𝐀π₯𝐨𝐞'𝐬 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐀𝐞𝐧 𝐏𝐞...

By erwenc_

499K 11.6K 4.2K

π“žπ“·π“°π“Έπ“²π“·π“°... "He went down on you, right?" He whispered into my ear, and an embarrassed blush creeped on... More



4.9K 143 9
By erwenc_

♤✯𝓚𝔂𝓵𝓮𝓷'𝓼 𝓟𝓞𝓥✯♤

FWM (slowed) || Tone Stith

I was stressed as fuck.

Today was the day to confront everything, all the burdens of the trauma I had gone through during my childhood.

And I fucking hated everything about it.

I hadn't slept well at all, the nightmares haunting me throughout the night and Alora woke me up twice that night.

It was until she made me journal and scribble out every single thought on paper, rip the pages out and cry my fucking eyes out then scream everything out by the balcony that I actually got some rest.

She had held me throughout the night, our legs entangled and the warmth of her body had scared all the demons from my past away.

I had smiled and kissed her temples, admiring her sleep at first before I did too, wrapping my arms tightly around her to ensure that I was safe from any nightmares.

When Alora woke me up in the morning, that's when I realised that I wasn't fucking ready. I wasn't ready to make things right between me and Steve. I still had great hatred for him, and it was raw. I couldn't trust myself to listen to his apology without wanting to crack his skull for what he put us through as a family.

"I don't want to do this anymore," I buried my face in my hands. I had reluctantly showered and dressed up for the occasion after Alora kissed and convinced me that this was our only chance to talk before we left for University.

I was so excited to be going to the same University as Alora. I was truly overjoyed when she was accepted and we easily got a beautiful penthouse close to campus where we'd stay together. I no longer had any weight on my shoulders or heart, instead, I was looking forward to us starting our new life there.


Just the two of us.

"Kylen, please. It'll only be lunch for an hour, you can always tell him when you're uncomfortable and I'm sure he'll respect that." Alora crawled into my laps and held my face between her hands.

"You always convince me to do shit I'd never imagine agreeing to," I scowled but she laughed.

"Because I'm your soulmate. You don't really have much of a choice," she shrugged, her arms wrapping around my shoulders and my massive hands moved to cup her ass cheeks.

"You're so beautiful, do you know that?" I smirked when her cheeks tinted pink.

"Kylen, stop—"

"No, I fucking mean it. Nobody deserves to be graced by your unique, ethereal beauty. When another man looks at you, it enrages me because they have not earned the right to soak in your pretty energy. With that being said, my love, I'll be punching anyone whose eyes linger longer than necessary on you."

"That's borderline madness," she giggles, giving me a disapproving stare after.

"That's right, because I'm fucking insane for you. And I'm willing to lose my entire mind completely if it means that I get to love you the way you should be loved." I kissed her gently, rubbing my hand down the crevice of her back.

"Ky, you're so sweet. I love you, don't forget that while you're gone," she whispered, running her finger against my cheek.

"Never. I'll be counting down the minutes until I get back to you, baby." I murmured deeply and after a bit more kissing, I finally drove to the restaurant I had chosen to dine at with Steve.

When I parked in an empty spot, I found him sitting at the table we had reserved outside the restaurant, probably having an espresso macchiato. It never changes.

He looked very poised and elegant, casually but strategically seated in his chair as he read something from a newspaper. Steve was still so ruggedly handsome from society's perspective and he attracted a large amount of women. It didn't help that he was extremely wealthy.

He had generously passed the beauty gene down to me and I was praying that I would never become like him at any point in my life.

I locked my car then walked over to him, settling silently in the opposite chair and through my tinted glasses, I noticed him look up with so much relief and happiness. He must have thought I had changed my mind. Well you kinda had but—

"You made it, Kylen. I appreciate it." He looked very solemn and sober, I failed to identify him as the man who had emotionally scarred my mother repeatedly.

I lifted my hand slightly to signal the waiter, and they were at my service in a second. I ordered a glass of water to get us started. I would have gone for alcohol but I wanted to be sober enough to hear and store everything he had to say.

He couldn't see my eyes so I raised my brow to encourage him to start speaking. This better be good or else I'll drive off.

"It was a Friday night," he started, placing his paper down with a sigh, "when my father arranged a marriage."

My face contorted in shock because I couldn't help it, but I was still attentive.

"I was only twenty five, and your mother was twenty-three at the time. And on the night your grandfather told me about the arranged marriage to strengthen his connections and pay off a huge debt, I had proposed to my high school sweetheart." He sighed again, sipping his drink before continuing.

"I met your mother for the first time, on our wedding day because it was such a short notice. They told me the night before so that I wouldn't take any action to stop the procession, like booking a flight to run away.

"So we had to get married. She was just as confused and upset as I was, mentioning that she had to give up her five year relationship to marry me. So even though we got married, we decided not to be physical and secretly continue with our normal lives," he clasped his hands together.

"It was all good at first, until our parents decided that we move and start our new life afresh in Germany. They must have sensed that we weren't committed to each other and that we were romantically involved with other people. So we had to move here, and at first, it was so hard to cope without any family or friends here. We had to build our life from scratch and the family expected some heirs from us." He shook his head slightly.

"So after like a year, we had gotten familiar with each other. We spent quite a lot of time together, cooked, talked, shopped and basically did everything together. Regardless of that, I didn't have feelings for your mother, but she had developed some for me. I hadn't gotten over my high-school sweetheart of ten years and it was hard for me to let it all go, I was honest with her about it.

"So we planned to have a baby to hopefully make our marriage work and see if we'd be able to detach from our past, but it made things worse. I had no idea of how to be a father, my dad hadn't taught me anything and since I didn't have siblings, I hadn't learnt how to manage kids. Your mother was good at parenting though, and when Graysen was a bit older, we decided to have you.

"Things went downhill after you were like one. My high school sweetheart had moved to Germany, in the same city as us and I know I shouldn't have entertained my feelings, but they were too strong to overcome. I had slowly begun to develop feelings for your mother but the memories I had with my high-school sweetheart dominated and controlled me. I had loved her the same way you love Alora, and I couldn't stop asking myself 'what if'.

"So yeah, I relapsed. I became a terrible husband, I was unfaithful and barely supported you and Graysen as a father because I was so depressed and bitter about losing the life I could have had if my father hadn't gotten himself into debt. I was angry with myself and everyone, and things always got worse whenever I'd talk to your mom. It wasn't her fault and I literally owe her a lot for the way I treated her.

"I owe you a lot for failing as a father, I should have done better. I should have tried to move on instead of blaming everyone for my misery. I should have been there for you and Gray, I should have attended your games and I should have attended his science fairs and now I live to regret everything I didn't do.

"I'm so so sorry, son. I know I'm a failure and you never want to be like me, and I wouldn't advise you to. I'm not asking for pity or anything, but I'm asking for forgiveness. I know its hard for you after all my actions, but if I could go back in time, I'd change everything. I love you both, and I hope one day you'll find it in your heart to forgive me."

There was a deathly silence afterwards as I dugested everything he had said. I could hardly believe this. All this time I'd assumed my parents to be in love but they had been pushed into a marriage they didn't want. And it had hit my father harder because he had been hopelessly in love with his high-school sweetheart. It wasn't really an excuse, but it was.

For the first time in my life, I didn't feel so angry with him. I tried to put myself in his shoes, considering how I'd feel if my father arranged a marriage between me and a random girl right after proposing to Alora. It would shatter me completely and I would never recover.

He was human and he had it hard. Being forced to get over his true love to pay off a debt. That had been very heartless of my grandfather and I felt slightly sorry for Steve.

"You don't have to say anything, Kylen. I know you hate me—"

"I forgive you, dad."

He paused for a good minute, wondering if he had heard right or if he was hallucinating. He evidently thought I was playing a prank on him but removed my dark glasses and smiled gently, reaching out to take his trembling hand.

"I mean it." I assured him, watching his eyes well up with tears. I needed to grow up and let things go. I wouldn't forget, but I'd forgive him. I couldn't change my past, but I could change my future. And I wanted a happy and healthy one.

"Kylen, I truly appreciate it. Thank you for forgiving me, son." He looked away, his free hand wiping away his tears. I got up and pulled him into a hug, something I hadn't done in the past seven years.

Holding him felt so… foreign. It felt new, like I was holding him for the first time in my life. The thought brought tears to my own eyes as he held me tighter, as though I'd change my mind any minute.

"It's over, the hatred and fights. It's over Dad," I whispered as we hugged for some time. An invisible burden lifted from not only my shoulders, but my heart. The weight that I hadn't realise become a part of me disappeared in that moment.

"I love you so much Son, so much. I'm so sorry—"

"Don't apologise anymore. Promise me this is the last time you apologise," I held his shoulder as he stared up at me with swollen eyes. The reconciliation had hit him harder than I thought it ever would.

"I promise, only if you promise not to hate me anymore." His voice cracked a little, it made me want to hold him tighter. He was very genuine and I could tell.

"I will never hate you again. I promise you that."

"Great. My advice, son, is don't wait for the perfect time like I did. If you want to marry Alora, do it. If you want to build a house together, do it. Just do what your heart wants, because you're never guaranteed to have that person forever."

He was right. Life wasn't guaranteed to anyone. I wasn't getting younger. I wanted to show Alora the true ways of love, and make sure she knew that I would be there to stay.

After another long talk, more catching up and bonding, it was finally time to head back home. Alora and I were catching a five-hour flight straight to Ivyson University today and I was excited. We would be settling into our penthouse together. Our home.

"With the smile on your face, I'm guessing it went well," Alora winked at me the moment I walked into the foyer. She was waiting upstairs, wearing a flowy white dress that complimented her body and skin so well.

She was just so fucking beautiful, I couldn't believe my luck.

"Come down here, baby." I beckoned her and she jogged down the stairs, jumping into my arms as I twirled her around.

I could never imagine losing her. She was all I had, my treasure.

"I missed you Ky," she whispered, nuzzling her face into my neck.

"I missed you more Aloe," I stroked her hair, kissing her cheek. I was still carrying her when she moved to look down at me, her hands taking my face between her palms.

"Did you make amends?" He looked hopeful.

"Well, we hugged and laughed throughout—" I didn't finish when Alora squealed in happiness, squeezing me tighter. Her being happy made me happy too, I'd do anything at all in this world to make her happy.

"I'm so proud of you. I know it was hard, but look, you've grown up now. You've finally forgiven him after so many years, imagine how happy he is." Alora's eyes were bright and lively as she gushed on about it. She was so cute.

"Of course. And we're leaving in a few hours," I carried her up the stairs while she giggled.

"M-hm, everything is packed and I double checked if we had everything." She wrapped her arms around my shoulders the moment I entered my room and placed her on the bed.

I stared at her beautiful face for some time, marvelling at just how perfect she was. With her hair sprawled out on the black linen, a smile morphed over her pink, glossy lips and her bright blue eyes watching me as though I were the only man she'd ever seen in her life. I fucking loved it when she looked at me like that.

"I can't wait until we're spending all our time alone, going out when we don't have duties, making love…" I trailed off while kissing along her neck to her chest.

"Ky, all you ever think about is sex," she giggled, wrapping her legs around my waist.

"Fuck yes, you do this to me. All I ever think about is worshipping your body, worshipping you until you can't say a word." I murmured while pinning her hands above her with one hand. She could tell that I was already losing track and succumbing to my desires.

"Kylen, it's time for— holy, fucking, shit," she tried to pull away but I kept her hands pinned and the other moved to hold her hip to cover the strip of her thong as her dress had ridden up. I didn't look away from her for a few seconds, then slowly turned my attention to Everett and Russell.

"We're coming right now—"

"No. We'll come down after we're done here, so close my door. I don't want the family to hear her screaming my name for the next hour." I spoke firmly and they both hollered, Alora's cheeks tinting to a deep shade of pink.

"Aight aight, get it on man. We're out." They shut the door and Alora nudged my chest, her face now red.

"Why did you say that? They're going to think we're having—"

"Aren't we, baby? It's our last day here, might as well break the bed." I smirked at her and she gasped. I got up and pulled her arm, leading her to the balcony that had a magnificent view of the majestic sunset.

"On the count of three, we're going to celebrate our departure with a shout." I explained, telling her the words then holding her hand tight.


"Ready," she nodded with a smile. We both counted to three, staring at each other in the process as we marked the beginning of a whole new journey.

"Ivyson here we come!"

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