From Stranger To Everything

By Cara______

514K 13.7K 1.7K

*** Getting To Know The Story Main Content. *** Ellie, the quite, shy and sweet nature girl has always been l... More

Part 1 : First Encounter
Part 2 : Butterflies Recognition, Check.
Part 3 : Spitfire?
Part 4 : Will This Feeling Ever Go Away?
Part 5 : You Leave Me Breathless
Part 6 : I think I Don't Understand the Attention You Gave Me
Part 8 : Clumsy Adorable Girl
Part 9 : You Are Not My Rubbish Bin Baby
Part 10 : Green? That's Not My Favorite Color.
Part 11 : Just a Deer in the Headlight
Part 12 : A Scorching Kiss and the Shockwave
Part 13 : A Servant and the Princess
Part 14 : The Way You Made Me Feel or the Sensation?
Part 15 : Flynn Said "You Are My Charger"
Part 16 : Would you be mine?
Part 17 : Without a Doubt YES.
Part 18 : Are You Well Pleasured?
Part 19 : Her Love Was All She Knows
Part 20 : That Is the Love She Knows
Part 21 : Her Perfect Imperfection
Part 22 : Shove Your Motor Up Your Ass A**hole.
Part 23 : Filler Flynn
Part 24 : A Hidden Relationship
Part 25 : Where Teddy Has a Name <3
Part 26 : Morning Love.
Part 27 : A Seashell Couple Ring
Part 28 : Another Second To Live By
Part 29 : A Taboo
Part 30 : A Living Nightmare
Part 31 : Forget Me Not.
Part 32 : A Little Band To Remember
Part 33 : Delusional Reality
Part 34 : When the Pot Calling the Kettle Black
Part 35 : I Forgot How To Be Loved, By You.
Part 36 : Because We Weren't Brave Enough
Part 37 : The Little Star Under Our Feet
Part 38 : Blinding Fairytales
Part 39 : Be My Bride, If We Can.
Part 40 : When She Got a Taste of Bitterness
Part 41 : Merrily Never After
Part 42 : Little Bingo
Part 43 : Plot Twist
Last Part : It's Epilogue Time Ellie.
Author Note (^_^)v

Part 7 : Clueless Type of Girl

13.9K 375 46
By Cara______

¯¯Oooooh oooooh oooooh sweet love¯¯

My phone blasted out Mariah Carey in the middle of the night and I groggily open my eyes then grabbed it from the night stand. I squinted my eyes through the darkness and picked it up, knowing fully well that it was Flynn due to the fact that she dominated my poor phone and checked everything in there today.

Last but not least, she even set the ringtone herself, and where was I? Struggling inside her hold the whole times trying to grab it but she kept it out of my reached.

And who am I to say? She obviously stronger than me. And I don't think she let me win either.


"Hello" I whispered through the earpiece sleepily. It was already twelve. I already slept, dreamt and woken up by her. Sue me >-<;

"Hey, am I waking you up?"

"ummmm, I was sleeping"

"oh, I'm sorry, I'll let you sleep then" Through my foggy state of mind her voice was clear from any sleeping trace and I was wondering, why she didn't sleep at this time of the night.

"No I'm okay, why don't you sleep?"

"Ummm, I couldn't sleep" she paused "I miss my baby girl" I was wide awake at her statement, she can't sleep.

"Are you okay?" I asked concerned, sleepiness forgotten.

"I'm okay now, I won't bother I'll let you sleep" she was upset over something, something that I didn't know about.

"Don't ever say that word again, you never bother"

"Okay, I just need someone right now, and I miss you"

"Are you sure you it's not someone else?" I teased, decided that I don't want to pry into her personal business. If she wants to tell she will, maybe this is what she want, someone. Just someone.

"Of course, who else? If I don't, I wouldn't have called" I could tell she was serious.

"I don't know, The Charmer Flynn has so many girls to miss."

"What? I'm not, there's only you" I was grinning from ear to ear right now. I know that's she joking all right.

"Don't lie" I puffed my cheek trying to stifled my grin.

"Okay, baby boo" what? Where is this one is coming from?

"You are so random with pet names" I said amused. I love the endearment she used, made me feels something I didn't even know exist.

"I don't know, it cute on you anyway, so I'm gonna call you boo from now on"

"Really Flynn?"

That's how we talked until two in the morning, and please don't asked what were we talking about, just random teasing, random topic and we both didn't even noticed it was so late until I yawned so long and nearly stretched my jaws and she let me sleep, no actually we both sleep with headphone attached to our ears. I was contented with it.

I woke up in the morning with a little sore neck and nearly jumped out of my bed when I saw I was already late for school. I groaned and got up and do my things hastily. How was I managed to find my way was beyond me, I was sleepy as hell. Once I was done, I got out and grabbed my phone as it was suddenly ringing in my hand. It was Flynn she told me she will be here picking me up. I was sleepy, exhausted, and I didn't even want to get myself out of bed. It was her fault.

I was getting ready when I saw my phone blasting out the song and I was out of the door in forever. I was like a zombie. Once I was in I got comfortable to the soft leather car and her lingering smell, I smiled at her sleepily and shut my eyes.

Even in my sleepy state, she was looking good. She had black button up shirt with the sleeve rolled around showing off her strong forearm, and faded blue skinny jeans that ripped around the knees and finished the look with red converse. The outfit is casual but she wore it as if she was stepping out directly of an outfit magazine, you can't help but getting shy around her and now I couldn't look at her without getting an image of her arms curled protectively around my waist and it was too early in the morning for those images.

What is it with her that made me go all la la land without even trying?

Way to wake up your sleepy head and confused it with your feeling with your friend Ellie.

You are so hopeless Ellie.

I didn't know that my head can be so frickin' sarcastic.

I guess lack of sleep did get to me.

"Morning sleepyhead" Flynn reached out to flick my nose and chuckled softly when she saw I closed my eyes and snuggled more into her leather car.

"Look who faults is it" I mumbled sleepily and I felt the car's moving.

"It was your fault" I looked her through my hooded eyes and cocked my eyebrow at her.

"Why was it my fault?" I grumbled

"You made me miss you at night" She glanced at me long enough to flashed me her trophy smirked that sent shiver directly into my spine. Heat crept up my cheeks and I turned away from her, unable to hide the stupid grin that threatened their way out of my lips.

"I bet you have so many other friend that waiting to talk to you anyway" Why was I still not get used to her charming presence by now?

"Sure, but they are not you baby" Her smiled was contagious and this time I wouldn't be able to hide that grin and I smiled shyly up at her.

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop making that blushing face at me baby?" Her low rusty voice didn't help my heated cheek one bit, in another way she redden it worse than before.

"I didn't make any face" Urgh, I'm stupid sometimes.

"I'm sleepy, you keep me up all night" I've never in my life stayed over 10pm, she's such a bad influenced.

Bad handsome influents, my inner voice whispered.

"Want to get some more sleep, baby girl?" she said without any guilt of keeping me up all night.

"ummm, but we have to go to school" I mumbled going back to sleep.

"Come here" she said then grabbed my hand and tugged me toward her made me lean on her shoulder without opening my eyes.

I heard Flynn sighed and her hand tighten on me. The feelings when her hand closed perfectly over my little one was indescribable, tingling sensation running through me like a firefly leaving me wanting more. I don't know what but I want to get closer, closer to the unnamed emotion that since her took a step into my life, she changed my whole direction. Everything I do seem to revolved around her and I just can't concentrated without her there.

Part of me always whispered bad things about her, about how much would she destroyed me if she decided that she don't want to be my friend anymore.

But-the oh so much big but- I found she worth the risks, I found I was trying to protect her out of something that bothering her deeply, I found I was happy when her eyes lighten up when I step up and hug her bigger frames, wanting nothing more than her to be happy.

You are thinking so much for someone who just got out of bed Ellie.

The car halted to a stop and I groggily open my eyes and see that we stopped in front of her house. I frowned in confusion and looked around when I saw Flynn got out and open my car door, she grabbed our bags and crouched down to my level.

"Why are we here?" I asked wondering why we came here, when we're supposed to be at school.

"Come on, I'm also sleepy, maybe we'll go around noon, okay?" she smiled at me as if I was a little puppy, amusement mixed with sympathy.

"but, carry me" I blurted out before I could stop myself.

What the hell Ellie??

I grinned like a lunatic when we turned around without any fuss, signaling me to hop on her back, and that's exactly what I've done. I crawled on to her back with my heart beating a weird tattooed as if it nearly jumped right out of my throat. Her back was like a rock, strong but somehow soft and I sprawled there comfortably, she shifted me around and putted her arms behind my knees, keeping me stable from falling. I putted my chin on her shoulder with my lips closed to her ears and I felt her tensed for bit. What was that?

"Close the car door for me baby" I did as she said and she carried into her house, and I was giddy with joy like a kid in a candy store, I was afraid she might hear my crashing heart on her back.

"Am I heavy?" I asked already closing my eyes, contented. She can take me wherever she wants right now.

"Nope" I could sense Flynn smiled her heart throbbing smiled and I couldn't help but smiled along with her.

"Shoo Shoo hurry up" I rocked her gently and whispered order into her ears, when she chuckled and keep moving until we're in her room.

Out of the blue, Flynn tipped me out of her back into her bed and I squealed as my arms and leg stuck around her body like a gecko, and she laughed, a rich booming laughed while I tighten my hold onto her preventing myself from falling.

Damn tease.

"Let me down" I all but squealed when she nearly dropped me off her back again, and this time I was giggling uncontrollably due to the gut-dropping feeling in my stomach when she nearly dropped me off as my arms wrapped around her neck tightly but she didn't seem to mind.

She didn't help in slowing down my heart beating rate.

Finally she was nice enough to stop I was exhausted on her back, and this time she put me down on her bed nicely with her sitting there too.

She got up and took our bags away and I just laid there legs dangling unattractively I might add on her bed breathing hard. She fidgeted through her sound system and came back to me as the song played.

"What song is this?" I asked, breathing through my nose at her.

"My Love Will Take You Home" She smiled cheekily at me and dragged me around her bed.

"I need my own pillow!" I all but narrowed my eyes jokingly at her and she chuckled.

"Nope, you can sleep on me, I'm wide enough" She smirked as she widen her arms in gesture.

"Stop smirking!" twice in a short morning, I lose my brain filter that the words -embarrassing words- flowed freely.

"What? Why?" Her face was a mixed between smugness and surprised.

I groaned, flipped my face and mumbled nothing into her pillowed but Flynn has another thought as she grabbed my waist and sat me in between her leg as her face inch from mine. Mischievous was written clear on face as her sparkling eyes met my widen orbs. My breathing ragged at her closeness and I was like I've run a marathon before.

I did the unexpected as I raised my hand and cover both of it on her face, hiding her flashing smirked away from me. I think I've seen enough charming smirks of hers to last me a lifetime.


Why do I always say something to let her tease me like that?

If her bed open up and swallow me right now, I would be grateful.

"No, it's not nothing, why can't I smirk?" She grabbed my both stick-like wrists away from her face and kept them on her shoulder.

The position is so intimate, so heart wrecking intimate as her frame wrapped around me, leaving boneless.

"I, I just, I didn't say anything" I flustered with a flaming face like a retard right now.

and her cocky face didn't do any help. (>.<)a

"oh, I got it, Am I too handsome for you to handle when I smirk?" She drawled the Oh and tiled her head to the side, looking at me with big brown teasing eyes and I nearly exploded right then and there. My whole body thrummed and I worked my brains, racking through it for something to stop this embarrassing moment I was in right now, and I did what I did best, I blink and licked my suddenly parch lips as I averted her gazed and I huffed.

"You can smirked for all you want, I don't care" A witty remarked of mine, I thought sarcastically as I internally face-palm myself.

You couldn't blame me, I was never in this situation before and my stupid brain just took that moment and closed off.

Smooth Ellie, real smooth.

After what felt like ages, to me, Flynn chuckled brightly as if she clicking some pieced together inside her head and turned away from my face and hold me down, placing me on her chest and I sigh in relief.

I can stop stuttering now.

Her warm hand stroked my arm and suddenly I remember I was tired.

"Sleep" Flynn uttered, her voiced low as she turned off any light by her night stand remote.

I got comfortable and doze off. Safety and warmth surrounded me as I breathed in her enticing smells, smiling to myself and cuddling into her some more. She stroked my hair gently as I sleep.


I waken up, disoriented and thirsty. The bed felt softer as well as the blanket covered over my frame, then I remember I was at Flynn's. I stretched meowing like a cat, without catching any sight of her. I sat up and crossed my leg and checking my phone, contemplate on calling her. I guess she's here, she wouldn't leave me alone. I tiptoed out of her bedroom and went down the stair and then the smells of bacon and toast hit me. There she was, flipping the eggs on the stove. Then a light bulb went off in my head, as I tiptoed toward her preparing to surprised her and nearly scream myself as she turned and grabbed me instead.

"You think you can surprised me?" She smirked and I pouted.

"Can't you let me win?" I crossed my arms as she stepped away to flip the mouth watering omelet. I lift myself on to the counter and watched her worked around her kitchen.

"Need some help?" I offered grinning showing all my teeth and batted my eyelash at her.

"No need, go to kitchen island, you'll burn yourself with any of this." She gave me a look and I shrugged and went to sit in her kitchen island as she plopped down a plate filled with omelet, strips of bacon and toast. I licked my lip and inhaled the smell as I felt her sitting next to me with a plate on her own.

"You didn't give the impression as someone who can cook" I licked my lips appreciatively as I bit into the omelet.

"Not even Thank you little pig?" She said and looked at me teasingly and I swallow then nodded.

"okay, thanks you little monkey" I said with my mouth closed as I busy eating. I saw her hand reach around my waist and I raised my fork in warning.

"I love my food, don't!" I threaten and she chuckled.

We ate our food in silence and she was finished before me as always. She got up and put a glass of coke in front of me and I smiled at her gratefully.

"This is delicious, thanks you" I grinned as I sipped on the chill and crisp coke, feeling fresher than ever.

"What? Not a thank you kiss?" She took away and discarded the dirty dishes in the sink then grabbed my hand and dragged me away from the kitchen.

"In your dream" I stuck my tongue out at her childishly and she chuckled.

"I can stole it anytime little girl" She wiggling her eyebrows as we step into her room.

"You said as if you are so much older than me" I reply.

"Yeah, you are much younger, little girl" She gave me a look that I can't comprehend and she tapped the side of her head. "We do it by this" and she smirked as I fumed.

"oh really? Don't talk to someone who is stupid then" I sit on her bed and crossed my arms and legs like a child and Flynn just grinned widely at me. In one stride she already grabbed me as I struggled, ticked off by her unwavering wild grin.

"I like to, and who say who stupid?" She hold me and her face feigned confusion that seem to push me some more.

"Don't touch me" I clamped my teeth on my lower lip, glowered at her.

"What if I do?" She smiled and that did it. I got closer, faster than she can reacted and bite her upper arms, hard enough to show her my point and my teeth mark.

She screamed and grabbed my head away from her arms and I let her. Grinning like mad women as I sat there and glowed in triumphed watching Flynn rubbed her arms furiously chasing the sting away.

I giggled to her face expression and she came to grabbed me but this time I was faster as I bolted straight away to the door and run with her hot on my heel and I squealed the whole time.

She let me run for a bit then bolt straight for me and grabbed my giggling mess and threw me over her shoulder like a ragged doll as I continued to scream the whole time.

"Put me down you stupid monkey" I screamed as I stomped on her back, all the blood rushing toward my head. Where did she get that strength from?

"Did you just bite me and expect to get away from it?" She growled and smacked my butted and I gasped in shock.

"Did you just smack my butt???" I yelled at her my voiced echo through the empty house, guess that's a good thing no one's home.

"Sure, I did, you'll be shock at what I'm about to do" She threaten as she threw me onto her bed, my body bouncing and I scrambled to get away from her but she was faster this time as she pinned me down on her bed.

"What..What are you doing??" I stuttered as her other hand dancing lightly on the hem of my shirted, her face was pure smug, she probably laughing at my expression right now.

"Flynn!!" I called out her name when I feel her thumb running teasingly over my belly.

"Hmmmm?" Her husky voices told another different story than her smirking face.

In one swept she bare my belly and I shivered involuntarily but the moment stop as Flynn gone down and bite me on my belly.

I paused and screamed bloody murdered.

"I told you not to even think about playing with fire baby" She whispered to my flaming shocked face.

Did she just done what I think she has done?


Crap, there's no way out.

---End of Part 7---

Yay! Two Chappie in a night, just because my SOMEONE said so. ;D *wink* *wink*

This is for you.

Love You <3

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