant, the sun was rising and as she sped on top of buildings, she couldn't care less, she had to get to Thea.

When she came onto Verdant she busted inside and saw that firemen were trying their best to stop the fire from outside but knowing Thea, she was probably doing inventory in the liquor room when the fire started. I kicked down the back door. The fire was extravagant.

I ran to the liquor room, "Thea? Thea! Are you okay?" I kicked past the ruin and found her in the back with a wounded head.

"I'm f-fine, but there's a man here-"

V silenced her, and felt a presence behind her back making the hairs on her arm rise. V appeared to be correct when Thea's eyes slowly became filled with fear.

"Come out Queenie." She recognized the voice, it was the same man who went after Oliver in his office a few months ago.

It seemed Slade got a hold of him because he wasn't just ordinary anymore, he was an Abnormal.

She became vexed when she realized that if this man who had it out for the Queen's had gotten to Oliver, he could've killed him.

He neared them and attempted to smack V to the floor, he missed and she axe kicked him into the growing fire.

As expected, he stood back up like it was nothing.

V jumped onto him and began punching him repeatedly in his jaw whilst choking him. Suddenly he yelled out in anger.

"His mom killed my wife, my kid, my dog. And you defend them? You defend this spawn of the devil? When Slade offered me a chance to kill them, it was the best day of my life. Revenge for my family is what I want, and nothing is going to stop me!" He flung her across the room and ran to Thea throwing her across the room, V ran and caught her mid-air.

That's when Oliver came in. V tossed him Thea. "Take her outside, I don't want her to see this."


"Now!" She yelled making Theas hair raise.

"Come on." Oliver rushed Thea outside.

V turned and faced the Abnormal.

"I don't care about you, I don't care about your life. You will die today because you raised your filthy hands on my friend. And I remember what you did to me."

"She deserve it."

V wasn't listening anymore, in a devoid her arms were around his neck ready to kill him.

Oliver ran back in, he was far enough that her powers were still there. Under her mask he could see that she didn't truly want to kill him.

"Look, Lyla has a special prison at A.R.G.U.S. you don't have to kill him."

"Yes I do."

"Violet! stop it!" He barked at her.

"He was going to kill you, kill her-"

"You can be better, but it starts now. Don't kill him."

She was wavering. "Violet! Don't do it!"

V's hands shook, she looked up at his begging eyes and cursed knocking the man out. "Tell Lyla to come get him."

"I already did, I knew you wouldn't kill him." Oliver hugged her and she dropped the Abnormal, the firemen seemed to calm the fire down.

For once, Violet felt like the good guy. No killing, no ripped off penises. The look of grandeur that Oliver gave made her proud.

"I'm so proud of you." He whispered kissing her hand, "you're going to save the world Lilith Logan."

She shook her head like the thought was not fathomable, but inside she wanted it.

She wanted it bad.

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