Hozen/ unedited

By Fucking_Trevor

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Lilith Logan and Oliver Queen had violent delights. ❝ Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none. Doubt thou the... More

I. Judo&Anemone
II. Feild & Carnations
III. Bullet & Crisanthimum
IIII. Fish & Roses
V. Steel Points & Lily Pads
VI. Broadhead Points & Rosas
VII. Spears & Lilacs
VIII. Targets & Daisies
IX. Sharp Tips & Sunflowers
X. Blade Broadhead & Atropa belladonna
XI. Quivers & Allium
XII.Coner Notched & Begonia
XIII. Green Tips & Sycamore Trees
XIV. Contracting Stems & Irises
XV.Basel Notches & Crocuses
XVII. Ironheads & Hyacinths
XVIII. Becker & Laceleaf
XIX.Quads & Lotuses
XX. Triangles & Asters
XXI. Hardin & Freesia
XXII. Clovises & Orchids
XXIII.Simpson & Buttercup
XXIV.Cobbs & Marigold
XXIV.Classics & Birds of Paradise
XXVI.Limbabo & Angelonia
XXVII. Cones & Dahlia
XXVIII. BlueBells & Sandy
XXIX.Tilted Edges & Danilions
XXX. Jags & Tulips
XXXI. Soft Tips & Onions
XXXII. Tinged Ends & Yellow Tips
XXXIII. Obsidians & Families
XXXIV.Bold Curves & Fly Traps
xxxvi. tied ends & dead flowers
xxxvii. shocks & blue tips
xxxvii. fire ends & green lilies
xxxviii. dim edges & red flowers
xxxix. dipped ends & matte tips
xl. snipped wires & metallic coating
xli. swirled tips & crimson ends
xlii. jaged tips & moss
xliii. tricked tips & blackmail
xliv. kid ends & rosemary
xlvi. blood stained blades & russet petals

XII. Curved Tip & Daffodils

310 24 48
By Fucking_Trevor

XII. Curved Tip & Daffodils

I wore a dress to work so I decided that since I had a car, I might as well take it.

I fiddled with my dress before I left, whenever I felt down my instinct was to dress up.

I looked at my phone and smiled. Ray and I texted all day and half of the night. He was so diverse and intriguing, he talked about movies, to science, to languages it's like he liked everything I did but still had more to offer.

He made me laugh a lot, and he was corny, but in a cute way.

I walked out the door but ended up running back inside, I had forgot my shoes.

My phone rang and I tensed up, "oh shit--" I picked up the angry phone and answered.

"Oh what's up girl." I said strained.

I heard just angry breathing.

"Oh? You're downstairs? Oh and you've been down there for thirty minutes waiting for me?" I ran down the stairs and through the front door and in the lobby I saw Thea standing there freaking cold with a red noise with her phone in her hands.

"It wasn't thirty minutes, it was forty you flaker." She huffed. Her hair was wet since I told her to hurry up in the first place so she didn't think she had time to iron her hair.

"Sorry Thee, I got distracted, Ray was texting me--"

"His junk better be hand crafted by Zeus--"

"I still haven't--"

"Really? Playing hard to get?"

"I don't know" I said opening the car door for her like Talia always did for me. " I like him a lot."

"More than Ollie?" She questioned, I could hear the tint of hope that I would say no, but instead I just ignored her queries and turned the radio up in the car. She frowned and started texting Roy on her phone.

She was jealous for Oliver, I could tell. Every time I would bring Ray up she'd be happy for me but sad for her brother. But her brother has perfect Laurel Lance , it's time I got with the program.

" Speaking of Oliver, how is he?"

" Not sure, he has been really busy with Diggle lately, I swear they could be a couple." Thea laughed.

"Oliggle? Diliver ? I don't know if I ship it."

"Are you sure you don't ship Diggle and Oliver or you just don't ship Ollie with anyone but--"

"We're here."

I jumped out the car and straightened my body with my hugging dark purple dress. My hair was in a pony tail and of course a few strands laid in the front.

Thea hopped out and looked at me. "Very Tumblr look today Carson, I like it. Put a little lipstick on your top lip though, you smudged it in the car."

I blushed and quickly did so and we walked at the elevator, "perfect."

"I remember when we had that blackout a few months ago, nobody pass the tenth floor worked cause the elevators were out of wack. Ollie and Dig climbed up all those stair for three days back to back. Dedication I say, I couldn't make it passed floor thirty, and I work out."

I could climb this building from the outside, violet smirked to herself, " I could probably make it to my office, I have pretty good endurance."

Thea scoffed, " you have a smoking body but I literally watched you shove a donut in your mouth and accidental eat the paper."

I stopped the elevator of the hundredth floor. "I'll meet you up there in ten minutes." I promised, knowing I could get there in a minute if I just jumped but there were cameras on every other floor.

"I'll give a hundred bucks if you make it up there in ten."

I smiled smugly shaking her hand. " thanks for the easy money Queenie."

She put her hand up in surrender and went up the elevator, I in return ran up the staircase. Mathematically , with my strength, if needed I could honestly just take three big leaps and I'd be there but on a human scale someone of my weight and muscle mass would take 7.5 minutes to get to the floor, I was gonna make it 7.

I began running up the stairs, it was nothing, but it was time to think. I had a target tonight. Jimmy Buckets. He was a director for underage pornography.

I had to be in his parking lot at exactly 9:45. He tended to go for younger girls but I had a plan to abduct him that was certified to work.

By the time I went over ever step of my plan I was on Olivers floor prepared to take my 100 dollars.

I opened the doors and there was a group of about ten people waiting.

Diggle was there and he smirked. "Everyone here except Oliver owes me exactly 10 bucks."

I smirked pretending to be tired. "Time?"

"Seven minutes." Thea said impressed as the workers slapped ten bucks in Diggles hand impressed at me as well as they went back to work.

"That's remarkable Violet, and in heels. How'd you do that?"
From the corner of my eye I saw Oliver walk back into his office.

"Milk, lots of Milk Dig, and by milk I mean coffee." Thea and Dig laughed and Thea opened her wallet and slapped a hundred dollars in my hand.

I gave it back to her." It's okay."

Thea scoffed and shoved the money in my giving me her signature smile. " Violet, I am a billionaire by relation."

I chuckled. And watched as Dig and Thea left.

I looked at Olivers office door. I took a donut from the waiting table and scarfed it down anxious, "alright Lily." I told myself. "Be cool."

I walked into Oliver office fiddling with my dress.

"Ms. Carson, take a seat please, we need to discuss the free clinic design you suggested the mechanics."

I quickly sat down nervous but sat down in front of him none the less.

"If they didn't like it they were crazy cause I work hard on those and they were perfect--"

" Violet they just--"

"Who do they think they are? I majored in mechanics," I gasped. Oh gee. " forget I said that , that was private, the point is-"


"I don't wanna hear it, excuse my french but if they didn't like it tell them I said take their high nose hipster noses and shove it up their--"

"They loved it Violet." He blurred out touching my hand to calm me down. I felt weak.

"Ass...es... they what!? Really?" I smiled brightly jumping up. I did little dance of victory. My designs were gonna be the beacon of the Glades.

"They wanted you to come in tonight and assist."

"No." Violet immediately interfered.

Oliver fixed the tightness of his tie, I realized why when I realized that Violet immediately began using her sexuality. She leaned in and my breast were peeking out my V neck, just the top but it was sexual.

Stop it V.

I leaned back into my seat." I've got a date tonight, and if this meeting isn't mandatory I can't miss it."

When I mentioned a date, Olivers fist tightened, I could see every little movement he did. I could see that he was about to speak, I took the glass of water on the desk and took a sip. I felt a fight coming.

Suddenly his phone rang and he looked at the caller ID and frowned before picking up.


I couldn't make out the other person on the line.

" I said not to go through my belongings Laurel, sorry Violet this will take a moment , huh, Laurel don't start this again we're in a meeting."

Oh! So fucking Laurel had a problem with me.

I zoned out of there conversation and Violet went into a dark frenzy, my grip on the glass tightened. Laurel thought she was so clever didn't she, trying to turn my boss against me, if I ever fucking saw her face again I'd--
I didn't even realize my glass and shattered on the floor until Oliver ran over to my side of the table rushing to see if I was okay.

I stood up and snatched my hand from him, the hands that he touched Laurel with.

I took my to do list front the list. " sorry about the glass, if you have more to say email me, I'm really busy today."

"Violet!" He barked at me making me wake in my boots, well heels.

"You can't ignore me forever, I'm your boss."

"I'm not ignoring you Sir, and it would more appropriate if you called me Ms.Carson."

He walked over and took the paper from my hands. " it would, wouldn't it?  Violet." He whispered in my ear slowly.

I gulped, I wanted him. I wanted him bad. But I couldn't, and I knew it.

I looked away and frowned as he looked me into the eyes with those big orbs. "Your lunch has been moved to four--"

"Good, I had a visitor coming over today anywho." I smirked slightly, Violet again played with her sexuality.

"Thea?" He assumed incorrectly.

"Nope, this guy I'm seeing now. He's coming up soon, that's okay right? You let everyone else do it. One of the perks."

His jaw clenched and I smirked.

"Again," I took the to-do list from his big perfect hands. " if you need me, email."

And Violet walked out with a fierceness to her that made Oliver want to run after me.

I sat in my office and was distracted my Ray texting me cute things.

Ray the Rich Hot Spy:
I can't focus right now, I'll start watching Game of Thrones, I have it on my phone. Only season 3 though 😎

Violet the Smart Hot Spy: Of course not! That's unacceptable Ray! You'll be super confused, you have to start at season 1 if you're gonna do it , do it right.

Ray the Rich Hot Spy: 😂😂😂

Violet the Smart Hot Spy: isn't your boss gonna be a jerk about you watching HBO or whatever at work

Ray the Rich Hot Spy: oh I wouldn't worry about him

Violet the Smart Hot Spy: uh oh Ray, did you kill your boss?

Ray the Rich Hot Spy: damnit, is it that obvious!?😱

Violet the Smart Hot Spy: Need help hiding the body? I know a girl who can help

Ray the Rich Hot Spy: nah, Mable is taking care of it

I rolled my eyes laughing.

Violet the Smart Hot Spy: not this again

Ray the Rich Hot Spy: she's real I tell you! If she wasn't could I do this?: 💂🏽

Violet the Smart Hot Spy: oh shoot, you're telling truth.

Ray the Rich Hot Spy: I can come over today right? I got you a surprise.

Violet the Smart Hot Spy: yeah, the time is just 4 now instead.

Ray the Smart Hot Spy: okay can't wait to see you.

As I worked I brought up the live footage of Jimmy Buckets at home after I installed cameras in his apartment yesterday. I needed my plan to exactly as planned, which means I had to know where he was, when he was.

So far I've seen him sending twenty files of child pornography, that was enough to send him away for 25 to life. The payback I was getting tonight thought, that was justice for those kids.

By the time three swung around I was in a bad mood, I had just sat through hours of work while spying on a pedophile. I stood by Olivers office and heard him listening to Laurel whine about something on speaker while he ignored her whilst typing something.

She was going off about why she never gets to go to the science galas with him.

"Because you don't understand science and you failed science twice and I payed your science teacher 10 grand to pass you for the year when I was sixteen Laurel, so why take an interest now, you'll just make me leave early again because you're bored."

"That's not true, I'm smart!"

"I never said you weren't--"

I knocked on the door tired of hearing her pointless whining, he closed the phone mid sentence as if sensing it was me. "Come in Ms.Carson."

I opened the door and fiddled with my dress, the glass was cleared up and Oliver was standing by his window irritated. I walked over and handed him my papers.

I bit my lips and took him in,he was amazing ." I'm done with 11 out of 13, I'll finished the data scan on the numbers for the prototype and scale the model after lunch."

Oliver looked at me and I noticed the outline of gauze on his chest, I didn't realize I was touching him until I was, " what happened?"

" I beat up a group of drug dealers all at once, big deal, I'm kinda a hero."

I laughed and for the first time and says felt like we were back to normal.

"Oliver Queen, always trying to safe Star City."

He laughed as if I was missing a joke. " you have no idea."
He talked to me about the model for the new building. " oh and thank you again for what you did a couple days ago with the Chinese corp."

" I do anything for you... you're company I mean, I'd do anything for your company, I mean I'll do things to you too, for, I mean for, I mean platonically, I'll help you out if you need it... I-I"

"Violet." He whispered smiling at making me want to melt. " I get it."


"Alright, I better get going, my lunch is coming up." I ran out the room and ran into my office to my phone.

Ray the Rich Hot Spy: I am downstairs and I got your surprise

I told him to come up and twiddled my thumbs. I wanted to be over Oliver, I mean how can you be hung up on someone that was never yours? My thoughts were cut off by the handsome Ray walking into my office caring a bag of food, and a tray of my favorite caramel iced coffee.

I gasped and my heart swelled.

He smiled his signature smile knowing he won.

"You're golden Ray. You're golden."

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