~So Gone pt. 2~

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Wanda I don't know what has gotten into this girl ever since that little knucklehead boy broke up with her she been acting all crazy and sporadic. Not Noelle Helen she's usually so mild mannered. Lately Wanda I've been on the verge of really hurting that girl, like for real hurting her. The other night she waltz in my house at 2 in the morning high as a kite. I confront her about it and you know what she tells me? What! Don't worry about it she's grown. Excuse me she said sitting her cup down. Yes girl. I was livid it took all of my might not to knock her upside the head. You talk to Tionne about this I mean she usually is good at keeping her in check? Naw she's going through something else right now with the lawsuit and Dalvin. Besides Noelle is my responsibility not hers. If not perfect timing Noelle comes into the house.

Noelle! Yeah she said with an attitude. Excuse you leave that little stank attitude outside of my house. What is it mama I am tired and I don't feel well. I am sure you don't feel well, are you high again? I don't have time for this she said going to her room and slamming the door. 

See what I mean Wanda? Yeah I see what you mean, what I don't understand is why yo foot aint up her...never mind she is your child. I am just here for support she said bouncing her knee up and down. I don't know what to do with her anymore. I just don't. Well you need to figure it out before she get herself in some trouble she can't get out of. Like me or Ava beating her ass. Ava won't discipline her she said she's been through enough in her life. Oh she won't, Okay I'll do it then, I don't do that shit you can ask Lisa, Reina, and Ronald about that I beat ass and take names later. Calm down mommy dearest. You are a good mom, Helen you take in this child and raise her as your own and then she treat you like that. No ma'am beat her ass or I will, trust me on that.

Wanda, left me there to think about where I went wrong with Noelle. I mean I kicked her ass just as much as I did Kayo and Tionne, but I never once let them disrespect me the way she has and is. She came out of her room to get something from the kitchen and didn't see me sitting in the living room.

Noelle! God mama you scared me. I am sure, sit down we need to talk. Ma...sit your ass down right now Noelle Elizabeth Young Watkins. She took a seat on the couch across from me with her head down. Now what's going on with you?


I sat there thinking as mama was talking. She doesn't know what its like to be the laughing talk of school. Having to watch CJ and Amber parade together laughing in my face and talking behind my back. Lately, I barely even making it in school I either don't go or I do and I just sit in the back and don't say anything. All in an effort to make myself invisible so folks won't say shit to me. 

Noelle! Yes ma'am. What's going on with you? Is it that boy because you know you can do way better than him? It's nothing mama. Don't tell me that lie, I am watching you act crazy and disrespect me and this house because of something and I want to know what it is. That is not how I raised you and you know that. I know mama its something I am going through. Talk to me about it, we use to be so close Noelle and you would tell me almost everything and lately you've been so cold and distant. She moved over next to me and put her arm around my shoulder. You don't want to hear about my high school drama. Try me!

I sighed before speaking again. The kids at school are saying sh...I mean stuff about me. What kind of stuff? Well if embarrassing me at the prom wasn't enough He decided to completely ruin me by telling his little girlfriends about my mom trying to sell me and that Andre had raped me. You told him about that? Yeah my mistake for thinking I could trust him with the information right. Baby girl I know it hurts and that is some fucked up shit he's doing but you can't let him change you.

No offense mama but until someone tries to sell you for 100 dollars and a crack pipe you really don't know how it feels to be me. You're right I don't, but I know what it feels like to be hurt and defeated. You think it's easy to raise 3 kids with no help on one income? I worked 10 hour days 5 days a week to make sure that they have clothes on their back, food in their stomach, and to make sure that none of them wants for anything. Shit happens Noelle, it does, but you can't let it consume you and change you into something and someone you aren't. You hear me?

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