Dancing In The Rain

由 cyber4rool

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Five Hargreeves X Reader (under editing) Who knew saving the world was gonna be so hard 更多

Key & Rules
Quick Update| please read⚠︎
Puppet Master
Season 2
Birthday Boy
just a quick question|please read!
Season 3
I'm back(fr this time i promise)
i need some MAJOR help!

i need MAJOR help!!! prt 2

262 9 9
由 cyber4rool

this is the second preview chapter! 

 I had already published this book a while ago and then unpublished it. I really like the concept but hated the execution as I continued to write it. Soooooo #redemptionera??? lemme stfu now and let yall read. 

Turn back Time (chapter preview)

30 minutes prior

"She's gone?!" A man yelled as he grabbed his partner by his collar. "How could you lose her? She was literally frozen in place!" He continued to yell. "I-I just went to the bathroom for 5 minutes! I didn't know she would escape that fast," He stuttered as he looked at the older male. The man sighed and let go of the boy's collar. "We need to find her," The man sneered as his hand slammed on a nearby table.

"How are we gonna find her?" The man turned to the boy and leaned on the table he had recently assaulted. He reached into the pocket of his distressed work pants and pulled out a squashed box of cigarettes that had a lighter inside. He pulled out the nicotine stick and placed it between his slightly chapped lips. He sparked the lighter a few times before lighting the cigarette and took a puff. He sighed as the pungent smoke emitted from his lips and nose. "I don't know, but we better do it quick, or we're in trouble"


A battered and beaten girl walked the streets of New York trying to find a place to eat. The girl was tired and very confused, but a smile was plastered on her face as she sauntered through the dimly lit streets. Y/n could hear passersby mumble stuff about her as she continued to walk. She didn't pay mind to it due to the fact that she was focused on finding somewhere to eat. She continued to walk but quickly found herself quite lost. The streets were not like the ones she remembered. She sighed and looked around for a face that she could temporarily trust. An elderly man caught her eye as he was making his way to a nearby bus stop. She rushed over to the man and tried to grab his attention.

"Excuse me, sir?"

"Do you think you could help me out?" She asked looking at him. He looked up and examined the teenager, hesitant to talk to her. "What do you need?" He asked avoiding direct eye contact."I want to get something to eat, but I'm lost. Do you know an open restaurant nearby?" She explained looking at the old man. He nodded and quickly looked around before he met her gaze for a quick second, but Y/n adverted before he could properly look her in the eye.

"There's a diner 3 blocks away, turn left and you'll see it." She nodded and gave the man a quick 'thanks' before following the man's directions. Y/n kept walking until she found a small diner that had a big neon light sign on it.

The sigh was on a continuous loop of a hand dunking a doughnut into a coffee mug. Y/n remembered the sign vividly. She recalled memories of her getting sweet treats from the bakery. She rushed inside and took a seat at the bar, where a middle-aged man and a teenage boy sat. The boy glanced at the girl, then glanced at the man, then his hands.

He looked like he had something on his mind and was trying to figure it out. The man took out a newspaper and began to flip through it and read, while, Y/n quietly sang a song to herself. The diner was silent and the only thing that could be heard was the buzzing of the electronics and the muttering of the teenage girl.

All their thoughts were interrupted by the clicking heels, signaling that the waitress had entered the dining room. "Sorry, the sink was clogged," A waitress by the name of Agnes walked out. She took out her notepad and pen and looked at the middle-aged man to take his order. The man glanced up at the menu and back to the lady. "I'll take a glazed donut," The old man ordered as he glanced up at the brightly lit menu. "No scratch that. Gimme a chocolate eclair," The lady nodded and glanced at the younger patrons . "And chocolate milk for the kids?"

"This kid wants a coffee, black," The boy said flashing her a toothy grin. "And I'll have f/f milkshake, please," Y/n politely corrected with a small smile on her face. "With a chocolate glaze doughnut," The lady quickly nodded and went to tend to the orders, leaving everyone to be in silence again."I don't remember this place being such a shit hole," The boy mumbled breaking the silence. The boy shared that he and his siblings spent time in the old diner eating doughnuts until they were sick. The statement sounded odd to the boy's appearance. He only looked to be in his early teens. Yet he spoke of the memory as if it happened decades ago.

Y/n took note of that.

The man had a confused look on his face and was at a loss for words. There was an awkward silence in the air now and neither of them knew how to break it. Meanwhile, Y/n was in her own world. She was trying to avoid contact with either of the two males and focus on the bright menu in front of her. She was memorized by all the bright colors she saw as she stared at it. "Here you go," Agnes said handing the man his eclair, and the boy his coffee. "And here's your milkshake sweetie," Y/n pulled her milkshake closer to her and took a sip of the creamy drink. "Thank you," Y/n thanked with a smile as she continued to sip her drink. "They're on me," The man said tossing a couple of bills on the table. "Thank you," The boy said glancing at the man. The older male nodded before he went back to reading his newspaper.

"You must know your way around the city?" The boy said glancing at the man's jacket. "I would hope so, I've been driving it for 20 years," The boy nodded and turned to him. "Good, I need an address," The two males conversed while Y/n sipped on her shake looking around the dingy dinner.

"I didn't know the gun was loaded and I'll never, never do it again," Y/n quietly sang mindlessly as she sipped her milkshake and re-read the diner's menu. The two males turned to her and examined her appearance. She looked like she had just gotten out of a fight, yet she still had a smile plastered on her face. The boy turned back to the man and continued his conversation about the needed address. "Thank you," The boy said taking a napkin from the man and placing it in his blazer pocket.

"No problem," The man said before taking the last bite of his eclair and grabbing his things. He walked out, leaving the two teenagers alone in the small diner. "I didn't know the gun was loaded, and I'm so sorry my friend. I didn't know the gun was loaded, and I'll never, never do it again," The girl sang as she stared at her now half-empty milkshake. The boy turned to the strange girl and examined her once more. "Stop staring at me," The girl spoke up as she looked up at the menu to re-read it for the 7th time in a row.

"What's your name?" Y/n took a sip of her milkshake and wiped her hands on her napkin." The paper said, Y/n, so I think it's, Y/n," The boy cocked an eyebrow at her strange answer, but let it go and took a sip of his coffee before turning back to her. "What are you doing here, Y/n? And why do you keep singing that song?" The boy asked. "Well as you can see, I wanted a milkshake, and because it's the only thing I can remember. Any more questions?" The girl explained still not looking at the boy.

The boy took a sip of coffee and pursed his lips. The silence was back again, and neither of them was going to break it. The buzzing of the old lights and Y/n muttering her song was all that could be heard while the boy savored his coffee. The doorbell rang indicating that someone had entered, but nobody had taken a seat yet. "That was fast," The boy sighed clearly impressed. "I thought I'd have more time before they found me," He set his mug down and glanced to the girl next to him. Y/n stopped singing and glanced behind her to see a man dressed in black aiming a gun at her head. A smirk took over her lips as she looked back at her f/f milkshake, and continued to mumble her song.

"So, let's all be professional about this, yeah?" The man spoke up slightly lowering his gun. "On your feet and come with us. They want to talk," He ordered. "I've got nothing to say," The boys said as he traced his finger on the rim of his mug. "It doesn't have to go this way," The man stated still keeping his eyes on the boy. "You think I want to shoot a kid, let alone 2? Go home with that on my conscience?" The man said trying to throw some pity. Y/n's singing came to an abrupt stop and she turned her neck. "Hey, why are you gonna shoot me? I'm just tryna enjoy my milkshake." Y/n whined as she ate the cherry that came with her drink.

"Because we can't have any witnesses, can we?" The man said looking at the girl. Y/n huffed and fully turned around. She stared at the floor and raised her hands in the air. "Well if I'm gonna die, can I at least show you a trick before I go?" The guards exchanged confused glances before focusing back on, Y/n.


"Make it quick," The man demanded. Y/n let out a squeal and clapped her hands before glancing around the restaurant. "You," She pointed to one of the other men in the room. "Come here would you?" The man lowered his gun and hesitantly made his way to the teenager.

Y/n was still looking at the floor until she saw his feet stop in front of her. "Okay, now I'm sorry for any discomfort you're about to endure," She said cracking her knuckles. Once she finished she chuckled and shook her head."Actually no I'm not, you interrupted my song and ruined my milkshake," Everyone had a confused look on their face while the girl talked. Y/n glanced at the man's gun and kicked it out of his hand before the man could object, Y/n had grabbed him by his collar and looked him in the eye.

Y/n's eyes started to glow, and her smirk was turning into a smile. "Wh-what are you doing?" The main whimpered as he grasped onto, Y/n's arms. "S-stop that!" The man shouted as he desperately tried to pry himself out of her grip. His eyes were starting to become bloodshot, and his breathing was getting ragged as Y/n continued to stare him in the eyes. "Monster! You're a monster! Get away from me!" He shouted as she squirmed in her arms. Y/n emitted a few chuckles as she felt the man squirm.

"Look into my eyes," She taunted as she kept staring at him. "Get away fro-" Y/n's eyes shined brighter as the man tried to finish his sentence. Blood started to trickle down his eyes and ears as his pupils started to dilate. Life was leaving his body, and everyone in the diner watched with fear. Y/n's eyes began to dim, and she let go of the man's collar, leaving the man to drop dead on the floor. All eyes and guns were on her, but she didn't care. She turned to everyone in the diner with a big smile on her face.

"So, did you guys like my trick?"

Like I said, I really like this book, but ngl that last preview chapter had my whole authourussy into it. so imma let yall decide!! But remember if i publish one does not mean im not gonna publish the other one, I'm just gonna wait a longggg ass time till i do. #choosewisely! also if yall dont vote im literally going to kms, then yall wont get anything LMFAO🤣😜


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