Abigail's Journey

By Lawson_5

574 86 0

Abigail wakes to find her worthless mother and step father has decided to move her to Ohio but her world gets... More

Coming To Ohio
A Fresh Start
Baby Steps
First Date
Welcome To Milford
Day Off
Naughty, Naughty
A Family Thing
Ready to Perform
The Real Me
I Want More
Dad Needs You
Demand Respect
We Need To Talk
Taking Care Of You
Rejected Again
I Saw You
We're Not Siblings
In A Relationship
Making Plans
I Said No
Don't Touch Me!
We're Friends
Let's Hang Out
Fix It
Still Skittish
I'm Trying
I'm Not Gonna Change
The Monthly Monster
Don't Touch Her!
Emergency Surgery
Stay Off Your Feet
Healing Time
Party Planning
Serious Talk
How Could You Forget ?!
DNA Results
Time For Court
Getting To Know You
Party Time
Back to Georgia
Old and New Friends
I'm Not A Bully
Faking It ?
Forced Relations
Opening Up
Let's Buy It
Moving In
Friend or Foe
Where Do We Stand ?
Still Confused
Moving Mom
So Sick
Winter Visit
Pregnancy Results
Don't Tell Them
Happy Birthday Abby!
Weathering The Storm
Feeling The Guilty
Deadly Truth
Struggling Together
Brother or Boyfriend?
Are You Staying?
Buying Forgiveness
Meet Your Son
Finally A Family

The Boyfriend and the Ex

6 1 0
By Lawson_5


I walk in closing the door then I hear Jake and Kevin start talking so I turn up my music then step in the shower. I want to drown out everything. I can't have Kevin, I can't have Jonathon. Alex cheated on me. I wax then get in and wash my hair. I start washing then Kevin taps on the shower door and steps in with me.

Abby I'm tired of playing games with you. I know you're not with Jonathon anymore and I want you to be with me more than anything but I couldn't wait to talk to you about it.

I stand there shocked and scared at first as he grabs my hand kissing it then starts to get out but my fear vanishes so I pull him back.

I want to be with you to and I haven't been with Jonathon since yesterday. He wanted to control me and I won't be controlled. It was you I wanted the whole time.

He smiles stepping over to me but doesn't touch me so I reach for him and he gladly hugs me soaking him and we laugh as he kisses me as he turns on his shower and starts washing while I wash. I step out seeing his wallet laying there so I look in looking back at him but he's still washing so I peek in to see his things neatly organized. Then see a condom tucked inside so I grin and look back at him again. I've been so scared but I have to get over this, I have to. I take the condom and step back in turning my water back on as I rip open the package. He turns wiping his face as I kiss him but I keep the condom cupped in my hand until I know we're ready. He pulls me caressing my body then presses me up the wall and grunts so I slip the condom in his hand but he looks at me confused.

I've been waiting for you.

I say a little seductively and he smirk with a smile.

I've been waiting for you to baby.

He pulls me to him as I fight the fear in me to let him lifts me. He pulls me to him then kisses me.

Oh baby you feel so good. I wanna lay you on my bed and have my way with you.

He says making my fear leave and I pull him.

You feel so good in me, I wanna scream.

Oh yeah baby, you gonna scream for it... Come on baby, tell me what you want.

I smile seeing he likes to let go and expressing himself with his partner. I pull him letting him have it. I tell him what I want and he gives but he does the same so I move and wiggle for him.

Harder baby, harder. Yeah. Oh, that feels so good.

He kisses me pulling me harder

Oh Kevin don't stop! More baby, more!

I pull him nearly yelling. He smiles as he pulls me forcing our bodies together so I wiggle turning my ring for him to feel it better. He squeezes my ass but pulls me faster and grunts. Then I freeze as I feel him pulse. I clutch to him scratching his shoulders but he pulls me. We stands there kissing then he stands me and we rinse off. Afterward we get out to get dressed.

So I got you to scream after all. I think I should get points for that.

He jokes making me laugh while I put on my lotion.

I don't think so. Oh you need a new condom for your wallet. I robbed yours. I didn't know where else to get one on such short notice.

You no I like your way of telling me you like me to but now that that's settled will you be my girlfriend?

Only if I'm only yours and you're my mine.

He smiles nodding.

Of course you'd be my only mine. I'm not a cheater but I'm all yours to. But no dates with guy friends either, like James. I know what they're after and I saw that kiss before you got out of his car.


I smile pulling my underwear on then my robe and we walk out. I go to my room to finish my drawing then put it in my private folder and quickly draw me and Kevin in the shower facing each other. He's holding my hand and I write on the wall A New Beginning. Kevin taps on the door then looks in so I tell him to come in. He walks over and sits down as I put the drawing in my private folder and he glances but doesn't ask but now we're together so I hand it to him.

I told you these are my private drawings. They're things I've done or things that people have done to me. Good and bad. They're mixed up in there. Then there are my wants to. They're clipped in the center. Well until now. Now I have to move them.

He frowns then looks straight at the wants and smiles. Then he notices the dates and looks at me.

Abby you drew these while you were with Alex and Jonathon. Why did you go out with him when you wanted to be with me?

I heard you and Jake talking about your new girlfriend and I wasn't going to try to come between you so I tried to move on. It just didn't work. Jonathon doesn't like who I am.

What do you mean baby? What didn't he like?

Well I have piercings and he doesn't believe in them so he wanted me to take them out after he found out. Then he told me not to walk around in my undies or to get in bed with Jake when I have bad dreams.

Well the piercings are your choice. I like you either way. They don't change you, they just add decorations and more to play with. I'm used to you running around in your underwear but I prefer you stay covered up. I don't like another man seeing my girl but I know you're comfortable around Jake and he's friends zoned so I'm not to worried about that. But, the sleeping in Jake's bed... That one I agree with Jonathon on. That has to stop. You can come to my bed if you get scared. Does that suit you?

Yep. You may just get a bed buddy anyway just for the fun of it.

He hands my folder back and I lay my sketch pad down and he pulls me to him but Jake knocks so we look over as he peeks in.

I see the shower holds two. Abby, Jonathon's here he says he has to talk to you. I tried to tell him you were busy but he insist.

I grin and stand up followed by Kevin. We walk out but Kevin goes to his room with Jake following. I walk out and Jonathon smiles at me.

I'm sorry to just show back up but I had to talk to you before going to bed.

He feels my still wet hair.

What was so important you had to talk to me tonight?

I thought a lot about our talk and about what your dad said. And I want to try to put our differences aside and be together.

I'm sorry Jonathon I can't do that. I've already started seeing someone else.

His eyes go wide and he gets upset raising his voice.

But we just broke up! You didn't wait very long! Who is it James?

Jonathon we broke up the other day not tonight and no it's not James. We agreed to be friends so stop yelling at me. You know we're not good together.

Don't yell! Two days Abby, two! It has to be someone you wanted before. Who is it?... It's Kevin isn't it?!

He looks at me angry as I flinch

I'm right aren't I? You've wanted him the entire time and now you got him haven't you?!

He spit the words out at me as Kevin and Jake walk out to see what the commotion is buy Jonathon looks at Kevin's wet hair.

I knew it! You even took a shower with him! You would barely let me touch you and he showers with you? What else? Did you just shower or did you let him fuck you to?!

He demands so I smack him

You asshole! You want to know what we did? I'll tell you! We did fuck! He made me scream for his big dick and he played with my tits and my nipple rings that you hate so much. He gave it to me hard and fast until I couldn't help but scream his name! Does that suit you? You happy now?!

I yell at him as Kevin chuckles but Jonathon frowns then looks at Kevin while Jake smirks.

That's a lie! This is bullshit, Kevin you knew she was my girl and you went for her anyway!

Kevin looks at me so I walked over to him wrapping my arm around him.

No Jonathon she told me you split up and I tend to believe her. She doesn't lie buddy. I had her screaming in the shower. Over and over. I'm sorry, she wouldn't let you touch her but she just didn't trust you like she does me. She's my girl now so your gonna have to deal with it. You're the one who left her remember.

Kevin reminds him but Jake sighs.

Okay look everybody. Jonathon you screwed up by leaving Abby but Kevin and Abby are together now. You knew they liked each other from the beginning. Hell we all did but none of us said anything. You had to see this coming. Don't be a dick and lose two friends because your jealous over a girl. Come on dude you and Kevin have known each other since kindergarten don't fight over a girl when you know she's not right for you.

I look at Jake impressed then Jonathon grins and looks at me and Kevin and frowns sighing. He knows Jake's right but doesn't want to admit it.

Fine! Be together but don't expect me to be all happy for you. I'm sleeping on your couch my dad thinks I'm staying over with Brice. If that's okay?

I shrug so the guys agree. Jake grabs his controller and I look at the tv as Kevin picks up his controller and I go get myself a Coke.

You guys are so setting up for us to play to. We're not gonna just set back and watch.

I complain but Jake yells back at me.

Well get your shit together and bring me a pop while your at it!

I scoff but grab a pops for everyone including Jonathon. I set them down then go grab the chips setting them on the table. Then Kevin asks what James took me to do.

We went to Scene 75 and played a bunch of games and other stuff then stopped at the gas station and got something to drink on the way home but when I tried to tell him goodnight he kissed me. Why do all guys think they have to kiss a girl when they drop her off after a night out? We went out as friends.

Jonathon huffs annoyed.

Because they want to be more than friends.

Kevin looked at him grinning but nods in agreement. Then pulls me to sit between them. I keep my robe tied as we play but being between the guys I start to get hot and start to sweat so I lean forward and take a drink then Kevin pulls my robe fanning me. I smile back at him then he pulls my belt but I grab his hand telling him no but he smiles and pulls it anyway telling me to be comfortable. I glance at Jonathon but he shrugs and tells me he doesn't care that he wants me to be comfortable so I pull my robe off my shoulders and keep playing. Jake looks over but Jonathon stops playing briefly then starts again when he sees I'm not taking it off. We keep playing but Jake keeps getting in front of me.

Move Jake or I'm gonna jump on your ass.

I smack him across Kevin's lap.

I call foul. She's getting violent.

Jake jokes and Jonathon chuckles

I second that.

Shut up Jonathon you didn't see shit. You were watching the game and show me evidence. I'm way over here. I'm innocent.

I laugh and stand up tossing my robe back as walking to get another Coke.

You did it and you know it. That's a foul. Kevin you saw her. No cheats because you're dating.

I walk back in with four bowls of ice cream and they all smile but Jonathon still stares me down like he's still unsure of what to do our say.

Okay I hit you, so here I got you an extra scoop. Crybaby.

I hand them the ice cream and he smiles.

See. She's a cheater but she apologizes with style.

He laughs while I shake my head and Kevin chuckles. We eat the ice cream and I pull my robe back on but leave it open we play for a good hour then Jake starts yawning so I call it a night to. Only because I don't want to sit out with Jonathon and Kevin and feel awkward.

I'm going to my room goodnight fellas.

I get up and walk to the kitchen putting the dishes in the dishwasher but when I turn around Kevin's there. He pulls me to him kissing me.

I'll be going to bed soon to. Do you want me to check on you?

Oh yes please. I'd like that very much.

So would I. I'll see you in a little while.

He smiles kissing me again telling me goodnight. I walk out of the kitchen but Jonathon looks at me still upset. I walk on to my room while Kevin goes to join him and they keep playing and start talking but it's to muffled for me to hear. I grab my hamper and go start some laundry then head back to my room but hear Jonathon telling Kevin he better treat me right and Kevin tells him he plans on it. I open my door and Jake looks out at me.


He whispers So I shake my head and lift my basket like I don't know what he's talking about but he gives me a look like he knows I'm lying. I smile and he nods so I go on into my room. I sit and draw the four of us playing with my robe on and we're all smiling. Just a moment we all have together just being a group of friends playing video games. I lay the sketch pad down then grab the pole that I bought from Spencer's out of my closet. I start screwing it to the ceiling and floor. Then test it for stability. I yank and pull it but it doesn't move then I climb up to the top when Jake taps on the door and looks in.

Abby... What the hell are you doing in here? Oh my God!

He stares opened mouthed as I slide down the pole then Kevin and Jonathon join him. Kevin looks at the pole then me as I smile.

What? Don't look at me like that I wanted it so I got it and yes I know how to use it.

They look at me like they doubt it then Kevin walks over picking up the box and everything so I turn on my radio while Jake and Jonathon stand there waiting for him to tell me to take it down or whatever but I step around him grabbing the pole spinning around it as I pull myself up while he reads the box. I start playing but Kevin quickly drops the box and the music stops.

Get out! She knows what she's doing!

He pushes them out the door locking it while they curse at him but I laugh then toss my bra at him. He smiles then I point to my night stand so he looks at it and looks inside finding my condoms and yanks his shorts off. He grabs me and I scream then laugh. He quickly pulls off my panties and his briefs then puts on the condom and pulls me to him. He tickles and plays with me enjoying my rings kissing and licking as he plays. I giggle and pull him, enjoying his touch. I want nothing but him, he just feels right. More right than anything I've ever done in my life. I call to him and he smiles calling back telling me he wants me. We finish and he runs to the to the bathroom then I go but the guys are quiet. Kevin walks to his room so I take my box to the trash then turn around to see Jonathon and Jake sitting on the couch looking at me.

Oh shut up. It's not like you've never seen a girl on a pole.

They look at me and grin.

Really you haven't? Two of the best looking guys in the school and not one girl has pole danced for you. Haven't snuck into a pole dancing bar?

Abby there's not very many bars around here with pole dancers and not to many girls our age pole dance but trust me were willing to watch them if they're out there.

I grin. Maybe it's just a big thing with the girls in the south. I heard several of them talking about it with their friends before I moved.

Oh, I guess it's just popular where I come from. All the girls I went to school done do it. Of course you are all city boy to them. They'd like to teach you though. Good night fellas.

I walk back to bed singing to myself. I walk in but Kevin's in his room still so I lay my things out for tomorrow then change my rings. I slip my black panties on leaving my bra on the dresser and pull on my black robe. It's shorter but I don't plan to keep it on long. I walk over to Kevin's room as he sticks his wallet in his pocket.

So where do you want to sleep? In your bed or mine or would you prefer to sleep alone?

He asks grinning but I smile then jump up onto him.

As long as I'm in your arms I don't care who's bed we're in.

That's what I like to hear baby. Go get you things and we'll stay in here tonight. I don't really trust Jonathon to much. Friend or not he's still your ex.

I grin then go grab my things from the dryer putting them away leaving my sketch of the four of us out so I can finish it later. I put my things on his dresser and we walk to the living room where Jake decided to get to hang out with Jonathon. They look at me then Kevin then ask me to get us all a Coke so off I go hearing then whisper as I leave. I walk over to the chair and sit with Kevin then complain that Jake's trying to cook us so he can sit in his briefs. He laughs then tells me to take my robe off.

No. You just want to see my tits.

Excuse me but you walk around all assed out all the time. What makes today ant different?

He scoffed but Jonathon answers.

Uh, me.

Jonathon you've seen me naked. Jake hasn't. We've just shared a bed there's a difference. Anyway we have a nudity rule in our house and we keep clothes on when we have guest.

Well you have no problem then Kevin's here and you know Jonathon won't try anything. You were walking around in your underwear in front of him earlier. We all know you do it and it doesn't bother any of us. Hell we all get hot.

Kevin pulls me back baring my shoulder and kissing it.

If your hot take it off.

Kevin says reluctantly then pulls at the waist starting to open my robe but I move away.

No Kevin, don't!

I try to stop him but it to late he holds my robe and I stand there in my panties in front of the three of them. Jake's and Jonathon's eyes widen but Kevin quickly shoves my robe over me.

What the hell Kevin leave it off. She was fine without it!

Jake complains but Jonathon laughs.

Fuck you Jake! Shut up Jonathon! Abby get your naked ass in there!

He demands As I smirk and start toward the hall Holding the robe over my chest looking back at him.

Does this mean I was bad? Are you going to punish me?

I tease but they look at me shocked and he smirks shaking his head.

Get your ass in there! You got two seconds before I bust your...

He threatens following me to my room but when he walks in I'm already naked and on the bed with a condom in my hand.

Now baby you know that was your fault. I tried to keep my robe on. You're the one who pulled it off. You're the bad one here.

I insist making him smirk as he walks over taking the condom smiling.

You're right. I pulled off your robe but I didn't know you were half naked and so damn sexy.

He grins and strips then puts the condom on. We pull each other then he smacks my ass and I moan with pleasure. He rolls us over smacking again as I bounce with him telling me how much he likes it.

Yeah, that's it ride that dick. Bounce that ass baby.

He says grabbing my hips, pulling me harder.

Oh yeah baby, faster. Oh Kevin! Yeah!

I clutch to him kissing him as he forces me down again and again, pulsing as we finish together.

He kisses me holding me close.

I could hold you here all night.

That would be nice but we'd wake up rather messy and we already agreed to sleep in your bed.

We get up I pull on my night gown and he smiles as we walk to the bathroom cleaning off. I walk on to the living room grabbing our drinks from the table but the guys look at me.

Yep, she got in trouble. She's wearing clothes.

Jake's teases so I pull my gown up to my ass showing the red mark and he scoffs as I point.

He actually busted my ass.

I scoff as Jake chuckles but Jonathon huffs then Kevin walks out hearing everything and nods.

Yeah and I'll do it again if you show off my goods. You're lucky I let you run around in your underwear. I know how Jake is.

Yeah well you don't have to worry about that sweet heart. I won't be walking around in my undies anymore unless I'm home alone or it's just us.

Jonathon walks to the bathroom red faced like he angry and I realized what I just did. I changed for Kevin but not for him. I tell them goodnight and take my Coke and head to my room turning off my light and close the door then go to Kevin's room and lay down. A few minutes later Kevin comes in locking his door behind him and I hear Jake close his door. I curl up next to him as he rubs my bare back.

Do you realize how much I've wanted to hold you like this? You know I'm not letting you go right?

He says kissing my forehead.

You better not. I'm holding on and not letting go either. You're all I want.

I lean up and kiss him then snuggle back in going to sleep.

With Abby making changes for Kevin and Jonathon getting angry Abby's inclined to feel some guilt but there's a lot that just happened.
Her father wants to talk and she text her mother for the first time in weeks. Things can either get worse or better from this point.


Thanks for reading.

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