Pregnant And Rejected?

By Official_Hope

867K 21.8K 1.3K

"You're nothing, useless, worthless, and I don't love nor need you" William said to me. "I Lexi Adams, mate o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
Chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32 (A/N Is very important)
chapter 33
chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57

Chapter 7

27.8K 667 47
By Official_Hope

Every time he took a step towards me I took a step away from him.

"Lexi what's wrong?" I wasn't ready to be around him if he smelled like that. It brought back to many horrible memories. It hurt. Even if William wasn't here it smelled like he was.

"I'm Sorry Brayden, but smell like him...A LOT like him" I closed my nose with my hand so I could try and block out his sent a little.

"Hun the shower is upstairs. Lexi go sit down in the living room. Brayden if you would please go and take a shower So that Lexi is more comfortable with you here" my mom was great at wording things. I was very greatful for her gift now. Even though as a child I was always in trouble because of that!

"Lexi I have to talk to You" I heard my dad from the living room. Whenever we "talk" it's never something good.

"What's up dad?" I plopped down on the couch with Danny by my side. To be completely honest I forgot he was here until he Sat down.

"Well Lexi your br-" he was cut off by a knock at the door. "Dame kid always comes at the wrong times"

"Who is It?" why was my dad so upset about a visitor? Weird.

"Now honey don't be mad, but it's your brother" what? No. He doesn't deserve to be here.


"Because he is my son and he needs help right now" his voice sounded angry. Does he not remember what Jay did to me? Like come on he was the one who drove me to the hospital every time. Okay you see when I was little Jay would always find a way to hurt me. He would push me down the stairs, pull my hair, push me on the swing, etc... I haven't talked to him since he put me back in the hospital when I was fourteen. By then he was eighteen so he was going out to search for his mate so he was leaving already. But did he get a bye from me? Hell no! He got nothing. Because he deserves nothing.

"I just got away from William and now I have to deal with him" I plopped back down on the couch and just sighed.

"Look Lexi. He has been through a lot lately and he really really REALLY needs help right now" now He sounded more like he was asking for my blessing. I would have said no, but I didn't want my dad mad.

"Whatever answer the stupid door"

"Umm I think I should go. This isn't my place to be here. I'll lett my self out the back" Danny got up and left. Wow! What the hell. Was today just mess with Lexi day or something? Uuuggh!!

'I hate people!' I told my wolf. She obviously agreed.

' And I hate hearing you whine, but whatever know one thinks about the wolf'

'you whine to mouth' she was sassy today.

'not as much As youuu' ugh she's right. I was mouthy today

I was about to just go upstairs, but them I heard a scream and what they said I had to be dreaming

"AUNTIE LEXI!!!" WHAT?! Who? What? Who?! What the heck?!

"Lexi?!" Jay ran towards me and hugged me. I was so shocked about what I just heard I could move. I looked at the 2 little girls and a little boy standing right behind him. "Ooh yeah...umm...Lexi these are my kids" WHAT THE HELL!!! That's not something you just forget to tell your sister.

"K-kids?" I was stuttering because I was so in shock. Like seriously what the fuck is going on.

'LANGUAGE!' Mae I'm not in the mood!

'Well you have some little children you have never met before call you auntie and still not have a potty mouth!!! It hard...' all theses emotions like seriously this is hard.

"Yeah. This is Ashlyn, Emma, and Kaden " the three children just smiled at me.

"Hello auntie Lexi. I'm Emma" she walked up with a smile on her face. She had blond hair and green eyes and red glasses.

"And I'm Ashlyn!" she popped up next to Emma and she was just full of joy. She had black hair and blue eyes. She was the spitting image of Jay. But cuter of course.

"This is Kaden" the little boy with blond hair and blue eyes came up to me. But he never spoke not once.

"Kaden doesn't talk" he's mute? "He used to, but ever since Jess died" Jess was Jays mate. Usually when a wolf loses their mate they go crazy. Sometimes they go into depression and sometimes they go so crazy that it leads to death. But since Jay had kids I think they filed the whole lady I his soul. "He's been silent" I asked up to Kaden and bent form on my knees to reach his height.

"Hello Kaden" I put my at out for him to shake. Which he did like a little gentleman. But of course he said nothing just like Jay said. "My new goal in life is to have you talk to me" He didn't say anything ask he did was giggle a bit. But hey I'll take what I can get.

"Hey kids go play out back daddy had to talk to auntie Lexi for a bit" the kids did add they were told and led the room. As they were going outside I saw Kaden look back at me and smile. He knows I'm going to get him to talk! And boy is it on! I'm gonna get him. "So Lexi how have you been?" I don't know if I forgive him just yet, but those kids are making it hard to be mad at him.

"Well not to good. How have YOU been?" I don't think he knows about the whole William, rejection, and baby thing.

"Uh I've been better. Hows William?" he sounded hurt dating that. I was hurt when he said that. Will already I know dad and mom left it for me too tell him everything. Not cool mom! Not cool dad!

"Umm...I..uh..I rejected William"

"Wait why?"

"He beat me and then I caught him cheating I me"

"He beat you?! I'm gonna kill him!" buy then he wad standing up and walking back and forth around the room, but then something happen. Brayden came down stairs. Wrong timing boy. Wrong timing. Jay sniffed the air and caught Williams sent still I Brayden and her lunged at him. By then Brayden pressed up against the wall with jays hand on his neck.

Hey guys! How y'all doing? I'm doing good! Again I'm so sorry for the late update as you know I'm starting school again and school comes first. Sorry guys, but my education congress before my books. Because without my education I wouldn't know how to write and then this book wouldn't exist. Anyway I want to say thank you all for all the support you have given me on this book and I want to say a special thank you too SniperKitten726 (sorry if I messed up your name) but I want to say thank you to SniperKitten for the baby names I love them so I used some of them.

A/N: any baby name ideas?

-Hope 🐷

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