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By WHOtranslates_

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Name: 19금을 피해라 Author: 유테 Translator: MyDoggoTypes "I fell asleep while playing an adult game recommended to... More

Disclaimer ⚠️
Chapter 1
Ch1 Context
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 ⚠️
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Schedule! (edited)
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57 ⚠️
Chapter 58 ⚠️
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89 ⚠️
Chapter 90 ⚠️
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97 ⚠️
Chapter 98 ⚠️
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 106⚠️
Chapter 107 ⚠️
Chapter 108⚠️
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126⚠️
Chapter 127⚠️
Chapter 128⚠️
Chapter 129 ⚠️
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Final update!!

Chapter 105

343 6 0
By WHOtranslates_

They discovered us quickly. The creature was so massive, and its hooves sounded like thunder, so as soon as we left the stable and started running, all eyes were on us. Strangely, I didn't feel nervous or surprised about being caught.

If anyone had hoped not to get caught while riding such a creature, that would have been more surprising.

"Go at full speed!"

Andrea shouted to Alan. Alan, hesitant at first, quickly became skilled at controlling the creature. Indeed, looking at him, one might believe he was a warrior, not a priest. Not only Alan, but the people here in general were tall and well-built. Despite being a bit thin, I was also tall.

While following Alan's broad back ahead, Andrea held the reins with one hand and pulled out a pouch filled with Waroom.

"Are you going to throw that?" I asked.

"Yes, look ahead, Del! Don't look back. I don't want the powder to go in your eyes!"

Andrea's voice, mingled with the sound of the strong wind, was powerful, clear, and friendly. I bowed my body towards the front.

Riding something similar to a horse after losing my memory for the first time surprisingly wasn't that difficult. I didn't even know if I had enjoyed horseback riding before, given I was from a noble family.

Trying to open my eyes against the wind hitting my face, I suppressed the rising fear.

As we approached the village entrance, the people who were surprised to see us, those following us, and those shouting in fear increased. The creature was so fast that their faces weren't clear, but it was evident that everyone was shocked and angry.

Then, from behind, a scream echoed. It seemed like Andrea had thrown the first pouch of Waroom. As the creature was charging forward and the wind was blowing in the opposite direction, the Waroom powder spread widely behind.

"Cover your face with a hood!"


"They're kidnapping the angel!"

"Turn back, everyone!"

However, the particles of Waroom were very fine and light, yet their effect was powerful. Those already exposed to Waroom fell or entered a state of intense excitement.

After seeing that the people who had discovered us had fallen, Andrea sat down and grabbed the reins with both hands.

"I'll go a little faster."

Andrea said to my right ear. I felt a sensation in my ear. Unconsciously, I tilted my head to the right and pressed my shoulder against Andrea's, but Andrea was focused on controlling the creature.

In the meantime, I felt pathetic for enjoying being close to Andrea, but fortunately, the urgent situation masked my emotions. From a distance, the sound of hooves similar to those of the creatures we were riding reached us. A swiftly moving group seemed to have started chasing us.

However, we had already passed through the only entrance of Sablum. As the soft, sandy desert stretched out, the creature's gallop shone even brighter. It felt like we were running through the air before our feet touched the ground.

Large and small sand dunes swiftly passed by our side. The rapidly changing scenery around us was dizzying, to the point where I felt my stomach turning. In fact, it was already upside down, the drink I had with the teacher before leaving the house was churning in my stomach.

Sensing my discomfort, Andrea whispered from behind,

"Just endure a little longer."

Then, something swooshed from behind and I saw something flying into the sand, disappearing with a thud.

What was that? I couldn't see it properly as it passed by too quickly, and when I tried to turn back to look, Andrea urgently shouted,

"Look ahead, Del!"

I turned my head back to the front and witnessed it. Another arrow flew from behind, embedding itself in the creature's butt, ridden by Alan at the front.


The creature let out a more terrifying scream than expected, lifting its front legs high. Then, it began to shake its body violently, galloping wildly. Alan tried to hold onto the reins to prevent falling, but he couldn't match the enormous strength of the creature. Soon, Alan screamed and fell off the creature.


Fortunately, there was nothing but sand around, so he didn't seem to be injured. However, the creature, still writhing, had an arrow stuck in its butt. It was a dangerous situation where he could be stepped on by the creature's foot.

Swoosh, swoosh.

Meanwhile, arrows kept coming from behind.

"What do we do about Alan? Andrea! We'll die like this!"

As I shook Andrea's arm and shouted, Andrea muttered a curse under his breath. Then, he urgently pulled the reins, turning the direction of the creature we were riding.

"Just keep riding. Don't get off."

After saying that, Andrea jumped off the creature. I was alarmed, thinking Andrea might get hurt, but he rolled on the ground a few times and quickly stood up. Then, he ran towards the creature that was rampaging around Alan.

He hung on to the creature's neck, then put all his weight and turned the creature towards him..

"Priest! Pull out the arrow and treat the creature!"

Andrea shouted.

The creature, with its head and front legs pinned down, kicked its hind legs. But Alan skillfully avoided them and, with all his strength, pulled out the arrow. As the arrow came out, spurting blood stained Alan's white clothes.

Alan poured divine power into the creature's wounds without hesitation. A bright and dazzling light flowed out, enveloping the creature's body. Then, the creature's blood stopped flowing. The wounds miraculously healed like a lie.

The creature stopped resisting because the pain had suddenly disappeared. Andrea also released the creature's neck, as the creature had calmed down.

"Ride that."

Andrea gestured to Alan. He was pointing at the creature I was riding.

"Go with Del first. Don't look back, just go fast."

Andrea said this while taking out a pouch of Waroom from his waist. In no time, a dagger appeared in his hand.

"What about you?"

"Then what are you going to do, brother?"

I asked at the same time as Alan. Andrea kicked the arrow Alan had pulled out with his foot and replied.

"They are already caught up. We'll meet him in about a minute. First, we need to deal with the pursuers. I'm the only one here who can do that."

Then, Andrea smiled at me.

"I'll catch up soon, Del. Don't abandon me and run with the priest alone."

"Wait, then we'll stay nearby..."

As I was about to crawl down from the creature, Alan rushed over and stopped me.

"It would be wise to listen to the brother. Your safety is our top priority."

With that, Alan quickly climbed up behind me. Before I could say anything, he took the reins and shouted, "Hyah!" Andrea, gradually becoming smaller, soon turned into a tiny dot.

"No, wait...!"

Is this person really a priest? Why so fast?

"He may be the leader of the Information Guild, but Brother Andrea is incredibly strong, with exceptional combat skills. Frankly, when we escaped from the warehouse earlier, it was believable even if he claimed to be the leader of the Assassination Guild. Don't worry, Narcissus. Brother Andrea will be fine."

I knew it too. Andrea was strong. From tearing apart Fernando's wrist with just his hand strength, it was evident that he possessed formidable power. He was so powerful that even the tribal Chief couldn't treat him carelessly, which is why he took over as my guard.

"But there will be several of them coming...! They'll shoot arrows, wield enormous swords, and probably use Waroom powder!"


Alan spoke firmly.

"Even if you were to return there now, would you be able to help?"


"Continuing like this will only burden Brother Andrea. For now, securing a safe place and waiting for him is the best option."

He added, "Eura has told each of us to fulfill our roles. Our current role is this."

After that, Alan mentioned that there were naturally occurring caves in the desert. If we found a cave, we could hide there. It took three days from here to Deserent, but first, we had to wait for Andrea. We talked of a lot of things like what we can do once this creature arrives at a cave. It seemed like Alan was trying to distract me from my worries about Andrea.

As we rode the creature through the desert, I listened to his words. Yes, Andrea was strong. Somehow, he would come back. There was still one creature left beside him. He promised to return riding that one. I held onto that promise.

We ran for a long time without stopping, and by the time the night deepened and dawn arrived, we hadn't encountered anyone chasing us. The people of Sablum and Andrea didn't show up.

"It's a cave!"

Alan shouted.

After about six hours since leaving Sablum, we finally came to a stop in front of a cave.

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