Forbidden Love [Fem!reader x...

By littleratremy

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By littleratremy

"Love? Which do you like?" Cassandra asked softly. "Or would you like to think some more?"

"Hm..." I frowned and tried to think of how to combine the names. 'Emeric Florin Dimitrescu? Florin Emeric Dimitrescu? Leonidas Florin Dimitrescu? Florin Leonidas Dimitrescu? All three in some combination?'

Cassandra giggled, gaining my attention. "We also don't need to name him right away. We weren't expecting to have a kid today, we can think of ways to combine the names later."

"Ri-right," I muttered with an awkward chuckle. 'I do love the name 'Florin,' but I wouldn't mind making one or both of the other names the middle name.'

"Wanna hold him?"

"...Yeah," I muttered, a small smile tugging on the corners of my mouth as she handed him to me. "Now, how are we going to explain to him why he has white hair if his hair starts changing like Costin's hair is?"

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it," Cassandra shrugged and watched our son's face twitch with a small smile. "Already smiling? Are all of Isa's kids happy?"

"Be glad," My Mother snorted. "Babies that smile and laugh more often are easier to raise. Isa's first life? That was a difficult child to raise."

"Hey!" Isa huffed with a pout.

"It's true," Our Father chuckled. "It took you ages to get used to Persephone. You only let me and Zagreus take care of you. Then again, once you got used to the others, you threw a tantrum every time Persephone returned to Olympus — even going as far as biting anyone who tried to feed you when she initially left."

"...Oh yeah, I remember that," I giggled. "It was also the first time we saw their Underworld form."

"Once word reached me, I came right back," Our Mother smiled and moved over to Isa. "You didn't return to normal until I sang to you."

"...Can we tell embarrassing stories about [Y/N] now?"

"No!" I giggled with a wide smile.

"No, no, I want to hear some," Cassandra said with a smirk.


My Mother giggled and glanced my way. "Not much to tell. She was mostly a daddy's girl as soon as I left. Cried the day I'd leave, but after napping with her Father, she would be fine. Other than that? The two often got in trouble for sneaking into places they shouldn't go. That and they spent a lot of time with their siblings. Isa would often sneak off to find Zagreus to watch him train — and when they were old enough, they went to train with him."

"What about [Y/N]?" Daniela giggled.

"She'd spend time with Melinoë," My Father chuckled. "Mel acted like it annoyed her, but if [Y/N] hadn't visited her by lunch, she'd go check to see if [Y/N] was sick or something."

"...I don't remember that," I muttered, trying to focus on memories like that until the baby whined. "I think he's hungry."

"Here," Daniela swarmed a bottle over to me. "It's formula milk, but if you don't want him to drink that..."

"I can feed him," Isa finished for Daniela with a chuckle. "I'm sure one of the goddesses of childbirth or procreation can assist with making you able to breastfeed him if that's what you want too."

"Hm," I glanced at Cassandra, noticing the small glare she sent the bottle. 'I don't care either way, but it looks like she doesn't want to have him drinking formula milk.'

"I vote no to the bottle," Cassandra muttered to me. "But it's your decision."

"I don't mind either way," I promised her and kissed her cheek. "Isa looks like you'll be feeding him as well."

"As well?" Isa laughed quietly. "Hunter's going to feed her daughter. Artemis and Aphrodite can help you with a ritual — or we can ask Freyja."

"Oh, I do miss Freyja," I muttered with a smile. "We haven't seen her or her twin in a while."

"Freyr!" Costin giggled.

"Yes, Freyr," Isa laughed. "That's also your middle name."

One Day Later

"Ready?" I asked Cassandra while changing our son's diaper. "He's almost ready."

"You're sure I won't be hurt?"

"I promise," I smiled when she moved over to me. "It'll be nighttime when we arrive, and it's not cold there. We'll be back before the sun comes up."

"How do we get there?" Cassandra asked nervously, her eyes drifting to our son. "Will I be stuck with her brother?"

"Freyja will come to us and bring us through a portal. Freyr's a good guy, don't worry. He'll probably talk your ear off with stories, but he's a kind soul. Just ask him for stories of me — or, ask him for help in naming our son. Just don't let him talk you into naming him after him."

"I'm not Isa," She giggled before picking up our son. "So, Florin for his first name, right?"

"He smiled every time I said it first while listing the name combinations. But, that could also just be a coincidence. I love it, and so does my Mother."

"And your Father?"

"He thinks it's an adorable name, so I think it's safe to say that he loves it too."

"Florin it is," Cassandra smiled and kissed his head. "Florin Emeric? Florin Leonidas? Or a combination of the two?"

"That's what you'll need to ask Freyr," I giggled. "Florin Emeric Leonidas. Florin Leonidas Emeric... Who knew naming a kid would be so time-consuming?"

"Am I interrupting?" Freyja giggled, making me jump and turn around. "Ready to go?"

"No to interrupting," I laughed after slowing my heart. "And yes to being ready. I was just letting her know how to handle your brother."

"And to make sure I don't agree to give our son his name."

"Good. Isa giving Costin his name as a middle name boosted his ego for a year," Freyja sighed with a slight smile. "Now, why me and not Artemis?"

"I missed you!" I giggled and grabbed our bags. "Let's go."

Once in Vanaheim, Freyr greeted us with a smile and open arms, making me roll my eyes and hug him. "Hi, Freyr."

"It's been so long," He groaned and hugged me before his eyes landed on Cassandra and Florin. "What's going on here?"

"Freyr, this is my wife, Cassandra, and our son, Florin. We need help with his middle name."

"Freyr," He said confidently.

"No!" The three of us said in unison, making the god sigh.

"Can't blame me for trying."

"We have ideas already," Cassandra explained. "And [Y/N] thought that you could help while she and your sister do that ritual."

The god nodded before glaring at Cassandra. "You've never hurt her, have you?"

"...What? No! Never!"

"Good. Let's keep it that way."


"No, [Y/N] and Isa have always been like little siblings to us," He cut his twin off with a frown. "I need her to know that the Greeks aren't the only ones she'd need to worry about if she ever hurt [Y/N]."

'Cass can't even be rough with me when I ask her to,' I wanted to say. 'I have to tease her for a week to get her to be rough. There's no way in all of the hells that she'd hurt me.'

Cassandra smiled at me before locking eyes with Freyr. "The day I harm [Y/N] is the day I die. I would not be able to live with myself if I ever hurt her."

'...If she wasn't already my wife, I'd beg her to marry me.'

After the ritual, we returned to the castle with the twin gods, causing Costin to gasp and run to Freyr. 'To be fair, Freyr is the closest thing to a second uncle that he'll get. Most of Hunter's siblings have kept to themselves — I doubt most know they have a niece and nephew.' We sat with the others as I took Florin from Cassandra, adjusting to feed him for the first time. I glanced at Cassandra when she shifted closer to me, giggling as she brushed a thumb over his cheek. My heart skipped a beat when I noticed the love and warmth in her eyes. 'She looks at me like this when we cuddle.'

"Well? What's his name? Don't keep us waiting!" Daniela giggled as she sat beside me.

"Florin," I smiled.

"His full name?"


the one with the most comments/votes will be Florin's full name

Florin Emeric Leonidas

Florin Leonidas Emeric

Florin Emeric

Florin Leonidas

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