The Right Time

By Bechamy

86.7K 2K 79

Chloe has had feelings for Beca since day one, but unfortunately, Beca hasn't been so quick to reciprocate th... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six

Chapter Forty Three

1.1K 24 0
By Bechamy

It was seven in the morning. Beca and Chloe were fast asleep in their hotel bed until they were suddenly awoken by someone clambering onto the bed.

'Good morning, guys!', Emily called joyfully.

'Dude, get out of here!', Beca said. Her voice was hoarse and she was rubbing at her eyes.

'How did you even get in here?', Chloe laughed as she tidied her hair with her fingers.

'Amy picked the lock for me', Emily explained.

This was not suprising, as Amy had picked numerous locks since The Wiggle's hotel room.

'Why are you in here?', Beca asked moodily.

'To wake you up for our last full day of vacation', Emily cheered.

'Well now that we're all awake, could you please leave?'

'I don't wanna leave without a morning hug'

'Oh my go-'

'Come here', Chloe smiled as she opened out her arms.

Emily crawled further up the bed and wriggled under the covers to give Chloe a cuddle.

'Beca? Cuddle?', the redhead offered.

'What if I say no?', was the reply.

'Then I'll throw away our alarm and I'll get Emily to wake us up like this every morning'

'Ugh, fine'

Beca edged closer, then lazily brought her arm over the two girls. Emily was now sandwiched between her and Chloe.

'Can I get a piece of this action?', Amy asked as she entered their room.

'Oh great. Please, invite more people in here', the brunette remarked, still not breaking the hug.

Amy strolled over to the bed, then climbed onto the mattress before laying on top of all three girls.

'Can't breathe!', Emily said, her voice muffled.

Fat Amy, who was laughing, soon got off and told everyone to go downstairs for breakfast in half an hour.

'Are you finally leaving us now?', Beca enquired.

'We're leaving you for half an hour', Amy began, 'So you can do what you like for half an hour', she added with a wink.

The brunette threw a pillow at her as her and Emily left, and Chloe laughed.
The Bellas were walking to the breakfast room when Chloe started chatting to Stacie. Midway through their conversation, the ginger felt under the collar of her shirt to scratch her neck. As she pulled back the collar, Stacie made a comment.

'Have fun last night?'


The taller girl nodded towards the purple mark on Chloe's neck.

'Oh- um...', Chloe stumbled over her thoughts whilst covering the mark with her hand.

'Was Beca a little rough with you?', Stacie winked.

'Shut up!', the redhead laughed.

'That means yes! Good for you, girl', Stacie said, giving her a pat on the back.

Beca caught up with the two girls, and put her arm around Chloe's waist before saying, 'Hey'

She received a knowing look from Stacie.

'Why are you looking at me like that?', the DJ asked her.

'No reason'

And with that, Stacie winked again at Chloe, then sauntered off to the dining table.

'What was that about?', Beca questioned her girlfriend.

'She's in a strange mood', Chloe lied, smirking to herself.

It felt kind of good to show Beca off like that.
After breakfast, the plan for the day was a shopping trip in a city, and then a trip to a spa. Once the group arrived in the city, Chloe told Beca that she was heading off to a shop with Emily and Flo.

'Can I come?', Beca asked.


'Why not?'

'I'm getting you a present, silly', the redhead grinned.

'Chlo, you've already bought me enough'

'I don't care. I want to get you something, and Flo and Em are going to help me choose'

The brunette gave her a hug, then said, 'How intriguing...'

Chloe kissed her on the cheek before she walked off with the two Bellas.

'So what do you want to get her?', Flo enquired.

'I want to get her some jewellery', Chloe answered.

'That sounds pretty special'

'Our six month anniversary is coming up, and also, I just want her to realise how important she is to me. I've felt really close to her recently'

'She already knows that she means the world to you, Chloe', Emily smiled.

A moment later, the girls entered a jewellery shop. It seemed to be a family-run business, and the prices appeared to be fair.

'What about this?', Flo suggested, pointing out a delicate, silver bracelet.

'That's not really her thing', Chloe said. Trying to ensure that she didn't seem ungrateful, she added, 'It's a nice idea though'
Beca was stood in a record store, browsing through CDs while she waited for Chloe to come back.

'What are you buying?', Cynthia asked her.

'I'm trying to get inspired for my next mix', the brunette replied.

'What about your girlfriend?'


'Artists get inspired by their private life sometimes...use Chloe as your inspiration'

'I've used songs that she likes before'

Cynthia picked up a CD that peaked her own interest, then glanced at her friend, saying, 'Nah, make a mix based on her'

Beca hesitated, 'Isn't that a little...personal?'

'No one has to know who it's about except from you and her. And me'

'I'll think about it. For now, I'm just gonna get this album', Beca said, taking Madeon's album to the checkout.
'Hey, babe', Chloe called as she bounded over to her girlfriend.

They had met each other outside a clothing store all of the Bellas had gone into.

'Did you get what you wanted?', Beca asked her.

'Yep! I hope you like it'

'I bet I will', Beca smiled.

Chloe gave her hand a squeeze, saying, 'Are you going to come in here with me?', referencing the clothing shop.

'Do I have to?'

'You could help me choose an outfit- you know what looks good on me'

'Everything looks good on you'

'You look good on me', the redhead winked, with a lip bite for extra impact.

'Don't think you can flirt your way out of this', Beca laughed.

'Pretty please?'

The brunette sighed, then allowed herself to be taken into the store.

After a quarter of an hour, her girlfriend came out of the changing room in a khaki shirt and a pair of dark blue jeans.

'Love it, Chlo', Beca said suprisingly enthusiastically when she spotted her.

'Does the shirt look okay?'

'It's perfect- the colour really suits you'

Once that outfit had been tried on, Chloe was due to try on another. It was a mid-length, black dress with a white collar that had small daises for detail.

'Becs, can you help me?', she called from the changing room.

The brunette awkwardly stepped into the changing room, feeling as if she was about to be thrown out of the shop for touching up her girlfriend in a changing room. The reality was of course that no one even took any notice of the two girls.

'Do you want me to do up the zip?', Beca asked her.

'Yes please'

Pulling the zip up gently, Beca admired the sight of Chloe in that dress. Although she wouldn't necessarily admit it, she found it a turn on to be seeing Chloe's bare back in a public place, and the dress made her look adorable; the daisies were responsible for the latter.

'You look so pretty', she smiled at the redhead.

'You like it?'

'Adore it', Beca replied, 'But it might be better with your hair up like this'

Beca rounded the ginger locks in front of her into a messy bun, making Chloe nod her head afterwards in approval.

'Those silver flower earrings you have at home would match really well with this outfit, Chlo'

Chloe raised an eyebrow and smirked, 'Someone's secretly enjoying themself'

'Shut up', the short girl said, 'Fashion? Gross. Boring. Hate it. The dress? It's okay, I guess'

'You're a dork'

The two shared a laugh and a kiss, and soon, the shopping trip was over.
Their arrival at a spa made the girls extremely excited to say the least.

'What are we getting, girls?', Stacie questioned the group.

'I want massages. All day long', Aubrey answered, looking a little too excited at the prospect.

'Face masks and mud baths', Emily beamed.

'What are you getting, Chloe?'

'I'll probably use the steam room and get a facial', the ginger said.

'What about a massage? They're amazing here'

'I can get massages at home whenever I want, and they're better from my girlfriend'

Despite finding the response a bit cringeworthy, Beca couldn't stop herself from smiling along with Chloe and giving her a hand a squeeze.
An hour later, and Emily, Aubrey, Chloe and Beca were all relaxing with a face mask on.

'My skin is gonna be so soft later, Becs. You're gonna love kissing me'

'Thank god- your face is always so rough', Beca teased her girlfriend.

'Is Beca still this sarcastic all the time?', Aubrey asked the redhead.

'I can confirm that she is'

'When I first joined the Bellas, I never knew when she was being sarcastic or not', Emily admitted.

'I'm right here, guys', Beca said, gesturing with her hands before realising that cucumbers were blocking the others' view.
Now in the steam room alone with Chloe, Beca edged closer to her.

'I know what you're thinking', the ginger said, unable to hide her wicked smile.

'What am I thinking?'

'You want to get hot and bothered with me in here'

'I wasn't thinking that at all'


'I was actually wondering what you got me for a present earlier today, but now I'm thinking about getting hot and bothered', Beca said in a low tone.

'I'll give you the gift I bought today when I want to', Chloe answered back in a similar tone, 'But I could give you something extra right now...'

The brunette instinctively grabbed her face with both hands and kissed her deeply. They enjoyed the hot, humid, risky kiss- hands beginning to wander over each other's glistening bodies- for just a moment before they were interrupted by Flo and Amy, who were coming in to experience the steam room themselves.

'We'll continue this later', Chloe winked, whispering into Beca's ear as they broke apart.

Beca caught her breath, then said, 'I damn hope so'

The spa trip was cut short when Fat Amy and Emily cannon-balled into the mud bath, but Beca and Chloe didn't care much.

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