Fairy Tail High Love

Od teenikelFanfic

861K 39.2K 34.9K

Lucy, Erza and Mirajane are the new students at Fairy Tail High. They soon make friends with bookworm Levy, p... Více

Chapter 1: The New School
A Beautiful Friendship
May The Classes Begin
Love At First Sight
Surprise Visitors! (Part I)
Surprise visitors! (Part II)
Surprise visitors (Part III)
Plans/ Plots
Levy McGarden Meets Gajeel Redfox
Getting To Know The Guys
At The Nurse's Office
Old friends
The First Ever Defence Class
Makarov Has Something To Say
Detention! (Part I)
Detention (Part II)
The Second Meeting
The Hangout
The Hangout (Part II)
Lamia Scale
Lyon Vastia
Getting Seats
Still At The Competition
Juvia's Time
The Head Master
The Sleepover (Part I)
The Sleepover (Part II)
The Sleepover (Part III)
May The Dares Begin.
Jellal Wants To Know
Mission Erza Is A Go
Plans And Twists
Plans And Twists (Part II)
Plans And Twists (Part III)
Magic Is Here!
Magic Abilities
Author's Note
The Strauss Siblings
At The Amusement Park
At The Amusement Park (Part II)
At The Amusement Park (Part III)
At The Amusement Park (Part IV)
The Dates End
After Effects
In Class
Juvia Returns The Bracelet
The Teachers
Author's Update
Understanding Natsu
Mira's Past
The Magic Council's Decision
The Magic Council's Decision (Part II)
The Magic Council's Decision (Part III)
Preparing For The Council's Tests
The New Teacher
Class With The New Teacher
Kinana's Happiness
Lucy's Spirits
Gajeel Teaches Levy
Pair Up Trials
Lucy's Aries
New Student
Mavis' Past
Mavis' Past Part II
Council Tests Around The Corner
The Decision
Secret Team Jellal?
Secret Team Jellal (Part II)
Secret Team Jellal (Part III)
A Rescue Mission
Sabertooth Members
Author's Update
To Retrieve At Night
To Retrieve A t Night (Part II)
To Retrieve At Night (Part III)
Cheering Up
Till The Tests
Preparing For The Tests (Sabertooth)
Till The Tests (Part II)
Preparing For The Tests (Lamia Scale)
Till The Tests (Part III)
Till The Tests (Part IV)
Till The Tests (Part V)
Till The Tests (Part VI)
Till The Tests (Part VII)
Last Day Of Training (Part I)
Last Day Of Training (Part II)
Last Day Of Training (Part III)
Last Day Of Training (Part IV)
Day One: The Tests
Day One: The Match-Ups
Day One: The Battles Begin
Day One: Each A Test For Someone
Day One: Sting's Fear
Sneaking Around
Day Two: Several Hearts
Day Two: Out Of Habit
Day Two: Purposes

Preparing For The Tests (Sabertooth)

4.7K 193 256
Od teenikelFanfic

A/N: It's been at least ten days and I'm really sorry.

I should have updated on Monday like I promised but my laptop's been acting strange lately and it wouldn't let me do anything.

I'm finally here though! XD 

Thank you guys for waiting!

This chapter is the longest yet so I hope you like it...

Chapter 80:


Rogue didn't reply as a flicker of irritation showed in his best friend's eyes.

"A representative to check on us?" Sting clicked his tongue in annoyance, "I don't want anyone in here pretending to inspect our school."

Rogue took his time with a response, "We don't have a say in whether the representative visits or not."

"No." Sting crossed his arms like a child, "I don't want anyone here."

"Sting," Rogue looked over at Yukino who was softly trying to persuade her friend, "I heard that they're a special team in charge of the Tests."

"Yeah?" Sting took a moment to think and Rogue leaned back into his leather back chair.

Keeping the Student Council President's head on track seemed to be the only thing Rogue and Yukino did around as club activity.

"Frosch did it!"

Rogue glanced over at his tiny, adorable exceed.

He smiled slightly before collecting the stack of papers the cat handed to him, "Good job."

Frosch did a little salute before waddling over to Lector, the other exceed hard at work.

Rogue looked on after the two cats before turning back to his friends.

Yukino seemed to have finally convinced Sting that the representative visiting wouldn't jeopardize their chances at the Tests.


Sting stayed in his chair, one of his arms draped lazily behind him as he reached out with the other to collect the papers.

He shuffled through them, eyes narrowed and the small earring he wore, dangling into his face.

"Huh." The top Dragon Slayer of the school leaned forward, "So Ms. Minerva hasn't chosen the others yet?"

"No." Rogue responded as Yukino looked from one boy to another. "It's only You, Yukino and me for now."

"Oh," Sting placed the papers on his lap before putting his hands up in the air to stretch, "That's fine then. I bet the three of us are enough to take the other losers on."

Rogue tilted his head to the side, "Doubt it. What if... What if Natsu Dragneel and Gajeel Redfox show up?"

Sting stopped stretching.

"I've heard that they really powerful too..." Yukino said softly, silver hair waving around her face, "They're suppposed to be unstoppable."

"At breaking stuff from their school," Lector yelled and the friends cracked up.

Rogue didn't say anything even as amusement crossed his eyes.

"Either way," He interrupted waiting for Yukino and Sting to stop giggling and chuckling while clutching their stomachs.

Sometimes, he really did feel like he was babysitting a pair of children.

The two finally straightened and gave him their happy attention.

"Either way," He started again, "It just proves how strong they are. Taking them down, Sting..."

Sting sobered and straightened to his full height as he sat, "...will be our job. I got it, Rogue."

Rogue smiled.

Sting looked over to Yukino and proceeded to tell her how unbeatable Rogue and he were as a team.

Rogue slid back into his chair without a word.

Yukino already knew everything Sting was narrating to her for about the hundredth time but who was he to bother a good conversation.

"Here," Ms. Minerva smiled as she let the two students into her room.

Finding the time to let the Council Test's representatives visit had frustrated Minerva at first. It felt as though she was being inspected and as though her school was some place that could possibly do something wrong.

But then she'd heard that all the schools had had to go through the same routine.

Different members of the special Team would visit and two of those had visited Saber Tooth.

Minerve had decided to make the best impression she could for the sake of her students.

"Would you like something to drink first?"

"Nah," One grunted, "Jus' wanna get this thing over wit' and go back. Hurry up already."

"Gajeel..." The much shorter, prettier of the students whispered, slightly nudging her companion.

She looked back at Minerva with a worried smile, "We'll just see the participants and be on our way."

"Oh," Minerva couldn't help the devilish smile that curved her lips, "I'm sure they'll be thrilled to see you."

Gajeel followed the weird Head Mistress as she walked on in front.

Hands deep in his pockets, Gajeel looked over at Levy who kept pace with him, looking around the corridors and classes.

Glancing around, Gajeel wasn't sure what exactly caught her interest.

All he saw was a bunch of scared kids scurrying around and a couple of open, boring looking classes.

The bookworm at his side though seemed completely fascinated with her surroundings.

What almost destroyed her was passing the library.

She clutched his arm as he looked down in surprise.

"Gajeel!" Her excited whisper reached his heightened hearing rather quickly.

He bent over as they kept walking so his head was only a little above her pretty bobbing one.


She looked up at him, large eyes sparkling and the rest of her features pulled into a sorrowful pout, "Why don't we have this big of a library at Fairy Tail High?"

Gajeel couldn't help but grin at the whiny tone she'd taken, one of her delicate hands still grasping a tiny part of his shirt, "I dunno, Shrimp. Maybe you should ask the old man."

Levy smiled, letting go of his shirt, "That's Head Master Makarov, you know."

Gajeel waited for a few more minutes for the line he always liked to hear.

"And it's Levy, not shrimp!!"

Gajeel grinned.

Minerva cleared her throat and the dragon slayer glanced over.

They stood in front of a class now.

The door read 'Student Council'.

Gajeel straightened to his full height.

Minerva only signalled for them to enter first.

Gajeel walked over and unceremoniously kicked the door open with his foot.

The students inside jumped.

Gajeel took a long whiff of the air around him.

Two dragon slayers, a girl and two cat things like Pantheylily.

"Wow," Levy breathed from beside him, "That's two exceeds here too."


He'd been looking for the word.

He shifted his gaze to the three students in front of him.

A blond one lay on the floor, probably fallen from his chair. The other dark haired one looked completely shocked and the other girl looked perplexed.

He didn't look that scary, did he?

Gajeel had seen these brats before as well. Sometime back near Makarov's scent.

The iron Dragon Slayer didn't have time now.

Any more minutes away from Fairy Tail High and the pink headed idiot would get all the fun with 'training'.

It sometimes surprised him how much he'd grown attached to his school.

"You," He took steps into the room, hands still buried into his pocket, as he stood at his full menancing height, the metal pierced into his body adding to the deadly glare he shot the three kids, "You guys enterin' the Tests?"

Sting only whimpered softly as the other two stared, still surprised.

Gajeel growled, "Speak up!"

Sting jumped to his feet and swallowed, "Yes. Yes, we are."

Gajeel nodded, "Names?"

"Sting Eucluiffe!"

The dark haired boy rose then, "Rogue Cheney."

The pretty girl stumbled up next, "Yukino Agria!"

Gajeel shifted his head to survey them, "This it?"

Levy glanced over at Minerva who stood smirking at the door.

"Oh no," The Head Mistress shook her head, "There'll be more."

Gajeel shot her a glare that sent the entire room shivers.

Levy only smiled helplessly to herself.

The iron Dragon Slayer looked back at the three students who stood with their cat things.

Who knew they'd be such a bunch of wimps.

Levy walked past him and Gajeel took to watching her.

"Alright," The pretty bookworms smiled, "I'll just need a few questions answered, okay?"

Gajeel decided to leave the rest to his girl.

Sting banged his fist down on his table.

Rogue stood in the shadows, his face an expression of annoyance and displeasure.

Frosch and Lector sat to the side in a sorrowful state as Yukino stood behind Sting's large arm chair.

"We failed..."

He tightened his fist again, letting a muscle jerk in his arm.

"We failed to stand out at all..." His tone bordered on despair and he didn't let himself catch it.

Gajeel Redfox had shown up at the school and all they had done was sit and stare.

He had fallen off his chair at the surprise and magic pressure that had come with the older Dragon Slayer's entry.

"His energy flow is... confusing..." Rogue finally said from his corner.

Sting gritted his teeth before sweeping a hand over his soft blond hair, "Whatever."

Yukino's hand softly touched his bare shoulder.

Sting took a deep breath before looking up at the concerned girl.

"It's okay," She said softly before giving him a smile.

Sting smiled back.

Yukino always knew how to get the group to calm down.

"We didn't feel him near the door at all!" Lector said.

"Frosch was really scared..." Frosch added softly.

Sting nodded, "For someone that strong walking through to have such suppressed magic flow is so... weird..."

"We messed up."

Sting nodded again, "We did, Rogue."

"We can make up for it... Can't we?" Yukino asked quietly.

Sting bit into his lip as he thought things through, "Well... We have two days left..."

"Let's do what Yukino said!" Lector jumped up earning a smile from Yukino.

"Frosch wants to get stronger with Rogue!" Frosch got up too.

Rogue smiled before coming out of the shadows of the room.

Yukino and Rogue walked toward and closer to Sting who sat in the middle, contemplating.

He slapped the table, a huge grin spreading across his handsome face, "Let's do it!"

The room cheered.

Sting clapped his hands together before getting off his chair and making his way to the door.

They would do it.

Sabertooth would train hard and become unbeatable.

They would show Fairy Tail and the two Dragon Slayers that they had for idols that they were worth companionship and also being noticed.

Gajeel Redfox wouldn't be in the arena if he was on this special team that the Council had arranged.

But he would hear about them.

That's how amazing Team Sabertooth would be.

A thrill of excitement shot through Sting at the thought of being something Natsu Dragneel would notice or applaud. It wasn't everyday that Sting got to see his idol...

He would make this count.

The Dragon Slayer missed the smile on his Head Mistress' face.

The smile that said that she'd taken advantage of an opportunity to catapult her Team into training hard and becoming the strongest.

A/N: That was the next chapter! XD

What did you guys think? I honestly hope you liked it...

Next chapter really soon...

Also, is anyone watching the new anime Erased? It's also called Boku Dake Ga Inai Machi. It's really good! And if anyone's read the manga, please DON'T tell me what happens!! XD XD XD 

Just one more thing, the manga chapter of Fairy Tail...


If anyone wants to talk about it, I'm totally game to converse with you!

I feel like, and this is slowly crushing me inside, Makarov might not make it this time...

Idk why...

I'm just really sad and freaked out by that...

Anyway, Maddy, XD XD XD We still need to talk...

(Finally getting to talk to one of my Wattpad besties via FaceTime... *Tears Of happiness*)


I'm done now...


Next chapter tomorrow.

For sure.


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