Best Friends or Best Lovers...

By Peanutcookies

35.5K 343 80

Lola Hayden is totally in love with her best friend, Harry Styles. Of course, like in every other fairy tale... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty One
Chapter Fourty Two
Chapter Fourty Three
Chapter Fourty Four
Chapter Fourty Five
Chapter Fourty Six
Chapter Fourty Seven
Chapter Fourty Eight
Chapter Fourty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One

Chapter Fifty Six

11 0 0
By Peanutcookies


Hope you enjoy

Stay Stunning

† 'xo

Best Friends or Best Lovers

Chapter Fifty Six


The week flew over and it was time to say goodbye to Harry already. I didn't want him to leave which was incredibly selfish of me, but he had too.

"Don't die while I am away," I rolled my eyes and tightly embraced him. "Don't you fight with Ni, okay?" "Okay," I felt his lips pressing onto my forehead.

We stood there for maybe ten minutes before his phone started buzzing - an alert he had to leave for his plane. "It is just two weeks, I will be fine," I reassured him, I knew I would be with the support.

Louis would stay another week and then it would be just me and El. That was the third week and when that was done, I was planning on joining the boys on tour for a bit. Only if I felt well enough.

"Tell Kik I love her, take good care of her will you?" "I always will love," I smiled into his chest, not wanting to let go of him.

"I love you," He said, pressing his lips for the last time on my cheek. He pulled away and I started crying. "I love you more," I replied back, he held my face in his big hands.

"I will see you in two weeks, I will call you when I get home," I nodded as he wipped away my tears. "I will be okay," I muttered, more to calm my self than to reasure Harry I would.

"Stay golden love," With that he dissapeared out of my hospital room.


Hours later my manager showed up with tons of boxes filled with cards and presents from my fans. "Woah," Came out of my mouth as I saw the entire stuff all together in the corner of my room.

"Let's go read them, I want to follow or thank them all on twitter," I said, Louis nodded and got the first box on my bed. "You two can tweet via my official twitter account, I will tweet by my private one," El smiled and gave me a stock of cards.

"Can one of the guys come back later?" I asked my manager, furrowing his eyebrows at me. "I want to put up all the cards in my house in LA, he needs to put them back in the boxes so Lou can start putting them up at my house," I explained, he agreed and one of the guys staid here.

We read through a quarter of them, following the people on twitter when they put their name on the card. I was so overwhelmed by all of the cards, it was incredible of them.

I quickly posted a photo on instagram while my entire bed was a mess of presents and cards. With the capture 'this will be up in my house soon, thank you all, love you lots'.

The next day I we went through the last boxes, finally finished them all before dinner. Louis and the guy put them up at my house through my kitchen and the living room, you could barely see the walls and the ceeling - Louis said so.

On Sunday I could go home for one day, because I insisted on seeing how it turned out. It would just be for a few hours, so the nurses and doctors agreed on that.

I was getting weaker and weaker by the day, I barely slept because of the pain and threw up most of my food. And I was alreading losing weight because of this.

"Oh my.." I muttered, seeing all the cards hanging all over my livingroom. "It is insane," A few tears escaped my eyes as I shuffeled through the house.

I took an awesome picture and put it on instagram and twitter with the caption 'love you all, thank you for the support so far'.

That night back at the hospital I woke up by throwing up more than I usually did, I felt terribly sick. Whising I would get better eventually..

On Monday I had chemo and radiation, it had to be combined so it took a lot longer than before. El and Lou were glued to my side and would barely leave my sight after the last night.

I couldn't have found better friends to do this for me, they were starting to be my family. "I am gratefull for this," I croacked out to Louis who was holding me and softly singing me to sleep that night. "I am glad I get to be here for you," He replied back, kissing my forehead.

"I am glad I got to meet you, eventhough I didn't like you at first," Lou smiled and tucked me in. "Glad I can call you my 5th sister basically," I chuckled, which turned in to coughing up my food from earlier.

After the nurses calming us three down and got us settled back, it was around midnight. It was dark and quiet over the entire floor, making me wonder who else was staying here.

I sighed, Louis had fallen asleep in my chair while El was sleeping quitely on my bed, her chair was close to me and her head was next to my stomach. I kept on stroking her hair untill I fell asleep myself.

On Tuesday we got to read more cards from my fans what made me feel a tad better. This time Eleanor went to my house to put them on, she even put the drawings of my fans over my empty white walls.

She said it looked like it was a whole paper thing you glue onto your wall, it looked perfect to her. El gladly showed me some pictures when she returned to me and Louis.

That day I had more tests, just to make sure I would be okay with the radiation again tomorrow. This night nothing happened and I slept in a deeply utherly sleep.

Wednesday I had an appointment with the doc, who explained why I was throwing up so much. The medicine, chemo and radiation was all basically crap they get into me to kill the cancercells. But in the process it kills healthy cells to and that gets you sicker and weaker..

After the appointment I was exhausted and laid in bed, colouring in the books El had gotten me while listening to some music from 5SOS. While El was reading some magazines next to me Louis tried to had paint my toenails in a darkshade of purple.

It didn't worked out quite that well. El rolled her eyes at his art work as I just chuckled.

On Thursday I had treathment again, I was so exhausted and noticed I was loosing hair for the first time. It was when El helped me showering, after the threatment.

I only saw a piece of hair dissapearing into the hole in the ground, I furrowed my eyebrows. Was this starting already? The fact I was going bald was already terrifying enough but it to be happening in the second week was even worse.

Friday was another day of testing, Louis got the management to agree on the fact he had to stay a few days extra. El and I were glad, we needed him to be there for us. Probably more for El to hold her together so she could be there for me.

The week went by fast, we had a few short walks and read even more cards from the fans. Colloured more in my books and Louis even got a second attempt of doing El her nails this time.

We laughed so much about his artwork that time, it looked hiddious. El wiggled her toes around, laughing her ass of while Louis was trying to come up with an apology.

The last few days with Lou went by way to fast for our feelings, but also he had no choise but to go and leave us.

At the end of todays Wednesday he would leave for his plane back to London to join the boys on rehearsals.

"Louis?" I croaked out after I refused my breakfast. Eleanor had left, she needed a few hours to herself before Louis would go home. She mentioned she would be packing his stuff so he didn't had to.

"Yes love?" He looked up from the drawing book, he was terribly at drawing and you could see that really well. "My hair, it looks bad doesn't it?" I cried and Louis got up from his spot and embraced me.

"It doesn't, you look beautiful," I cried into his chest, I felt so shitty not knowing how I looked since I refused to see myself in the mirror. El and the nurse Brenda took down the few mirrors in my room cause I didn't want to see my sick body.

"Here," He got the scarf I got from a fan off the end of my bed and wrapped it carefully around my head. Tugging in some pieces of hair and making a pretty bow on the top of my head.

"You look fabulous and beautiful now," Lou reassured me, wiping the tears of my face. I tried to believe him, he was only trying to make me feel a tad better. I just smiled and said he was probably right.

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