Abigail's Journey

By Lawson_5

594 87 0

Abigail's her worthless mother and stepfather, have decided to move her to Ohio, but her world gets rocked wh... More

Coming To Ohio
A Fresh Start
Baby Steps
First Date
Welcome To Milford
Day Off
Naughty, Naughty
A Family Thing
Ready to Perform
The Real Me
I Want More
Dad Needs You
Demand Respect
We Need To Talk
Taking Care Of You
Rejected Again
I Saw You
We're Not Siblings
In A Relationship
Making Plans
I Said No
Don't Touch Me!
We're Friends
Let's Hang Out
Fix It
Still Skittish
I'm Trying
I'm Not Gonna Change
The Boyfriend and the Ex
The Monthly Monster
Don't Touch Her!
Emergency Surgery
Stay Off Your Feet
Healing Time
Party Planning
Serious Talk
How Could You Forget ?!
DNA Results
Time For Court
Getting To Know You
Party Time
Back to Georgia
Old and New Friends
I'm Not A Bully
Faking It ?
Forced Relations
Opening Up
Let's Buy It
Moving In
Friend or Foe
Where Do We Stand ?
Still Confused
Moving Mom
So Sick
Winter Visit
Pregnancy Results
Don't Tell Them
Happy Birthday Abby!
Weathering The Storm
Feeling The Guilty
Deadly Truth
Struggling Together
Brother or Boyfriend?
Are You Staying?
Buying Forgiveness
Meet Your Son
Finally A Family


6 1 0
By Lawson_5


I pull up next to Liam in the big truck and he smiles.

Nice car. Much better than that Camaro. Did you pick it or did dad?

I picked it. Dad likes it.

He chuckles then tells me to follow him to the Value City then Furniture Fair. We look around and I get a bedroom set then we sees a living room set that we both like so we get it then go look at kitchen stuff getting a small table and chairs. The workers load everything in the truck then I tell Liam I'll meet him at the house unless he wants to come with me to the Wal-Mart to get some dishes and towels and stuff. He shrugs but agrees to follow me over. We walk in getting dishes and cookware then get things for the bathroom. I grab a couple trash cans then curtains and I get a comforter set. I look at the car ready to go but he shakes his head.

Come on you're gonna need a microwave and toaster and Sean drinks coffee. You need a tv to. You really are simple.

I laugh and he runs to get another cart. We get a tv for the living room and one for my bedroom. Then get a toaster, microwave and coffee pot. Then grab some food while we're here. He stays close to me as I avoid any passing men and refuse to go thru the checkout with a guy clerk. We check out and take everything to the truck and my car then head to my new house. When we get there Sean helps unload everything and we get everything organized then I see that Sean ordered a pizza. They stick all the old furniture in the barn out back for now and Liam takes the truck back after eating some pizza and downing a couple Cokes.

I put the extra money back in my safe but keep out five hundred for myself. Kelsey tells me her family came over and checked the place out. I asked if she told them about what happened to me but she says no that it's my private business and she won't tell anyone. I tell them Andy was arrested that I pressed charges and his dad beat him up and he's helping me as of right now. I go take a shower and scrub as hard as I can but I still feel dirty. When I get out I brush my teeth and go to my room. I sit on my bed and draw the scene as I remember it. Andy holding me against the wall forcing our bodies together the condom wrapper on the floor his pants still on my and skirt pulled up but I'm pushing him. On the same page I draw the hospital scene. Me holding my dad back and Andy being cuffed. I show his black eyes and broke nose and the busted lip then put his mom in yelling with a bubble and she's telling my dad to leave Andy alone his ribs are broke and all that but Andy looks ashamed in the drawing like he did when the cops arrested him. He knows he messed up. I put the picture away and look at my phone curious when Alex will text but he still hasn't so things must be bad. I finish unpacking my things and find the little camera Andy got for us to video. I set it on my dresser. I'll figure out what to do with it later. I pull off my clothes and set my clothes out for tomorrow then pull off my bra and start to climb in bed when Gary calls.

Hey Gary what up?

I say casual but he hesitates.

Well Abby I hate to tell you this but I'm here with Chris getting Andy's things for his mom and his computers on but when I clicked the mouse we got a great view of you and your stand there but ass naked. Love the piercing. Can you tell us what's going on and why we're taking Andy's shit to his mom's?

I walk over taking the battery out of the camera.

Awe you disappeared. You're no fun.

He complain and I half laugh.

Thanks for letting me know about the camera. I don't want that bastard watching me.

See that's what we're talking about. We know he cheated on you and we get you don't want him to see you or anything but why's his dad kicking him out? That doesn't make since.

If his dad didn't tell you I'm not. Andy can tell you when he gets out.

Wait he's in jail? Why?

He says sounding shocked

Look I don't live there anymore. There was a huge fight and Andy ended up beat up really bad but he started the trouble so he ended up in jail that's all I can tell you. You don't even need to know.

He complains a little but concedes. I tell him I have to go that I'm going to bed. I hang up and throw the camera in the trash then climb in bed. We've all agreed to meet our parents at the school with our books in the morning so I lay down then hear Sean and Kelsey going at each other. I groan and vow to get cable tomorrow so I can leave my tv on every night that way I don't have to hear them. I get up early getting dressed in my orange top and black jacket with my black skinny jeans. I put in my new dangle earrings then put on my wide leather bracelets on. I walk out and make coffee then throw breakfast together and beat on their doors but they both come walking out droopy eyed from Sean's room. They both get coffee and grab food while I drink a coke and head out leaving them to clean up. I pull in at the school and park up front next to my dad then Sean pulls in.

Did you turn off the coffee and clean up?

Yes. I'm not a slob. I'm not going to burn the house down.

I was just checking. The way you and Kelsey looked this morning. I wasn't sure you were awake enough to remember.

He shakes his head as we walk in then Gary and Chris pull in and watch us but they just watch as we walk in with our dad. They talk seeing us to drop off our books. We walk out but I look down the hallway full of students and shrink into Sean.

Come on. Nobody's going to hurt you here. I'll kick their ass if they try.

He comforts me and we walk to his locker then mine to clear out our things then go to our classes giving back our books. Then Chris and Gary walk over and start talking to us as we walk to Alex's class.

We're transferring to a new school so we're returning our books.

Sean explains as we walk but they talk a little and Gary smiles at me so I smile at him.

Well we'll miss you guys. Keep in contact.

They shake and he opens his arms to me reaching to pull me into a hug but I jump away clinging to Sean.

No, don't touch me!

I nearly scream making Sean hugs me to him.

Don't worry Abby he's not not going to touch you. Nobody is. Nobodies going to hurt you ever again.

I shake my head and close my eyes but it keeps repeating over and over. Gary steps back with Chris and they exchange a look putting thing together

Abby I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. I was just telling you bye. I'm sorry really!

I hold Sean as he answers for me.

She's had a rough couple days so she's skittish right now.

No she's fine. She has a right to be scared if it's what I think. Abby honey you take care of yourself and feel better. That prick needs to stay in jail.

I look at Sean then release him realizing Chris understands and he's here for me. He knew right away what was going on.

Thank you Chris but please don't say anything.

Gary looked at him confused but finally figures it out.

Holy shit! Oh my God! Abby I'm so sorry sweetie. I never would pushed you. I'm nothing like that God that's disgusting. He deserves to be in jail. I hope he stays there.

I smile but Sean holds onto me. We say goodnight then walk into chemistry but Mrs. Milo's there teaching. I ask about Mr. Smith and she says he went out of town for a family emergency. We swing by shop to get our projects then go back to the office. We walk on to the office but dad tells us to head on over to Goshen and he'll meet us there that our records have already been sent over. I follow Sean over but the bell rings as we walk in and students flood the halls giving us strange looks but we walk into the office. A few minutes later our dad walks in. He talks to them then and get our new schedule but their completely different. I have all advanced classes but Sean doesn't. Our dad talks to the Secretary and they call a girl up and she introduces herself to me as we walk out.

Hey I'm Mindy. We're in government together. Mind if I see your schedule?

I hand her my schedule and she giggles

Well I'm only in this class with you but your in every class with Kevin so he can show you around.

I groan but she looks at me curious.

I'm sorry. I just... I don't want to be around guys right now. I just broke up with my boyfriend.

She smile seeming amused.

Oh well don't worry about Kevin. He talks a big game and makes out with a bunch of girls but I've never actually heard of him actually hooking up with anyone. He's a big teddy bear.

Yeah but is he trustworthy? Can you tell him something and he keep it to himself.

She smiles then nods happily.

Yeah he's good with secrets. I love your outfit by the way. I wish my parents let me dress like that.

I smile and thank her and we walk in class. I walk over to the teacher who smiles looking my schedule.

Hello you must be Abigail. I'm Mrs. Clark. Welcome to Goshen. You can take a seat there behind Brice.

I smile politely.

Okay but I go by Abby.

She nods then hands me a book so I go to my seat. The Brice guy smiles at me as I pass and Kevin nods.

Hey Abby, long time no see. Did you miss me so much you had to come to my school?

I pull out my notebook and pencil.

Yeah Kevin that's it. You breaking a date with me made me miss you but here look. Maybe you can help me out.
He reads my schedule and chuckles then hands it back.

Do you have a locker yet because you can put you book in mine after class then follow me to our next class. You're in every class with me so you can tag alone with me and be my little pet today if you want.

I scoff at his little joke.

I'm no pet. I'm a woman.

I put my pencil down and take my work up to turn it in. When I sit back down Kevin looks at me but continues to work so I pull out my art pad and start drawing. I look at Kevin and draw him concentrating on his work. I add a few tiny details about him like his tiny freckle on his ear and the scar on his neck that's barely visible. I add shadow and erase then blow the page as Mrs. Clark walks by and stops.

Oh my Abby. Your a very good artist.

She praises then continues.

That looks just look him.

She looks at over so I look at Kevin as I thank her but  he looks at the picture then looks at me then Brice turns around so I lean back. He looks then looks at Kevin.

Dang you are good. You should show our art teacher. She's always looking for good artist.

He turns back around and I pulled the drawing out grabbing my folder to put it away when Kevin asks to see. I put the drawing in then hand it over hesitantly but his finger touch mine and I jerk away. He gives me an odd look then starts looking at the drawings but looks at me right away after seeing the fist one. I'd forgot I put the Andy scene in there but he figures it out by his reaction. He flips the page quickly looking at the others seeing my love life and other things I've drawn but he comes back to the first drawing then closes the folder then pulls out his phone and text me.

Are those just a drawing or did that happen? Did he do that to you?

I look at the message as he hands he the folder as I avoid his touch. I put the folder away and look at him putting my head down but Brice turns and taps my hand asking to use my pencil sharpener and I quickly jerk away.

Don't touch me!

I panic so Kevin leans over.

Abby honey he's not trying to hurt you. He just need to sharpen his pencil.

He reaches out to me but I slide away as I grab my things and run but Kevin follows and so does Mrs. Clark. I get to the hall but before I can get away Kevin grabs me pulling me into his chest. I scream and cry as Mrs. Clark ask what going on so Kevin tells her.

Her boyfriend raped her. I know her but barely. She's just scared. She'll be fine just let me talk to her.

She frowns looking at us.

Abigail honey you shouldn't have came to school until you felt ready. Please stay with Kevin today. He'll take care of you.

He holds me there before I pull away and he tells me I'm okay and I'm safe now but he's a man and he's touching me. I can feel my body shaking all over then I see Kelsey walking down the hall with another student and she sees me. She takes off running and yanks me away from Kevin.

I have you Abby. It's okay. Do you need to go home honey? Where's Sean?

She holds my face as Kevin frowns.

She just freaked out when Brice touched her hand. We were trying to help her. I'm the only one who knows her besides Jake and well he didn't really talk to her at the beach. He was talking to you. Why are you here Kelsey?

I go here now and she's suffering right now.

I know she already let me know about it. We're in every class together and you should know I won't let anyone mess with her.

I look at them as they discuss me then she looks at me nodding.

Abby I do know Kevin and he's a good guy. You can trust him. I know he let you down before but he will keep you safe.

He frowns when she says he let me down but holds out his hand to me.

I promise I won't do anything you don't want me to. I'll even stay close so nobody else can touch you.

I look at the three of them as I pick up my bag and purse then hug Kelsey and hesitantly move over into his arms. I shake but he rubs me arm telling me we'll go to the restroom so I can straighten myself up but he has to get his things. Mrs. Clark goes into class then comes back with his things and we walk to our lockers so he teases me that mine is only two away from his then we walk to the restroom. I wipe my face as the bell rang. I fixed my make-up and a couple girls walked in. They smile then start doing their make-up. Then one starts talking trash about Kelsey and I listen for a few minutes but then the redhead called her a bitch and the brunette laughs so I speak up telling them that's my friends and they start running their mouths on me. We start to fight and a girl pushes the door open so I throw the blonde girl out and see Kevin dodge then the redhead pulls me so we take it into the hall. I see Sean and Kelsey shaking their heads. As I punch the girl the slam the blondes had into the locker and turn around kicking the redhead.

Say something else about her! Her names Kelsey and she's my friend!

Sean grabs my arm yanking me over to the restroom but Kevin pulls me away.

Hey get your hands off her dude. She's not for you to be grabbing on.

Sean looks at him then me and puffs

She's my sister, I'll do whatever the hell I want! Who the hell are you?

Kevin looks at me so I nod.

Oh, I didn't know you in the daylight. I'm her friend Kevin. Abby I'll be over here but we have to move fast now that you got into a fight.

I agree but Sean huffs.

Abby you have to try to keep a low profile here. That means no fighting. Dad will make you move home if you start getting into trouble.

I agree then go into the restroom and walk back to Kevin who pulls me under his arm as everyone scatters leaving the two girls who start to fight with each other as the principal walks up with a teacher catching then punching each other so I get off the hook. We walk to our next class which is music. Mrs. Bogg's sits me next to Kevin then put Sean and Kelsey next to each other a few seats back. We go over notes and she tells us there will be a talent show later this year. I hear Kelsey giggle but there's no way I'm doing it. So she better not sign me up. After music we walk to English when Jake walks up.

Hey Kevin, who's the little...Abby? Hey girl when did this happen?

He reaches like he was going to grab my hand but Kevin pulls me away.

Don't touch her dude. She doesn't like to be touched.

Jake smirks looking at me.

Well you're touching her.

Yeah well that's different I'm allowed. She trusts me.

He puffs and reaches for my hand but Sean walks up stepping between us with Kelsey holding his hand.

Don't touch my sister! She don't like to be touched!

He demands so Jake looks over at Kelsey then at their hands and back to Kevin.

Are you kidding me Kevin! Your hanging out with my ex and her boyfriend for a piece of ass!

Before Sean or Kevin can respond the English teacher walks over.

Mr. Baker office now!

He says forcefully making Jake cuss as he heads to the office. We walk go in Mr. Lockhart class and he sends us to sure ourselves so we sit together but Brice walks in and grins. He walks over and taps Kevin who walks over to talk to him but comes back quickly and tells me he told him that I'm just having some trouble right now that things are hard for me and I don't trust many people and don't like to be touched. After class Kevin leads me to chemistry where Mr. Green sits me between two guys that I don't know but they just smile at me. Kevin kneels beside me and looks at them.

Hey Jonathon, Ben. Don't touch her or I'll touch you.

They look at him like shocked but he squeezes my hand and goes to his seat. I take notes but I've already done this lesson so I zip through the work then start drawing the Jonathon guy but I draw him as half Skelton as he looks over at me earlier. I put in his cute little dimple on the side with his cheek. I sign it then rip the copy out and slip it onto his desk then stand up and take my work up. When I sit back down he looks at me then slips a note over.

Very cool thanks. I can't draw to save my life. What's up with you and Kevin? You going out?

I smile and pull out a sheet of paper and start writing.

No we're just friends but I'm dealing with some things and he's helping me.

He nods and writes

Well are you busy later? I'm having some friends over before we close our pool down.

Sorry I can't. I just can't be around a bunch of people right now. I'm not ready yet.

I don't understand what you mean by that but here's my number if you change your mind I live on Shilloh.
I pull my phone out and punch in his number saving it then turn to him and snap his picture before he looks away so he scowls. I snicker then text him a picture of me in my silver corset top and skinny jeans. Jackie says that's my best outfit.

He text back a smirk on his face.

Careful honey pictures like that might melt my phone.

I smile and text back.

That's me being careful sweetie. I don't trust men and I definitely don't let them touch me.

He looks at his work and grins then writes me back.

Well if that's being careful I'd like to see you be bad. Sorry honey but I have to get my work done or my parents will kill me.

I smile and nod as I put my phone away a few minutes later he put his book away with his papers then started to reach over but stops when I look at him then pulls my arm away. He grins then nods thanking me for the drawing again as the bell rings. Kevin walks over pulling me under his arm but Jonathon nods then takes off.

Come on let's put our things in our lockers and go to lunch. You got to be hungry. You look like you never eat.

I scoff and complain that I eat all the time but he chuckles as we go put our things away then Kelsey and Sean walk over as they head to their class. I look at them and frown. This sucks. They're only in half my classes and now they're not in my lunch. I say bye and head to lunch with Kevin after Sean tells him to take good care of me. Kevin promises he will and we take off.

Life as Abby knows it has become her nightmare.
She's afraid to be around men and jumps at the thought of their touch but with good cause.
Can her friends and family help her recover or will she spiral out of control again?


Thanks for reading.

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