Avoid 19-rated content

By WHOtranslates_

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Name: 19금을 피해라 Author: 유테 Translator: MyDoggoTypes "I fell asleep while playing an adult game recommended to... More

Disclaimer ⚠️
Chapter 1
Ch1 Context
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 ⚠️
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Schedule! (edited)
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57 ⚠️
Chapter 58 ⚠️
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89 ⚠️
Chapter 90 ⚠️
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97 ⚠️
Chapter 98 ⚠️
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106⚠️
Chapter 107 ⚠️
Chapter 108⚠️
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126⚠️
Chapter 127⚠️
Chapter 128⚠️
Chapter 129 ⚠️
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Final update!!

Chapter 2

3.3K 94 4
By WHOtranslates_

As expected, this is exactly how it is in 'Break the Daffodil' !

"This is insane...! Why me? How did I end up in this insane situation?"

I shouted as I waved my arms towards the open window, and the knight in charge of the carriage from the front knocked the carriage's body. Maybe because it was made of iron, even the slightest tap produced an unpleasant noise that made my ears feel stuffy.

"Young master! If you don't stay quiet, they said to tie your hands and feet. Just stay calm."

I clenched my jaw, glaring fiercely at the system window as if trying to kill it. Whether I glared or not, the system window showed the next message.

[Congratulations on successfully completing the tutorial! You, the player, are about to embark on a journey through the enchanting world, experiencing diverse sensations.]


I swung my fist at the system window. However, as if it was a matter of course, my fist passed through the window.

[You will soon enter the territory of Khan Alexis, the owner of the Ice Prison, as your first character. We cheer for your exciting play! *^^*]

"Exciting play my frozen foot! Hey! Come out! Come out!"

I yelled in frustration, and once again, a knight from outside thumped on the carriage. The vibrations and tremendous noise were even more intense than before. I closed my eyes tightly against the unpleasant sensations.

No matter what, this is too much. Is it okay to treat me like this just because I'm the young master?

In a pitiful mood, I bit my lips and leaned my head against the carriage wall. However, the poor riding comfort soon made me sit up straight. With my turtle neck and rounded shoulders, sitting properly was a form of torture.

Is this what they call a prisoner transport carriage? Do I have to endure this all the way to the Ice Prison?

I buried my face in both hands, letting out a long sigh. My hands touched the sunken eye sockets and the high, straight bridge of my nose. Come to think of it, my appearance has changed.

I had seen the character design of the male Del Narcissus when selecting the first character. He was handsome with smooth, glossy blonde hair, milky skin, and big, clear green eyes. Even as a man, he was so beautiful that he could be called "Break the Daffodil." Of course, I just thought about it and immediately chose the female character.

I took my hands off my face and clenched my fists. I needed to organize my thoughts.

I don't know why, but I ended up in this damn 19+ adult game. I'm not out of the woods yet, but according to my experience of being on the verge of completing the last character, I was bound to go through various trials of 19+ content.

The five male protagonists were perverted beyond imagination, typical of characters in adult games. Of course, from my perspective as a player navigating with a mouse and clicking away, it was just one of the entertaining elements. However, now that I had become "Daffodil", things were different.

I had no thoughts, not even a tiny bit, about being teased or conquered by the male protagonists. In the game world, completing the conquest of one character typically meant the end of the game. In a 19+ game, gaining affection would probably skyrocket with just one Bed Scene, but as for me...

"I have to avoid the 19+ scenes."

I muttered resolutely. Considering the event from earlier, it seemed like I had to choose one of the options the system provided for dialogues. However, it seems I could do whatever I wanted with my words and actions after that. Tearing down the prison door and swinging it around was not what the game intended.

So, I just needed to distance myself as much as possible from 19+ actions. Let's disrupt the atmosphere so that even if someone dies, the train of thought doesn't head towards 19+. That way, I could prevent a future of being subjected to XX, XX being XXed, and all sorts of XXs.

It's okay. I can do this.

To calm my churning stomach, I rubbed the area around my solar plexus in a circular motion. The main keywords for the upcoming character, were the Northern Duke,  obsession and tears. When people think of a Northern Duke, they usually imagine a rough and cold image. However, in this game, my friend excitedly mentioned that the Northern Duke was charming like a baby. I recalled that he enthusiastically described scenes where Del Narcissus was sexually harassed and pursued, making him cry profusely.

But why did he like this game so much? When I thought about it, it was all his fault that I ended up in this absurd situation. If only that bastard hadn't recommended this game in the first place!!!

"It's not something I should say, considering I played it to the end..."

Still, I wanted to see that bastard, my one and only friend. I closed my eyes and chewed on my lips again. Hoping that when I opened my eyes, everything would vanish like a dream.

However, when I opened my eyes, I was still sitting alone inside the black carriage, and the world hadn't changed. Days passed like that— one, two, three. Perhaps being trapped in this narrow space without windows for so long made me feel dizzy. When I thought my vision was getting blurry, someone shouted from the front.

"Activating the teleportation array to the Northern Barrier!"

Wait, now? Right here?

"Excuse me! Hold on a moment!"

In this world, it seems that teleportation is achieved through teleportation magic circles, similar to pressing buttons in a game. However, being transferred with a carriage is a bit frightening. It happened when I touched the carriage wall with my palm.

Suddenly, my vision distorted, accompanied by a sensation of breathlessness and pain as if every cell in my body was splitting apart.


I had never experienced such pain before. I crouched down, clutching my head. If I didn't, it felt like my body would be torn to pieces. The moment felt like an eternity. Perhaps due to clenching my teeth too tightly, the bitter taste of blood filled my mouth. Tears welled up in my eyes.

"Ugh... Huk...."

As saliva mixed with blood flowed and fingernails deeply dug into the scalp, the vision returned, almost like a lie.

"The next station is the Northern Wall!"

Is this a subway announcement?

As the tumultuous sounds of people outside reached my ears, relief washed over me, and my exhausted body lost its strength.

"Young master, I'm going in"

The knight, as if making an announcement, opened the carriage door.

"...Young master?"

I looked up at the knight with tear-blurred eyes. He seemed bewildered by my disheveled appearance.

"The teleportation circle doesn't cause much harm to people..."

The knight mumbled an explanation, not knowing who he was justifying himself to. He gently wiped my mouth with a rough touch, and then delicately untangled my hands, still tightly gripping my hair.

Frowning at the knight's rough touch, I glanced at him. The knight seemed momentarily startled but quickly regained composure.

"Now that it's getting colder, you should change into warmer clothes."

He said that and draped a thick fur coat over me, the origin of which I had no idea. Since I still couldn't come to my senses, I quietly accepted what he was doing.

The driver looked down my face for a moment, perhaps amazed that I was so calm despite my reputation

"Are you feeling unwell, by any chance?"

Do I look good to you?

I shot a sharp look at the knight, gathering my strength, and he quickly averted his gaze. After casually adjusting his collar, he securely fastened my fur coat.

"It seems like your body is... more sensitive than others."

Then he blushed on his own and swiftly descended from the carriage, avoiding eye contact. After adjusting his collar again as if nothing had happened, he stepped out of the carriage. The door closed, and the carriage soon departed. Perhaps due to my mood, it felt like the carriage was moving slower than before.

Shivering, I shook off the lingering pain from earlier. Then, hunching my shoulders and neck as much as possible, I discreetly retreated into the fur coat.

"My body is sensitive..."

Upon hearing those words, something came to mind. This is a 19+ game that you can chew on and spit out. Could it be that I'm more sensitive than others because I'm the player?

Just then, a notification sound chimed, and the system window appeared once again.

[Exactly! Your sensory sensitivity is now at 200%! Enjoy the game to the fullest>//<]

What are you talking about cheerfully?

In the midst of fading consciousness, I tightly shut my eyes. If my sensory sensitivity is at 200%, it means I'm twice as sensitive as others. That could mean...

"I've got a pretty sensitive body, huh."

At this rate, there might soon be scenes of ambitious situations unfolding with just a light touch.

"I should... I should wear thicker clothes..."

Muttering to myself, I clung to the fur coat as if it were a life jacket. Thankfully, I was in a cold region now. I could layer clothes without it seeming strange.

No way, this darn game won't let me have my way.

With that thought, I snuggled my body and drifted back into sleep. However, not long after, I was jolted awake by the carriage violently shaking and swaying in the gusty wind.

The sound of the biting northern wind tore through the air, and within it, a faint but distinct roar of an animal could be heard.

Was the carriage attacked by a wild animal?

Growing anxious, I fumbled around with my hand towards the side where the carriage door should be. Since it was a prisoner transport carriage, it was sealed shut from the inside.

Should I get out here? But wouldn't that mean instant death? What happened to the knight? Is he fighting the beast?

Amidst various thoughts causing unease, it happened. The carriage door creaked open. Simultaneously, *ding-dong*, the system window appeared before me.

[Khan Alexis/Duke/Master of Tears/Affection
Level 0]

It was the first male protagonist's Appearance.

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