The Doctor will see you NOW [...

By SammyDAdams

1M 45.1K 10.1K

Book four in 'The Doctor' Series :) Please enjoy yourselves because we all know Greg plans to! "Honey, I'll... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Mac and Cheese and Bourbon Glaze
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One


25.8K 1.1K 204
By SammyDAdams

*** I had no intention of writing this chapter tonight but I realized that some of you were worrying about our dear Chris, so here goes :)

"I what?" I stood and draped the blanket over him before going to the sink to clean myself up.

"You fisted me" he said, and then the giggles started. "You had your... JESUS!"

"You seemed to enjoy yourself."

"Enjoy? That was like an out of fucking body fucking experience!"


"Yes? Wait, who? Oh you! Sir. An out of fucking experience Sir. I mean a..."

"Shhh, enough now." He was cute but he was also flying really high and I was worried he would crash. I grabbed a bottle of water and a chocolate, then went back for two more. Here you go. I opened the water and handed it to him but he didn't move. "You need to drink." I gave up for the moment though and unwrapped his chocolate. "Open." This he managed to do and I slipped it into his mouth.

"Lelmesee it" he mumbled with a chocolate resting on his tongue as he reached for my hand. He finally bit into it and smiled. "I must look like a fucking tunnel, what's the tunnel to France? Did you call me poppet? Is that a puppet or something they eat with tea? I was a puppet. You made me talk."

He amused me. "Pet, calm down." I let him examine my hand and he soon lost interest, his eyes closing. I should have let him rest but having him wiggle and moan for an hour on my lap had driven me long past the point of no return. I was wrapped in a heartbeat and lay down beside him on the couch, finally sinking into him. He was loose and warm and felt so damn good that I closed my eyes too. He held on to my arm like he was drowning and I let him, if he needed help to not sink I would do that for him.

I rocked slowly and he was quiet, only a gentle satisfied hum escaping now and then. "You feel so good Sir."

"I enjoy playing with you Doll, so much. I enjoy fucking you immensely."

"Even now?"

"Especially now."

"Me too Sir."

"Shhh now, let that brain be quiet. Just enjoy." His hair was tickling my lips and I blew at it, then freed a hand and pushed it to the side but it had a life of it's own and refused to obey. I wasn't surprised, it was Christopher's hair after all. Slowly he closed up around me and as I got desperate I had him pressed against the couch, my hand using his shoulder as leverage. I'd been worked up awhile and when I finally came it was quick and intense, the exact opposite of how I had gotten there. "We need showers and dinner. Can you wash yourself if I start the water?"

"No don't lea-- Sir I'm sorry. I... yeah" he answered sadly.

I didn't want to have to leave him but I needed some time, some space. We'd been wrapped up in each other for too long and I needed to get back center. Unfortunately he needed me too and I searched my brain for some way to make us both happy. "I'll wash you but then you must wait in the Den bed while I shower. Is that okay?"

"Yes. Better... yes." He was still partly under the blanket, his legs twisted and he struggled to free himself.

I got in with him, taking care to clean him gently. He called me the first time so gently that I barely heard it over the water. "Pet?"

"Can you do that thing, um, you know?"

I didn't know. I hated not knowing. "Spit it out."

"Um... from last time? In the shower? I mean, if you want to."

I pressed him up against the tile, grabbing onto his hips. "You just want everything today, don't you?" I slipped inside him easily and tried to relax.

"I want all of you Sir."

"Used in every way there is." I bit into the side of his neck and he trembled, I loved how his body reacted to me. When I'd finished I cleaned him up, then wrapped him in a towel and tucked him quickly into bed. I removed his collar and lead and got him a fresh bottle of water before hopping back into the warm shower to take care of myself. I left the bathroom door open hoping to hear him if he needed anything but took my time washing, I needed to be alone.

"Hi Sir" he cooed as I walked in. He was half asleep but sat up. "You're beautiful. I mean DAMN Sir."

"And you're cheeky. Come along, let's go make some dinner." I was glad he found me attractive but I didn't think he'd be here if he didn't. I settled him onto the chair while I wiped off the couch and then tucked him in with the remote and a blanket. "The stir-fry won't take long Pet."

"Thank you Sir, for today."

"You're welcome." Fifteen minutes later we were eating although he did little more than pick at his food. "Do you not like it or are you not hungry?"

"It's delicious, I'm sorry Sir. I just don't feel like eating for some reason."

"You're still too worked up, perhaps. Eat what you can though, you used a lot of energy today." I looked at the clock, amazed that it was much later than I thought. Time very rarely got away from me and I certainly didn't lose whole hours very often.

"Sir? Am I allowed to ask something even if I know the answer?"

"I've made it clear that you may ask anything as long as you're polite."

"May I sleep in the Den tonight Sir?"

It was late and he was still not himself. "Yes you may."

His mouth gaped open. "I can?"

"Yes." Eli had slept over after very rough scenes and I understood that Christopher may need it tonight. What I didn't understand was why he was so surprised.

"Are you going to tie me down and have your wicked way with me in the morning?"

"If I can wait that long." He laughed then and didn't even try to hold it back. He laughed until he had tears in his eyes and I smiled back because I couldn't help it.

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