๐™„๐™‰๐™€๐™๐™๐˜ผ๐˜ฝ๐™‡๐™€ ~ ๐š๐ซ๐ฆ๐ข...

By spyralzone_

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๐˜ข๐˜ณ๐˜ฎ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ ๐˜ข๐˜ณ๐˜ญ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ๐˜ต ๐˜น ๐˜ฃ๐˜ญ๐˜ข๐˜ค๐˜ฌ ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ฅ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ When y/n accidentally bumps into the new kid let's see how... More



1.3K 43 61
By spyralzone_

             ❥ Everybody left the class as your professor told you to stay back so they can talk to you about your work.

Hange called out your name as you started walking towards them with your eyes filled with curiosity.

The conversation between you and them started off as both of your well beings and them congratulating you on your work ethics.

"I knew I was going to like you ever since you stepped into my class. You've really improved on your grades y/n!" They wereecstatic talking to you about your grades and showing them to you on their laptop.

"Thank you, I really do try" you said with a smile while looking up at them. Hange walked away from their desk, beaming at you as you smiled back.

"I'm really glad you took my class Y/n L/n, you're the best student I've had in a while. I am going to miss you for next year though," They said as you frowned realizing how much of an impact you had on your professor.

"Awe, I'll walk by here from time to time, don't be shy to stop me and say hi Professor" you stated to see them turn around while taking their glasses off.

You heard sniffling coming from infront of you as you raised an eyebrow to see a teary eyed Hange making you frown, "Oh my god, I'm your favorite student?" you asked and only saw a nod from them.

You tried not to get excited by their reply as you smiled, "Professor, don't. You're going to see me from time to time again so please don't let this be a crying marathon"

You said making them chuckle, "Keep up the good work y/n, it was lovely having you in my class this year"

They said putting their glasses back on with a smile on their face as you said your goodbyes.

"Have a great summer with Armin!" They exclaimed out while waving to you as you smiled back with a wave. When you stepped outside, Armin was standing out there waiting for you,

"So how'd it go y/n?" He asked as you both started to walk together to his car, "Well they overall just wanted to talk to me, mainly mentioned my grades and how I'm basically their favorite student"

You said smiling while side eyeing Armin, "Damn, I thought I was their favorite student" you shook your head, "Nah, that's all me bay bee" you dragged out as you giggled.

"You want to come over?" Armin asked as he glanced at you to see you puckering your lips to the side, "I can't today"

"What do you mean?" He asked unlocking his car door for you to sit in. He got to his side of the car and opened the door before throwing his bag in the back.

"I have to go to Hitchs' house today for her project, 'member?" Armin rolled his eyes with a pout making you laugh, "You mad at me now? I already told you about it, you just forgot"

"I'm not mad, just devastated I can't have you with me for today," He said starting his car.

"Aww baby come heree" you dragged out while you wrapped your arms around his neck before you placed a kiss on his soft lips.

"You have me tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the whole summer Armin, it's just today. Might even be some hours, got it?" Armin nodded while smiling.

"So where does she live?" Armin asked as you set your phone up as the gps, having him drive you to Hitchs' place.

Hitch needed your help on baking for her class since she was a culinary student and she didn't really talk to a lot of people in her class so she couldn't really ask any of them for help, plus it's been a while since you guys talked to each other.

Armin had arrived at her place as you grabbed your phone about to head out, "Thanks for driving Armin" you said while he placed a kiss on your forehead.

"Do you want my jacket?" He asked before you shook your head, "But y/n it's raining"

"I'll be fine babe" Armin scoffed while shaking his head, grabbing his jacket knowing that you were a stubborn person, "Boy I will be finee" you dragged out while smiling at how thoughtful he was.

"No you won't, take it" Armin stared at you for a while as you did the same, "Fine, just text me if you want me to pick you up okay love?" He said as you nodded, squeezing his hand that was on your face. 

You got out of the car as you started walking towards the apartment building. Turning around, you had still seen Armin parked there as you shoo'ed him away.

"I'm waiting for you to get inside first y/n, stop being stubborn!" He said from afar making you smile while shaking your head.

You texted Hitch just to make sure you got the right house and you weren't standing in front of the wrong one.

She opened the door with a smile and peeked over you, "Is that the same guy from the mall that one timee?" She dragged out in a sarcastically questionable tone as you nodded.

"So what? Are you still gonna deny that he's just a friend now?" Hitch crossed her arms as she sent out a polite smile to Armin while saying that. Armin replied back with that white guy smile.

"Nah he's my boyfriend now" You heard a squeal come from Hitch as she started shaking you making you giggle, "Girl are you gonna invite me in or not? I'm getting wet"

Hitch nodded with a smile as she got out of the way to have you enter. Armin waved back at you when you waved at him one last time before going in as he drove off.

"So you're gonna tell me how all of this happened?!" Hitch said excitedly while you were putting your bag down. You whistled when you saw the fit she had on.

A black sports bra on with her nike pro shorts and her short hair tied back with a couple of strands hanging in her face.

"You were working out before I came here?" She nodded while flexing her biceps making you chuckle.

"But tell me how all of this happeneddd?" She dragged out pulling you to go sit down.

"Shit just happened to be honest, mainly cause we been liked each other ever since for a while you know," Hitch smiled before she sighed, "Feels like it was just yesterday when you walked in for a belly ring"

She smiled when she saw you smile, "Okay let's start this cake" she said while getting up as you followed, "Y/n, do you mind being on camera? Because I'm gonna post it to my Youtube"

"You have a Youtube channel?" She nodded, "You like lowkey famous?" you asked before she turned her phone towards you.

"Ten thousand subscribers? Okay girll" you dragged out making her smile.

She brought everything out before setting her tripod. "You gon record like this?" you motioned your hand up and down, talking about her fit.

"Yeah, I even recorded in a bikini once y/n, I'll be fine" She said as she started recording.

"Hey guys it's me Hitch, of course and today we're going to be making a cake for my culinary class but we have a special guest with me today," Hitch pulled you in close to the camera while you smiled,

"A close friend of mine, she's bad, she's pretty, and smart... Y/n!" She said while clapping as you waved at the camera.

"Heyy guyss" you dragged out, "We're going to be making a red velvet cake with a frosting of her choice, since it's her project"

"And I also have to incorporate everything I learned this year, into and onto the cake. Enough talking let's get started"

Hitch was really happy having you there with her, making her final project for the end of the year.

She started pouring stuff into the bowl while you were mixing it and interacting with her and the people that would be watching.

"So now we're gonna crack six eggs—"

"Six?! Six bomba rass clatt pussy bomba bloodclat eggs!" you said before Hitch cackled as your eyes slightly widened when she was about to let the mixture spill.

She started laughing even harder when she heard your spray bottle laughter as you stopped mixing. The giggles went on for a while before you got yourself together first, "That was the first thing I thought of when you said six eggs"

Hitch sniffled before looking at her camera, wiping her tears away, "I have to cut that part out" she stated as she smiled.

"Okay moving on!" Hitch clapped her hands with a smile on her face.

You and Hitch had already finished the project and set it to the side for tomorrow. She went live and decided to clean up in the process. Everyone on the live started to ask about the girl beside her.

"This is my friend y/n, we just finished baking a cake and we're just cleaning up...y/n they said drop your at" Hitch said while giggling before you side eyed her.

"I'm good" you mumbled out before getting a notification on your phone to someone already following you, "Oh nah they already done found me"

Hit h laughed at what you said while grabbing your phone to look at who did, "Reiner leave her alone!" she said to her camera on the live.

Hitch side eyed you while pulling you closer when she had seen Armins name in the chat, "Y/n look" she whispered out.

You went towards her camera to see your boyfriends name in the chat before smiling and waving.

He texted you saying "Come back home the kids miss you😩"

You smiled at what you read and texted him to come and pick you up.

"Alright y/nnn, say bye to the livee" You did as she said with the same tone she had.

After a few minutes you were saying bye to Hitch and leaving her house to go back home. You got outside and it was pouring a lot more than the first time.

Sitting in Armins car you could see him side eyeing you and already knew why, "Listen, it was warm in there that's why"

"Well you could've asked me to walk out with you with an umbrella" He said before gently placing his hoodie on you.

When you had gotten out of his car he groaned while getting out, "Y/n put the damn hoodie on and stop being so stubborn"

He said making you laugh at the almost irritated Armin, "Yes sir" you said poking at his cheeks and putting it on. He gave you a kiss while smiling, "You're so stubborn y/n"

You winked at him making him smile at your cute persona.

While walking inside your house, a row of sneezes left your mouth already having a clue.

Next day...
You were trying to talk to Ciara when you felt another one coming as you quickly hurried to the bathroom, squatting down near your toilet bowl.

Hitch had informed you that her subscribers really liked you and thought that you were funny, meaning that they'd want to have you on her channel again.

You had been throwing up ever since you woke up at 5 in the morning, making it difficult for you to even enjoy your break.

Armin had been texting you the whole time but you kept forgetting to reply to them. He knew that you weren't feeling too good but you kept reassuring him that you were fine and he didn't have to come over.

You knew he wasn't going to listen either way when he had left you on read of you declining his offer coming to your house.

You tried to make soup for yourself but everytime you ate it, you threw it all back up.

It had to be a stomach bug at this point with a cold too since you didn't listen to Armin about putting his jacket on yesterday.

Ciara knocked on the bathroom door while speaking from the outside, "N/n, just let me know if you need anything okay?"

"Oh trust I will" you said before smiling when you had heard Ciara chuckle from the door.

After a while of squatting down on the floor, throwing your guts up, you walked to the kitchen to make something for yourself to eat. Before you could even grab your bowl you heard a knock at the door.

You looked in the peephole and smiled to yourself while opening the door, "You know you didn't have to come" you said opening the door wider for him to enter.

"I know, I just wanted to honestly and do you have a cold tooy/n?" you slowly nodded before he scoffed, "I told you to put the jacket on yet you don't want to listen to me"

"Shut up, what if it's my last day on earth and you're just scolding me huh?" you said sucking in your teeth.

"Have you eaten at all today?" Armin asked, "Well I tried to but I threw it all back up"

"You have a stomach virus y/n" you shook your head, "I know"

Armin went over to the kitchen grabbing the same bowl you were going to grab as you grabbed the bag he brought while looking inside of it. It was just medicine before Armin grabbed it away from you.

"Sit down y/n, I'll make you something" He said as you puckered your lips to the side before dragging your feet to go sit down. As soon as you were about to sit down, you felt another one coming, mentally rolling your eyes.

Armin set the bowl back down as he followed you to your bathroom and frowned to himself when he saw you leaning on your sink.

"Noo, my baby's sick" he said before you shook your head when you took a pause. Armin sighed while leaving you to go out to the living room to grab the medicine.

He came back with them as you looked at his face, "You're so cute Armin"

He playfully rolled his eyes, "So are you love but here, take them right now" he said handing you the box for the pill as you lost your balance but Armin held your hand, pulling you back.

"Did you eat anything bad?" You shook your head, "The last thing I had was the school food to be honest"

"And you didn't eat again after that?" you slowly shook your head, "Why aren't you eating a lot these days baby?" he asked cupping your face as you smiled.

"I'm on a diet pookie" He let go of your face while frowning, "And why?"

"Just because you know, it's summer time, I need that summer body"

"Yeah but you have to eat at the same time too y/n" He said examining your neck, "Take the medicine and come outside with me"

You nodded popping the pill in your mouth and pushing it down with the glass of water he gave you as you followed him outside.

"Listen to me right now y/n, you need to eat, always. Even if it's just a little snack at least you ate something okay?" you nodded giving him a thumbs up because your mouth was full of water.

"The medicine will make you a bit drowsy but I promise it works. Eren was sitting on the toilet for hours" you almost spit your water out at what he said before finally drinking it.

"Hold on this makes you shit?" Armin side eyed you, "Nooo" he dragged out in a suspicious tone before turning around to look at you.

"I promise it doesn't y/n, Eren just had a bad stomach ache at some point that made him like that and later on he felt better, trust" Armin smiled when he saw you smile.

"You really are picking up on my lingo"

"I know, and I like it. It makes me sound like I have a lot of personality to me when it's just basically the words and phrases my girl uses" You smiled walking up to hug him,

"I want to kiss you but I can't" you said, "Uhh yes you can y/n"

"Baby I'm sick, so no, can't have you also being sick" He pouted as you ended up giving him a forehead kiss, "Good enough"

Armin started cooking as you were batting your eyes, trying your best not to sleep because the medicine was working to be honest and you didn't want him to just stand up and cook for nothing if you weren't going to be able to eat it.

"Tell me if it's good" He said handing you your bowl. He had made fried rice and orange chicken, a favorite of yours but he hadn't known that yet.

You smiled at your bowl and then smiled at him, "Thank you" Armin sat beside you as you both ate together, he could see how slowly you were chewing and how your eyes started to doze off.

Everytime you did, he started a conversation. He was only doing that so you could finish your food.

A loud burp erupted from you as you saw Armin smile when you turned to him, "I'm full"

"I know y/n" he said while smiling and grabbing your bowl to drop it in the sink, washing it and all of the other dishes he used.

You walked to your bedroom resting your head on the headboard. It started to get really hard to keep your eyes open.

Armin was done washing the dishes and wiped his hands before walking to your room, "Y/n you also have to—oh nevermind" he said walking closer to you.

"I'm not asleep Armin, almost there though" you said shuffling in your bed as you sat on your leg while looking up at him. You signaled for him to get in your bed and he did.

"I told you it makes you sleepy" you only hummed out a reply while nodding when your head rested on his chest.

Armin just wanted you to feel better physically as he smiled to himself, fixing your bonnet for you,

"If my titty fall out my tank top, please tuck it back in for me okay?" Armin laughed at what you said while nodding, "You know I always got you y/n"

You smiled as Armin made sure to not fall asleep and watch you sleep incase anything happened to you, but everytime he was with you, he always felt sleepy and with your skin touching his, it was hard no to.

An hour later, Ciara and Daniella came down to see how you were doing. They opened your bedroom door to see you and Armin cuddled up together in your bed with your head on his chest and his hand on your waist.

They both looked at ecahother before smiling, "They was always meant for each other" Daniella said, "On everything" Ciara replied back

(an: the announcement i had was that...*clears throat* i have only like 3-4 more chapters before this book comes to an end😭)

      ❁ཻུ۪۪♡ ͎. 。˚

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