The Doctor will see you NOW [...

By SammyDAdams

1M 45.1K 10.1K

Book four in 'The Doctor' Series :) Please enjoy yourselves because we all know Greg plans to! "Honey, I'll... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Mac and Cheese and Bourbon Glaze
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One

Thirty One

20.3K 1K 344
By SammyDAdams

*** Hope all the chapters make the snowstorm a bit more bearable.

I sent Christopher the address as well as a general route suggestion and a landmark that would help him find the house. Then I panicked. He couldn't call me Sir here. He, we had to... shit. This wouldn't work. I didn't have any clue what to do or how to... I needed Kevin.

"Hey Greg, what's up?" He knew I was with my parents, no wonder he was confused.

"Christopher is coming and I don't know what to do. I should tell him not to come. I should call him."

He brought out his therapy voice. "Slow down, Chris is coming where? To Santee?"

"Yes." I was almost hyperventilating at this point and I closed my eyes, trying to calm myself down.

"Alright, this is okay. What's the biggest problem Greg? What's the worst?"

"My parents don't know."

"Don't know he's coming?"

"NO!!" Why couldn't he... "about me. Dom. Him, he'll... shit."

"Oh, is that all?" He had the audacity to chuckle. "We can handle that Greg, Chris is smart and he is perfectly capable of switching out of sub mode."

"But I'm NOT!!!" I was being too loud, I was going to draw attention. I forced myself to quiet down. "I can't do... they think we're boyfriends--"

"YOU ARE. Settle the hell down and get a grip Greg. All you need to do is act like you did last night, but with no collar or lead. That's all. It's date night rules."

"Date night?" I stammered. "Date night is... okay I know date night. Okay, okay." I repeated the phrase 'date night' to myself about 8 times. "Right, like we're out on a date."

"Exactly. He'll call you Greg and you just need to let him lead a little bit. He can help you."

"But he's not, I'm supposed to... that's not--"

"You can lean on him sometimes Greg, it doesn't make you any less of a Dom. I'm not saying you have to let him run the night but if you get flustered just use him like you use me."

"Barometer" I whispered.

"Yes, yes. It'll be fine. But you need to warn him before he gets there."

"Can you? Can you call him? I have to get back down there. Talk to him? Make sure he understands. I can't do it right now." I still didn't know how I was going to do this. "No, he can't come. I have to call him."

"Greg, you can't uninvite him, that's cruel. I'm sure he's really excited to see you. He's packing and getting ready and he would be crushed."

"I don't want to... to hurt him."

"I know. You have to let this happen. Look Greg, your parents don't expect you to have a stereotypical relationship; they know you. They won't suspect anything. People don't see what they're not looking for unless it smacks them in the face and even then it's about 50/50."

I chuckled despite my anxiety. "You're right about that."

"I'm right about everything" he answered haughtily.

"I'm on to you, I see what you're doing." He was trying to distract me and improve my mood. My phone chirped.

C: I'm leaving the house Sir, just one quick stop for a card. I should be there around 3 but I'll text again when I'm closer and it's more definite.

Me: Thank you Pet. Kevin will be calling you with instructions.

"I told Chris you'd call."

"Well I guess I'd better then. I'll call you back if he has any questions but consider it handled. Go kiss your mother and please, please bring Ollie the recipe for that glaze."

"She won't give it to me. I've asked."

"Then STEAL it!" he practically hissed. "I need that glaze in my life."

"I'll see what I can do. Thanks Kevin, for helping."

"No problem at all, that's what friends are for. Merry Christmas."

I hung up and stretched my arms over my head as I took a few deep breaths before deciding I was ready to head downstairs.

"So?" she asked. "Is he coming?"

"He'll be here around three." I sat down at the table, surprised at how much progress dad had made on the border of the puzzle. She didn't answer me, just stormed upstairs so fast she left a breeze. "Where's she going?"

My question was answered before dad got a chance. "GREG! Come here" she called.

I went back upstairs and found her ripping the sheets off the guest room bed. "Mom, you don't have to---"

"Put these in the washer."

"Are they dirty?" She looked at me as if I'd tried to put HER in the washer.

"Of COURSE they are not dirty!"

"Then why don't you come down and work on the puzzle?"

"I have to make the bed and air out the room and check the guest towels and make sure you leave him enough room in the bathroom. Then I have to make some fresh cookies -- what are his favorite? I'm fixin' to be busier than a one-legged man in a butt kicking contest."

I was used to her sayings but had no idea what Christopher would make of them. "Mom, he's easy to please. You don't need to go to any trouble."

She ignored me and snapped the blanket back onto the bed and walked across the hall towards the bathroom. "What kind of cookies does he like, Greg?"

"I don't know mom. He likes chocolate in general and all your cookies are good. He'll like the chocolate chip."

"Will there be any left by the time he gets here?" she asked, seemingly satisfied with the towels.

"I don't know. It probably depends on how long we leave dad alone."

"Oh Greg" she cooed, stepping towards me and cupping my cheek in her palm. "I love you so much."

"I know mom."

She patted my cheek lightly. "Good. Wouldn't want you to forget. Now get down there and put those in the washer. And please keep an eye on your father. I'm just going to vacuum that room for you guys. I want you comfortable."

Nothing I could say would stop her. "Okay mom, see you soon." I didn't realize until I was downstairs that she'd said 'you'. Did she think we were going to share the room? It didn't matter,Christopher would sleep where I told him and wouldn't argue with where I chose to sleep. And dad, as easygoing as he was, would probably sleep easier if there was a hallway between us.

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