Our Future {Sequel To Unexpec...

By Alecia_Xo

873K 20.2K 2.6K

"š™’š™š™šš™£ š™š™¬š™¤ š™Žš™¤š™Ŗš™”š™Ø š™š™–š™”š™” š™„š™£ š™‡š™¤š™«š™š, š™š™š™šš™§š™š š™„š™Ø š™‰š™¤š™©š™š™žš™£š™œ š™€š™”š™Øš™š š˜½š™Ŗš™© š™š™š™š ļæ½... More

Author's Note (Please read!)
I'm Back Part 1.
I'm Back Part 2.
I'm Back Part 3.
I'm Back Part 4.
I'm Back Part 5.
I'm Back Part 6.
Reckless Part 1.
Reckless Part 2.
Reckless Part 3.
No Choice Part 1.
The MET Gala Part 1.
The MET Gala Part 2.
The MET Gala Part 3.
The MET Gala Part 4.
Emotionless Part 1.
Emotionless Part 2.
Emotionless Part 3.
Missing Part 1.
Missing Part 2.
Missing Part 3.
Missing Part 4.
Things Changed Part 1.
Things Changed Part 2.
Things Changed Part 3.
New And Improved Part 1.
New And Improved Part 2.
New And Improved Part 3.
New And Improved Part 4.
It Takes Time Part 1.
It Takes Time Part 2.
It Takes Time Part 3.
It Takes Time Part 4.
It Takes Time Part 5.
It Takes Time Part 6.
It Takes Time Part 7.
It Takes Time Part 8.
It Takes Time Part 9.
Authors Note.
It Takes Time Part 10
Princess Isabella Khair Hadid šŸ‘‘
Old Habits Part 1.
Old Habits Part 2.
Old Habits Part 3.
Old Habits Part 4.
Important Author's Note!
Old Habits Part 5.
Old Habits Part 6.
Old Habits Part 7.
Old Habits Part 8.
Sneak Peak?
Happy Birthday Queen šŸ‘‘
Princess Hailey Rhode Baldwin šŸ‘‘
Break Up Or Make Up Part 1.
Break Up Or Make Up Part 2.
Break Up Or Make Up Part 3.
Break Up Or Make Up Part 4.
Break Up Or Make Up Part 5.
Break Up Or Make Up Part 6.
Break Up Or Make up Part 7.
Break Up Or Make Up Part 8.
Break Up Or Make Up Part 9.
Where Love Lies...
Best Part (Part 1).
Best Part (Part 2).
Best Part (Part 3).
Best Part (Part 4).
Best Part (Part 5).
Best Part (Part 6).
Best Part (Part 7).
Best Part (Part 8).
Best Part (Part 9).
Best Part (Part 10).
Best Part (Part 11).
Best Part (Part 12).
Best Part (Part 13)
Our Future Part 1.
Our Future Part 2.
Our Futute Part 3.
Our Future Part 4.
Our Future Part 5.
Our Future Part 6 (Epilogue).
The Love Affair.
The Girl Next Door.
Die For You.
Celebrity One Shots.
Pain And Pleasure.
New Books.....?
The M.I.L.F
Fix Me {Book Two}
The Billionaire.
The Babysitter.
Taming Queen J.
Unexpected Love.
Damaged [I]
Please Read! āš ļø

No Choice Part 2.

9K 239 17
By Alecia_Xo


As soon as the door flew open we pulled away faster then the flash and cleared our throats to see Kylie with a disgusted look on her face and  Gigi shaking her head since she was next to her and smirked at us while we both blushed.

Hailey:"Told you they'd be fucking or making out!"She said walking pass the door going downstairs making us both look down avoiding their judgy eyes.

Bella:"Or is this sex so good I shouldn't have to fuck for free...."She sang walking pass the room following Hailey making me chuckle.

Gigi:"We're having breakfast....come join us if you two aren't already full"She said making me chuckle while Kendall glared at her.

Kendall:"We'll be down in a minute"She said making Gigi and Kylie walk out the room with smirks on their faces while I held in my laugh. As soon as the door closed I let out my laugh making Kendall hit my arm"Its not funny!"She said annoyed making me stop and sigh.

Y/n'"Aww babe come on... They're just trying to annoy you"I said making her huff and open the door.

Kendall:"Whatever"She mumbled walking downstairs making me sigh and walk downstairs. As soon as I took the last step I was lifted up making me groan a little since the grip around me was tight as fuck.

Abel:"Hey Y/n/n..."He said casually making me let out a small laugh.

Y/n:"Hey..."I managed to get out. I patted his shoulder a little"Mind putting me down...."I said making him put me down making the others pull me into a bone crushing group hug.

Zayn:"I missed you guys..."He said making them all mumble a few things while I tried to get away from the grip. Jesus! What do they eat....

Bella:"Guys....I think you should let Y/n breathe a little"She said making them pull away.

Y/n:"Gee thanks..."I mumbled taking a few breathes while they chuckled.

Tyler:"We just missed you Y/n/n"He said making me smile and sit next to Kendall.

Y/n:"Me too but next time take it easy on the hugs....I still need to be able to breathe"I said making them all laugh while I looked at Kendall to find her still annoyed"Hey grumpy..."I said making her look at me and glare till I shot her a big smile making her roll her eyes and smile.

Kendall:"Dork...."She said pushing my face away playfully making me chuckle and wrap my arms around her and kiss her cheek.

Y/n:"I don't mind being a dork if it makes you smile...."I said kissing her face making her giggle while the others smiled.

Tyga:"Okay we get it....you two are all in love"He said making us pull away and laugh a little.

Kylie:"Quite sicking at times....."She said making Kendall flip her off while I chuckled.

Abel:"But seriously...."He said turning to Kendall and I"Your vocals are killer Ken"He said making Kendall turn bright shade of red while I smirked and got up chuckling a little.

Y/n:"Anyways....breakfast?"I asked making them all laugh and nod.

Gigi:"Yes please!"She said throwing her hands in the air earning a few laughs from everyone.

Zayn:"Weren't you girls suppose to make breakfast?"He said referring to the girls making them look at me and pout.

Bella:"We were but we like it when you cook...."She said making me shake my head and pull out some ingredients.

Y/n:"You girls sure know how to butter people up..."I said making them smile and watch me"So who's going to be my little master chef?"I said turning around making Hailey walk up to me and smile like a child.

Hailey:"Meeeeee......"She said making me chuckle and point to the bowl.

Y/n:"We're making chocolate chip pancakes"I said making them all cheer while I chuckled. Myself and Hailey aka my little master chef made the pancakes and served it to them making them all dig in making us join them.

Tyler:"No wonder the girls always get you to cook"He said taking another bite making us laugh.

Kylie:"Y/n's cooking is amazing...."She said making me smile mumble a thank you while Kendall stole a piece of my food.

Kendall:"That and if you steal food from her she won't say a thing"She said smiling and stealing another piece from me since she finished hers.

Abel:"I don't think she has a choice tho"He said earning a chuckle from everyone while Kendall had a confused look in her face. She's so damn cute!

Kendall:"What do you mean?"She asked tilting her head to the side looking like a puppy. Oh my god... My heart!

Abel:"She lets you take her food cause she wants to get some at the end of the day...."He said wiggling his eyebrows making me chuckle and Kendall blush.

Y/n:"That and Kendall is a tad bit abusive so if I don't share my food I will get bitten...."I said making them laugh"I'm not joking"I said making them stop and look at her wide eyed.

Kylie:"She's right....Kendall is a biter"She said making Kendall slump down in her seat.

Kendall:"Shut up!"She said glaring at myself and Kylie making us smile evilly.

Y/n:"Told you...abusive"I mumbled taking our plates to the kitchen. As soon as I put the plates in the sink I got hit on the head by a ...."Apple...really babe"I said making her glare at me and wake up.

Kendall:"I'm going to shower..."She said grumpily making me chuckle and shake my head in amusement.

Gigi:"Aren't you gonna use your Y/n charm on her?"She asked making me walk up to them and finish my juice.

Y/n:"She'll be back...."I said sitting down and waiting making them look at me confused"3....2....1"I said and right in che she walked in with a slight pout in those perfect lips of hers with puppy dog eyes.

Kendall:"Baby...."She said in a baby voice making them all shake their heads amused while I chuckled and got up.

Y/n:"Come in princess...lets shower"I said carrying her making her giggle. After our heated shower we walked back downstairs and saw everyone sitting and getting some snacks.

Hailey:"We're gonna have lazy day"She explained leaving a bowl of popcorn on the table near the TV. Everyone was in their sweats so it was understandable.

Kendall:"Okay..."She said walking off to the kitchen while I joined the guys on the couch making them all look at me.

Y/n:"What?"I asked slightly confused.

Tyga:"I think we should be away more often..."He said making me still look at them puzzled and then smirk.

Y/n:"Shower sex?"

Zayn'"Shower sex!"He said hitting my arm making me chuckle and high five them.

Abel:"Thank god your showers are big"He said making me cringe.


Y/n'"Yeah, no! I don't wanna hear details"I said as the girls walked in making them raise a eyebrow and look at us.

Bella:"Details about what?"

Y/n:"Nothing!"We all said making them stare at us for a moment but shrug it off.

Kendall:"Cuddle time!"She said jumping on me making me groan a little. She kissed my cheek and put her head on my chest wrapping her arms around me"Hmm...you smell nice"She mumbled making me chuckle.

Y/n:"Thanks...I had a shower"I said making her hit my chest.

Kendall:"Funny..."She said with her voice laced in sarcasm making me chuckle and kiss her head.

Y/n:"Thanks"I said earning a eye roll. We were all currently discussing-Arguing about what movie to watch and it was crazy honestly. The girls wanted to watch a chick flick while myself and the guys wanted to watch an action movie...preferably the mummy.

Tyga:"You girls always end up picking which movie to watch!"He said frustrated making the guys nod while I sighed looking at the girls.

Y/n:"I don't see what the issue here is honestly...you girls were dying to watch the movie a week ago and now you don't want to? I honestly think you girls are just scared cause of the trailer"I said sitting back making the guys point to me and nod.

Abel:"I've never loved you more! And what are you girls so scared of anyways? The movie isn't scary and its actually pretty cool...."He said making us all nod in agreement.

Zayn:"Plus didn't you girls say that even though it was scary it looked cool?"He said slightly confused making them nod.

Bella'"Yeah but Anwar scared the shit out of since he told us little things about the movie..."She said making the guys and I laugh.

Y/n:"He's your brother, that's what brothers do"I said making them sigh.

Kendall:"Fine! Just hold me"She mumbled making me chuckle and wrap my arms around her kissing her head.

Y/n:"My princess...."

Kendall:"My night and shining armor"She said pecking my lips making me chuckle.  We were busy watching the movie when my phone went off making me frown at the called ID. Kris?

Y/n:"Uh would you guys excuse me for a second?"I asked making them all nod. I walked out and went to the balcony making the cool New York breeze hit me"Hey Kris...."

Kris:"Hey Y/n....we need to talk"She said making mumbled a okay. Throughout this phone call we were thinking of ways to get out but its seemed like I had no choice in the matter.

Y/n:"Its okay...thank you for trying tho"I said sighing and waking up.

Kris:"Sorry Y/n but I'll call you one of the days to discuss details..."She said making me bid goodbye and walk inside to see that the movie ended. I saw them all looking at me as I walked in making me sigh and sit down next to Kendall.

Kendall:"Hey, whats wrong?"She asked noticing my change of mood. I looked at her and felt extremely bad in this moment.

Y/n:"Babe I need to talk to you....all of you actually"I said making them all nod. I took a deep breathe and let out shaky breath"I won't be able to attend the MET Gala"I said making them all frown. I looked up and saw Kendall looking at me with a blank expression.

Kendall:"W-why?"She asked stumbling a bit. I knew why she was upset and I can't blame her.

Y/n:"There's a photoshoot that I'm doing on that day and I can't cancel it because they'll back out if the deal and its really important...."I said making her frown deepen.

Kendall:"B-but couldn't my mom have done something!"She said making me take my hands in hers.

Y/n:"Babe she tried everything and nothing is working.....I'm sorry"I said softly while the others just kept quite watching us. She woke up pulling her hands from mine making me sigh and wake up"Kendall-"

Kendall'"No! You knew how important this was to me! To us! For crying out loud Y/n this was the first we'd attend something together as an actual couple since we came out and now you're telling me you can't come!"She said yelling.


Kendall:"No! I've been so excited about this and planned everything out to make sure it was perfect and now its all gone to waste! You know what, just go and do your not job......that's all you care about anyways"She said making me frown at her words.

Bella:"Kendall!"She scolded making me stop her.

Y/n:"Its fine....I guess I deserve that but at the end of the day Kendall"I said grabbing my jacket and keys"I'm doing it cause I want a brighter future for us"I said walking to the door and slamming it shut.

Why is everything so fucked up?!

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