Hozen/ unedited

By Fucking_Trevor

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Lilith Logan and Oliver Queen had violent delights. ❝ Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none. Doubt thou the... More

I. Judo&Anemone
II. Feild & Carnations
III. Bullet & Crisanthimum
IIII. Fish & Roses
V. Steel Points & Lily Pads
VI. Broadhead Points & Rosas
VII. Spears & Lilacs
VIII. Targets & Daisies
IX. Sharp Tips & Sunflowers
X. Blade Broadhead & Atropa belladonna
XI. Quivers & Allium
XII.Coner Notched & Begonia
XII. Curved Tip & Daffodils
XIII. Green Tips & Sycamore Trees
XIV. Contracting Stems & Irises
XV.Basel Notches & Crocuses
XVII. Ironheads & Hyacinths
XVIII. Becker & Laceleaf
XIX.Quads & Lotuses
XX. Triangles & Asters
XXI. Hardin & Freesia
XXIII.Simpson & Buttercup
XXIV.Cobbs & Marigold
XXIV.Classics & Birds of Paradise
XXVI.Limbabo & Angelonia
XXVII. Cones & Dahlia
XXVIII. BlueBells & Sandy
XXIX.Tilted Edges & Danilions
XXX. Jags & Tulips
XXXI. Soft Tips & Onions
XXXII. Tinged Ends & Yellow Tips
XXXIII. Obsidians & Families
XXXIV.Bold Curves & Fly Traps
xxxvi. tied ends & dead flowers
xxxvii. shocks & blue tips
xxxvii. fire ends & green lilies
xxxviii. dim edges & red flowers
xxxix. dipped ends & matte tips
xl. snipped wires & metallic coating
xli. swirled tips & crimson ends
xlii. jaged tips & moss
xliii. tricked tips & blackmail
xliv. kid ends & rosemary
xlvi. blood stained blades & russet petals

XXII. Clovises & Orchids

267 19 1
By Fucking_Trevor

XXII. Clovises & Orchids

Dinah Laurel Lance wasn't always a heating pile of shit. It may be hard to believe but she was once a half way decent human being.

She had great parents, Detective Lance and his beautiful ex wife Dinah Lance.

She had her beautiful sister, Sara Lance. The blonde beauty.

The day that Laurel first started to tilt to the dark side was in her seventh year of schooling, she had wedged her way into Oliver Queens eyeline, and his best friend Tommy Merlyn, he was no saint either.

After years of trying to get noticed by him, imagine her surprise when he just wanted to know how her hot little sister was. The beautiful Sara Lance.

And another punch in the gut was when Sara began to crush on him, Laurel was filled with jealousy, being with Oliver Queen meant being the most popular girl. Olivers other best girl friend McKenna hall had left on a trip with her family for a years.

Laurel was always jealous of McKenna, her perfect black skin, her perfect hair, it wasn't fair, McKenna wasn't rich like Oliver, she just got along well with guys, she was good at sports, she was strong and confident, every thing that Laurel wasn't. She was dating a kid on the basketball team named Jones Micheals, that didn't stop Laurel's jealousy.

She lied to Sara when she asked if Oliver liked her, and after years of plotting she finally locked onto Oliver. Oliver was we boyfriend, but he was anything but loyal.

He cheated a lot, but he had a special place for Sara, she wasn't the one but she did make him feel some type of way.

Laurel saw that and didn't like it, she'd try to get Sara in trouble at home to get her grounded, Sara would just sneak out, her mother knew but she trusted Sara, she was her favorite. She loved them both but Sara was a special kid, so beautiful, so smart.

Laurel was just a leech. She was born that way.

She leeched and leeched, she didn't care about Oliver Queen, to her, he was her ticket, that's why she didn't even think about him once when she lied to Tommy Merlyn about her and Oliver breaking up before he left on the Gambit.

Tommy knew she was lying but he wanted her.

Little did she know that Sara was on the boat with Oliver.

When he came back she played the victim, he came back changed, someone else, something else. A man with values, morals, and conscious. He came back a good man. A man who believed that Laurel was the one, a man who thought he fucked up immensely.

He felt guilty those five years he trained to become the Arrow, because in his eyes, he could never apologize enough to Laurel for being the reason why Sara passed. When he came back Laurel yelled at him 'You should've died on the island!'

Not because of Sara, but because she needed him to feel guilt so he'd take her back.

And that's what he did.

Oliver Queen was a genius in combat and fighting, but an idiot in the game of love.

Little did he know that while he was preparing for battle against his arch enemy Slade Wilson and planning on meeting V tonight, his girlfriend of years had some man in his bed as she sucked him off prepared to kiss him when he came home.

He didn't know.

And he tried to tell himself that Laurel was the one, it was destiny, but ever since he saw Violet for the first time, he knew that his plans would unravel.

The first time he saw her, he was on a mission for his teacher, Talia Al Ghul. He was at Malcom Merlyn industries and he had to delete a file on Tommy Merlyn's computer and when he was done, kill a politician that was going to be there that night. He saw her there, for five years, everyone he saw was just a target, a threat, his sister, his mother, even Laurel. But he saw her there, talking to his picture, for the first time in years, he smiled. Not forced, not while thinking about another problem, he just saw her embarrassing herself as she played with her brown curly natural hair, and he smiled at her.  She was pretty, but that was not why his heart swelled, it was those eyes, her beautiful brown eyes.

He saw her again over a year later, he almost didn't recognized her until he saw her eyes, they were an odd silver color like her hair but he knew those eyes, her beautiful eyes.

Her skin was darker, she dressed different, he assumed it was just a bold decision of hers, but she was still the beautiful russet girl he met, for the first time in years, he felt normal while working for a group of  assassins.

In present day, too much shit was happening.

Diggle was being evaluated by A.R.G.U.S., while on a mission, he was hit in the head by one of the Abnormals, so it was just Oliver and V tonight.

V, Oliver couldn't understand that women. That's all one could say, she confused him.

He felt this weird urge to protect her, every time he'd find out that she was going to fight an Abnormal, he'd go out of his way to stop her, risking his life, and oh did she put up a fight, she was a trained fighter, one of the only people to ruff him up as the Arrow, and that was saying a lot.

He waited at the clock tower, he didn't feel the need to defend himself, after their meeting, even when she had the chance to kill him, she wouldn't. He didn't know that she swore to protect him.

At Twelve on the dot V jumped into the abandoned clock tower nimble, again she felt her limbs weaken.

"Hello Arrow." She said standing as far from his as possible in the open room.

"Are we gonna talk or are you gonna stand there?"

"Put down your bow."

"Put down your dagger."

V glared but obeyed, she laid the two daggers in her hands in the floor between them.

He squinted, "all of them."

She sighed taking four more out from her leather jacket, one from her hair, two in each pants pocket and one in her back pocket.

"That's it." She said annoyed.

He smirked walking up to her, he bent down by her foot and looked at the bottom of her skinny jeans, at the hem of her jeans were four more daggers and one at the bottom of her shoe.

"Oh, must've forgotten about those." She smiled lifting him up to stand back infront of her. "You shouldn't touch a lady like that Arrow, but I guess you and I don't really follow that laws of chivalry seeing as you stabbed me the last time I saw you."

"Because you punched me in the neck."

"You had that one coming."

'Why did this feel... natural?' They both thought.

"Look, I've got a Vendetta, you don't like that, fine, we'll fight about that later, but as much as I've killed, I'm not heartless, there are people in this city that I care about, and I am not enough to protect it, you can't be dead, we can't let Slade Wilson take over."

"How do you know Slade?"

"He tried to kill me."

"Seems you and I aren't so different. This whole thing is because of me."

She didn't understand but she didn't have time to, "it doesn't matter, what matters is you can't fight tomorrow, I've fought those men and almost died, you'll get killed, I see you when we fight, you're too easy to kill with people with my strength."

"Trust me, I'm not."

"Be that as it may, if you go tomorrow, you will die."

"Well I can't really afford not to go, ten people a day can't sit on my conscious, you wouldn't get that."

I smacked him, "no! You don't get to judge me, you've killed, and I know you have a story that led you there, I don't kill cause it's fun, I kill rapist, I kill murders, let that sink in shitface."

He stayed quiet. "I apologize."

"Whatever, I don't need it. What I need is for you to stay alive. You'll die tomorrow, I've estimated that Tobias has maybe thirty of them waiting for you, and I've estimated that you only have you and some other guy in you team and occasionally some red dude, that will not be enough to take these sickos down."

"It'll have to be."

She looked away cursing at her self before she decided to do something unexpected , "I will be there tomorrow."

"You're not risking your life for me, I don't even know you."

"And I don't know you, you probably have a brother, a girl you love, I'm not gonna take that away from you, this is partly my fault, so I'm playing my part. Tomorrow we meet here and we finish this, stay ten feet away from we, I'll need my strength."

"I make you weak, don't I?" He smirked looking her up and down.

I walked up to him punching his gut making him wheeze.

"I can still fuck you up Arrow."

"That was one time."

"It was three out of six."

The Arrow fixed himself, who was this girl?

She smirked and picked up her knives, "I like you Arrow, don't die tomorrow okay? And just in case say a couple of sweet words to your family."

"You too." He said. As much as he didn't like her horrid methods, he could fight that fact that she was badass. She was dressed in this black leather ensemble, she wore a white mask on her face. It was without a doubt sexy.

She looked at him before she walked to the window sill, "I had two more daggers in my bar and a grenade, food for thought." She winked.

She jumped out the window, he ran to see what the fuck she was doing, imagine his surprise when she landed posed on her two feet smirking up at him, "see you on the battlefield Arrow."

And she ran into the night leaving Oliver standing there with a new weight to add to his shoulders. What if he never saw Thea again? Or Diggle, Roy....Violet Carson.

He couldn't think straight, he went back to work fighting off criminals and after a long night he went home to sleep off the hard and stressful night. He was officially on a timer. He looked over to Laurel who was in his bed, she was sweaty and he saw a new bag on the counter. At least she had fun today. He dreaded the next morning but it came anyways.

When Lilith walked into Olivers office she didn't expect him to be there. But there he was, he looked tired as all hell. Lily couldn't help herself, Laurel wasn't here. She walked to him and took his face in her small cold hands. "Oliver." She said in a soft voice.

He looked up confused.

"Whatever it is, please stop, I can't handle walking in seeing you like this."

He laughed fighting the pain that threatened to rip through this heart. Laurel never spoke like that to him unless she wanted something.

"I can't." He smiled tightly.

"Is it a gang? Tell me! I can have enough dirt on them in ten minutes that will lock them up for years."

"No nothing like that." He touched her forearm making her want to melt. His hand was so big and strong, how could he be in this state?

"Then what?"


"Don't lie."

"I can't tell you the truth, so what do you want?"

She frowned looked at the pain in his eyes, it wasn't even physical, he just seemed broken.

"Lie to me."

"I've joined a Hula dancing class, my teacher is a hard ass and every time I drop the hula he hits me with a bamboo stick."

She laughed, "you should find a new hobby," She pushed his hair back taking in his beautiful blue eyes as he looked at her perfect brown orbs. She was so beautiful in her white dress, like an angel smiling down at him.

And he looked so innocent to her as she looked down at him with his warm face in her hands.

Two very different misconceptions.

Oliver sighed and decided he needed to give Violet something, he had already spoke to Thea and Diggle was better and ready to fight tomorrow, he needed to leave Violet with something in case he didn't make it. She was too important to fall into oblivion.

He didn't understand the magnitude of what he did next. He pulled out a gift form Talia Al Ghul. After completing your first kill in the Cult successfully you are given an item.

A hand carved item with your named written in ink.

The ink read Oliver Queen , under it  it said Al Sah-him.

He laid in her hands that most important item to an archer who graduated from the league.

In her small delicate hands, he placed a Hozen, a Buddhist simple for connecting. Whether as family or more. He gave it to her out of wanting more.

He sat there not knowing that when he placed it into her hands. Lilith Logan realized that her boss, the man she had once had feelings for, the man she almost kissed was living a secret life.

That was how Lilith Logan figured out that Oliver Queen was in fact the Arrow.

And he had a high chance of dying tomorrow.


Quick Question:


Laurel and Oliver

Lilith/Violet/V and Oliver


Lilith/ Talia

Lilith/Talia/Oliver #Thruple

How do you feel about Laurel?

P.s. Sweet Creature is Oliver and Lily's song. Idk it feels right.

Hope you're enjoying my book, I work really hard.

Anyways, Fuck Laurel, Fucking_Trevor out✌🏾

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