Meant to be ~ Book One Of The...

Por candorslytherin

140K 5.5K 714

Tris, a sixteen-year-old girl, has lived in LA for as long as she can remember. She doesn't have the best mem... Más

Chpater 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter FourTris
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chpater 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Sequel is up!

Chapter 55

1.5K 67 4
Por candorslytherin

"Like, how am I supposed to tell him?" I ask Shauna between sobs. She is also tearing up but she doesn't want to cry, because she knows that if she cries, everything will be out of control and and I would feel even worse. My face is wet with tears and my voice keeps squeaking and breaking every time I let out a sound. I shiver a little because I am still sick and Shauna hugs me tightly. She pulls back and gives me a few tissues. I mumble a "Thank you" and sniffle. I wipe my tears as I try to calm down.
   "You have to tell him as soon a possible Tris. If you don't tell him soon, he will get angry and it can ruin everything you guys have" she says calmly rubbing my arm with her hand but then stopping. "If I were you, I would go right now, immediately. The quicker he knows, the safer your relationship is"
   "But we won't have our relationship Shauna! We will be miles apart! Long distance relationships never work!" I say sobbing and bubbling.
   "Trust me. Go yell him now. He is going to find out sooner or later, but the faster the better. He can also help you calm down and stuff" she says wiping my tears and I nod. She hugs me one more time and I leave. I was here for the past two hours. I just kept crying and she comforted me with the same words and advice over and over again. It was like replaying the same scene when you're watching a movie.
Also Valentines day is in a few days. Me and Tobias were supposed to stay together that day. Maybe we still can, now that my mother moved the moving and plane ticket dates. I was looking forward to stay with Tobias and my friends. To enjoy these years I have left as a teenager, but I guess they are going all to waste.
  I start my car as I start slowly driving back to our neighborhood. Since when Tobias was hit by a car, I always drive my safety then usual, especially when I am crying (which I have been doing a lot lately) and when I am angry. After a few minutes I arrive. I park the car in it's usual spot and I get out of it slowly. I take a deep shaky breath and walk towards Tobias' house. I knock on the door and after a few seconds he opens it. At first he is smiling lightly–happy that I am back and that now we can stay together– but his mood changes the second he sees me–bloodshot and puffy eyes, red and swollen face from crying and wet face from the tears.
   "Tris are you okay? What happened?" He asks wrapping his arms around me tightly and checking if I have any damage. I just shake my head as the burning tears come back to my eyes. I walk inside and he closes the door behind me. "Tris what's wrong?" He asks. His voice is breaking and his breaths quicken from worry. I stand on my tip toes and wrap my arms around his neck as I cry against his neck. He places his hands on my back–hugging back.
   "Im moving" I blurb out. His breathing stop for a second as he stands there frozen, his brain trying to process the information. I pull back to look at his expression. I can feel his heart beat rising as his eyes fill with tears.
   "What?" He asks, still totally frozen. "When did you find out?" I sniffle wiping my tears.
   "This morning" I say bubbling. He looks unstable and shocked. "I tried to convince my parents but they are so . . . So stubborn. They won't listen. I begged and yelled all day, they just keep refusing and ignoring" I say sobbing in the end of the sentence. He tries to find the right words to say, or maybe the right thing to think. Tobias has always been positive about everything, but there is nothing to be happy for about this. I am moving 2014.9 miles away from him and we won't be able to see each other anymore. Even if we Skype, or talk on snapchat, Instagram, anything, it will never be the same anymore.
   "Why?" He stutters sitting down on the couch as he holds his head in his hands. He shakes his head repeatedly. "Tris please, if this is a joke or a prank please stop" I sniffle as I wipe my tears with the back of my hand as I shake my head.
   "I wish it was joke Tobias" I say, staring at him dead in the eyes. We just sit there, staring at each other's eyes for a long time. Our hands curled up together. "Im so sorry" I say. "You know I would never want to leave you, or anyone here" he nods staring at our hands. I rub the back of his hand with my thumb.
   "So you were crying all day?" He asks and I nod slowly. "I heard you, but I thought you were singing or something" he says and I laugh through my tears. We both know I am a terrible singer and we both joke about it. He wipes my tears and places a sad and reassuring smile on his face. He leans closer and so do I and crash our lips together. I sit a little closer to him as I cup his face in my hands. He lifts me up lightly and sits me on his lap on the side. I deepen the kiss and start playing with the end of his shirt as I slowly start lifting it up but then I stop myself. I pull back panting and resting my forehead on his and placing my thumb on his lower lip.
   "Olivia is here" I say. "We can't . . ." He nods without me having to finish the sentence. He just pecks my lips all over as he holds me tight behind my back and strokes my hair firmly and lightly. "I love you" I say against his lips. He pauses for a second and places my head next to his chest as he continues to play with my hair.
   "I love you" he says. I am happy he doesn't say I love you too. Without the too, it seems more real. He lays down on the couch and I snuggle up next to him. The couch is pretty huge, so it has room for two to three people. I place my head on his chest and hear his heart beating fast just like a bomb.
   "Sometimes, I think; what if everything was a lie?" I start thinking out loud as I turn on my stomach and lean on Tobias' chest with my hands and play with the hem of his shirt as I stare at my hands. "I mean, if everything that happened and keeps happening is just a joke, or a prank, or a reality TV show. If everything was fake, you know? All my friends, the love of my family . . . You . . ." I say closing my eyes, trying to keep them from spilling tears again. I sigh and shake my head "Never mind I don't make sense. I never do" I say and Tobias hushes me.
    "Hey, its okay. We can talk about this and everything later. You are still tired and sick, remember? You just need to relax and let your mind rest. Just always remember that I love you, okay?" He asks and I nod, going back to the position I was. I do just what he told me. Relax and let my mind rest. I try not to think of the horrible near future that waits for me in LA in a few days, and just enjoy this moment with Tobias, that I wish never ends.

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