The Rose that Grew from Concr...

By XstaceyJones

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Did you hear about the rose that grew from a crack in the concrete? Proving nature's laws wrong it learned ho... More

Empty Prayers
Close my Eyes
Sister Sister
-New Beginning-
-Mixed Emotions-
-Writings on the wall-
Letting Go
Silent Night
-Situations: Midnight Run-
-Situations: Two Face-
Situations: Beauty School Drop In
-Friday Night Lights-
Opportunity Calls
The Caged Bird
Moving too fast
-Birds, Bees, and Bitches-
~Opportunity Calls pt. 2~
~When Doves Cry~
~Hard to Get~
~Inspector Gadget~
~Thick and Thin~
~First Class Trip~
~Girl Meets world~
~Just Kickin it~
~Girl meets world pt.2~
~Friend with Benefits~
~Playing with Fire~
~Never Lie~
~Game Proof~
~Sweet 16~
~Get Around~
~Two Wrongs~
~Talkin about~
~Woman to Woman~
~Happily ever after...not~
~Their Eyes were watching....~
~Noelle's Joint~
~So Gone~
~So Gone pt. 2~
~Runaway Love~
~Ultimate Relationship~
~Best of Me~
~Woman to Woman pt.2~
~Fireworks pt.2~


172 8 2
By XstaceyJones


Now Tionne I am going to be gone for two nights are you sure you can handle both of them? Mama I got them now go and we'll see you in a couple of days. Okay I left yall some money for food and if you need anything your Uncle Tony is 10 minutes away. Mama she's got it I said looking up from my book. See mama even Noelle knows I got it. Alright you got it Kayo should be back in a few hours and yall know the curfew, and please don't have Noelle...Mama I got it I know how to take care of them. Fine I am going she said grabbing her bag. I'll be back and don't mess up my house either. We won't Ti and I said as she left.

So Titi what are we doing while mama is gone? I don't know what you wanna do baby girl? Um let's go to the movies? The movies, what you trying to see at the movies? I wanna see a scary movie. Scary movies; now you know mama don't let you watch scary movies. I know but mama not here and I know you like scary movies to I said nudging her. Hmm... I don't know Noelle cause I'll be damned if you have bad dreams and be trying to sleep with me. I promise I won't Ti, I'll be okay. You promise! Promise Titi! Alright let's see what's playing and when's it showing she said pulling out the newspaper for the movie times. She started looking through the movies naw that's way too scary mama will kill me if I take you to see that. What about Dolls that shouldn't be that scary hell it's a movie about dolls. The next show time in 30 minutes come on if we are gonna make it there in time.

We made it to the movie theater within 10 minutes. Can we get 2 tickets for Dolls? The movie attendant looked at me and then looked at Ti. Is that your daughter? Is that your business Ti snapped back her. You aint gotta get smart she said snatching the money from her. Cover your ears Noelle. I know when Ti says that she's about to go off on somebody. I covered them but not enough to where I couldn't hear what she was saying. Listen here you bald headed bitch don't worry about that being my daughter or not you just worry about giving me the correct damn ticket and change back. And don't ever in yo life snatch money out of my hand. The girl just looked at her and slid the tickets and change back under the window to her. Now anything else you got to say? The girl sucked her teeth. Didn't think so, Come on Noe.

Titi you are something else I said laughing as we went into the movie theater. What that was disrespectful she didn't have to snatch the money from me. Snacks I said running to the concession stand. Alright Noelle now the agreement is I bring you to the movies and you remember that they are just movies and its not real. I know Titi no bad dreams. Okay remember that. I will! And don't tell mama I brought you to see a scary movie. I won't promise now come on. Can I get some snacks? Yeah what you want? Popcorn, M&M's, a pickle, and...hold up you not getting all of that. You're not getting sick either this weekend. Two things only! Okay popcorn and a drink. Alright tell the guy what you want.

He was too busy licking his lips at her. Eww why you looking at my sister like that? Oh ughh he started stuttering. Ti chuckled shh Noe let me handle this. Somehow I walked away with a large bag of popcorn, M&M's, a pickle, a drink and Ti didn't pay for none of it. How you do that? What? Get all of this stuff and didn't have to pay for it? I'll explain it to you when you are 16.

2 hours later we came out the movie theater. You okay Noe? Yeah I am okay I said as we drove home. That was the most terrifying movie I'd ever seen in my whole life. But I wasn't gonna tell Ti that cause I promised her that I wouldn't be afraid. Hit the shower kid and then we can watch some TV. Okay I said going into our room. I walked into the room slowly looking at the dolls that I had on my bed. All I could think about was that they were gonna grab me and drag me to hell. I quickly grabbed my night clothes and ran to the bathroom and locked the door. It was just a movie! It was a just a movie I kept repeating to myself as I bathed.


I knew that movie scared the hell out of her she been quite ever since we left the movie theater. Hey K said coming in the house. What up where you been. Hanging with my friends' mom! Boy I am not yo mama! Well you acting like it. Whatever! Where squirt at? In the shower I took her to the movies. And yall didn't invite me. Well if memory serves me correctly you were hanging with your friends. He sucked his teeth at me and rolled his eyes. So what yall go see? She wanted to see a scary movie so I took her to see Dolls. Dolls as in the scary movie Dolls? Yeah she said she could handle it. You know she cannot handle that movie she gon be up all night long. We'll see how she reacts I said chuckling. You wrong and you know mama gone get you for it. No she won't cause Noelle is fine she's not gonna have any problems. Mhm if you say so he said shaking his head.

What we watching she said coming out the bathroom with her hair products so I could braid her hair for her. I was thinking we go light kid, watch some Good times or something funny to get our minds off of that scary movie. It wasn't really that scary Ti. Okay Noe well then we can watch something else if you want to. I finished her hair and we started watching The Cosby's. Ironically enough it was the episode where Cliff ate the sausage sandwich and ended up with the monsters. 15 minutes into the show we look over and Noelle is knocked out. So far so good she ain't have no nightmares I said to K. I'll go put her in the bed and then we can watch the real movie he said picking her up off the couch to go put her in the bed.

Finally now we can watch the real scary movie. Nightmare on Elm Street I said popping the tape in. We'd just gotten to the part where Freddy Krueger is chasing the girl through the boiler room when Noelle comes flying into the living screaming and crying.

Oh Shit me and Kayo both scream as we both jump off the couch and ran in different directions. They're coming to get me. They're gonna take my soul and kill me she said as she ran around the living room. It took me all of 5 minutes to realize that this girl was still asleep and didn't comprehend anything that was going on around her. Noelle I said trying to grab her. No don't take my soul! Please don't take my soul! Noelle I said shaking her more so she would wake up. K! I looked around and this nigga done ran up out the house! Noelle is still over here screaming like we trying to kill her. Noelle I said shaking her a little harder. She finally snapped awake.

Titi she said grabbing me! Titi the dolls they were gonna take my soul and I am gonna go to hell. Come here Noelle it was just a bad dream I said rubbing her back as she cried. No Titi they said they were coming to get me and take me away to hell with them. I should have never let you watch that movie. Is she okay K finally said coming back in the house? Where the hell did you run off too? Man I thought it was Freddy Kruger coming after us. Really you thought a 9 year old little girl was Freddy Kruger? Yo she came flying out of there like a bat out of hell. And you really can't talk I saw you run and hide under the table.

Noelle look at us it was not real okay, none of it was real. You sure? I promise you I said extending my pinky to her. Okay she said intertwining her pinky with mine. Titi promise you won't let them take my soul. I promise they aren't it wasn't real okay.


Man I ain't trying to go to sleep right now I said as we sat there. Me either Ti said. KK can you get the dolls out of my room. It wasn't real Noelle remember Ti told you. I know but I don't like dolls anymore I am good with keeping my soul. Kayo just go get and put them in mama's closet. Fine yall always send me to do the dirty work. Cause you a boy of course we're sending you Noelle said with a straight face. Aye you better be nice to me or i'll leave one under your bed. Kayo! I am playing I said going to their room to get all of her dolls

Dang I didn't realize how many dolls this girl had till I had to get them all out of her room. I got like 15 of them out of her room and put them in mama's closet. I got them all out of the room squirt you can sleep in your room now. Naw I am cool I don't need sleep she said cleaning up her face. For real you don't need sleep? Nope I don't. Okay if you think you can hang with the big dogs. I don't even know what time it was when we fell asleep, but I woke up a like 5 hours later and Noelle was still up eating cereal watching TV like she was on crack or something.

Noelle girl you still up? Yup sure am, I ain't sleeping no time soon. Man you know you gon have to sleep again when mama come home. Mhm whatever you say she said continuing to eat her cereal. I looked on the couch and Ti was knocked all the way out like for real. We should mess with Ti. You kidding me right? I'd rather let the dolls take my soul than mess with her while she's sleep. I ain't afraid of her like you are. Okay do what you do but I ain't got nothing to do with that she moving to the other couch.

I went over and started messing with Ti's ear and neck. Uhh man Trey stop that shit she mumbled. Who the hell is Trey I said in a deep voice. She sat straight up when I said that. She looked at me and I started laughing. You got to the count of three to get the hell away from me before I knock the hell out you Kayo. Mhm so who is Trey? 1...that's your other nigga one the side....2....Don't worry I ain't gone tell on you....3. She lunged at me and started throwing them hands. Okay Okay I'll leave you alone I said trying to protect my face from her fists. That's what I thought you need to learn how to leave folks alone when they sleeping. I told him Titi Noelle said still eating her cereal. You supposed to be on my side. I am on the side of the cereal and her not hitting me like she just hit you she said laughing. Noelle knows whats up and she know not to mess with me. Damn for you to be so little you hit hard as hell. Yeah I know and remember it too she said getting off the floor and going toward the bathroom.


What you wanna do today Noelle since mama not here. Don't I usually go to my god mom's house on Saturdays? Yeah but she's out of town too so what you wanna do? Uh I don't know it's gonna be hot we should go swimming or something. Me swimming I think not Noelle. Come on Titi you know you like swimming. Yeah but I am not about showing my body like that. Titi there is nothing wrong with your body. I am all skinny and ain't nobody trying to see that. Well I think you look fine so can we please go swimming? Fine we can go but we not gonna be out there all day and you better not cause no trouble. Please Titi me cause trouble I said giving her my straight face. I don't trust you little girl. Why not Titi I am so innocent. Mhm sure you are.

We finally got to the pool and it was already packed. Like 4th of July all your family is there packed. Dang Titi its already packed. I know come on I see some of my friends over here she said as we walked over to this group of guys. What up Ti? We ain't think we'd see you of all people here at the pool. Well my little sister wanted to come out so you know. What up cutie one of the guys said? What's your name? Noelle why you wanna know? Oh yeah that's your sister she got that prissy attitude. You know how I do. Noe that's Dallas, wait...wait... his name is Dallas like the city in Texas? Yeah they all said laughing. Man don't tell her yo last name, one of the other dudes said. Man I ain't worried about this little girl he said. Anyway that's Pat, Marquez, and that's Trey. Trey I said stopping Ti again. Yeah Trey. Oh okay I said laughing a little.

She narrowed her eyebrows at me before finishing and this is Dev. What's that short for? Deveyne! Oh that's cool. Titi you don't have friends that are girls? Naw I don't mess with the females they too messy. Oh okay. My little sister over there with my cousin if she wanna go over there Dev said pointing to a group of girls in the pool. You wanna go? Yeah! Okay well be careful and don't get too far in the water. Okay Titi but let me ask you a question real quick I said pulling her away. What's up? Is that the Trey that was at our house that one time? How you know he was at our house? Oh nothing I just wanted to check I said running off to the pool.

Hi I said approaching the girls. And who are you one of the girls said? I am Noelle I said giving her a slight mean mug. Aye you Ti's little sister right? Yeah! Oh she cool yall. I am Amber, that's Brianna, and this is Cali. Like California are you related to that that dude that's named after the city in Texas? They all started laughing. No its Kali with a K like Kaliandria. Oh that's cute I like that. Thank you girl. I like your braids who hooked you up with those? My big sister she always doing my hair for me.

So yall swimming or what? Girl we don't swim we come to the pool to look cute for the boys. What boys? Those boys over there Kali said pointing to a group of boys my age on the other side of the pool playing around. They aren't even paying attention to us though. We know that but when they do we want to be looking right. Okay I said sliding into the pool next to them.

So what grade you in Noelle, Brianna said looking at me. I am in 4th grade. Really you're in 4th grade you look a lot older than what 9 or 10. How old do I look? At least 13 or 14. Wow no one's ever said that. Well you do. I mean you already have breast I didn't get breast till I turned 11 at least. How old are you if you don't mind me asking? I am 14, Amber is your age, and Brianna is 11. Oh okay. Is it not normal for girls in the 4th grade to have boobs? I've never seen girls have them but I guess you just matured faster than other girls. I looked down at my chest and realized that in comparison to them I was much more developed then them. For only 9 years old I did look a lot different than they did.

Don't sweat it girl, every one matures at different times Kali said nudging me.


So moms aint in town for real so you know we having a kick back yo house tonight? Hell naw yall not rolling over to my house. My mama is not going to kill me. Come on now it's just a few of us we gon chill out. Yeah I don't believe you Dallas you gon roll through with all them niggas and then I won't be able to get yall to leave and besides I got Noelle. She not gon snitch on you. You think! What if we bring the girls through they can hang out in yalls room watch movies our something. Against my better judgement I agreed to let them come through. Fine but no more than 10 of yall for real I am not trying to get my ass kicked by my mama. Man don't worry it'll be all good Dallas said dapping up Pat.

We having folks over to the house? Yeah Noe and look I need you to do me a favor and you gotta keep this between us. Between us! Yeah remember what I told you I got your back as long as you got mine. So who all is coming over? The guys I introduced you to earlier and Dev gon bring his cousins so you can have someone to hang out with. What about K? He's bringing a few of his friends over too. So we having a house party? She said dancing around in her seat. Girl naw we ain't having a house party I said laughing. We are too! But I got you Titi I won't say nothing to mama! Good girl!

Hey Ti can I ask you something? Yeah what's up? Is it weird that I have boobs already? No some girls mature faster than others. So it okay that I wear a training bra already? Yeah Noelle, why you asking? I was talking to the girls and they said I look older than what I really am and that had never seen a girl my age with boobs already. Every girl is different, look at me I am way older than you and I don't have big boobs. She looked real nervous while we were talking. Noelle don't be self-conscious about it some girls have them and some don't what's important is that you never let anyone get into your personal space and touch you there or the other place. I know she said gulping. Okay so don't worry about it.

2 hours later and everyone was coming into the house. That's what I am talking about Dallas said coming into the house. Naw nigga this ain't what we talking about I told you 10 people its damn near 20 folks in here. Man chill out Titi its just us kicking it ain't nothing gon happen. Nothing better not happen or I am kicking yo ass no lie Dallas. Try me if you want too. Man you trying to play some bones with us or not? Yeah come on I said pulling out the dominos. 10 nigga I said slamming the domino down on the table.

Titi! Yeah Noe whats up? What you doing? Playing dominos what you need. I am hungry can we order pizza or something? Yeah Ti lets order some food up in this bi...aye watch your mouth around my sister! I mean lets get some food in this house. Mhm, yall chipping in cause I ain't paying for all of yall. I got 10 on it Pat said. I got 10 to the other guys said. Alright, Noe let me finish this hand then I'll order the pizza. Okay Titi she said running off. Man she something else I bet. You don't have no clue that little girl is crazy as hell I said laughing.

If you don't mind me asking where she come from? What you mean? I mean you ain't always have a little sister and then all of the sudden you got one. Its complicated but my mom found out about her and she needed a home. If yall knew her story man yall be in tears. That bad Ti! That bad, for 6 months she had nightmares until she got comfortable with us. Dang she got any siblings or anything? She got a brother but he in Juvie. Juvie! Yeah we not gonna discuss why he's there though. Domino I said putting down my last one, what yall got? Nothing from me? Nada! You got 10 off me, Dev said. Cool let me order this pizza before she come back in here.


We were back in Ti and my room watching movies. So this your room Kali said. Yeah I gotta share it with my older sister but its cool. Oh she like Prince she said going to the dresser. Hey don't touch her stuff I promise you don't want those problems. Tionne likes me she wouldn't hurt me. She like kayo too but I've seen her beat him up too. She quickly put the tape back on Ti's dresser. So where you go to school at cause you don't go to our school. I go to Crestview. Crestview! How your mama get you into that school. What do you mean? That school is on the other side of town and full of bougie white folks so how you go to school there. I don't know that's just where she enrolled me at.

You like it over there? Its alright I guess, I mean some of the girls are kind of mean to me cause they can't figure out what I am. What you are! Yeah I am to light to be black but to tan to be white so they don't know what I am. Anybody can clearly tell you are black Noelle, Kali said. Well they can't they are always asking how my hair is so long and why its different from the other black girls at the school. They are just dumb don't worry about them.

Yall hang around the guys a lot right? We don't hang around them but they take us places why? What's up that Trey guy? Why you got a crush on him? Hell naw I just wonder because I saw him talking to my sister. He cool I guess kind of a loner but I see him with Dallas a lot. Oh Okay I was just wondering. So what do you like to do Noelle, I see all of Ti's stuff in the room but you don't have a lot of stuff. I like art, reading, and writing. That sounds boring you don't like anything exciting like dancing or music or movies. Yeah I like all of that stuff but I also like to keep to myself.

So who is your favorite singer then? It's a tossup between Whitney and Janet. Really Whitney even after all the rumors. What Rumors. Well they saying she's gay and she been having an relationship with her manager Pat. She is not gay! That's what they are saying because they spend so much time together. I spend a lot of time with my sister so does that make me gay? No that's different that's your sister Pat is not Whitney's sister. Whatever I just know that Whitney is not gay. If you say so they said laughing. Don't get so defensive girl, there are a lot of gay women around. Like who? I don't know but I am sure there are.

Man I wish we could go out into the living room with everyone else Audrey said. I know but you know as soon as they see us they gon be like "get yalls asses back in that room". Yup I can already her Ti now "Noelle is you crazy". She be beating you up girl? Naw but I know she don't play that and she will snatch me up with the quickness. Let's just watch the movie until they tell us the pizza is here. Or we could play truth or dare. Truth or dare. Yeah of course our dares will be limited to this room but it'll be fun. Yeah let's play. Noelle Truth or Dare?


Yo somebody at the door Tionne! It's probably the pizza folks open the door! Man why you aint tell me you was ordering pizza. Didn't think I needed too she said walking in front of the TV. Move now come on. Aye that's my video game anyway. Ti move now! Whatever she said going to answer the door. How much? 55 even! Yo somebody got another 10 she yelled back into the house. Here I said handing it to her. Thanks! Keep the change she said before closing the door. Pizza here she yelled through the house.

Man turn that up my home boy said as we turned up the music and the quiet chill session turned into a house party. Ti was somewhere with her crew, Noelle and the other little girls were in the back watching movies, while me and my crew were chilling out in the living room. Yo you trying to blaze up with us? Hell naw not in my momma house and definitely not while my sister here she'll kick my ass and then my mama will do it again. Naw yo sister is chill she won't mind. You think shed kick yo ass too. Don't let her size fool you. Well let's go out to the back then that way we won't be in the house and it won't smell up nothing. Alright cool.

On our way out to the back yard I see Ti talking to that nigga Trey in the hallway. They were pretty close to each other, he was all up in her ear and she was eating up the attention. Mhm I'd throw salt in her game but she's evil and she come after me 10 times harder after that. We went to the back and blazed for a little bit and before I knew it was like 6 in the morning and the sun was coming up. Oh damn yall is the sun coming up? Is that what that orange light is? Yeah it is! Damn yall better get going I don't want my mama to roll up and yall still here. Yeah you right peace out! Yeah catch yall later I said going back in the house. Dang I said looking at the house. Mama gon kill us if she see the house looking like this.

Man where you been Ti said coming out the living room with a trash bag? I was out back, where you been I been in here trying to get all these niggas up out of here before mama come home. Kayo you high she said looking me dead in the eye? Naw I am cool right now. You better be because we need to get this house in shape before mama get back or it's our ass for real! We spent the next few hours cleaning every inch of that house getting rid of any proof that anyone else had been there besides the 3 of us.

We got everything cleaned just in time for mama to come home. Whew that was close Ti said falling on the couch. I know! Noelle sleep? Nope I am up I told yall I am not sleeping. Little girl you gon have to sleep eventually. Nope I am good! Hey yall mama said coming into the house. Hey mama! How was everything? There were no problems right? Uhh none at all mama how was your trip? It was good definitely need to go back again. I miss seeing that side of the family. That's good mama. So what did yall do while I was gone she said looking around. Nothing really just kicked it here at the house. Oh okay she said looking at us.

Noe...well yall wore her out she said looking at Noelle passed out on the couch. Aint this a blip Ti said laughing. She finally went to sleep. I got her I said picking her up off the couch to go lay her in her bed.

KK yeah Noe! Make sure they don't take my soul. They won't don't worry big brother is here to protect you. Love you KK! Love you to Noe! I put her in the bed and she was knocked out cold. I fixed the blankets and made sure she was good before heading out the room. She for real asleep Ti said? Yeah she knocked out cold. Good she won't tell then she said laughing.

Tionne why are all of Noelle's dolls in my closet mama said coming out with a confused look!


I've literally been waiting like almost a month and a half to post this one chapter, lol because it was hilarious to me.  This is the chapter where we see Noelle, Kayo, and Ti really bond with one another.  I've slacking a little on this story because I've been finishing up a couple of other stories that I am working on as well. But I promise more updates coming soon. 

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