The Outsiders Imagines (on ho...

By ThatWaywardKid

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It says it all in the title :) (I DO NOT OWN THESE CHARACTERS THE AMAZING S.E. HINTON DOES.) More

Ponyboy: How You Met.
Johnny: How You Met.
Steve: How You Met
Dally: How You Met
Darry: How You Met
Two-Bit: How You Met.
Sodapop: How You Met
How He Asks You Out (continued)
Where You Went Out & What You Did
First Kiss
Johnny Imagine: Meeting the Gang.
Sodapop: Jealousy
Dally: Big Brother
Ponyboy: Rumble
Sodapop: Jealously (continued)
Two-Bit: Prankster
Steve: Bestfriend v. Boyfriend
Darry: Flashbacks
Johnny & Ponyboy: Just Last Night.(Part 1)
Dally: Big Brother (continued)
Ponyboy: The Rumble (continued)
Johnny & Ponyboy: Just Last Night (part 2)
Two-Bit: First Fight
Ugh Author's Note!
Darry: Rushing
Steve: Its Time
Ponyboy, Johnny & Dallas: Dancing
Darry: Jealousy
Johnny: Why Do You Hate Me...
Steve: How He Finds You Attractive
First Time At The Beach
Two-Bit: Sleepless Nights
Curtis Brothers: When Your Parent (s) Pass Away.
Dally: Meeting Your Parents
Author's Note!
Ponyboy & Johnny: Just Last Night (Part 3)
When He Passes Away...
When You Can't Sleep.
Authors Note!
Your Anniversary.
Sodapop: Broken Up
The Boys & Rumbles
Ponyboy: Confessions (The Rumble continued)
Ponyboy & Johnny: The Park
Steve & Sodapop: Brothers
Dally: Commons
Sodapop: Just Friends
Two-Bit: Hangovers
Ponyboy: Protective
New Book!
He Finds Your Journal
You Guys Get A Pet!
Your Birthday!
If Opposites Attract...
Your First Time...
Dallas: Deployed
Authors Note!!
Two-Bit: About Last Night
The Day Is Here!
Steve: Night Terrors
Dally: The Death Of Me.
Two-Bit: Comforting
Johnny: Wishing Well
Ponyboy: Football Games
Sodapop: Lights Out
Johnny: Those Hospital Nights
Sodapop: Sick
Darry:"I Had That."
Two-Bit: The Cake
Dally: The Truth
Darry: Unlikely Love
Patrick Swayze!
The Swayze Birthday Spam: Trying
The Swayze Birthday Spam: Walk By
Dallas: The Other Guy
Darry: Moods
Two-Bit: Studying
Writing Suggestions?
Spam Coming Soon
Valentines Day Special! (so late lol)
...Sup Guys

How He Asks You Out.

618 12 0
By ThatWaywardKid

A/N I realized it takes longer doing individual imagines so I'm just going to put them together. Don't worry I'll still do single ones.

PONYBOY: After track practice you stayed a little later after hitting the showers. You were stopped by the sunset. You just stood there admiring everything until you felt a soft hand on your shoulder. It was Ponyboy.

"You like sunsets too?" He asked with a small smile. "Yeah, I watch them every chance I get," you were still looking until the colors started to fade. "And then that's the end of the story. See you tomorrow Pony."

You and Ponyboy have grown a friendship for the past months. What you didn't know was Pony had feelings for you.

"Hey (Y/N) wait up, I need to ask you something." He caught up and grabbed your hand making you blush furiously. "What's up?"

"I was kind of wondering if you'd go out w-with me." You didn't know what to do at that point so you threw yourself into a hug feeling Ponyboy hug you back. "So is that a yes," Ponyboy asked between a chuckle. "Of course." You answered hugging tighter.

JOHNNY: Ever since you've gotten jumped, Johnny has always been by your side. You two have gotten so close you started to catch feelings. You really wanted it to become something more.

"Johnny can I talk to you about something." You looked down. "What's up (Y/N)?"
"We've gotten really close ever since my... incident and I-I kind of have.." you were interrupted by Johnny. "(Y/N) will you go out with me?

You stood there kind of shock then happiness took over.

STEVE: You and (Y/BF/N) have probably been in Tulsa for about a 2 to 4 months and you loved it besides that fact that you have been hanging out with Steve since then. It wasn't hard to see you two had feeling just never made it more.

Steve might seem like the guy to ask you out no sweat but actually he was shy in this type of situation.

You woke up, did your daily routine then went to work. You had gotten a job at the Dingo. Like you always did you talked to the drunk stranger that always is there. He loved Mickey Mouse, that's all ever he talked about.

When you got to the back there was a rose with a note. S.R. You smiled at his sloppy hand writing. "Hey (Y/N), I know I can't be up front with you but I really like you and I was wonder if you would like to go on a date." You were so happy you started dancing until your boss came in.

"(Y/N)... I'll let the boy know you said yes."

DALLY: Dally. Dally. Dally. That's all you been thinking about. You'd thought you didn't want him but there's just something about him.

You were in Shepard's gang, mostly because you were Tim's baby sister. Your brother didn't really like Dallas too much so you had to stay away.

You usually walk around terrorizing any Soc you saw but you decided to play it cool and pay Dally a visit. When you went to knock on the door Dally came bursting out making you fall under him.
"Get off of me Winston." You pushed him off blushing. Dallas got up staring at you.

"(Y/N) I know we haven't known each other long enough but wanna go out sometime?" Right when you were going to answer Tim shouted out for you. "Text me with details."
You ran off smiling like a dummy.

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