My Celebrity Housemate

Da imperfectdreamer

2.5M 55.1K 6.2K

Katelyn Valentine isn't a stereotypical high school girl. She isn't the type of girl who would crush over boy... Altro

Important Author's Note (January 2016)
My Celebrity Housemate: Prologue
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter One
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Two
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Three
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Four
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Five
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Six
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Seven
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Eight
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Nine
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Ten
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Eleven
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Twelve
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Thirteen
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Fourteen
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Fifteen
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Sixteen
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Seventeen
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Eighteen
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Nineteen
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Twenty
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Twenty-One
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Twenty-Two
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Twenty-Three
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Twenty-Four
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Twenty-Five
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Twenty-Six
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Twenty-Seven
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Twenty-Eight
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Twenty-Nine
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Thirty
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Thirty-One
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Thirty-Two
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Thirty-Three
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Thirty-Four
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Thirty-Six
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Thirty-Seven
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Thirty-Eight
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Thirty-Nine
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Forty
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Forty-One
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Forty-Two
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Forty-Three
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Forty-Four
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Forty-Five
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Forty-Six
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Forty-Seven
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Forty-Eight
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Forty-Nine
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Fifty
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Fifty-One
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Fifty-Two
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Fifty-Three
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Fifty-Four
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Fifty-Five
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Fifty-Six
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Fifty-Seven
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Fifty-Eight
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Fifty-Nine
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Sixty
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Sixty-One
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Sixty-Two
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Sixty-Three
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Sixty-Four
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Sixty-Five
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Sixty-Six
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Sixty-Seven
My Celebrity Housemate: Epilogue
My Celebrity Housemate: Credits and Extras

My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Thirty-Five

28.1K 609 37
Da imperfectdreamer

Hey guys! My laptops coming home tomorrow! 8D yes!! So I can continue writing even more from where I left off! WOOH!

Thanks for all your support guys! I'm so happy, again! :'DD LOVELOVELOVE!



Chapter Thirty-Five

School had passed by slowly. I've always known that I'm not one of those lucky people, but I've never imagined myself in this position.

          I can't believe I told Drake off. I can't believe I broke up with him. And he's not like some nobody, he's a huge somebody in school, and I, as a nobody, broke up with him. I feel horrible now, and all his fan girls just look like they're ready to kill me.

          Apparently during the scene where I 'told him off' one of those gossiper had overheard the whole conversation, and sure enough the gossip had spread like wildfire, now almost the whole school knows. Is it just me or am I having a horrible year this year?

          Let's count all the times, shall we?

1.     I was being blamed for being 'mean' to Alex Monreaux for yelling at him on his first day of school.

2.     I was being gossiped about for punching Alex Monreaux on the face due to a misunderstanding, which isn't fair.

3.     I was being accused of a slut all over the world for that stupid rumor, although it's been solved, but my image is polluted.

4.     I was on the edge of being expelled for something that I didn't do. If it wasn't for Alex I wouldn't even be doing this list right now.

5.     Now, I'm being hissed at for dumping the school's biggest hottie/pig just because I'm the blamed victim.

Now, if that isn't an awful year, then I don't know what is. And the worst part is the year isn't even over yet.

          "Class dismissed!" the teacher exclaimed as the whole class stood up to leave the room. I was probably the last one to leave. I seriously don't want to step out of class right now. You won't know if a bunch of Drake fan-girls are out there with a pitchfork, all armed up to get me.

          I had hesitated for a long time (well, not very long actually, a couple of minutes or so, but it felt like an eternity back then) and finally stepped out of the class courageously, probably just praying my hardest that his fan-girls won't hurt me. I looked around alarmingly, pretty sure that it's safe before I made my way down the hallway.

          Great. Just great. She is officially one of the last people who I want to see right now.

          Walk away. Walk away. Walk away.


          Darn it.

          "Hello." I faked a smile, obviously hoping that Natalie isn't going to kill me. "Well, just heading to class, nothing big and all..."

          "You broke up with Drake?"

          "I didn't have a choice!" I groaned. "Why is everyone asking me that? Is that so much of a deal? I mean, argh, whatever." I sighed. "Oh, wait, I'm sorry about you and Drake..."

          "Who cares? He's a pig." She said wryly. "That guy is probably not worth anyone's time, anyway."

          "I guess you can say that." I shrugged, smiling at the words that she had just said. "So..."

          "Oh yeah, by the way, I don't really get why'd you dislike that Alex guy. I thought he's pretty nice." She said suddenly.

          "Uh, it's not like I dislike him." I muttered.

          "Well, you shouldn't if you do. He's really sweet. I haven't met a nice guy in a long time. I just had class with him earlier, at least he's talking to me." She beamed.

          "Oh, ha-ha, right." I said uncertainly. "Didn't know that you two get along that well, ha-ha."

          "Yeah, I know right? I certainly have not seen this coming. I mean, he's a year younger and all, if you know what I mean." She chuckled. "This sort of makes my break up with Drake makes sense. Maybe the reason why we broke up was because, well I deserve someone else."

          "Eh?" What does that mean?

          "Oh, you know, like Drake and I aren't meant to be together, blah-blah-blah." She said. "I guess that just goes to show that not every relationship with the cute guy works out."

          "So, who's that someone else?" I asked instead.

          "Who knows?" she shrugged. "Maybe I already know him."


          "I'm having classes with Alex next, so see you around." She waved briskly and walked away.

          I didn't know why, but I had a sudden twist of emotions within me. Did I dislike Alex? Do I still? I don't think so...

          And what does she mean by that?

-Alex's P.O.V-

"I don't think that any girl could have a worse boyfriend, ever."

          Natalie was finishing her last (or was said to be the last for the tenth time) complain about Drake and we only had five minutes left of class. Okay, I'm going to be brutally honest right now that I wasn't even listening to her. Fine, you might say 'What's so brutal about that?', well, ask a girl, any girl, and tell them that you're not listening to them while they were yakking away about something, then you'll know what I'm talking about.

          Anyway, I was really trying to concentrate in class, but I couldn't, and now we only had five minutes left, and I still couldn't concentrate. Looks like I won't be learning anything after all.

          "...and that time when Drake forgot to bring me roses on..."

          Sometimes I wonder if Natalie was really faking the tears. I mean, just in the beginning of class she was sitting right next to me, sobbing so loudly that the whole class was staring at her, and she was saying things like Drake was a meanie and things, and since no one else in class knows her, I had to be the one to comfort her for ten minutes straight.

          Well, she sure seems pretty un-heartbroken to me right now. And they say laughter is the best medicine...

          "...and now he cheats on me with Kate!" she finished off.


          "Duh, haven't you been listening?" Nope.

          "I meant, what about Kate?"

          "Well, Drake cheated on me for Kate! I knew that they had something going on. He told me that they were just friends, and now they're dating, and it appears that they dated before we broke up!" she snapped at thin air.

          "I wouldn't put it that way..."

          "I mean, yeah, I know that Drake is cute and all, but that doesn't give her the rights to come and snuggle up to him when he's already in a relationship."

          "Wait, I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding..."

          "It's not like I hate her or anything, I completely respect her as a friend, or an almost-friend, I know that she's not one of those girls who are born to sabotage your life, but still, what gives?"

          "Natalie." I said sternly, trying to get her attention. Sure enough she actually stopped talking for the very first time. "It's just a misunderstanding. Drake was the one who made everything complicated, anyway."

          "Yeah I know, which was why I was complaining about him in the first place. Were you really listening to me?" she asked demandingly that it almost seems scary.


          "...and your homework for today is to study page seventy-two from your textbook. I'm giving you a pop quiz next class. Class dismissed!"

          Saved by the bell.

          "Oh well, that was quick." She shrugged and I couldn't help but sighed in relief. "So, what are you doing now?"

          "Uh...going home?" I said dumbly.

          "Oh, so you don't have any plans?" she beamed.

          "OH, uh..." say something dammit. "A-Actually I do."


          "Yeah, uh, I've made plans with um...Delaney–"


          "No, no, I meant, uh, Ryan." I stammered.

          "Now that I believe." She laughed slightly. "Okay then, maybe we should hang out sometime. See you tomorrow?"

          "Yeah, see ya'."

          Way to let your tongue run like that, Alex.

          I don't even know how I managed to make that sound convincing, which then again wasn't convincing, but she took it and that's all that matters. It's not like I don't like Natalie and all, I just need to give my ear a little rest. Yeah, that's all, nothing personal. Now, what on earth gave her the idea that I would make plans with Ryan? No offence, of course.

          "Hello Alex!"

          "Hi." I stared in shock. Who is this again...?

          "Remember me?" she grinned.


          "You don't? Poop." She frowned. "I'm Joanne!"

          "Oh, yeah, right." I muttered. "Am I supposed to know you...have we met?"

          "Of course you're supposed to know me! I'm the founder of the Alex-Monreaux fan-club! The only person who is keeping your fans alive, mister, so I expect something back!" she pasted a broad smile.

          "Okay, so what do you expect?"

          "Oh, I dunno..." she began to play with her hair. "A strand of your hair, a hand shake, a hug...a *mumble*..."

          "What was that?"

          "Nothing!" she squealed. "Aren't you glad that you have fans who are crazy for you everywhere you go?"

          "It ain't that fun."

          "HEY!" a sharp scream came pouring out of no where. "Didn't you say that I am the official leader of the club now?!"

          "Oh! Well, yeah!" Joanne begin to stutter. "But I, as former leader, have the rights to be claimed as leader too!"

          "No you don't! I, as leader, proudly declare that you have no rights to the club anymore." Said Delaney.

          "Uh...this is really getting I should just leave..." I murmured and walked a few steps away.


          "Oh my gosh, can people please stop appearing out of no where?" I breathed to myself.

          "Sorry." Said Kate apologetically. "Um, so, are you ready to go? Delaney and Ryan are heading over to our place to get our assignment done."

          "What assignment?" I asked.

          "Oh, just some assignment that you don't have to take care of. Transfer students always get to be excused." She frowned. "Ryan is probably already waiting for us outside. C'mon Delaney, we're leaving!"

          "Okay!" she said gaily. "Hello Alex, I am officially the leader of YOUR FANCLUB! Can you BELIEVE It or WHAT?!" she shrieked.

          "I'm gonna go with what."

          "Okay, that's enough guys." Said Kate, obviously annoyed with all the shrieking. "Can we go now? Because I don't wanna be here anymore."


          "Oh, you'll find out why." Kate said as we continued towards the doors.

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