The Rose that Grew from Concr...

By XstaceyJones

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Did you hear about the rose that grew from a crack in the concrete? Proving nature's laws wrong it learned ho... More

Empty Prayers
Close my Eyes
Sister Sister
-New Beginning-
-Mixed Emotions-
-Writings on the wall-
Letting Go
Silent Night
-Situations: Midnight Run-
-Situations: Two Face-
Situations: Beauty School Drop In
-Friday Night Lights-
Opportunity Calls
The Caged Bird
Moving too fast
-Birds, Bees, and Bitches-
~Opportunity Calls pt. 2~
~When Doves Cry~
~Hard to Get~
~Inspector Gadget~
~Thick and Thin~
~First Class Trip~
~Girl Meets world~
~Just Kickin it~
~Girl meets world pt.2~
~Friend with Benefits~
~Playing with Fire~
~Never Lie~
~Game Proof~
~Sweet 16~
~Get Around~
~Two Wrongs~
~Talkin about~
~Woman to Woman~
~Happily ever after...not~
~Their Eyes were watching....~
~Noelle's Joint~
~So Gone~
~Runaway Love~
~Ultimate Relationship~
~Best of Me~
~Woman to Woman pt.2~
~Fireworks pt.2~

~So Gone pt. 2~

84 7 17
By XstaceyJones


Wanda I don't know what has gotten into this girl ever since that little knucklehead boy broke up with her she been acting all crazy and sporadic. Not Noelle Helen she's usually so mild mannered. Lately Wanda I've been on the verge of really hurting that girl, like for real hurting her. The other night she waltz in my house at 2 in the morning high as a kite. I confront her about it and you know what she tells me? What! Don't worry about it she's grown. Excuse me she said sitting her cup down. Yes girl. I was livid it took all of my might not to knock her upside the head. You talk to Tionne about this I mean she usually is good at keeping her in check? Naw she's going through something else right now with the lawsuit and Dalvin. Besides Noelle is my responsibility not hers. If not perfect timing Noelle comes into the house.

Noelle! Yeah she said with an attitude. Excuse you leave that little stank attitude outside of my house. What is it mama I am tired and I don't feel well. I am sure you don't feel well, are you high again? I don't have time for this she said going to her room and slamming the door. 

See what I mean Wanda? Yeah I see what you mean, what I don't understand is why yo foot aint up her...never mind she is your child. I am just here for support she said bouncing her knee up and down. I don't know what to do with her anymore. I just don't. Well you need to figure it out before she get herself in some trouble she can't get out of. Like me or Ava beating her ass. Ava won't discipline her she said she's been through enough in her life. Oh she won't, Okay I'll do it then, I don't do that shit you can ask Lisa, Reina, and Ronald about that I beat ass and take names later. Calm down mommy dearest. You are a good mom, Helen you take in this child and raise her as your own and then she treat you like that. No ma'am beat her ass or I will, trust me on that.

Wanda, left me there to think about where I went wrong with Noelle. I mean I kicked her ass just as much as I did Kayo and Tionne, but I never once let them disrespect me the way she has and is. She came out of her room to get something from the kitchen and didn't see me sitting in the living room.

Noelle! God mama you scared me. I am sure, sit down we need to talk. Ma...sit your ass down right now Noelle Elizabeth Young Watkins. She took a seat on the couch across from me with her head down. Now what's going on with you?


I sat there thinking as mama was talking. She doesn't know what its like to be the laughing talk of school. Having to watch CJ and Amber parade together laughing in my face and talking behind my back. Lately, I barely even making it in school I either don't go or I do and I just sit in the back and don't say anything. All in an effort to make myself invisible so folks won't say shit to me. 

Noelle! Yes ma'am. What's going on with you? Is it that boy because you know you can do way better than him? It's nothing mama. Don't tell me that lie, I am watching you act crazy and disrespect me and this house because of something and I want to know what it is. That is not how I raised you and you know that. I know mama its something I am going through. Talk to me about it, we use to be so close Noelle and you would tell me almost everything and lately you've been so cold and distant. She moved over next to me and put her arm around my shoulder. You don't want to hear about my high school drama. Try me!

I sighed before speaking again. The kids at school are saying sh...I mean stuff about me. What kind of stuff? Well if embarrassing me at the prom wasn't enough He decided to completely ruin me by telling his little girlfriends about my mom trying to sell me and that Andre had raped me. You told him about that? Yeah my mistake for thinking I could trust him with the information right. Baby girl I know it hurts and that is some fucked up shit he's doing but you can't let him change you.

No offense mama but until someone tries to sell you for 100 dollars and a crack pipe you really don't know how it feels to be me. You're right I don't, but I know what it feels like to be hurt and defeated. You think it's easy to raise 3 kids with no help on one income? I worked 10 hour days 5 days a week to make sure that they have clothes on their back, food in their stomach, and to make sure that none of them wants for anything. Shit happens Noelle, it does, but you can't let it consume you and change you into something and someone you aren't. You hear me?

Yeah! Yeah! Yes ma'am I hear you. Good cause I've taken as much of your crap as I am gonna take. You are gonna start respecting me and this house or I am gonna beat the devil and hell out of you. You got it! Yes ma'am! I love you Noelle I do and nothing can change your past. Only you can grow from it and don't be a victim of the circumstances, but a survivor she said kissing my forehead. I nodded and went to my room and closed the door. No one knows how this break up really affected me I said sliding down the door starting to cry.


Come on Jacob calm down for mommy please I said rocking him to sleep. It's days like this I think that it would have been better to have listened to Tae and found him parents who are more prepared for a baby. It's too late now though I am not giving my baby up for nothing.

Give him here Tae said interrupting my thoughts. Come here stinka butt she said taking him from me. You need rest Olivia, you can't keep going like this. How can I rest when he's crying all the time? Where is your ride or die that promised you she would be by your side in this? Ugh I don't know ever since that shit with CJ she's been shady as fuck and she hasn't been here to see her godson in 2 weeks. What that shit gotta do with you though. I don't mean any disrespect but you been there for Noelle through all kinds of shit and when you need her, she is nowhere to be found.

Tae it's complicated you know Noelle and I are friends and...and bullshit, so the nigga broke up with her. Shit happens every day but we live and we learn get up and keep shit moving. She... I just don't know. Everyone needs to stop babying her ass she is almost 18. She need to grow the fuck up she said handing me a sleeping Jacob. How did you do that? Be calm and relax and he'll relax. Now get some sleep she said turning off my lamp.

I finally decided to call her, but before I could I got a call from Amber. What the hell do you want? Hello to you too Oliva. What do you want, haven't you caused enough drama? With that little hoe Noelle. Oh I am just getting started with her. See you can't do what she did and not pay for it. And what exactly did she do to you Amber? She knows, and she also knows that I know way more than I told about her past. Bye Amber! Wait you should know she's been hoeing around with Malik. I looked at the phone and then put it back to my ear. Listen here you two face non loyal bitch I am sick and tired of you causing drama with Noelle. You got Cj, just go on somewhere. Well I am just being a real friend and letting you know that your best friend screwed your baby daddy last weekend at a party. Click I hung up in her face.

Noelle would never do that to me she knows how I feel about Malik. And further more he's the father of my child. She's my child's god mother. How the hell could she do this shit to me, I thought pacing back and forth across the living room when the doorbell rang. Who is it I said snatching the door open. 

Liv you okay, she said looking at me worried. Nice of you to show up I said walking away. What's up with you Liv, who pissed in your cereal? Oh wow so you really think you can show up here to my house after two weeks of me not hearing from or seeing and you and ask me why the hell I am pissed. I told you Liv. Fuck what you told me Noelle. I am sorry he broke up with okay, I am but there is other shit going on outside of just your world.

I don't get it why they hell are you going off on me I didn't do anything to you. Exactly you didn't, you convince me to keep this baby telling me you would be here with me through it all and then you bounce. Its been 2 weeks Liv you act as if I wasn't with you day in and out for the last 3 months since you had him. Staying at the hospital, missing my spring break to take care of you cause you were sick, I've been here for you the entire time and the one time I take a little time for myself to try to cope with being hurt you jump on me? That's foul Olivia it really is. I mean you haven't called to see why I haven't come and seen you either!

Did you screw Malik? Come again! Did you open your legs to my baby's father, I said looking at her. Why would you ask me something like that Olivia? You know damn well I would never ever do something like that to you. I don't Noelle, lately you been doing crazy shit acting like you some bad girl, somebody I don't even know all over some nigga. That you yourself said you weren't in love with. Ty was right you'll never admit that you fucked up leaving him for CJ. 

She stood there looking at me with tears streaming down her face. She turned and went towards the door. No come back, face the damn music Noelle I said pulling her back. Did you! Why ask if you already made up your mind that I did? I slapped the shit out of her and we started fighting right there in the middle of the living room.


Aye! Aye! Hold up hold up I said pulling them apart. You fucking bitch I can't believe you would do that to me, Liv said trying to get to Noelle. You know how I feel about him. I didn't do anything with him, I don't know who told you that but they were lying. I swear on everything I love I wouldn't do that to you Liv. Everyone is talking about how much of a hoe you are Noelle! Glad I am finally seeing your true colors. Wow 6 years of friendship Liv and you talking to me like that. After all the shit we've been through the stuff we've done together and you gone talk to me like I am some random bitch on the street. You acting like a random bitch. Wow I am a random bitch! Okay you know what forget you! Don't call me when Malik fucks you over with them child support payments either.

Noelle that was foul for real I said trying to get her to calm down. Whatever you cover for her to damn much Tae she knew what would happen when she opened her legs and now she trying to blame for me it she said fixing herself I don't need you I don't need anybody she said walking out the door. I watched her walk out and get in her car and drive off.

Olivia! No I don't want to hear it Tae. She ain't my friend she ain't family she's nothing to me Tae! She do shit like that I can't trust her. Liv calm down she's your friend. Naw she ain't nothing but a bitch on the street to me. What about Jacob? I am giving him for adoption I didn't want to keep no way Liv said going to her room.

Damn it. What the hell just happened?


Thank god we are finally done with court for today I am too through with this lawsuit I said to Dalvin. Dalvin are you even listening to me, I am talking to you? Yeah yeah whatever you say Tionne he said waving me off while he watched the game. For real Dalvin I am trying to talk to you about something important and you not even paying attention to me. 

Do we have to talk about this right now, I mean I know the shit is important but we ain't gotta talk about it all the damn time. Wow, I file for bankruptcy and have to go court every day for the last 2 months and you say that to me. Well what you want me to say yall should have been paying better attention to yalls money and then yall wouldn't be having these issues. Says the nigga who don't even sing on his on tracks. What was that? Nothing nigga I said getting up from the couch. Why am I still with your ass any way I said getting up off the couch?

I went to the kitchen to get something to drink and cool down when someone started beating on my door like they are crazy. Hold on a minute damn I said opening the door. Lisa! We gotta go now she said pulling me out the house! Go where? The hospital Noelle was in a wreck. What!!!


I rushed into the emergency room! I am looking for my sister. And who is that? Her name is Noelle Watkins. Uhh I don't...oh wait there she is. Damn she's lucky as hell. Why you say that? She made it out that car with only a broken wrist and some scratches. Where is she I said frantically? Exam room 10! Thanks I said going towards the rooms. I walked...well more like ran through the emergency area with Li running right behind me. I got to room 10 and opened the door to see mama with Noelle.

What happened to you Noelle I said going to her side. She won't talk mama said shaking her head. Noelle what happened to you I said looking into her eyes. She still wouldn't say anything she just turned her head straight. Lisa say something to her to make her talk. Lisa went over to her and whispered something in her ear. Nothing all she did was sit there starting at the wall.

Mama what did the doctor say? Well despite the severity of her accident, she is lucky to only come out of it with some scratches and a broken wrist. Her car is totaled though. I looked back at her and she looked so disconnected. Can yall give us a minute I said? Yeah get her to say something other than staring at the wall mama said following Li out the room. 

I waited till they were both gone before going over to Noelle and sitting on the bed with her, I put my arm around her and put her head on my shoulder and rubbed her head. I could hear her sniffling before she completely broke down on my shoulder. I know let it out! She still didn't say anything she just cried for what seemed like hours before the nurse came in to say that they were releasing her.

Come on baby girl I said helping her up. I don't want to go home Ti. Huh! Can I go to your house? Why don't you want to go home? I just...never mind I'll go. I'll stay with you Noelle I said walking with her.


I've never seen Noelle so broken. She literally looked like all of the life had been drained out of her body and she was mentally and emotionally weak. You can go I'm gonna ride with her and mama Ti said to me. You sure? Yeah she needs some time right now. Okay, call me later! I will she said following Noelle out the hospital.

I decided to go and talk to Olivia cause the shit that Tae told me she said was uncalled for. She knows better than to even think that Noelle would do her dirty that way. I went to Tae's condo and her car wasn't there but Liv's was. I rung the door bell and waited for her to answer. 

Yeah she said opening the door. Tae ain't here Lisa. I ain't come to see her I came to see you. Whatever Noelle told you she's lying she's the one that slept with Malik. Do you hear yourself Olivia? Excuse me! Do you hear the bullshit that you are saying to me, Noelle sleeping with Malik don't even sound right. Well she did she said crossing her arms. Who told you that? Does it matter it happened. It does cause unless Noelle herself told you that you shouldn't believe anything that anyone else says. She didn't deny it when I confronted her about it.

You still didn't say who told you, was it Malik? No. So you telling me neither Noelle nor Malik told you but you taking some other mutha...'s word over theirs. The father of your child and your best friend Liv. It's stressful Lisa you don't understand. Understand what! I am trapped. I have this baby and I am literally trapped, while they going out enjoying their freedom and shit I am stuck in the house 24/7 with a screaming baby and no outlet. She promised to be there for me Lisa and instead she go behind my back and do that. Who told you Liv I said taking in all of the information she just told me. Amber! Hold on a minute the conniving hoe that stole CJ from Noelle told you she slept with Malik and you believed her? She said the whole school was talking about it. Olivia I am gonna tell you this one time and one time only that bitch lied to you, Noelle has never slept with Malik. She looked at me and didn't say anything.

Think about that alright and reevaluate who you get your information from before you mess around and lose your best friend forever.


As if things couldn't get worse for Noelle, then Liv turn on her too. Damn I don't even know how she dealt with all of that. How did Liv even believe Amber?

I don't even know... Comment and Vote 

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