Pregnant? || Calum Hood

By outerspxcecalum

70.7K 1.3K 304

Maybe we shall have to grow up quicker than we thought? More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 51

1K 20 6
By outerspxcecalum

This chapter will contain smut near the end. I started this book with smut so I thought would end with it too. (Yes this is the last chapter :( but there may be a sequel)
Calum's pov

"Can we have a drink now?" Michael asked.

"Yeah, sure!" I smiled, going to the kitchen and getting everyone some alcohol.

Emma had just been put to bed so we were able to have a drink. I brought them outside and handed them to everyone.

"Finally," Luke smiled, drinking his beer. I sat by Megan and she rested her head on my shoulder as she shared my beer. We both didn't want to get really drunk tonight as we had responsibilities. Squid was sat with Michael and I think they are now really good friends. We were sat in a circle on the grass as the sun was setting. I really enjoyed times like this with everyone I loved around me.

"So, how's the next album coming along?" Megan questioned.

"Great, I think. It's different to what we have done before and we are getting really creative as we have found new things to inspire us!" Ashton explained.

"Yeah, I'm feeling like whenever I go to write, I always have something I am inspired by and it makes it so much easier," I added.

"We are thinking of taking a week where we go around Europe and play two or three shows each day, seeing how many places we can go to in a week," Luke explained.

"Wow, that sounds great!" Megan smiled.

"Yeah, it will only be a week too," I added.

The rest of the evening was spent in this circle, talking and joking about random things. No one got drunk, as we only had a few drinks and it felt good just to talk to everyone.

10 months later..

"I'm home!" I shouted.

"Calum!" Megan smiled, running over to me and wrapping her arms around me.

"I missed you," I said.

"I missed you too. How was it?" She asked.

"Great. We played 2 shows almost everyday! It was so nice to see people and be performing again!" I smiled.

"That's great!" She replied.

"Michael's having a party tonight if you want to go?" I questioned.

"I would love to!" She replied.

"Yay! We can have some more drunk sex!" I laughed.

"We'll see," she giggled.

"You always want me in the end," I winked.

"You wish," she smiled.

"Anyway, where's my little princess?" I asked.

"In there," she replied, pointing to the living room.

"Emma!" I smiled, walking in and seeing her in there.

"Dada!" She said.

"Did you miss me?" I questioned as I sat beside her so I could hug her.

"Yeah!" She smiled, hugging me.

"I hope you behaved whilst I was gone!" I said.

"She did," Megan smiled.

Soon enough, Squid came running in.

"Squid!" I smiled, being licked by him.

"I missed you!" I giggled.

We spent the rest of the day relaxing. We took Emma to my mum so she could babysit. I unpacked my stuff and then got ready for the party.

"You ready to go?" I asked.

"Yeah!" Megan smiled, coming downstairs.

She looked beautiful like normal.

"You look gorgeous babe," I smiled, as she put her hand in mine.

"Thank you," she replied, leaving the house.

We got into the taxi which drove us to Michael's house.

"Hey!" I smiled, walking in.

"Hi," Michael replied.

"Are we early?" I asked, seeing hardly anyone was here.

"Yeah, everyone is on there way though," he explained.

"Oh right," I replied.

"Do you want me to get you a drink?" Megan asked.

"Yes please babe," I smiled.

Megan walked to the kitchen and grabbed some drinks.

"Are you ready to do our announcement tonight?" Michael questioned.

"Yeah. I just hope she says yes or I'm fucked," I laughed.

"She probably will," Michael reassured me.

Megan came back with some drinks and more people arrived. The rest of the band came and loads of our friends.

Luke, Ash, Michael and I decided not to have too much to drink until after our announcement. I also made sure Megan wasn't drunk either because I'm sure she wouldn't want to be when I tell her.

I looked over at them who were waiting for me to come over.

"Um, I'll be back in a minute babe," I said to Megan.

"Alright," she smiled.

I walked over to the boys.

"You ready Cal?" Ashton asked.

"Yeah, let's go!" I smiled.

We stood on the table in the middle of the room and Michael got everyone's attention. I looked over at Megan who was watching.

"Hey everybody!" Luke laughed.

"We have an announcement," I smiled.

"As you know, we took this year off touring and we created another album which is out tomorrow," Ashton explained.

"So, that means, in about 3 or 4 months, we shall be back on tour!" Michael said, causing everyone to cheer.

"But this tour is going to be 10 months long. We wanted to make this one extra big considering we missed out this year," Ashton smiled.

"We want to get to as many places as we can, especially the ones we haven't been to before," I added. I looked over at Megan, who didn't seem too happy. I then noticed Mia, who was worse. She turned around and walked out of Michaels house.

"Um, excuse me," Luke said, going after Mia.

I got down from the table and went over to Megan. I pulled her outside to Michael's garden.

"So your going on tour again, that's great," she said, giving me a fake smile.

"Don't be like that babe," I frowned.

"10 fucking months! You were sad because you missed 9 months of Emma's life now your missing 1 year and 7 months of her life Calum!" She said.

"I'm not missing anymore Meg. I'm going to see you all everyday I'm on tour!" I smiled.

"How the fuck are you going to do that?" She questioned.

"Well, we were thinking that you, Emma and Squid would come with us," I explained.

"On tour with you?" She asked.

"Yeah. Why not? Emma's old enough now and Squid will be our tour dog," I said.

"I don't know Calum.." She sighed.

"Please babe. I want you there with me. I want to enjoy these moments with you, alright? I want to do these things as a family," I explained.

"Alright Calum. I'll think about it, but let's just enjoy tonight, okay?" She asked.

"Okay. Your the best," I smiled, kissing her head and hugging her.

"I know," she joked.

"I don't think Mia is taking the news well," I said.

"No but I understand why. She has a job here. She can't just leave her job and go with Luke. She loves him, you know? And I know how it feels to miss someone you love and she knows she's going to have to go through that," she explained.

"I know. I just hope that it's going to be alright with them," I replied.

"Me too," she answered.

I took her back inside and I we drank more and more getting pissed as usual. I lay on Michael's sofa drinking and Megan lay on top when Luke came back in the room.

"Is everything okay?" Megan asked, noticing Luke's mood.

"No it's fucking bullshit," he said, grabbing a drink and sitting down.

"Why? What's happened?" I asked.

"She fucking broke up with me. I thought she would wait for me. I love her and I want to be with her. She knows I have to leave for tour most years so why break up with me now. It's crap!" He shouted, taking gulps of his drink.

"Go easy on the drink Luke. It's okay. I think she's just worried about missing you too much," Megan said.

"No, she told me she didn't trust me! She said that I will cheat on her every time we go out and I won't have any time for her!" Luke explained.

"It's okay buddy. You don't need her. We're going to go on tour together and have a fucking amazing time!" I said, trying to cheer him up.

"Yeah, you're right. Are you coming with us?" He asked Megan.

"I'm thinking about it," she replied.

"I hope you do. It shall be amazing," Luke smiled.

"Yeah, me too!" I added.

Luke then went away and probably decided to get drunk.

"I hope he's okay. I don't want him to do anything stupid," Megan said.

"I know, me neither but he should be fine," I smiled.

"Your just saying that because you want me to make out with you," she giggled.

"No.. Well maybe," I smirked.

"Your so cute," she smiled, pecking my lips.

"Hey, you can't just give me that!" I frowned.

"Fine, come here then!" She smiled, leaning back towards me. I held her face so she couldn't move away and I pressed my lips against hers. She sat up and put her legs over me so she was straddling my waist as she kept her lips against mine. She knew every time she did this it got me fucking horny as she would grind her crotch against my own.

"Megan.." I moaned, removing my lips from hers and kissing down her neck.

"Calum, I want you," she whispered, breathing hard.

"Let me find Michael," I grinned, waiting for Megan to get off my waist.

"Alright, hurry," she smiled.

I got up and I saw Michael by the door.

"Michael!" I shouted.

"Yeah?" He questioned.

"Can we use your spare bedroom?" I asked.

"For sex?" He questioned.

"Yeah, Megan is being sexy as fuck but we don't want to go home," I explained.

"Alright, I understand but please remind me to wash the bed sheets tomorrow!" He said.

"I will," I laughed, going back to find Megan.

"We can have the spare bedroom," I smiled, pulling Megan towards the stairs. I led her to the bedroom and I shut the door behind her.

I took off my top and pants and went back to Megan and took off her dress so she's in her underwear.

"Fucking hell babe," I grinned, reconnecting our lips.

"Please hurry. I want you now," she said.

"I know, I'll do it now," I giggled.


I woke up with a bit of a hangover and I looked around until I realised that I was still at Michael's. I turned over and expected to see Megan there but she wasn't. There was a note though. I picked it up and I was so fucking surprised at what it said.

I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs, putting my boxers on beforehand.

"Michael, where's Megan?" I questioned, catching my breath.

"In the kitchen, why?" He questioned, looking at how out of breath I was.

"Tell you in a min," I smiled, running to the kitchen.

"Megan!" I shouted.

"What?" She questioned.

I held the note out in front of me and showed it so she can read it.

'I would love to come on tour with you x'

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