Reincarnated as Usagi?!

By MysticRaven0

18.6K 755 73

A Sailor Moon Fanfiction Aria is your typical teenage girl who died suddenly and is now living her life as an... More

Usagi's Beautiful Transformation
The House of Fortune is the Monster Mansion
Mysterious Sleeping Sickness: Protect the Girls in Love
Lean How to Be Skinny from Usagi
Scent of A Monster: Chanela Will Steal Your Love
Protect the Melody of Love: Usagi Plays Cupid
Becoming a Star is Hard Work
Girl Genius is a Monster: The Brainwashing Cram School of Horror
Cursed Bus: Enter Mars, The Guardian of Fire
Usagi vs Rei: Nightmare in Dream Land
The Luxury Cruise Ship is a Trap
Girls Unite: The End of Jadeite
A New Enemy Appears: Nephrite's Evil Crest
Usagi's Panic: Rei's First Date
A Girl's Dream: Usagi Becomes A Bride
Usagi's a Model: The Flash of the Camera Monster
Usagi's Joy: A Love Letter from Tuxedo Mask
The Summer, the Beach, Youth and Ghosts
Romance Under the Moon: Usagi's First Kiss
Wish Upon a Star: Naru's First Love
Naru's Tears: Nephrite Dies for Love
Jupiter, The Powerful Girl in Love
Restore Naru's Smile: Usagi's Friendship
Crushing on Ami: the Boy Who Can See the Future
The Painting of Love: Usagi and Mamoru Get Closer
Total Chaos: The Messy Love Triangle
Grandpa Loses Control: Rei in Danger
Love and Chased: Luna's Worst Day Ever
Umino's Resolve: I'll Protect Naru
Enter Venus, the Last Sailor Guardian
The Shining Silver Crystal: The Moon Princess Appears
Returning Memories: Usagi and Mamoru's Past

Shingo's Love: The Grieving Doll

378 23 2
By MysticRaven0

Mom, Dad, Shingo, and I were all sitting at the table, eating breakfast together. Dad looked at me, teasing smile on his face, "Usagi, you're up early today."

I chuckled with a blush, "I'll have you know; I try to get up early everyday...I just like to sleep."

Shingo rolled his eyes at me as Dad turned to look at him, smile still on his face, "Shingo, I hear Mika won a prize in a French doll-making contest."

Shingo's eyes widened with a big smile on his face, "Really?"

Mom glanced over at Dad as she sipped her coffee, "Wasn't Mika's mother a well-known doll maker?"

Dad nodded, smiling at Mom, "Like mother like daughter."

I smirked, holding my spoon out at Shingo, "Mr. Shingo Tsukino, how does it feel to have a famous person as your girlfriend?"

Shingo blushed brightly and jumped out of his chair, snapping, "Cut it out!"

I giggled, holding up the spoon to my mouth, "Reporting live from the Tsukino residence..."

Shingo stuck his tongue out at me, "Dumb Usagi! You'll be late for school again!"


My eyes widened and I quickly shoved my breakfast in my mouth, giving Mom and Dad a kiss on the cheek before rushing over to the door to put my shoes on and grab my bag. I finally swallowed my food as I opened the door, shouting, "Bye Mom! Bye Dad! Love you guys!"


I somehow managed to make it to school on time, barely, and had a great day at school. Naru and I were walking home after school as she smirked at me, "How is it that you woke up early today and was almost late...again."

I sighed in defeat, "I don't know Naru. I just want to be art school on time for once in my life."

We both stopped walking as two little girls stood in front of us, one with short brown hair and the other with blue twin braid pigtails. The girl with brown hair twiddled her fingers as she looked at me, "Are you...Shingo's big sister?"

I nodded, titling my head, "Yes, is he okay?"

The bluenette nodded, big eyes staring at me, "Maybe you can tell us why Shingo is so mean?!"

I frowned, bending down to their height, "Mean? What happened?"

The brunette replied softly, "Today at school..."

They told me the story of how Mika gave Shingo her prized French doll but some boys were making fun of them, so Shingo shoved the doll back into Mika's arms, however, the doll slipped out of her arms and fell to the ground, breaking. The bluenette shouted, "And Shingo didn't even apologize for it!"

The brunette sighed softly, "Poor Mika..."

They nodded at each other before they turned to me, the bluenette asking, "Can you please talk some sense into him?"

I stared at them for a moment, before nodding with a gentle smile, "I will, promise."

They both smiled at me, "Thank you!"

They ran away from us as Naru looked at me, "This calls for a heart to heart with him."


I sighed, "Hopefully he'll talk to me. I know Shingo...I know he didn't mean to break Mika's doll so he's probably beating himself up right now."



I gently knocked on Shingo's door, "Shingo...can I talk to you for a minute?"

There was a lot of shuffling before he replied, "Come on in..."

I slowly opened the door and closed it behind me, going to sit on his bed as he sat at his desk, reading one of his books. I sighed, deciding to just cut to the chase, "I heard about what happened with Mika today."

Shingo froze before turning around to glare at me, snapping, "Mind your own business! Get out!"

I stated, "I know you didn't mean to break her doll Shingo. Embarrassment makes us do things we don't mean to, but you should've apologized, no matter how embarrassed you were."

Shingo scoffed, crossing his arms and looking away from me, muttering, "I know that. I've been trying to write her a letter but nothing works..."

I gave him a smile, walking over to him and ruffling his hair, "Well, let's go apologize in person. I'll be right there with you, okay?"

Shingo looked at me, "Why?"

I titled my head, "Why what?"

Shingo replied, "Why do you care so much? You hate me."

I scoffed with an eyeroll, "I don't hate you Shingo. You're my little brother, you annoy me, I annoy you. It's just our relationship. I know you when say those mean things, you don't really mean it. I love you, and I always will. Just like I know you love me too, underneath all that sarcasm and snide comments, you really love your smart, pretty big sister."

Shingo scoffed, rolling his eyes this time, "Yeah right. Let's go Dumb Usagi."

Shingo stomped over to his door and threw it open, stepping out of the room before pausing outside the doorway. He whispered softly to me, "Thanks Usagi..."

He continued walking, not bothering to wait for me and my response. I chuckled with a shake of my head, "You're welcome little bro."

I followed after Shingo, humming to myself as we walked out of the house, putting on our shoes before we did, and heading to Mika's house. I could hear Shingo rehearsing his lines as we got closer to Mika's house but didn't say anything, letting him figure out what he's going to say to Mika on his own. Just as we were about to cross the street to Mika's house, we heard a car speeding down the street. We watched as the car parked in front of Mika's house and I stared at the car, wondering why it looked so familiar. A man stepped out of the car and my eyes widened, realizing the car belongs to Masato Sanjoin. Shingo sighed in defeat, turning to face me, "They've got company. We'll have to come back later."

I nodded, "Sure, wanna stop at the Arcade on the way back?"

Shingo nodded enthusiastically and I chuckled, leading him away from Mika's house and heading for the Game Center.


I knocked on Shingo's door, smiling at him as I walked in with Luna right behind me. I placed one of the drinks I had down in front of him, "Here you go. How did your apology go?"

Shingo sighed, explaining that he was unable to apologize, Mika refusing to see him and that her mom said that she was locked in her room, not eating and sleeping, just making dolls. I frowned as he sighed, playing with the straw in his empty glass, "I still cant believe it though. Mika's always been so nice...Do you think I hurt Mika that badly?"

I placed my hand on his shoulder with a smile, "Honestly, you might have, but you've been trying to do the right thing. All you can do right now is give Mika time. Also, get her something nice so that the next time you see her. We girls are big softies when we get gifts."

Shingo nodded with a smile and I smiled back, ruffling his hair before taking his empty glass away. I left Shingo alone and quickly headed to the kitchen, washing the glasses and putting them away. I headed to my room and sat on my bed, placing my head on my hand as I thought to myself. Luna hopped on the bed beside mem staring, "What's the matter, Usagi?"

I sighed, "I didn't want to worry Shingo, but Mika is definitely not acting normal. A doll's curse maybe..."

Luna shivered, "I don't like the sound of that! Of course, there's always the possibility that this might be the work of the Dark Kingdom...So we should keep an eye on Mika."


I nodded, "It might be the Dark Kingdom...but yeah, we should definitely keep an eye on Mika. Time to call Rei and Ami to let them know."


(Usagi's Outfit)

Shingo and I walked into the museum, meeting Mika's mom right at the entrance. I smiled at her, "Good afternoon! How's Mika doing?"

Her mom sighed with a shake of her head as Shingo whispered to me, "Sis, I don't think I should do this."

I whispered back, "Are you sure? Whatever you decide is totally up to you, but this might be your only chance to apologize and if you don't take it, you might lose Mika forever."

Mika's mom gave Shingo a knowing look, smiling at him, "Mika is in the back waiting room. I'm sure she'd be happy to see you."

I nodded at her, "Thank you." I turned to Shingo, "Ready?"

Shingo looked at the ground for a moment before looking back at me, nodding his head in determination. I grabbed Shingo's hand and started leading him to the back waiting rooms. He held onto my hand desperately as we got closer to the room Mika was in. I knocked on the door before opening it with a smile as Shingo stepped in slowly, holding up his Sailor Moon doll that he made for Mika, "Mika, this is for you."

My eyes widened as I saw the shadow figure of a monster behind the doll in front of Mika. The shadow became a monster and quickly sucked the energy out of Mika. Shingo screamed, "Mika!"

He started running towards her but I quickly grabbed him, making the monster's attack miss him. The doll that Shingo made for Mika slid across the floor and the monster stepped on it as she made her way towards us. I quickly threw Shingo out of the room, slamming the door in his face as I shouted, "Go Shingo! Run!"

Shingo started banging on the door and I snapped, "Now Shingo!"

It was quiet before I heard the footsteps fading away and Luna shouted, "Usagi! Transform!"

I threw my hand in the air, "Moon Prism Power Make Up!"

"I am the Pretty Guardian who fights for love and for justice! I am Sailor Moon!"

I pointed at the monster with a glare, "How dare you break the doll that Shingo made for Mika! That doll was filled with love from its maker! Even the Girls' Day dolls are angry! In the name of the Moon, you will be punished!"

The monster looked at me before the doll on the started flying towards me, mouth filled with fangs wide open. I quickly jumped away, diving out of the open window with a shout, "There's no way I'm fighting that?!"

The monster followed after me, reaching her arm out to touch me and I jumped back as I heard Ami yell, "Bubble Spray!"

The fog filled the area and I sighed in relief as Ami ran over to me, "Sailor Moon, are you all right?!"

Rei smirked as she walked over to us, "Maybe we should've come a little later."

I stuck my tongue out at her as I quickly shoved Ami and Rei away from me, jumping up to grab the branch above me and swinging on it to climb up the tree. The dolls that were flying towards us quickly followed after me as I continued to climb up the tree. I heard Luna shout, "Watch out Sailor Moon!"

I looked around to see the dolls had separated and were flying towards me from both directions. I took a deep breath before releasing it and jumping out of the tall tree, I landed on the ground near the girls as Rei slammed the ofudas that she had on the dolls' faces. I gasped as I was suddenly grabbed by the neck, clutching the hands that were strangling me. I was gasping for air as I tried to loosen her hold and heard Rei shout, "Fire Soul!"

Rei's attack hit the monster, however her hands still remained on my neck as the rest of her body moved away. I continued to try to pry her fingers away, but it was no use, and I could feel myself getting weaker. I vaguely heard Ami shout at me, "...Target the monster's right leg!"

I slowly raised my arm, gasping, "Moon...Tiara..."

I coughed as I lowered my arm, my vision becoming blurry and my hold on the hands weaking more. Suddenly, the weight disappeared, and I could breathe again, gasping and coughing as I blinked away the black spots in my vision and fell to my knees. The monster snarled, "Who are you?!"

I slowly turned my head, giving a weak smile, "Tuxedo Mask..."

He turned to me, his shoulders slightly relaxing at the sight of my smile as he shouted, "Now!"

I slowly stood up, grabbing my tiara as I did so, "Moon Tiara Action!"

My tiara hit the monster's right leg and she screamed as she became dust in the wind. I sighed in relief and turned to look at Tuxedo Mask but he was already gone, only a few roses laying on the ground to show that he really was there. I quickly grabbed them before heading back to the waiting room to see if Mika was okay. I stood in the window to see Shingo helping Mika stand up. I smiled as I spoke, "I'm glad to see you're awake."

They both looked at me, well my figure as I was being covered by a white curtain and the shadow of the curtain covering my face. Mika gasped, "Wow! Sailor Moon!"

I waved, "I took care of the evil monster. Now, you two stay good friends, okay? Friendships are the key to life."

I jumped away from the window, smiling to myself.


A Double Update this week! Look at me go! Hope you guys enjoyed and I can't wait for the next chapter myself, I'm really excited to write it! I'll do my best to get it done and up as soon as I can, but I'll be honest, with that new Disney Dream Light Valley update coming in a few days....might get a little busy lol

Anyways, like I said, I'll do my best and never forget, you guys are awesome! <3 <3

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