Abigail's Journey

By Lawson_5

574 86 0

Abigail wakes to find her worthless mother and step father has decided to move her to Ohio but her world gets... More

Coming To Ohio
A Fresh Start
Baby Steps
First Date
Welcome To Milford
Day Off
Naughty, Naughty
A Family Thing
Ready to Perform
The Real Me
I Want More
Dad Needs You
Demand Respect
We Need To Talk
Taking Care Of You
Rejected Again
I Saw You
We're Not Siblings
In A Relationship
Making Plans
I Said No
Don't Touch Me!
We're Friends
Let's Hang Out
Fix It
Still Skittish
I'm Trying
I'm Not Gonna Change
The Boyfriend and the Ex
The Monthly Monster
Don't Touch Her!
Emergency Surgery
Stay Off Your Feet
Healing Time
Party Planning
Serious Talk
How Could You Forget ?!
Time For Court
Getting To Know You
Party Time
Back to Georgia
Old and New Friends
I'm Not A Bully
Faking It ?
Forced Relations
Opening Up
Let's Buy It
Moving In
Friend or Foe
Where Do We Stand ?
Still Confused
Moving Mom
So Sick
Winter Visit
Pregnancy Results
Don't Tell Them
Happy Birthday Abby!
Weathering The Storm
Feeling The Guilty
Deadly Truth
Struggling Together
Brother or Boyfriend?
Are You Staying?
Buying Forgiveness
Meet Your Son
Finally A Family

DNA Results

7 1 0
By Lawson_5


The days roll on and I bye stools and seat for out in the barn. Then I bye a couple picnic tables that the guys put beside the barn out by the new pond. They make an area for the bonfire. Peter comes by collecting his tools from the barn and check out the improvements I've made with the new refrigeration system. He says he like them then says he'll see us at the party. I remind him of the rule and he smiles then takes off. Jake complains that the pond didn't fill with water so I tell him to call a water guy and have water brought in for it so he does and the guy shakes his head when I tell him it's for the pond and why. He laughs at Jake for being a crybaby then goes on his way but now the waters nasty brown so I go get something to clean it and color it turning it a blue green color. I call it teal but I don't know the color it's just pretty to me. Kelly starts coming over everyday and we hang out while the guys work but her parents always call at nine telling her to get home. She does as they say but plans to move as soon as she's turns eighteen. I talk to Patrick and he looks at my house across the street. He walks through and I point out everything and why I had it done. He agrees the house is ready and is a lot nicer than it was before. We walk to the back deck that now extends to the pool. He smiles and looks around at the surrounding lot.

I see you even put in a walk way to get around the house and you had the proper plants placed as well. It seems you've found yourself some fine contractors.

He says approvingly so I smile.

I have two guys I use for all my work. Clark Lykins and Peter Lawson. They get things done and do as I ask them.

Yes, Clark and his men do fine work but you keep an eye on them and their spending. Don't let the bill go to high. Clark has a tendency to over charge sometimes and Peter. Well Peter, he's still young but very experienced. His uncle's have worked him on several jobs since he was a little boy. He's learned a lot of trades so he can do nearly anything but what he can't do I'm sure he knows someone who can. He's a good contractor to have in your book but if your going to use him make sure to have him sign a contract and have him get insurance so your not liable if him or his crew get hurt.

I agree and we talk about my options for the house then he tells me that lease option to buy is usually a good way to go these days because a lot of people can't get loans right away and it gives them some time to get their credit fixed to get the loan. I agree and he tells me how much I should ask and we set up contracts on my laptop.

Abigail I actual came over today for a different reason. Although this has been nice spending this time with you. I'd like for you to come with me to your grandparents. The whole family is there and they're anxiously waiting for us to arrive. See I got our DNA results and we'll my dad was able to pull some strings and sent Carson's DNA over to be tested also so his results are here as well. I know it's sudden but would you come with me?

I smile and remember looking at Ginger and how much we resemble each other. She's got to be my sister. I mean we look like twins. There's no way they both can produce identical girls. That would just be weird. I agree and I go get my car and lock up my house. I follow him over and text Kevin what's going on but he's working so he won't reply until his break. We pull in and I follow him to the door and he looks at me telling me either way I can still come to him for anything. I smile and hug him. Then we walk in.

It's about time you guys got here dang. We've been waiting forever.

Sean complains but Kathryn slaps him and Patrick walks past him shaking his head going to talk to his dad handing him the envelopes while Kathryn takes my hand.

Come on honey we have a seat for you right up here. This is Carson's place and you'll sit next to it beside Patrick. After the results are read we'll adjust the seating to put you in your proper place.

I look over at Patrick then Liam and all the others seats by age alone the table and I grin then I wonder who will be first me or Sean. I never asked him when he'll be eighteen. I take my seat and we all eat then the table's clears and grandpa tells everyone to go to the sitting room where he pulls out the envelopes. Patrick holds my hand and I take a breath as he opens Patrick.

Patrick son your not her father.

He says shocked so I turn to Patrick.

What?! No you have to be! I look just like Ginger!

Shh... it'll be okay Abigail.

He pats my shoulder and looks at his dad but I want to cry as he opens the other envelope then leans over and tears fill his eyes. Patrick walks over squeezing his dad's shoulder .

It's seems Carson lefts a piece of himself behind after all. Carson's your father Abigail.

That's why you're so wild and we can't hardly control you.

Sean complains but Grandpa chuckles.

You most truly are your father's daughter. He was always hard to handle. It is truly an honor to have you in our family but now we have much more important things to discuss. Your father left behind many things that were going to be given to Patrick but now that you have come you will inherit your father's belongings.

We talk for several hours and they give me the keys his house. He tells me I'll receive all his money and houses and everything else when I turn eighteen.

I want you to go to his house and learn about your father. He kept files and records on everything he did. Please try to get to know him. You can live there if you wish but please don't change anything. That's all we have left of him other than you of course.

I agree and take the keys then head home. There's only a couple days until the party now and I still haven't took my invites to Milford so I'll have to ditch fitness tomorrow and take them over. That way I can get them out of the way plus I have court after school so that's going to be so fun. Kevin already took off work to go with me. I pull in at home and the lights are on so I walk in to Jake and Kelly making out on the couch. They separate but I just shake my head.

Patrick's not my dad Carson is and apparently I get all his stuff since he was killed in action. It's not fair. I finally find my dad and he died in war.

They grin then I notice a puffy envelope in the table. So I point at it and ask what it is.

Oh Sam dropped it off. He said you gave it to him for some work he did but he couldn't keep it.

I walk over to the fire place and start building a fire and Jake asks what I'm doing.

I'm building a fire. If he doesn't want the money I'll burn it. I'm tired of trying to help people and it getting it thrown in my face. First you don't want me doing anything for Kelly then I find my dad. Then find out he died and now this, I'm done!

I reach for the money but he takes it back looking at me as he hands it to Kelly.

No! I'll talk to Sam and we've already discussed Kelly. It's not your place to buy her things and it's not your fault your mom kept you from your dad. The Zimmerman's have accepted you with open arms. Now stop acting childish and go to your room to cool off.

I huff and turn to poke the small fire. I already got started then Kevin walks in. I look at him but Jake shakes his head.

Go Abby. Take your ass to your room and cool off! When you can act like a grown up you can come out!

He demands but Kevin looks at us confused so I throw the poker down and tell him to keep the money that I don't care and storm off to my room taking my papers and keys. I sit on my bed hearing them talking and draw a picture of Carson as I remember the picture on their wall then I add me next to him. I sigh. How can this be? How could she keep me away and he be dead now. It's not fair! I wanted to at least meet him to see his face once in person. I text Levi back.

My mom was wrong Patrick isn't my dad Carson is. They done a DNA test but Carson died while over seas at war. She screwed me out of meeting him.

Sucks for you cuz but she's still sick I don't know if I can keep taking care of her. She's hooked bad.

Wait, you mean she's on drugs?

Yes. If you can find her some help that'd be great.

I'll see what I can do.

Kevin knocks then peeks in and I put my phone down. He walks over and I explain everything so he hugs me telling me everything's going to be alright then tells me he went by the farm and saw that I had the carpet changed and had the porch screened in.

Did you look in the barn? I had some new toys delivered for you.

No, but I don't like the sound of that. I told you I don't want to spend your money.

Uh baby you haven't spent a dime of my money. I have.

He shakes his head and looks at the picture I'd just drawn. He grins and looks at me.

Is that Carson?

He asks curious so I nod and he smiles.

You look like him. I bet he would've been proud to be your dad. I know I hope our daughter turns out as good as you.

I just wanted to meet him. To get to know him. It's not fair."

I turn and cry hugging him.

I know baby. I know. But we can't change it and you do have his family and they want to know you and I love you.

He says holding me as I lean into him. We sit there talking for a while then I tell him about the house and he grins.

That's in Indian Hill. Your dad lived in a pretty fancy neighborhood. If you want we'll go check it out tomorrow after we get out of court with dick head.

Okay but tomorrow can you do something with me? I need to go to Milford to give out the invites still but I don't want to go without you because he'll be there still. We can skip fitness and catch everyone when they're leaving school. That'll give them a day to get costumes. I've told most of them but I still want to give them the invites.

Only if you take a shower with me.

I think I can do that.

I grab my things and he says he'll be back that he's going to get his things. He opens the door and I hear Kelly talking to Jake but the front door closes then Jake yells back.

Are you finally coming back out? Have you grown up yet?

Kevin looks at me then shuts the door. Then I suddenly hear a thud.

Get the fuck off of me dude! She was acting like a big baby so I treated like one!

Jake yells so I look out to see Jake and Kevin on the floor but Jake's pinned and squirming.

You have no idea what she went through tonight! Did you bother to ask or even care? No. Your to busy with Kelly! Even though Abby's the one who got you out of that shit whole you lived in and stopped you from getting all those beatings your step dad loved to give you! You don't care that she's going through a bunch of bullshit though do you? Say something else out of the way to her and your out.

Jake looks over at me but I close the door. I like Jake and he's my friend but I agree with Kevin he won't be allowed to keep hurting me. Kevin taps and I open my door and we go to shower like nothing ever happened. We shower then he pulls he to him kissing me. I pull him in hungry for more and he quickly gives grabbing my ass and squeezing as he kisses me more. I grab and stroke him and he grunt as I slide him against me. He groans grabbing the door and I grab his shoulders pulling myself up he catches me so I pull myself onto him and he moans as I pull him. He hesitates at first then pulls me. We call to each other and he smiles as I talk dirty to him. We finish but he tries to pull away but I refuse. I pull him feeling him pulse which helps me finish with him as I kiss him.

Why are you pulling away from me baby?

He stands me up and looks down.

I'm trying not to get you pregnant baby. You wouldn't let me get the condom. You seemed to be in the hurry this time.

I grin and look down.

Oh. Well you excited me. You shouldn't kiss me like that. It's your fault for being so sexy.

My fault? Well you know what if you end up pregnant then it better be a boy. That way he can protect his sister.

So we're okay if I do now?

Sure. We have each other and our house all we need to do is finish school and go to college then eventually we'll get married.

I like the idea of being your wife but I don't want to get fat.

He chuckles as we clean off and get out. I walk to the kitchen and grab a Coke while Jake's fixing the table but he grins at me. I look back the hall but Kevin's still in the bathroom so I grab his pop and Jake groans.

Abby, can I talk to you?

He asks so I walk over to him.

I guess. You're not going to yell at me again are you?

I ask but he sighs heavily.

No. I'm sorry about that. I shouldn't have yelled at you. I've been mistreated for so long I took it out on you. I'm sorry for that.

He explains his home life and how his step dad beat him for everything even things his sister and brother done because they're his kids and he's not. I frown and tell him my story as Kevin walks in and sits next to me.

I know how it is to be beat but at least he was your step dad. If I brought home a bad grade or looked at my mom's boyfriend in a way she didn't like she's beat be. I learned real fast to keep straight A's and not to look at the men she brought home. I avoided men for a long time until she tried using me as bait for them telling them they could play with me as her treat to them. I was mistreated to. I learned to fight and no man touched me or he regretted it. She learned to stop offering me. I'm known to everyone as fat Abby in Georgia. I've never shown myself to anyone until I came here. That fat suit you saw in at the beach. That's how I dressed everyday until the talent show in Milford.

They grin but I nod then go get my photo book and sit back down with them. I show them my life in Georgia. I point out Levi and my mom then some of the men that she dated then me in my fast suit then there's pictures my mom took off me in my room.

You're not in fat clothes there.

Jake points out but I shrug.

That's one my mom took while I wasn't looking. She was always trying to catch me in my normal clothes. I didn't even know what size I wore until I went shopping at Kohl's. I felt ridiculous.

They laugh but we move on and I get to my ballet photos. They look at all the picture mom took and I groan but Kevin chuckles.

I take it you didn't want these pictures taken?

No. My mom decided to try to be a good mom and forced me to join ballet. Being double joined has its benefit but then as you'll see in the next pictures she followed me to the gym that's where I learned to fight and got into shape with my trainer. He insisted I train every other day but I could lift as much as most of the guys in school but they never even knew it.

From the position he has you in I'm sure he did want you coming back every other day. He probably wanted you to come back more than that.

Kevin leans over punching him and I snicker then look at the picture and huff. I never even considered that until now but he's probably right. I turn the page to a picture of me naked covering myself with the shower curtain then there's the one of me and Ken sleeping with our controllers. Kevin smiled then turns and there's another off me and Ken and another then there's one where I'm in my undies in my room and the doors open and Kens walking down the hall so Kevin looks at me.

Wait Ken's walking away here and you're in your underwear. What the hell?

No. Ken and I never have been together but nice try. He has seen me in my undies and naked. I won't lie. But no we never slept together.

He grins and I turn the page to a picture of me with Ken once we moved here. We're playing Halo and we're laughing I'm in my undies and he's in shorts. My phone fell and snapped the picture by accident but I printed it. I snicker and move on to the next pic of the three of us but they look at me.

What the hell? When did you take that? We're in our underwear!

Jake complains and Kevin smirks. I have my ways but that's not my only picture. I flip the page and it's me on Kevin's lap in the chair then one of him standing in the kitchen doorway. He looks at me and flips the page to see Jake shirtless working on the dishwasher then one with him cooking breakfast. They look at me.

Okay where's the cameras? You weren't around for either of these so you have to have hidden cameras.

You were at school when they came to install our security system. I just go in and freeze clips that I like and print them.

They huff but I giggle then flip the page but quickly flip it again and Kevin laughs As Jake shakes his head and calls us pervs. I giggle and Kevin pulls me onto his lap then looks at the last picture of the three of us playing a video game together. I smile and close my photo book then stand up.

Well that's it. I'm sorry your life has been rough but I do understand. Hopefully now we can begin a new life without the drama. My mom is sick and she just started to try to be a good mother to me then we moved and she text saying she was coming but Levi said she's ill. We can't let them hold us back anymore Jake.

Kevin grins nodding.

I agree we're a family and like it or not Jake you're part of it. Abby did Levi say what's wrong with your mom or when she'd be able to come?

I shake my head while Jake thinks over what was said. I tell him what Levi told me and he frowns. Then he tells me she's gonna need to go to a rehab facility. I agree then Jake pulls out the money that Sam brought.

What about this?

You keep it Jake. Abby doesn't want it back and Sam won't take it. Do what you want with it but don't try to give it back.

He grins then starts to open it not knowing how much is there but Kevin tells him to count it later so he puts it back in his pocket. I stand up and say goodnight then hear Jake yell but I just smile and lay down. Then Kevin comes in with his clothes and chuckles.

So I guess you heard Jake's reaction? He doesn't want to keep the money but I made him. I told him you won't take it back so he's keeping it but said he wants to earn it.

I walk out and tell him he has to organize the shed and build the shelves for everything. He agrees and I go back to my room and Kevin chuckles.

That shed's a mess baby.

I know. That's why you're helping him.

Uh that's not fair.

Sure it is. He's your best friend and you don't want him to struggle so your going to help him plus I got you all those nice gifts for our farm and I'm sure you're willing to work for them.

Oh that's just wrong.

He smiles and kisses me. We pull each other taking off our clothes and he grabs a condom as we have our way with each other. We finish and lay there together.

I love how you talk dirty to me. You're so damn sexy baby

I like it when you talk dirty to me to baby but I really like it when you tell me what you want and smack my ass. That's so sexy.

He smiles and grabs another condom pulling me to him. I pull him moaning as he kisses me.

Oh baby you feel so good between my legs. Give it to me harder.

He grunts wrapping his arm around my hips pulling me forcing our bodies together.

You like that baby? Now get up here and ride that dick.

I pull him as I bounce and glide while he pulls me. He smacks my ass pulling me harder.

That's it baby ride that dick. Show me you want it.

I pull my feet up beside him and he looks at me as I lean back grabbing his knees and start bouncing. He moans pulling me then I lean up allowing him to play as I rub his chest and pinch his nipples then pull him teasing him.

Do you want more baby?

I pursue him as he pulls me

Oh yeah baby.

Then come take it big boy. Show me you want me.

He smiles grabbing me rolling us over. He kisses my neck then pulls me to him.

Oh your ass is mine girl.

He says pulling me to him again and I can't help but moan.

Oh baby don't stop. Oh yeah, Oh Kevin. You feel so good baby.

He pulls me close forcing our bodies together telling me he loves me. We finish then Jake pounds in the door.

Quiet down you noisy fuckers. I can't even here the tv. Damn!

He complains and we laugh. We clean up then lay in bed holding each other until we fall asleep.

It's a good thing Abby got birth control when she did those little slips could've been bad news and still could but it's pretty unlikely.
However they're planning a future and they've only been together a couple of weeks.
Now that Abby knows who her father is will the romance survive. After all her new family will expect a lot from her?


Thanks for reading.

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