Best Friends or Best Lovers...

By Peanutcookies

35.5K 343 80

Lola Hayden is totally in love with her best friend, Harry Styles. Of course, like in every other fairy tale... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty One
Chapter Fourty Two
Chapter Fourty Three
Chapter Fourty Four
Chapter Fourty Six
Chapter Fourty Seven
Chapter Fourty Eight
Chapter Fourty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One

Chapter Fourty Five

125 1 0
By Peanutcookies


Hope you enjoy

Stay Stunning

† 'xo

Best Friends or Best Lovers

Chapter Fourty Four


5th of August. Finally a little bit of time to have a date with Niall. "Thank you Tanya," I kissed her cheek, she was my favourite make-up and hair artist from the two. Lauren was good but was more focussed on my dancers then on me, which was fine since I like working with Tanya a lot. "Have fun on your date love," I smiled and walked towards my closet in the bus. I placed some dark wedges on my feet and I was ready to go.

I met up with Niall outside the bus and we took a short walk towards this cute lunchroom near the tour bus. "I can't believe you are turning nineteen before me," Niall sighed as we took place on a table in the lunchroom. "I can't either," I giggled, we ordered some tea and sandwiches to start off with. "Do you know what you would like for your birthday love?" He asked me and I waved it off.

"You don't have to get me something, I have you and I am more happier with that than anything else," I replied back and Niall leant over the table to peck my lips. "Here is your order, enjoy your meal," The waitress said as she placed our tea and sandwiches on our table - not noticing that we are two famous people, thank god she didn't. I took a bite from a salmon sandwich and woah that was delicious.

"Are you sure? I could buy you some new clothing if you like, we can go shopping when you have two days off next week," Niall suggested and I shook my head. "You don't have to babe, I don't want anything from you," He bite his lip, knowing he was so stubborn he would buy me something anyway. "I do have to leave you for a few days though.. I mean a week," I nearly chocked my sandwich.

I frowned and motioned for Niall to start talking again. "It's for work, I am behind with recording apparently," I pouted, he seemed a bit sad that he had to leave me when he had time off. "You for real now?" Niall nodded and I sighed deeply, there goes our time together. "I will be there for your birthday, so don't you worry about that my love," I smiled and placed a kiss on his lips.

"I know you will, you can't be away from me for that long anyway," I told him and Niall huffed. "That's not true! I can, but I would rather much stay with you, you know that babe," We finished our sandwiches and tea and decided we would get an ice-cream and then go back to the bus. I had sound check and have to get a powernap - I was beyond exhausted already.


Two days later Harry and Kiki joined us on tour. I was so happy Kik was finally here again with me on the tour bus. "I missed you princess," I sobbed, pulling her into my chest so I could cuddle my baby. "I missed you too mummy," I smiled through my tears and kissed her cheek. "I love you so, so much," I told her. "Don't you ever forget that," Kiki nodded heavily and I let her go.

"Hey you there," I said standing behind Haz who was talking with Liam, he turned around and smirked at me. "Hey you," He gave me a tight hug and a peck on my cheek. "Where is uncle Niall?" Kik pouted and I pulled a sad face. "He had to go to work baby, but he will be back soon okay? He told me he missed you a lot," She nodded and ran to her dad and wrapped her arms around his leg.

"Why don't we go get some frozen yogurt with aunti Dani and uncle Liam aye?" Harry spoke up and she started bouncing up and down. "I can squeeze in a break for now, I have been rehearsing my ass off with Dani in our dance routines," Kiki chuckled and I placed her sunglasses on her nose. "Shall we?" Dani chirped in as she took Liam's hand.

As the couple walked in front of us, Harry and I were both holding Kiki's hands and swinging her up and down whenever she wanted. "So how are you and Niall?" Haz asked me after we got our frozen yogurts and sat down in the shop. "We made our first big step in our relationship," I said between a few bites of ice. "You did?" Dani smirked and I nodded, taking another bite.

"We decided we would move in with each other, we didn't talk about where and when though but we will figure it out some time soon," I told them and Harry nodded slowly. "What about our girl then?" "Kik will get her own room in my new home with Niall of course and we can just switch places like we do now. Don't worry too much about it Haz, if we don't find a place for our self we probably go live at Niall's place anyways," I said and Kiki giggled, ice was all over her cheeks already.

"Plus I will be seeing his parents and Greg sometime after the tour I guess, or when I am in Ireland. I did meet them when I was with you Haz but now I am with him so yeah.. Maura doesn't even like me.." I frowned and Harry stroke my back. "It will be fine, once they get to know you better they will love you," Danielle smiled as she said that.

Harry muttered some bad words under his breath, making sure I did hear them but our girl not. "Keep it down," I hushed and he carelessly rolled his eyes - really mature Haz. "Daddy when are we gonna go shop for mummy's present as you promised me?" Long sentence there doll, how did I miss out on that?

I raised my eyebrow and slapped his arm. "Don't you two buy me anything," I huffed as we stood up, dumping our buckets in the bin before leaving the shop. "I don't want nor need a present from you two," Kiki pouted and I pulled her into my arms, resting her on my left hip as we walked back to the arena.

"Why not mummy?" I kissed her cheek. "I already have you, daddy and uncle Niall. Isn't that enough already?" She shrugged and wrapped her arms around my neck. "I am extremely happy that you and these two boys are in my life princess, I don't want anything at all. Just you three, okay?" I mumbled softly in her ear.

I felt that Kiki smiled in my neck. These moments with her made me feel so happy and loved by her. Wouldn't want this in any other way.


The upcoming days were extremely busy. Besides my rehearsals and strict training schedules I also had to fit in a meeting about my foundation - which was going great. The two homes I let design and build were in Los Angeles and in London, there was progress but since the weather wasn't that great it was taking the builders more time then there was need for.

"Let's just go through your schedule for today Lola," My top-manager said, he was my manager for basically everything I do. Tour, singing, training, dancing, modelling, my foundation and side projects I was working on. "Four hours of training and your dance routines this morning. You have one hour to fresh yourself up and have lunch, after that you have a meeting with a few designers. Then you have sound check and the second concert in Nothingham. Comprendre?" I nodded taking a sip from my milkshake.

"Okay. Comprendre," I nodded as he send me a text with my schedule as well. "Tanya will be with you in your lunch break and after sound check to get you ready," I nodded again, busy day today and no free time at all to see Kik. I don't even know where she is or with who. Such a bad mum today as well.

After training and rehearsals I went straight into hair and make-up for the meeting and I had time to eat my healthy, protein shakes. "Good luck Lola," Tanya wished me. "Thank you for making me look pretty again," I giggled, placing a kiss on her cheek as a thank you before running off on my black Chanel heels.

The meeting went amazing, it was just more about meeting the designers and getting to know them, letting them know what I would like. I was getting so excited about this and I couldn't wait un till the point where as I could tell the world.

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