Yu-Gi-Oh x Male! Reader

By clawdarkus432

130K 2.3K 319

I have never seen one of these before, so I decided to make one. Requests are welcome. More

Quattro x Male! Reader - Jealousy
Quinton x Male! Reader - Starlight
Shark x Male! Reader - I'll Keep You Safe
Vector x Male! Barian! Wolf! Reader - Banishment
Kite x Male! Reader x Quattro - Good Morning, Sweetheart
Mizar x Male! Dragon! Reader - Fate
Trey x Male! Wolf! Reader - Surprisingly
Don Thousand x Male! Astral! Reader - Unite
Kite x Male! Abused! Reader - Protect
Yuma x Male! Depressed! Reader x Shark - Far From Fixed
Shark x Male! Injured! Reader - Broken Doll
Quinton x Male! Brother! Reader x Quattro - All That Matters
Shark x Seme! Male! Reader - Just One
Dumon x Male! Barian! Dying! Reader - Last Breaths
Quattro x Demon! Male! Reader - Sweet Little Angel
Yuma x Uke! Male! Reader - Cold Nights
Kite x Male! Brother! Reader - Disagreement
Mizar x Male! Resurrected! Reader - Unbelievable
Hart x Male! Brother! Reader x Kite - Come Back To Us
Nash x Male! Barian! Reader -Chaos
Astral x Male! Ghost! Reader - Take Care
The Arclights x Male! Brother! Reader - Return
Hart x Male! Barian! Child! Reader - Similar
Quattto x Male! Barian! Reader - Sacrifice
Jaden x Male! Obelisk Blue! Reader - Opposites Attract
Zane x Male! Obelisk Blue! Cyber! Reader - I Know
Haou x Male! Prisoner! Reader - He Never Loved You
Aster x Male! Brother! Reader - I Loved You
Yuto x Male! Fusion! Reader - Forbidden Lust
Zane x Male! Dragon! Reader - You Promise?
Yuri x Male! Seme! Reader - Childish Idiot
Kaiba x Male! Seme! Reader - Always
Zane x Male! Cyber! Reader (Pt2) - You Don't Know
Quattro x Male! Fire! Reader - Fear Is Easily Overcome
Kite x Male! Experiment! Reader - Stop The Pain
Trey x Male! Brother! Reader - Better
Trey x Male! Seme! Reader - Mirror Mirror
Shark x Shark! Male! Reader - Silver Scales
Jack x Male! Reader - My King
Yugi x Male! Brother! Reader - Unanswered Questions
Kaiba x Male! Reader - Happy For You
Kaiba x Male! Scarred! Brother!Reader x Mokuba - Birthday
Yuya x Male! Shy! Reader - Insignificant Worries
Shark x Male! Assassin! Reader - Bullets
Jack x Male! Bunny! Reader - Proposal Issues
Yusei x Male! Neko! Reader - Coughs and Sniffles
Yu Boys x Male! Assassin! Dragon! Reader - Lonely
Yuri x Male! Brother! Reader - Issues
Chazz x Male! Twin! Dying! Reader - He Promised
Joey x Male! Reader - Lucky Charm
Trey x Male! Depressed! Brother! Reader - One Day
Jaden x Male! Reader - Movie Night
Jaden x Male! Reader - I Think I Did Love You
Jaden x Male! Dead! Brother! Reader x Brother! Aster - I Still Love you
Crow x Dark Signer! Male! Reader - The Darkness Welcomes You
Yusei x Male! Singer! Reader - Green-Eyed Monster

Vector x Male! Dead! Brother! Reader - I'll Always Be With You

2K 38 4
By clawdarkus432

(Italics are for flashbacks)

"You've taken your last life, Vector!" Nash pointed his sword at the insane prince, "It's time for you to pay for your crimes! You'll die, just like Marin!"

Vector chuckled at the king's words. He still didn't understand. He still didn't get it.

"No. You'll die, just like M/N!" Vector's grip on the hilt of his sword tightened, "Or do you not remember him?"

"W-Who? Who is M/N?"

Vector's anger, and insanity, intensified. He didn't remember! He honestly didn't remember killing him!

"You...You really don't remember..?"

"Do I look like I remember?" Nash snarled, preparing for a fight, "Get ready to die, Vector! I won't let you escape!"

Vector's purple eyes glazed over, and he started shaking. Tears gathered in the corners of his eyes.

"You don't...Remember..? You don't remember...Killing him..?"


"Yes, M/N?" Vector's cheek was resting on his younger fraternal twin's hair. M/N's head was resting on his shoulder, and he was smiling softly.

"You'll never leave me, right? We'll always be together, right?"

"Right!" The seven year old prince nodded wildly, smiling brightly. His brother laughed, and hugged him suddenly.

"W-Why are you hugging me?" Vector's cheeks were red with a bright blush.

"For being the best brother ever, you idiot!"

Vector stumbled away from the bodies. Blood followed him in his stride.

He'd killed them. He'd killed them all. He could hear them now, moaning in agony, their ghostly fingers reaching out to tug him down to Hell with them.

He would fight them, he decided, as he descended the stairs. Their spirits reached him, grabbing onto his limbs, dragging him, kicking and screaming, into an abyss of darkness.

If only his precious M/N was still here...If only he was still here with him...Like he promised...

"Is Father alright?"

M/N walked in, walking straight up to Vector's side. His twin linked arms with him, another sign of their affectionate bond.


Meaning: He's dying, but I don't want to hurt you with the truth.

The twins' mother smiled at them. She had always been proud of how close the two were. Most brothers would have argued mercilessly over the title of future king, but M/N and Vector had never let that come between them.

"My sons..." She walked up to them, and smiled lovingly at her children, "The messenger from the next kingdom has arrived."

Vector smiled at his mother, and then turned to his brother.

"I'll see you later."

Vector rubbed his forehead with a grunt. He looked around. That presence...It had felt so familiar. If only he could figure out where it had come from...

"Ray!" Yuma's voice echoed throughout the empty street, "C'mon! We're going to be late!"

"A-Ah! Sorry, Yuma!" Vector ran after his 'friend', trying to forget the eerie feeling of loneliness that was welling up in his chest.

"Vector!" Two hands grabbed onto his blade as it swung down towards his own arm, "Vector, no!"

"Why are you stopping me, M/N?" Vector said emotionlessly, his once-bright purple eyes now full with suffering, "I killed Mother and Father. I deserve to die."

"No...Vector..." M/N stared at his twin with wide, frightened eyes, "You didn't kill them...How could you possibly think that..?"

M/N didn't understand what had happened to his twin. His once loving and caring brother had become a vessel of insanity, his mental health deteriorating like nature in the winter.

The younger brother hugged Vector tightly, burying his head in his shoulder.

"It's fine, Vector," He said quietly, his grip on his brother tightening as Vector began to tremble, "I'll always be by your side, no matter what happens."

Vector clung to his head. Dark Mist gave him a strange look from the duelling field.

"Barian? What is wrong?"

"A-Agh..." Vector closed his eyes tightly as his mind was attacked by a flurry of memories that he didn't believe were his, "I-I...M-M/N..?"

His eyes flew open, and he straightened up, the pain in his skull dispersing.

"Wait...W-Who's M/N..?"

"Kill him."

M/N was on the ground, his back pressed up against the wall. His eyes were full of fear, and he was shaking wildly. His hand was clasped over his left shoulder, which was bleeding profusely.

"No. Vector, don't."

The orange-haired prince raised his blade, his eyes full of craziness and agony. The shadow of Don Thousand hovered behind him, his eyes glowing red.

"You!" M/N glared at Don Thousand, anger flashing in his E/C eyes, "What did you do to my brother?!"

"Vector is simply showing his true feelings. He never loved you."

"Vector..." M/N turned his attention back to his brother, "No, that's not true!"

"Goodbye, brother." Vector spat. His blade sailed downwards, and pierced M/N in the chest.

"N-No..." M/N's eyes widened in horror, blood trickling from his lips as the sword dug into his chest, "Vector...N-No..."

The purple-eyed prince pulled his sword away, staring at his dying brother with soulless eyes.

"Vector..." M/N reached over and grabbed hold of Vector's ankle with his bloodied hand, "I-I still...L-Love you...My b-brother...I'll a-always be...By your...S-Side..."

The life disappeared from M/N's eyes, and his body fell limp at Vector's feet.

"Good..." Don Thousand's vice was edged with delight at his success, "Now, for as long as I live, you will remember...Nash killed M/N!"

Don Thousand released his control on Vector, just for a moment.

"H-Huh?" He orange-haired prince rubbed his head in confusion, "What just happened..?"

He glanced down at the growing pool of blood on the floor, and the still-warm body lying at his feet.

"M-M/N..?" He dropped to his knees, and lifted M/N's body into his arms, "M/N? W-Who..? Who did this to you?!"

The prince started to cry, his head bent over his brother's mangled body.

"Nash..." Vector said the name as though it was poison, "He did this. He killed you!"

He clutched M/N's body close, a look of complete fury taking over his features.

"I'll kill him! He won't get away with this!"

He threw his head back with a scream of anger.



The newly-minted Heartland Academy student looked up from his desk. He looked around, and frowned. He was alone in his room, hunched over his homework.

"Uh, hello? Anyone?"

"I promised to always be with you, Vector."

The purple-eyed ex-Barian jumped to his feet, his confusion being replaced by anger.

"Who's there?"

"Goodbye, Vector. I hope, one day, you'll remember me."

The voice, and the strange presence that came with it, was gone. Vector frowned.

"What do you mean? Who are you?!"

This time, he didn't get an answer. Strangely, that left him feeling...Empty, as though he'd forgotten something incredibly important.

"Oh, well. I'm sure it was nothing."

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PLEASE DONT READ IF YOU DONT LIKE DIRTY FANFICS. This is my first story so please be nice.
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This is not my picture, and this is my first lemon I have ever written. Some of my friends think its cute, but I'd like feedback from you, please.
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hi! it's kinda my first time writing a story... I tried to publish some but it didn't really work out, but I hope you enjoy this story😅
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This is my first work so be nice plz