Abigail's Journey

By Lawson_5

574 86 0

Abigail wakes to find her worthless mother and step father has decided to move her to Ohio but her world gets... More

Coming To Ohio
A Fresh Start
Baby Steps
First Date
Welcome To Milford
Day Off
Naughty, Naughty
A Family Thing
Ready to Perform
The Real Me
I Want More
Dad Needs You
Demand Respect
We Need To Talk
Taking Care Of You
Rejected Again
I Saw You
We're Not Siblings
In A Relationship
Making Plans
I Said No
Don't Touch Me!
We're Friends
Let's Hang Out
Fix It
Still Skittish
I'm Trying
I'm Not Gonna Change
The Boyfriend and the Ex
The Monthly Monster
Don't Touch Her!
Emergency Surgery
Stay Off Your Feet
Healing Time
Party Planning
Serious Talk
How Could You Forget ?!
DNA Results
Time For Court
Getting To Know You
Party Time
Back to Georgia
Old and New Friends
I'm Not A Bully
Faking It ?
Forced Relations
Opening Up
Let's Buy It
Moving In
Friend or Foe
Where Do We Stand ?
Still Confused
Moving Mom
So Sick
Winter Visit
Pregnancy Results
Don't Tell Them
Happy Birthday Abby!
Weathering The Storm
Feeling The Guilty
Deadly Truth
Struggling Together
Brother or Boyfriend?
Are You Staying?
Buying Forgiveness
Meet Your Son
Finally A Family


7 1 0
By Lawson_5


Abby, Kevin. Sean's here!

Jake yells while we're dressing.


I yell back letting him know we're up. Kevin picks up my broken picture and throws the glass away then asks what I want to do about the frame and picture. I look at the picture of a random eagle and tell him to throw it away that it's not important so he drops it in the trash but the picture flips forward and money falls out with a letter. Kevin picks it up looking at me but I shrug so he opens the old letter.

My dear Heather,
I know it's not much but I know your pregnant and I don't know if it's mine or Patrick's. I want you to come back if you decide you want to be with me. I'll raise the child either way. You know I love you. There's enough here to get you both home from any state you may be in. Just remember I love you.
                     Forever yours,

I pull the frame and picture out grinning then stick the money back in the envelope and put it in the safe away from my other money.

My mom insisted I take this picture but I didn't know why. I guess I do now. He really loved her.

I lay the letter with the money and close the safe.

Yeah it sounds like he did. It's to bad she didn't realize it before he died. Maybe you would've gotten to know him.

He hugs me and we go out to meet Sean. We spend the day just hanging out. He helps make out the invitations to the party then I take drinks and pizza out to Peter and his crew.

Thank you Abby. We'll be finishing up in a couple hours we just have to smooth out this concrete and we'll be done. We're just waiting on them to get here and I already have some of my guys working on the property across the street.

I look and see some guys weed eating around the house.

You know they don't have to save any of the flowers I'm going to replace all of them. Oh and Peter, as for the party. Your welcome to come and bring your friends. There'll be plenty of people here and I'm sure you'll know some of them.

Thanks. We may come I have another party to go to that night but we'll see. Jake's usually pretty fun to party with so I may show up.

You may be shocked, I have rules. You have to dress up. No costume, no shirt. It doesn't matter your gender. If you show up without a costume you lose your top or you leave. Okay?

That's kinda harsh isn't it? Men and women topless together.

No if I forgot my costume and came to your party and that was the rule would you make me follow it?

He grins not wanting to answer so I snicker and nod.

Yes you would and that's okay because it's a rule so I'd follow it. My luck I wouldn't be wearing a bra and you'd get to see all my accessories.

They're eyes widen but I just smirk. I'm past the bashful stage. I look at the house as Kevin looks out and says Sean's leaving.

Well, I'll see you later. Try not to work to hard.

I say bye as I walk off toward the house. They start talking as I leave and the concrete truck pulls up so he sends it over to Clark but I jump up on Sean's back knocking him to the ground. We laugh and he tickles me as all the guys watch then he pulls me up picking my hair before I hug him and he leaves. Soon after the concrete truck leaves and Jake walks back to the house then comes to me laughing.

Peter thought Sean was your boyfriend. I told him he's related to you but didn't tell him how. His buddies were interested in getting to know you but I made sure to tell them you're taken and Kevin's you dude.

Well thank you. I'm glad you dealt with that. It saves me a headache later.

He chuckles and we walk inside. Kevin smiles and hands us our controllers.

Guess who's on tonight?

He smiles as I take the controller.


He nods and we start playing. The night passes quickly and we hang out until it gets late. I say goodnight but they look at me funny but I'm tired so I head off to bed and fall asleep before Kevin makes it in then wake up when I roll over to him.

Well good morning beautiful.

He says pulling me close.

Um...Can we stay like this all day?

I kiss him as I lay against him.

I wish we could. I'd hold you like this everyday if I could but we do have school. If we want that future we talked about we have to get up and go.

I sigh then smell bacon.

Do you smell that? Is Jake cooking?

I quickly get up and Kevin laughs telling me Jake does know how to cook some and to let him make breakfast for a change. I hesitate but sit back down on his lap and he smiles. We love on each other then Jake yells for us to come eat. I pull myself away slipping on my blue top and black pants. He dresses and we go eat then head off to school. Throughout the day people whisper and Kevin keeps me closer than usual and Brice keeps looking at me funny. Until he finally catches me alone while Kevin's using the restroom.

Abby people are talking about you and saying things and Kevin says what they're saying is true but I know the guy. He's a friend of mine. I know it's rude to ask but did Andy really do that? I just text him and he says your his girlfriend still but I see you with Kevin and we talked at the game and well you seemed open to seeing other people so are you seeing them both or what's going on?

No Brice. I'm with Kevin and I'm not open to seeing anyone else. Kevin and I talked yesterday and we're exclusive now Andy did do it and I put him in jail but he got out and followed me to Meijer and cornered me at my car so I played along to get away from him. He still thinks we're together and we're keeping it that way to keep him away from me. He doesn't know where I am and thinks I'm homeschooled. If he's your friend then please don't tell him where I am or that were not together I want to be safe and if you're my friend you'll keep me safe from him.

Kevin walks over pulling me under his arm and I say bye then we walk away. He asks what he wanted so I tell him and he grins. After school we go home but Peter and his crew are working in the yard across the street. Jake runs in and changes then takes off to work and Kevin says he has an interview so he changes and starts to leave so I kiss him then head to my room to get my clothes for a shower. I have the house to myself for at least an hour so I strip then I hear the door close as Kevin leaves. I turn on my music then walk naked to the kitchen to find Peter drinking a Coke. I freeze but he almost drops it and looks at me.

Oh shit, Kevin said I could come in and get a Coke. He didn't tell me you were running around naked.

He says shocked as I grab the throw off the couch wrapping myself up.

Kevin didn't know I was naked. I'm getting ready to shower but I didn't hear you come in. Trust me he wouldn't have sent you in if he knew.

I don't blame him. I wouldn't want to share you either. I'm sorry. I seem to have made a mess. Do you have a mop or paper towels or something?

Yeah over by the sink.

He cleans up the mess then walks to the door so I follow to close the door. He holds the screen door and looks at me so I steep over and look out at him but his crew looks over at us as he thanks me for the Coke then leans closer

You have very nice piercings by the way. Very sexy.

You never saw those or you'll be a dead man.

I smile pushing him back as I close the screen door but he laughs then goes back to work. I can only imagine what he's telling his crew. I take my shower but then realize I left my clothes in my room. I dry my hair and walk out to go to my room and find Kevin walking down the hallway.

Hey sexy look at you running around naked. I'm glad you locked the door. I let Peter in to get a Coke earlier and he could've seen you.

He chuckles but I smack him.

No Kevin, you let Peter in and he did see me! I used the throw on the couch to cover myself. He about choked on his pop and spilled it all over the floor then apologized for being in here.

I explain everything and he frowns

Well that's what I get for letting him in I guess. At least he didn't hit in you.

He sighs and I smile as he watches while I dress. He grabs his cloths and takes a shower and I go check the mail but when I get to the mailbox Peter walks over.

So what are we telling Kevin? Because you said I can't tell him.

His crew watch us as they load up for the night.

I told him everything but I left out that you mentioned my piercings. I don't think he'd like you hitting on me. That may cause you guys to fight. What do your friends think happened? I know they think we done something.

Yeah they did. They thought we... had sex but I told them your to good for that and I busted your walking around naked.

I look at the property and grin then ask what he thinks about it and how long so he tells me it'll be done tomorrow. I look back by my barn and grin.

Can that machine dig a pond or would you need something bigger? See I've been wanting a pond next to my barn.

I point and he smiles as Kevin looks out and shakes his head then walks out but Peter nods.

She's adding more work to me buddy. I think your little woman's trying to work me to death.

He shakes Kevin's hand.

Yeah she has big hopes for this place. Hey about earlier...

Peter cuts him off ready to explain.

Nope we already agreed to let it go. That was an accident and I'm sure you didn't know she was in there like that so I'm not worried about it. Let's just move on.

Alright cool.

Now what are you adding to his to do list?

Dig our pond . Unless he doesn't want to then can get someone else. He knows we'll pay him.

Peter looks at me funny but Kevin smiles at me making everything ours.

She wants a pond by the barn. Do you want to dig it or do you want us to get someone else?

No I'll do it but I'll need different equipment for that. The guys can finish over here and I can start the pond tomorrow. You should be able to start putting things in your barn then to. Have you tried out the new furnace yet?

I look at Kevin who shrugs so Peter explains.

I told you I'd have my friend take care of it. That was included in what you paid me. We even built a room to hide the furnace in the corner for you. It's all electric so no gas bill.

Good we'll start decorating tomorrow I'll let you and Kevin talk price on the pond. I'm going to make dinner. I'll see you tomorrow.

I wave at the other guys so they wave back. I check the mail then I walk back in. I set Jake's mail on the coffee table and Kevin's on the end table but I finally got my bank card. I put it in my purse and look at the junk mail before tossing it on the table for the guys to look at. I make spaghetti and meatballs then call Kevin in. He tells me to get the money so I nod as Peter says something to him while they stand on the porch but I grab the amount he says and take it to him even though it seems like a lot just to dig a pond. I hand him the money and they say goodnight then Kevin comes inside. Jake pulls in and quickly sits down to eat.

Sorry guys but I'm beat I'm going to shower then in going to bed.

He says rinsing his plate and sticking it in the dishwasher. We say goodnight then we lay on the couch watching tv. I snuggle close and he holds me but I fall asleep. I wake up in Kevin's bed. The alarm blasts but he's gone so I sit up and turn it off. I walk to my room and get dressed then walk out to the kitchen but the guys are both dressed drinking coffee and taking to Peter on the porch. I look on the table at my plates sitting there. I grin But sit down and eat then start the dish washer and turn off the coffee pot. I decided to wear my leather pants today with my orange top and my leather jacket since I'll never give Brice that chance. It's only right that I let him see my outfit at least once. Then try out my new lipstick that's supposed to be smudge proof and put on my make-up. Then walk out with my things for school. They look and me and Kevin smiles but Jake's has to comment.

Sexy lady. Kevin should bite you on the ass.

Kevin punches him but Peter laughs while I shake my head.

What? You can't tell me you don't want to. Look at her. If Kelly comes over looking like that I'm taking a bite. You're lucky were friends or I'd bite her ass myself.

Jake go to school before I kill you.

I laugh as I open the garage to get my car out but Jake grins asking why so Kevin tells him he has to work making Jake give him an odd look.

Where'd you start working?

Down in Milford for Office Team and yes before you ask I took off for the party already.

I smile then kiss him and he smacks squeezing my ass. Then I walk off without wiping his lips like I usually do seeing the lipstick actually works.

See you know you wanna bite that ass Kevin. I know you brother.

Jake insist so I stop looking back at him.

Jake, if Kevin wants to bite my ass he will trust me it's not that's only thing he'll be biting and if you want Kelly to dress like this you better buy her the clothes because her parents treat her like shit. They won't give her any money and they're not about to let her get a job.

He frowns but Kevin laughs.

I told you to leave but no you had to stay and get your ass chewed. You knew she'd snap eventually.

Yeah whatever. The truths the truth and I'll take care of my girl. She'll have everything she needs.

He says then tells Peter bye and gets in his car and takes off while Peter laughs telling us bye then gets the guys to work before him and another guy take off to get another piece of equipment to dig the pond. I follow Kevin to school and I make plans to go shopping with Candy. The whole day Brice stares me down all day then I kiss Kevin and he takes off but when I walk to my car Brice walks over with Jonathon and Ricky.

That's a very nice outfit Abby. You should wear leather more often.

Brice says then reaches out like he's gonna grab my ass but Jonathon grabs his arm.

You touch her and I'll break that arm.

Whay the fuck do you care? You broke up with her you pussy. You don't even have a real reason why. What wrong? She tell you she wanted you to get some piercings and you weren't man enough like Kevin was or me? Or did she not tell you she likes her men pierced? Or didn't you make it that far Jon boy?

I slapped him then.

Don't talk about Jonathon like that and don't call him that! His name is Jonathon damn it! Any girl in this school would be lucky to have him and he doesn't need pierced because he can please his woman without it unlike you, you tool! You have to have help! Kevin's piercings are none of your damn business you dick! If you were half the man either of them are you'd have a women instead of messing with me when you know I'm taken!

Then Jonathon hauls off punching him as Ricky grabs him but he pushes him off.

You stay the fuck away from her! I mean it Brice. I'll beat your ass if I hear about you messing with her again! Come on Abby.

Candy walks over grinning as we finish walking to my car and he tells me to stay away from Brice. I unlock my car and she gets in but he looks at me.

You know I could've handle that myself but thank you.

You don't have to thank me. I just said what was true. Jonathon? Can you tell me what you were doing that night? Why we're you trying to get in my room?

I knocked on your door but you didn't answer so I juggled the handle. I was only wanting to talk to you but when I turned around Jake slammed me against the wall and with him and Kevin both there I wasn't going to try to fight them both. I see you're happy with Kevin but when you talk about me it sound like you want me. Why is that?

I miss you Jonathon. We became closer than I expected and then you were just gone. I lost you because of something you were raised to believe and I wasn't. It's not fair. I'm sorry, I have to go.

But Abby, I miss you to. See that's the problem. You stopped doing everything I wanted you to for him but not for me. Why?

I don't know Jonathon. He made me see why a women shouldn't do that but I still do it if that make you feel better and I still have my piercings. He even got pierced for me. I really do have to go. I'm sorry you had to hit your friend but thank you for explaining what you were doing that night.

He pulls me to him hugging me then quickly steps away and nods telling me to have fun with Candy. I hand my phone to Candy and tell her to text Kelly to meet us at the mall. She does and we head on over. The three of us hang out but Kelly just looks so as she looks I start buying the things she says she wishes she had the money for.

God Abby you bought a lot of stuff today. I thought you already had that top and those shoes and since when do we wear the same size?

Kelly asks while Candy snicker as we reach Kelly's car and I stuff the bags in and shut the door but she looks at me and grins.

What are you doing? I didn't ask for that stuff and I can't pay you back.

I didn't ask you to now did I? I wanted to treat you so I did but I knew you wouldn't let me so Candy and I shopped for you while you mindlessly shopped.

She smacks us both then hugs us. We laugh then she takes off and we go back in the mall we eat then buy some CD's and we both get some new body jewellery. Then I see Alex walking with Sage and she's laughing but he looks annoyed. So I pull off my leather jacket getting the attention of the passing guys and they cross over to us. Candy flirts and I smile and talk friendly to them then she gets their numbers but I fake it and we walk on laughing then he sees me and I look at him but as we look at each other I look at her then frown and grab Candy. We walk faster to get away like it was the first time I saw them. We go to Spencer's and she gets some trinkets but I buy some pj's. We go to leave but she has to pee so I wait at the bench telling her to hurry. Then Alex walks up behind me.

Well they said you moved away and Liam said not to try to find you. I asked around but you were just gone.

Why are you talking to me? Aren't you afraid your girlfriend will see you or are you gonna lie and tell her I'm family?

I snap at him and he sighs.

I deserve that but you told me to see other people so I did. What do you want from me?

You knew what I wanted. I wanted you to stay faithful to me. Not leave and be with her that same day. If you loved me you would've. You used me and went running back to her. Was your dad really even sick or was that fake to. Did you nail us both the same day? We're we good Alex?

Abby I swear I'd never lie like that. My dad's still sick. I'd never used you. You have to believe that. I didn't know what to do. I haven't been in a committed relationship in forever. I need work I know, I'm sorry.

How much work Alex? How many times do I have to see you having sex with another woman. You know what the shitty part is? I remember every detail from both nights. Every detail. Photovoltaic memory Alex. I'm sure you've heard of it. Thanks for the memories. They completely overpower our one great night.

I see Candy walking out and grab my bag then see Sage walking out behind her. She sees me and comes toward us but Alex turns as she says his name but I'm pissed. I walk toward her but she gives me a dirty look so Candy looks back at her defensively on my behalf. I don't say anything I just ball my fist and punch her knocking her to the floor.

Fuck you bitch! I'm ten times better than you! Give me another dirty look!

Candy laughs pulling me away as Alex picks her up and leads her back to the restroom again while looking at back me.

That's right Alex take your whore to clean her up! You deserve each other you dick!

Candy looks at me shocked.

That was your Alex?

He looks at her but I shake my head.

He's not mine anymore. He's hers! Come on, I want to go home.

We walk off and I take her back to her car at the school. We hug and say bye then I go home. I text Kevin and tell him I ran into Alex and told him off and came home then there's a knock on the front door so I automatically answer it.

Ken! Oh my God! Come in. I just got home.

I open the door to see his arms full of beer

I told you I'd bring stuff so I'm here. There's more in the car. Where's that Kevin guy?

He's at work but he'll be here soon. So will Jake. I'll help with what I can. I just can't carry a lot of weight yet.

We carry everything in and I laugh at how much he brought. But he laughs at me.

Well I'm not stupid Darlin'. I know there's going to be several people here including adults and you can't buy it yourself so I got everything you'll need to stock your own mini bar. Kevin said you were having one built.

I look at him confused and he grins as presses his lips together.

Did I just give something away that I wasn't supposed to?

Yes, but we'll keep that tight lipped between us.

He smiles and we play Halo. Jake walks in and looks at us so I introduce them then he joins us after eating. I try to pay Ken back but he refuses. Then Kevin walks in asking who's here but looks at Ken and grins. He says hello then starts playing saying he ate out. He hangs out for a little while then says he has to go but he'll try to stop in again soon. Jake showers and goes to bed then Kevin says he's glad I told Alex off but he's beat so we shower and fool around then go to bed.

If your not telling, what are you hiding?
Spending time with friends can be fun but was it worth all the drama that came with it?


Thanks for reading.

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