Forbidden Love [Fem!reader x...

Por littleratremy

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Por littleratremy

Cassandra laughed and rolled her eyes. "Yeah, next time you get to top."

"Let's take a bath and go to a different room to sleep," I muttered, glancing at the window again. 'Even though the storm settled down, I don't trust him, so I don't want her near a window.'

"Yeah," Cassandra whispered while carefully moving off of the strap. "Someone's not happy we did that."

"I can name a few."

"Please don't."

We giggled before climbing out of bed and heading to the connected bathroom. I removed the harness and set it on the sink counter — knowing I'd be cleaning it later anyway. Once we were both in the bathroom, Cassandra turned on the hot water with a mutter of; "I'm glad you don't mind the hottest setting," leaving her. I wrapped my arms around her waist while we waited for the tub to fill, letting my cheek rest on her arm.

"Hey, Cass?"


"...I think my aunt would approve of you."

"What do you mean by that?" Cassandra laughed, tilting my head up.

"I mean; my aunt is the goddess of marriage. If she approves of us dating, there's nothing my uncle can do that can allow this arranged marriage to happen! Why didn't I think of that sooner?"

"Because if you did, we wouldn't have had sex."

I stared at her for a moment before giggling. "Okay, that's true. I guess it was just fate, then."

"I guess so."

We giggled before climbing into the bath, Cassandra's arms wrapping around me to pull me against her once we were settled. I let out a content sigh while we stayed like that, toying with her fingers as the water continued to rise. Once it was at a decent height, I sat up and shut off the water before leaning back against her and planting a kiss on her cheek.

"When spring comes around," Cassandra immediately turned her attention to me as I spoke, making me giggle at her attentiveness. "Do you wanna go for a walk around the village? My body heat should keep you warm enough — plus I can always ask a few gods, pull a few strings."

"You can manipulate the weather?"

"I have friends in high places," We laughed after that. "But, it would be for a limited time. Hopefully long enough for us to have a nice date."

"Oh, so that's what this is," Cassandra laughed before pecking my lips. "You're trying to keep your promise."

'I nearly forgot about that, actually,' I thought in shock as the memory flashed in my mind. "I guess I am, yeah."

"...Well, subconsciously, I guess," She giggled and held me closer. "I'd like it. Maybe we can stop by a flower shop and you can judge them as the daughter of the goddess of spring."

"You want to find ones worthy enough for your mother and sisters, don't you?"

"...Dani likes daffodils, I want to make sure the ones I get are perfect."

"Well if they're for Dani," We laughed after my exasperated sentence. 'Dani loves all plants, it's just an excuse to see if she can figure out my favorite flower. I'll play her little game.'

"So, how pissed is your aunt gonna be?"


"The goddess of marriage," Cassandra pointed out before motioning between us. "And we just had premarital sex."

'...Oh, she's not gonna be happy about that,' My eyes widened at the realization before I buried my face in her shoulder. "She'll understand. I think."

'You know, normally I would be angry,' I tensed at the voice of my aunt echoing in my head. '...But, I refuse to let my niece go through an arranged marriage. The heat of the moment need to prove to your uncle that you belong to Cassandra and no one else was understandable.'

'So does this mean-?'

'I'll give you one week before I come to visit to meet her in person.'

'I was afraid you'd say that.'

'Be glad I didn't smite her. Do you really think Miranda's magic can protect against the wrath of the Queen of Olympus?'

'...I love you, auntie.'

'I love you too, dear.'


"...My aunt will be here in a week to meet you," I whispered and sat up. "She's going to overlook the 'premarital sex' thing, so we're in the clear for that."

"So I can just be myself, right?"

"Why would I ever say 'no' to that?"

"Just making sure! She is a queen."

"She's also my aunt," I laughed and pecked her lips. "Just be yourself. She'll love you, I promise. You two would get along well, actually."

"You think so?" Cassandra perked up at that and I had to bite back a smile.

"Mhm. I'll give you some things to talk about with her before she gets here, don't worry."

"Things I'll like too, right?"

"Of course," I hummed and connected our lips in a tender kiss.

'She's not going to make us get married until we're ready,' I thought as we slowly deepened the kiss, keeping it slow and loving. 'But I understand her wanting to meet Cass soon. If she means so much to me that I'd risk Zeus's wrath, she's worthy of meeting the queen of Olympus soon.' When I slowly broke the kiss, Cassandra let out a low whine and pouted when I moved back.

I rolled my eyes at her before I grabbed some soap and a loofah, pecking Cassandra's lips before beginning to wash her up. She relaxed under my hands, a low purr leaving her until I finished. Once I stopped, she began washing me up as well — causing me to occasionally swat at her hands whenever they would linger in certain spots. 'Giving her a taste has gotten her addicted. Adorable.'

"Hey," She hummed before pecking my lips. "One day, I'm gonna kick your uncle's ass for this."


"I don't care if he's a god — nothing's going to separate us again. Not even a powerful god."

"Oh, Cass," I sighed and cupped her cheeks, leaning forward to ghost my lips over hers. "I'll make sure Hekate puts a protective spell on you when you do so he can't kill you."

"You'll let me challenge him?!"

"No, but if you go through with it anyway, at least you'll be safe."

We laughed and rinsed off before climbing out of the bath, wrapping warm, fluffy towels around our bodies. Cassandra quickly dried off and got dressed, rushing to her closet to get a nightgown I could wear for the night. I smiled and took the nightgown she offered me after I dried off, putting it on as a loud clap of thunder shook the castle.

'Yeah, yeah, we get it, you hate that I'm happy,' I internally groaned as I grabbed Cassandra's hand, leading her out of her room. As we walked through the halls, Cassandra interlocked our fingers, giving my hand a gentle squeeze. 'Right, I need to calm down and not let him get to me. He's not going to ruin my happiness.'

Once we reached a windowless bedroom — made as one of the few backups for when bad storms or strong winds hit — I pulled Cassandra inside and grabbed a lighter, lighting the candles before taking a seat on the bed. Cassandra sat next to me before taking my hand in hers again, a happy sigh leaving her when I rested my head on her shoulder, a yawn soon passing my lips.

"Let's get some sleep," I muttered, rubbing my thumb over the back of her hand. "We've had an eventful day — and night."

"Yeah," Cassandra heaved, gently nudging me. "You're gonna have to move so I can lay down."

"Fine," I grumbled and stood up, waiting for her to lie down and get situated. "Can I join now?"

"Please do!"

I rolled my eyes and laughed before climbing into bed with her, resting my head on her chest as her arms snaked around my waist. Cassandra held me tight as she pressed a kiss on my head, the smile on her face never fading, even as exhaustion filled her eyes. I tilted my head enough to kiss her jaw, a smile on my face as I watched her eyes slowly close.

"Goodnight, my love," I whispered as her breathing evened out. 'One week to prepare her for how aunt Hera's gonna be...'

My eyes shifted to the wall before I used my powers to extinguish the flames of the candles. 'I can worry about that tomorrow.'

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