Reincarnated as Usagi?!

By MysticRaven0

18.6K 755 73

A Sailor Moon Fanfiction Aria is your typical teenage girl who died suddenly and is now living her life as an... More

Usagi's Beautiful Transformation
The House of Fortune is the Monster Mansion
Mysterious Sleeping Sickness: Protect the Girls in Love
Lean How to Be Skinny from Usagi
Scent of A Monster: Chanela Will Steal Your Love
Protect the Melody of Love: Usagi Plays Cupid
Becoming a Star is Hard Work
Girl Genius is a Monster: The Brainwashing Cram School of Horror
Cursed Bus: Enter Mars, The Guardian of Fire
Usagi vs Rei: Nightmare in Dream Land
The Luxury Cruise Ship is a Trap
Girls Unite: The End of Jadeite
A New Enemy Appears: Nephrite's Evil Crest
Usagi's Panic: Rei's First Date
A Girl's Dream: Usagi Becomes A Bride
Usagi's a Model: The Flash of the Camera Monster
Shingo's Love: The Grieving Doll
The Summer, the Beach, Youth and Ghosts
Romance Under the Moon: Usagi's First Kiss
Wish Upon a Star: Naru's First Love
Naru's Tears: Nephrite Dies for Love
Jupiter, The Powerful Girl in Love
Restore Naru's Smile: Usagi's Friendship
Crushing on Ami: the Boy Who Can See the Future
The Painting of Love: Usagi and Mamoru Get Closer
Total Chaos: The Messy Love Triangle
Grandpa Loses Control: Rei in Danger
Love and Chased: Luna's Worst Day Ever
Umino's Resolve: I'll Protect Naru
Enter Venus, the Last Sailor Guardian
The Shining Silver Crystal: The Moon Princess Appears
Returning Memories: Usagi and Mamoru's Past

Usagi's Joy: A Love Letter from Tuxedo Mask

449 24 3
By MysticRaven0

I was walking home from school, passing by our mailbox before I paused in my steps. I turned back to the mailbox, noticing the note sticking out of it. I reached out and grabbed it, seeing my name on the envelope and tilted my head, "What's this?" I flipped it over, gasping as I read the bottom multiple times, "It's from Tuxedo Mask! But how...?"

I looked around the area before quickly heading inside, taking off my shoes and running straight upstairs to my room. I sat on my bed and ripped open the envelope, reading the note, ""I love you more than anything else. Please come meet me at the MS Mall in Shinjuku tomorrow night.""

I squealed quietly and fell back on my bed, hugging the note to my chest tightly. Luna stared at me, being the voice of reason, "Why would Tuxedo Mask send you a love letter?"

I didn't reply, just lifted up the letter to read it again. Luna sighed, laying down beside me, "How does he even know you're Sailor Moon? Something's not right, Usagi."

I stared at the words on the page as I replied, "I...I know Luna. But it has to be him, right? I mean, there is only one Tuxedo Mask. Maybe he put the clues together or something."

Luna sighed, "Well, Tuxedo Mask is always helping you out, but we still don't know if he's a friend or foe. We need to be cautious."

I clutched the letter to my chest with a long sigh, not replying to Luna as I wondered if this letter was truly sent by Tuxedo Mask. I mean, it has to be, right?


I sat at my desk, eyes widen as I gasped, "No way!"

Maru walked over to me, holding the exact same letter as everyone else, saying, "Nope. I also got a love letter from a guy called Tuxedo Mask."

A girl behind me chimed in, "I did too!"

"And me too!"
"So did I!"

Naru looked back at the rest of the girls, asking, "But who exactly is Tuxedo Mask?"

Everyone shook their heads and I looked down at my desk, tears filling my eyes but I refused to let them drop. This has to be mistake, he couldn't have written a love letter to every girl in school. I sniffled, quickly blinking away my tears as Ms. Haruna walked in the classroom. She smiled at us, "Everyone, don't be distracted by the love letter pranks. Remember, a woman must not be so easily swayed. Is that clear?"

All the girls, except me, replied with smiles, "Yes, Ms. Haruna!"

Ms. Haruna continued, "Those letters might be from a bad person out to trick you. So, make sure to stay away from the MS Mall in Shinjuku. Got it?"

All the girls, minus me, replied in unison once again, "Yes, Ms. Haruna!"

She smiled at us all, "Very well."

She began her lesson and I could barely pay attention, thinking about Tuxedo Mask and this stupid love letter. I thought we had something, a connection. I mean, he's been helping/saving me since I became Sailor Moon, he leaves me roses after disappearing before I could thank him. I jumped when the bell rang and I quickly gathered my things, walking out of the classroom to think some more.


I was walking home alone, clutching the letter in my hands as thoughts swirled around my head. I wiped away the tears that kept escaping my eyes, sniffling as I tried to hold them in until I got home. I still couldn't understand why he sent this letter to every girl, doesn't he know that I'm Sailor Moon? The girl who mourned and avenged his "death" during that fight against Jadeite. The girl who wants to fight crime with him, side-by-side for as long as we can. The girl he saves from the Dark Kingdom and leaves roses for her to find. I looked down at the letter again, anger starting to fill my veins as I reread then words on the paper. Is this what Tuxedo Mask does? Saves every girl, makes her fall in love with him, and sends her and all the girls in town a love letter, breaking her heart. I huffed, taking the paper and ripping it to shreds, throwing the scraps into the trash. When I turned away from the trash, I bumped into someone and sniffled as I quickly spoke, "I am so sorry."

I heard him chuckle, looking up to see Mamoru smirking at me as he spoke, "You would think you'd learn by now, Usagi."

I huffed with an eyeroll, "I really don't feel like arguing today, Mamoru."

I went to turn around and walk away when I was grabbed, surprisingly gently, on the arm. I turned around, seeing the confusion in Mamoru's eyes, "You alright bunhead?"

I chuckled with a small smile, "Haven't heard that name in a while..." He continued to stare at me and I sighed, "Kinda...I'm sure you've heard all about the Tuxedo Mask letters."

He raised an eyebrow, "Let me guess, you didn't get one?"

I rolled my eyes, "I wish...I've met Tuxedo Mask a few times...he was sweet, caring...I really thought that I was the only one..."

I felt the tears filling my eyes again and I scoffed, wiping my eyes as I muttered to myself, "Can't believe I'm crying again..."

Mamoru shifted on his feet, stating, "He's a jerk Usagi, only jerks toy with girls' hearts and emotions. Don't let this Tuxedo Mask ruin your day."

I blinked, tilting my head, "Are you trying to make me feel better?"

Mamoru blushed lightly, scoffing, "No! Why would I do that, bunhead?"

I giggled as Mamoru shuffled awkwardly before holding up his finger and moving away from me quickly. I blinked a few times before he was in front of me again, holding a single rose in his hand. He held it out to me, blush still on his cheeks, "Here bunhead, a pretty girl deserves a pretty flowers so, don't stab yourself with the thorns."

I slowly took the rose, blushing as I did so. I smiled as I smelt the rose and looked up at Mamoru, seeing that he was already staring at me with a unknown but familiar look in his eyes. We continued to stare at each other until I remembered why he gave me the rose and I spoke, "Thank you for the rose...and for cheering me up. Although, your words could use a little work, jerk."

He smirked with a chuckle, "Like you know anything, bunhead."

I slowly moved away from him, starting to walk home with the rose in my hand and a smile on my face, feeling Mamoru watch me as I walked away. I made it home safely, smile still on my face, as I took off my shoes and went straight up to my room. I went to put Mamoru's rose in my vase full of roses from Tuxedo Mask when I froze, staring at the roses as Luna's words from the night before came to mind 'How does he even know you're Sailor Moon, Usagi?'

I moved away from the roses, heading downstairs to grab another vase as I thought about it. How did Tuxedo Mask know that I was Sailor Moon? Now that I think about it, the letter said nothing about me being Sailor Moon, it wasn't even addressed to Sailor Moon, just Usagi Tsukino, along with all the other girls' letter. I filled the vase with water and headed back to my room as I continued to put the pieces together of this strange mystery. Tuxedo Mask has no idea who I am, just like I don't know who he is. He arrives during a fight and leaves once the monster's defeated, which means he's never seen me transform or seen me change back into my civilian form. And why meet at the mall? Why not somewhere we've fought crime before, to make sure that I'm truly Sailor Moon. I placed the rose into the new vase and gasped, eyes widening, "That means this whole thing is a ruse! By none other than the Dark Kingdom!"

I quickly ran to my closet, changing out of my uniform and into something simple before dashing out of the room, shouting to my parents as I quickly slipped on some shoes, "I'm heading over to Ami's house to study! Be home late!"

I ran out of the house to the bus stop, quickly hopping on the bus which was, thankfully, heading to Shinjuku. I can't believe I couldn't put two and two together. Of course, the Dark Kingdom would use my crush on Tuxedo Mask against me! Drawing me out to the mall so I could reveal my identity to them and be so caught off guard that they would destroy me right then and there. I snapped out of my thoughts as the bus came to a stop and I quickly but calmly got off, looking around for the mall. My communicator started beeping in my bag and I quickly pulled it out, seeing Ami's face on the tiny screen. Ami questioned, "Where are you, Usagi?"

I replied, "I'm in Shinjuku. The letter was sent by the Dark Kingdom. They're trying to draw me out by using Tuxedo Mask as bait."

Ami gasped, "And you're going by yourself?!"

I huffed, "It was a spur of the moment decision! Just get here as fast as you can and bring Rei!"

I ended the call and quickly ran through the crowd, heading straight for the mall. I ran off to the side, finding a small opening in the gate. I quickly slipped through and slowly walked in, looking around for any sign of monsters or people. I peeked around a corner, gasping as I saw someone dressed like Tuxedo Mask draining Naru's energy. I quickly threw my hand in the air, "Moon Prism Power Make Up!"

I stepped out from behind the corner, shouting with a glare, "Let her go!"

He snapped his head towards me with a sneer, "Who goes there?!"

I took a step forwards with the glare still on my face, "A monster that toys with the pure hearts of young girls would never look good in a tuxedo!"

He snarled, "It's you!"

I smirked, "I am the Pretty Guardian who fights for love and for justice! I am Sailor Moon! And in the name of the Moon, you will be punished!"

He stared at me, "How could you tell I wasn't Tuxedo Mask?"

I titled my head, smirking, "I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you."

I ran forward, jumping in the air with a spin to kick him. The man ducked at the last minute, but I managed to knock off his top hat. He glared at me, "You want this girl? Here, take her!"

He threw Naru towards me and I quickly jumped forward, catching her in my arms with a gasp, "N-Naru!"

I gently laid her on the ground, moving away from her as the man jumped in the air, removing his Tuxedo Mask clothes. My eyes widened as the man underneath the mask was Masato Sanjoin. I blinked, "Masato Sanjoin?!"

He glared at me, "I am Nephrite, one of the Dark Kingdom's Four Kings of Heaven!"

I continued to glare at him as he floated in the air in front of me, confessing his crimes, "Sailor Moon, I posed as Tuxedo Mask so that I could lure you out."

I took a step back as Nephrite started to duplicate in front of me as he spoke, voice echoing due to the clones, "Hear me, Regulus of the Leo constellation, who shines in the southern skies...Lend me your strength!"

Nephrite disappeared before me, his clones moving to form the Leo constellation that began to glow and form an actual lion. I took another step back as the lion's eyes glowed and turned to look at me, roaring in anger. Nephrite shouted, "I'll shred you to pieces!"

I quickly started running away as the lion followed after me. I cursed, shouting, "It just had to be a lion?! Why can't I fight something cute?! Why does everything have to be deadly and ugly?!"

I yelped as I tripped over my right foot and quickly rolled over, seeing the lion jump at me with a roar. I held my hands up in defense but the lion was struck by something red in the middle of its forehead. My eyes widened as I jumped to my feet and moved away from the lion as Nephrite floated down from the sky with a sneer, "Who's there?!"

I turned around with a smile, seeing Tuxedo Mask leaning against the doorway of an open elevator. Tuxedo Mask glared at Nephrite, "So you used my name on those love letters to lure out Sailor Moon! I won't stand for that!"

Nephrite shook with anger, "Tuxedo Mask..."

Tuxedo Mask jumped in the air, landing on his feet in front of me. Tuxedo Mask turned his head to look at me, "Sailor Moon! Hurry up and run!"

I shook my head, "No! This is my fight too, Tuxedo Mask!"

He glared at me, snapping, "Now Sailor Moon!"

I took a step back with a huff, before turning around to run away from him. I could hear Tuxedo Mask fighting the lion but I knew that if I looked back, I would try to help but only manage to get in the way. I heard Tuxedo Mask shout, "Sailor Moon, get inside the elevator!"

I did as he said, turning around to see him running towards the elevator with the lion right on his heels. I quickly reached up, grabbing my tiara, and throwing it at the lion with full force. The lion flew back as my tiara came back to me and Tuxedo Mask made it to the elevator. The elevator closed and my eyes widened, quickly running over to help Tuxedo Mask try to open the doors.

Tuxedo Mask cursed, "It's a trap!"

Nephrite's chuckle was heard through the speakers, "The elevator will keep going up, but what do you think will happen when it reaches the top floor? The elevator will fall according to the laws of Earth's gravitational pull. And you'll be crushed like a bug on a windshield!"

I bit my lip as I watched the elevator go up higher and higher. I glanced over at Tuxedo Mask from the corner of eye, opening my mouth to speak but hesitated, quickly closing my mouth and turning away from him. I crossed my arms around my body, hugging myself as Tuxedo Mask spoke up, "We must do something..."

I nodded in agreement, "Yeah, but what can we do, Tuxedo Mask?"

Tuxedo Mask turned to face me, staring at me for a moment before reaching out to touch me but stopped himself. He shook his head, pointing up at the ceiling and I looked up, seeing the roof to the elevator had a hatch that could be opened. I nodded as Tuxedo Mask knocked the cover off with his cane and he climbed up first, reaching his hand down for me to grab. I grabbed it and he pulled me up with one hand, helping me stand on the top. He looked over, shouting, "We've reached the top floor! Get ready to jump!"

The elevator stooped and Tuxedo Mask jumped first, grabbing onto the ledge. I jumped right after him but was short and I yelped as I started to fall along with the elevator. Tuxedo Mask quickly grabbed my hand, holding onto me tightly as the elevator went straight down, crashing straight into the ground. I held onto Tuxedo Mask's hand tightly, not wanting to fall down to my death. A few tears started to fall from my eyes, "Tuxedo Mask...I'm scared..."

Tuxedo Mask turned his head towards me, giving me that smile that felt so familiar, "Sailor Moon, it's okay. We'll get out of this...together. Let's talk about something to distract ourselves."

I nodded slowly, sniffling, "Why...why do you always come to save me...I mean us. Why do you always come to save us?"

Tuxedo Mask replied, "I don't know, since the beginning it was my blood that told me to do so, but now...I will always come to rescue you, Sailor Moon."

I blushed brightly before Tuxedo Mask quickly changed the subject, "I managed to get a footing. Can you pull yourself onto my back?"

I nodded slowly, quickly climbing Tuxedo Mask until I was safely and clutching onto Tuxedo Mask's back tightly. Tuxedo Mask started to slowly pull us up onto the ledge and he spoke, "Sailor Moon...I get this feeling that we had some kind of connection in the distant past...I can sense it in the corner of my mind, but I can't remember what it was..."

Tuxedo Mask's foot slipped and I yelped as we almost fell, but he held onto the ledge tightly. I gulped as I replied shakily, "I...I feel the same way Tuxedo Mask. Even though Luna tells us, me, that we shouldn't trust you but I know that you're on our side..."

I could see his fingers starting to slip and I held onto him tighter, whispering into his shoulder, "Thank you for always saving me Tuxedo Mask."

The doors suddenly opened, and I heard Ami's voice gasp, "Tuxedo Mask!"

Ami and Rei quickly grabbed his arms, pulling him and me up before we fell. Ami scolded me as she pulled us up, "Sailor Moon, you know better than coming here without telling us."

They managed to pull Tuxedo Mask up and I quickly got off his back, blushing as I gave Ami a guilty smile, "I'm sorry."

Rei coughed before letting out a sigh of relief, "That was a close one."

I held my hand out to Tuxedo Mask, which he took, and I helped him stand up. We made our way up to the roof and I quickly looked at my friends, Naru being held by Ami, and I gave them a smile, "Thank you again, for saving us."

Rei huffed, "It's just not fair. I'm stuck with a nasty cold...while you sneak out and get to hug Tuxedo Mask?!"

I waved my hands at Rei, shaking my head, "It wasn't like that Sailor Mars! I was here to stop the Dark Kingdom, I promise!"

Ami walked over to us, glaring at me, "Alone, which you know is a bad idea. Now, stop picking a fight Sailor Mars."

Rei rolled her eyes, "Aw, come on Sailor Mercury, you're siding with Sailor Moon?"

Ami gave Rei a pointed look, "No. I just want to get Naru to a hospital as soon as possible."

We all turned around when we heard Tuxedo Mask speak up, "Please, I want all of you to get along with each other."

Tuxedo Mask went to jump off the fence and I quickly ran over to him, "Wait!"

He paused, not turning to face me and I continued, "I need to know...why do you leave me roses?"

He slightly turned his head, giving me that smile, "A beautiful flower for a beautiful girl."

He jumped off after that and I was left a blushing mess as I spotted the roses he left for me on the ledge in front of me.


I DID IT! I'm really proud of how this chapter came out. I rewrote this one a few times because it just wasn't working out the way I wanted to. So, I hope you all like the chapter, and I hope to give you guys another chapter next week or so. Going out of town with family for the weekend so I won't be able to write. As always, I love you guys and thank you so much for reading my story, means so much to me! 

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