maid • kaeya

Von dilucious

144K 5.9K 13.9K

『kaeya x f!reader』 ❝ you've always been here for me. i couldn't thank you enough. ❞ ❝ it's... it's my job, ma... Mehr



1.1K 40 120
Von dilucious

• third person •

Diluc leant towards Kaeya, whispering just quietly enough so that only he could hear.

"She's staring at us pretty intensely."

Kaeya nodded, averting his gaze a little.

"Don't interrupt her train of thought," he whispered back. "She's in the zone."

Finally, (Y/N) had agreed to allow the brothers to try on their outfits she had been carefully crafting all of this time. After all, Diluc's birthday was rapidly arriving, and not once had she actually seen how the outfits looked on them. Perhaps it could enlighten her on where exactly she was going wrong.

(Y/N)'s eyes were narrowed, her hand holding her chin, a pin holder in her other.


(Y/N)'s gaze was fixed upon Kaeya.

Now that she had seen him in it, nothing seemed to be wrong with the outfit anymore.

Kaeya blushed slightly when she approached him, beginning to fiddle with the different parts of the clothes. It wasn't so different from the outfit all those years ago, at that banquet in the winery, the day (Y/N) finally began to place her trust into him again.

And then she stepped back, looking away.

"Okay. Take it off."

"My pleasure," Kaeya said with a grin.

"Ew," Diluc mumbled.

(Y/N) rolled her eyes, pushing them both out of her room. Of course, the brothers burst into giggles as the door was swiftly shut behind them.

"You look pretty good," Diluc complimented with a grin. "Don't try and outshine me on my birthday, okay? Hehe!"

Kaeya folded his arms, beaming. "I'll try not to." He shrugged. "No promises though."

Diluc giggled, gently ruffling his little brother's hair, before rushing back to his room.

And as he did so, Kaeya simply stood, staring at his back as he left in silence.

I wonder how Diluc would react... I've been so focussed on (Y/N), I forgot that... I even have to tell my brother one day.

In fact, I would tell him first... even before (Y/N).

I'm sure... he would understand, wouldn't he..?

Lost in thought, Kaeya held his chin, before wandering off back to his own room.

Though, when he managed to get dear (Y/N)'s outfit off him, Diluc seemed to have long been done, having a chat with their father on the bottom floor.

Kaeya stared over the railing.

"Yep, they look really good! You really brought a talent in with (Y/N), Father."

Diluc folded his arms. "You can't see though. It's a surprise for you on my birthday! Actually... I should tell (Y/N) that too so that she doesn't show you."

Crepus chuckled aloud, gently patting his eldest son's head after he had set his paintbrush down. "I have complete faith in (Y/N)'s capabilities, don't you worry. Then, I can't wait to see! Did Kaeya try his on too?"

Ecstatically, Diluc nodded. "I think he looked even better than me! For Kaeya's eighteenth, we have to go all out!"

At that, Crepus burst into laughter. "Of course we will! Just leave it all to me!"

"Master Kaeya?"

Abruptly, Kaeya's shoulders leapt. He span on his feet, hurriedly attempting to wipe away that slightly uneasy look on his face.

"(Y/N)..!" he exclaimed. His face scrunched instantly. His voice had cracked.

"Uh..." (Y/N)'s gaze fell to the clothes hanging upon Kaeya's arm. "Can I have those back?"

"Oh- yeah-"

(Y/N) blinked when he pushed them into her hands.

It had been a few days since their... intimate encounter.

It was hard for (Y/N) to admit that since then, all she could feel was... his touch.

The way it made her feel, the gentleness of it all, and his sweet, soft breathing brushing against her neck...

He was like a magnet, tugging her in the closer she came.

She needed to get away, quick. She needed to just take the clothes, say thanks, and then go.

But, alas... they had locked eyes for one second too long.

(Y/N) stepped back. Though, unexpectedly, Kaeya reached forward. Then, they both stood still.

"(Y/N)," Kaeya mumbled, averting his gaze. "Can I ask you something?"

(Y/N)'s mouth fell agape for a few moments.

For once... he looks... pretty troubled...

"Um..." She sighed. "Sure."

Immediately, a smile of relief spread across Kaeya's face. He didn't expect her to say yes so quickly.


(Y/N) watched as he sucked in a large breath. Strange... He never usually seemed hesitant to do or say anything...

"Let's say... someone had a big secret."

One of (Y/N)'s eyebrows raised.

"Like," Kaeya began to gesture with his hands, "a really big secret. And they've kept that secret to themselves for their entire life basically. But- but now, this secret is really weighing down on them a lot more. What should they do?"

(Y/N) folded her arms. Her head cocked to the side. "Tell someone they trust? That seems pretty reasonable." Her tone had fallen blunt.

"But-" Kaeya heaved a sigh, "it's a really big secret. And a really bad one. And if they tell someone..." ever-so-slightly, Kaeya glanced at (Y/N), "they're scared of losing them..."

"I mean... wouldn't you be mad if someone hid such a big secret..?" he questioned. "That seems pretty reasonable to me."

To Kaeya's surprise, (Y/N) shook her head.

"As long as this secret isn't hurting me or someone else, then I wouldn't care. If it's someone I love who's hiding such a big secret, then I would want to help them through it."

A soft breath escaped (Y/N)'s chest.

"I don't like it when things are hidden from me. But I don't mind, if there's a reasonable explanation as to why it was. If that isn't explained, then maybe I'd be a little angry, but I wouldn't fall out with you or anything."

Kaeya stood back. "I-I'm not talking about me," he retorted rapidly.

"Oh, sorry." (Y/N) looked away. "Well, if it was you, Master Kaeya, then I'd recommend that you don't tell a mere maid."

For some reason, that sentence caused the corners of Kaeya's lips to finally perk upwards.

"Not even a mere maid I love and trust a lot?" he questioned, smirking.

(Y/N) huffed, rolling her eyes. "I think you would have more important people to tell first. Like, your family, for example. I'm not your family."

Her eyes narrowed.

He is talking about himself.

Kaeya smiled.

She's back to normal again.

"Well," Kaeya shrugged, "you would probably be... hmm..." he tapped his chin, "the second person I tell. If-" he suddenly sprang up straight, "if it was me. I mean, you would be the second person I would tell. If- it was me."

(Y/N) stared as his breath shook ever-so-slightly, but he was able to swiftly regain his composure.

How odd.

I wonder what he's hiding...

(Y/N) shook her head.

No. Master Kaeya's business is not mine. I need to get away from him... now.

"But- if... it was me..." (Y/N) froze as Kaeya reached forward, "I'm glad you would be willing to be so patient..."

Blood rapidly rose to (Y/N)'s face as his hand slipped into hers. He tugged her close, their gazes fixing upon each other's, her breathing instantaneously beginning to quicken.

She glanced around. They could hear Master Crepus and his son still talking downstairs. Kaeya was leant against the railing of the top floor, (Y/N) hidden behind him from any peering eyes below. Though, if any maid did appear on the top floor, there was no doubt that this would end up messy.

Once again, he was a magnet. And she was a piece of scrap metal that couldn't push him away.

And deep down, she knew... that she really didn't want to either.

She wanted... his touch... His hands... all over her again...

A craving she couldn't resist. Like a poison that took over her mind.


Not here...

The maids...

They'll see...

Kaeya's grip tightened upon her hand. And then, he pulled her into his room, instantly shutting the door behind them. He tugged the clothes out of her hands, placing them on his chair.

She's driving me crazy... again...

Why did she have to look at me like that..? And she's breathing so fast so suddenly...

I'm losing control of myself..!

Without warning, Kaeya held her wrist. And then, he pinned her against the door.

One of (Y/N)'s eyes closed when his lips began to run down her neck again.

She hummed, grabbing his shirt, tugging him in further.

Forcing him to put his hands on her. To hold her waist.

For his fingers to wander. To touch her.

To satisfy that craving...

(Y/N)'s breath quickened further as he gently sucked at her neck. His hand slipped up, and down again, and this maid uniform- this damn uniform- it was in the way!


(Y/N)'s eyes widened.

Kaeya glanced at her.

What's wrong with me?! she exclaimed in her mind. Hurriedly, she pushed him off, her face entirely riddled in red.

"I can't-! I can't!" she shouted abruptly.

Her head fell into her hands. Stop tempting me. Stop tempting me! I can't do this!

Kaeya's gaze dropped.

"I wish you would make up your mind before we do anything," he mumbled. "But I'm sorry."

(Y/N) gasped for air, rushing over to grab Kaeya's outfit.

"I-I-I need to finish this. Th-then I'm going home. My dad might make pie and- I-I- I want to eat it."

"Alright... Have a nice dinner..." Kaeya whispered.

(Y/N) nodded rapidly. And then, without another word, she sped out of the room.

A heavy sigh left Kaeya's lips. He sank onto his bed, his eyes fluttering shut.

Those dreams are about to get so much worse...

• • •

Her father in fact, did not make pie.

(Y/N) stared into the kitchen as her dad was setting the table. His head lifted upon her arrival, a warm smile immediately spreading across his face.

"You're back. Welcome home, sweetheart. Are you alright? You look a little flushed."


"No pie..." she mumbled.

Her mind had blanked.

Luca blinked, setting down the last plate, before approaching her. (Y/N) pouted when his hand ran over her forehead.

"You're very warm, (Y/N). Have you fallen ill? You can't go to your friend's party if you're ill, you know."

(Y/N)'s pupils fell. "No pie..."

A silly smile spread across Luca's lips. "You should have told me if you wanted some pie. I'll make one for you tomorrow. Are you feeling alright?"




Kaeya pie...

Pie... Kae...


(Y/N) jumped when her father held her shoulder. Luca almost did the same in surprise, his eyebrows furrowing, bewildered.

"Paeya!!!" she screamed.


"(Y-" His daughter ran, sprinting up the stairs. "(Y/N)! What?!"

Luca held his chin.

Is that some sort of pie? Pie-ya? Or... Is she imitating a hilichurl?

Heaving a sigh, Luca returned to the kitchen, finishing up at the dinner table.

"Dinner's ready!" he called.

As expected, only Lucien and Leon arrived.

"Was that (Y/N)?" Lucien questioned.

Leon chuckled. "What's happened now? I thought you made up with her."

Luca sat, heaving a sigh. "That's what I thought too! But... she didn't seem angry. Just... well... she looked quite flustered. And shouted something about a 'Pie-ya'."

Both Lucien and Leon sat also. Lucien giggled, leaning into her hand. "Pie-ya... Sounds like Kaeya! Hehe!"

At once, Luca's face dropped.


Leon leant forward, serving himself some food. "You think she's really in love again? Maybe you really do have to give her that talk now, haha."

Abruptly, Luca stood. Leon and Lucien both exchanged a glance, before Luca hurriedly served some dinner on (Y/N)'s plate, before rushing upstairs with it also.

"Guess he's not so desperate to have a grandkid right now," Leon joked.

Lucien leant back. "I'd be a grandma at thirty-three!" she exclaimed. "I mean- (Y/N)'s just a kid- Don't say that!"

Of course, Leon had burst into laughter.

Luca could hear it from upstairs. He knocked on (Y/N)'s door again, her plate still in hand.

And then, he pushed it open, his head tilting.

(Y/N) was laying face down on her bed, completely frozen still.

"(Y/N)?" Luca placed the plate down, before approaching her. "Sweetheart. What's wrong?"

"Paeya..." she murmured groggily.

Luca couldn't help his smile, sitting next to her. "What did Kaeya do?"

All of a sudden, (Y/N) sprang up.

"I didn't say anything about Kaeya!" she exclaimed.

"Sure..." Luca giggled. "Are you catching feelings again, lovely? You can tell me, you know."

Rapidly, (Y/N) shook her head.

Luca's gaze softened. (Y/N) pouted when he reached forward, delicately patting her head.

"You know you're a terrible liar, (Y/N)," he stated, still giggling. "But, whether it's the case or not, I think we're due a talk regardless."

"Huh?" (Y/N) frowned.

"Well..." Luca averted his eyes slightly, "if you really did have feelings for someone – Kaeya or not – well... you're older now, so..."

"I know we had this talk when you were little, but it would be helpful now that you're big and therefore it's probably a lot more applicable now."

(Y/N) stared at her father with knitted brows.

"Listen, (Y/N)... I don't care if you're having sex, as long as you're doing it safely, and with full consent from both sides. Do you understand what consent means?"

And then, her face shone red just like a tomato.

She shot off the bed.

"I'm not having sex, Dad!" (Y/N) exclaimed. She shook her head enough that she had probably made herself dizzy. "I'm not!!! And especially not with Kaeya!!!!!"

Luca smiled a little, his shoulders shrugging slightly in perplexion. "I never said you were. I'm just saying, because you're older now. I'm not going to monitor your every move, so I at least just want you to be safe whatever you're doing."

"You're a woman as well, (Y/N). It's imperative that you know how to keep safe. Otherwise, I will have to step in instead."

Luca breathed a soft sigh when his daughter finally began to relax. She plopped back onto the bed, a pout still apparent on her lips. Her father chuckled, pulling her in. She immediately snuggled in, her eyelashes fluttering as he brushed his fingers through her hair.

"I'll ask you again," he spoke softly. "Do you understand what consent means?"

"Yeah..." (Y/N) mumbled.

"Tell me."

(Y/N) frowned. "Like... you say yes..?"

Luca smiled. "Well, yes, that is a big part of it. But you have to remember that you must be sure of that yes. It doesn't count if you're forced or coerced into saying yes. It also doesn't count if you're not really sure about it. It has to be a firm yes, that you're really ready and that you want this."

(Y/N) stared at the floor in thought.

"It's also not just for sex. Kissing, touching: you have to be sure about all of it. If you're uncomfortable or unsure at any moment, you tell them that you want to stop."

(Y/N)'s face reddened, fiddling with her fingers. "But..."

Luca's head tilted attentively.

"What if... you're not sure... but you really like it... and you do want to... but..."

Gently, Luca played with her hair, pressing a small kiss upon it. "The last thing you want to do is do something you'll regret later. It's best to think rationally. If you're confused, you can always come to me, you know."

(Y/N) hummed.

"And after that, if you're both completely sure, then you have to make sure you're being safe. I know it's a little hypocritical of me since... your mother and I did have you as teenagers... but I'm certain you don't want to be a mother right now, do you?" Luca chuckled as (Y/N) shook her head again instantly. "If they refuse to be safe, or they refuse to listen to you if you want to stop, you come straight to me and tell me, okay? Even if they threaten you, or say anything, I promise I'll deal with it."

"Remember that your consent can be withdrawn at any time, okay? Start, middle or end. And always trust your gut, alright? If you think something's wrong, say it. Your mind can change at any time."

"Do you understand?"

Gradually, (Y/N) nodded.

Luca exhaled as his daughter curled up into his hold once more. She stared at nothing, her fingers just gripping his shirt, a complicated expression drawn over her face.

What if... it just... happens..?

I don't even... realise...

But now... I want it even more...

But... I can't...

I need to get control over myself again...

I need to stay away from Kaeya...

"I brought your dinner up for you. It would make me really happy if you join us downstairs, but if you don't feel like it you can eat here. Just make sure you clean up if you make any mess, alright?"

"Thanks Dad," she mumbled. "I love you."

Luca's lips curved. "I love you too. I'll head down now."


(Y/N) watched silently as her father left the room, shutting the door behind him.

And then, almost instantly, she sank onto her bed, heaving another sigh.

I feel like I'm even more confused now...

• •

i'm almost at school 🏫


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