Reincarnated as Usagi?!

By MysticRaven0

18.6K 755 73

A Sailor Moon Fanfiction Aria is your typical teenage girl who died suddenly and is now living her life as an... More

Usagi's Beautiful Transformation
The House of Fortune is the Monster Mansion
Mysterious Sleeping Sickness: Protect the Girls in Love
Scent of A Monster: Chanela Will Steal Your Love
Protect the Melody of Love: Usagi Plays Cupid
Becoming a Star is Hard Work
Girl Genius is a Monster: The Brainwashing Cram School of Horror
Cursed Bus: Enter Mars, The Guardian of Fire
Usagi vs Rei: Nightmare in Dream Land
The Luxury Cruise Ship is a Trap
Girls Unite: The End of Jadeite
A New Enemy Appears: Nephrite's Evil Crest
Usagi's Panic: Rei's First Date
A Girl's Dream: Usagi Becomes A Bride
Usagi's a Model: The Flash of the Camera Monster
Shingo's Love: The Grieving Doll
Usagi's Joy: A Love Letter from Tuxedo Mask
The Summer, the Beach, Youth and Ghosts
Romance Under the Moon: Usagi's First Kiss
Wish Upon a Star: Naru's First Love
Naru's Tears: Nephrite Dies for Love
Jupiter, The Powerful Girl in Love
Restore Naru's Smile: Usagi's Friendship
Crushing on Ami: the Boy Who Can See the Future
The Painting of Love: Usagi and Mamoru Get Closer
Total Chaos: The Messy Love Triangle
Grandpa Loses Control: Rei in Danger
Love and Chased: Luna's Worst Day Ever
Umino's Resolve: I'll Protect Naru
Enter Venus, the Last Sailor Guardian
The Shining Silver Crystal: The Moon Princess Appears
Returning Memories: Usagi and Mamoru's Past

Lean How to Be Skinny from Usagi

986 33 2
By MysticRaven0

I huffed as I walked inside my home, shouting, "I'm home!"

I sat down and took off my sneakers, placing them with the other shoes, and standing up to make my way into the kitchen. I smiled as I took a seat next to Shingo, "Hi papa! Hi mama! Hi Shingo! What's for dinner?"

Mama placed a plate in front of me with a smile, "Hi Usagi, how was your class?"

I replied as I picked up my silverware, "Good, my teacher said I'm progressing very well."

Shingo snickered, "Are you sure? Looks like you've been gaining weight, Usagi."

I rolled my eyes and started eating my food, ignoring Shingo's comment as Papa gave me a smile, "That's great Usagi, and even if you gained some weight, people look better with a bit of meat on their bones when you're young."

Mama nodded with a bright smile, and I continued to eat my dinner before heading upstairs to get ready for bed. I quickly showered, brushed my teeth, and walked into my room to see Luna sitting by my window. Luna tilted her head at me, "How was training Usagi?"

I replied with a small yawn, "Good, but I'm super tired. Goodnight, Luna."


It was lunch time and Naru, a few other girls in our class, and I were sitting outside and one of the girls were talking about being on a diet. Cleo sighed, "I know how you feel. It's tough to stay fit."

Naru and Emily sighed sadly, "Yeah, we know..."

Naru turned to me, "How do you stay fit, Usagi?"

I replied with a shrug, "I recently started taking self-defense lessons and joined a gym."

Cleo frowned and placed her hands on her cheeks, "I've tried fasting and eating pineapples to lose weight, but none of them ever works..."

Naru and Emily sighed in unison once again, "Yeah, we know..."

Emily continued with her hands clasped together, "The ideal diet is falling in love, because then you want to look good!"

Cleo stared at her friend, "Have you ever been in love?"

She shook her head with a sad look, and we all nodded in agreement, "Yeah, we know..."

Emily sighed, "Right? Wait, what do you mean?"

Cleo placed her hand on Emily's shoulder with a teasing smile, "Listen, you're just born the way you are."

Emily held up her fist with a glare, "You know, you of all people are one to talk!"

They both stood up and started to bicker and I sighed softly, turning away from them. Naru looked at me, "Have you noticed that Ms. Haruna is looking really fit lately?"

I blinked and looked up at Naru, "Really?"

Naru nodded and we both turned our heads when we heard footsteps walking past us. It was Ms. Haruna and she turned to us with a bright smile, "Good morning, everyone!"

I raised an eyebrow, "She doesn't look much different than she did before..."

I jumped back as Umino appeared next to me, "You can't tell with that dress on. But here, have a look at these. Here's "before" and here's "after"."

Umino handed me two photos of Ms. Haruna and I was impressed by the difference. I glanced up at Umino with suspicion, "Umino, how did you get these pictures?"

Umino chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his heck, "Well, that's a trade secret..."

Naru and I glared at Umino, getting closer to his face as Naru spoke, "Did you by any chance..."

Umino chuckled again, "Yes?"

Naru and I asked together in anger, "How did you get this photo? Say it! Tell us!"

Umino stuttered for a moment before running away with a scream and Naru and I quickly chased after him, shouting, "Come back here!"

We lost him briefly, but Naru ran past a gap, and I quickly came to a stop, spotting Umino trying to catch his breath. I walked over to him with a glare. "Tell me!"

Umino screamed and waved his arms frantically, "Okay, I'll tell you! I followed Ms. Haruna and took those pictures with my camera..."

I shook my head in disappointment, "Umino, you can't just take pictures of woman at the gym."

Umino looked away, ashamed, before Naru made it to us, panting, "Where's the gym?!"

Umino and I looked at Naru in confusion, tilting our heads, "Huh?"


The girls and I were standing out a brand-new gym. Naru was in awe, "Here it is! This is Ms. Haruna's gym, Shaperin."

Emily frowned, "It looks pretty expensive..."

Cleo gasped, "Oh look, it's the actress Rie Goto! She's so pretty!"

Rie was demonstrating a few exercises before the camera zoomed into her face as she stated, "Exercise hard, and in just a few days, you'll be beautiful, too! Let's all get into shape together! At "Shaperin", we are currently running a free trial."

Naru gasped with a smile, "What! Free?! Can't get any cheaper than that!"

Cleo and Emily smiled, "Let's do it!"

I bit my lip with a frown, "I don't know guys, I'm already a member of a gym."

Naru gave me a puppy dog look and I sighed in defeat, causing the girls to cheer. We all headed inside, and we quickly found a locker room, changing into our gym clothes, the girls using theirs from school and I used the one I wear at the gym. Cleo smiled as we walked out of the locker room, "I'm glad we brought our gym clothes! Usagi, your outfit is to die for!"

I smiled, thanking her, as Naru stated with determination, "Time to get in shape!"

Before we could go anywhere, a man wearing a purple tracksuit that had green lines and purple tinted sunglasses. He smirked at us, "Welcome to Shaperin."

I raised an eyebrow as the other girls blushed brightly. He continued, "I'm one of the instructors at this gym."

I spoke up, noticing that the girls were too dazzled by his appearance, "This is our first time here."

He nodded, "Great! Come this way."

We all followed the instructor with no name. Naru was doing pull-ups, Emily was lifting the weights with Cleo, and I was simply stretching by myself. Cleo moved onto the treadmill, as Naru used the cycling machine, and Emily moved onto a seated chest press machine. I was continuing my stretches and slowly eased into some simple exercises. The instructor with no name suddenly clapped his hands, calling out, "All right! That's enough for today!"

Everyone panted as they climbed off the equipment and I walked over to them, lightly sweating and breathing slightly out of rhythm. He smiled at us, "You worked really hard today. So as a reward, come step into the Shape Ray, the pride of our gym."

We all chorused, "Shape Ray?"

While the girls followed the instructor with no name, I spotted a bathroom and quickly ducked in. I did my business quickly, washed my hands, and slipped out of the bathroom, having no idea where I am. I wandered for a bit before finding a spa room. I quickly spotted a locker room and got undressed, wrapping a towel around me as I pinned up my pigtails. I found an empty tub and quickly stepped in, dropping the towel, and sinking into the tub. I sighed in relief, closing my eyes, "This is relaxing."

After soaking for a while, I climbed out and wrapped the towel around myself. I made it to the locker room and quickly changed back, stepping out of the spa room to find the exit. I made it to the locker room that I left my school uniform in but couldn't find Naru and the others. So, I changed into my uniform and left the gym, thinking that the girls left without me. I hummed to myself as I walked home, stopping as I smelt something delicious. I followed the smell to a little café, walking inside to see that they were selling mini cakes. I ordered an Oreo Cake and sat at a small table, taking a big bite from the cake. I moaned in pleasure before quickly devouring the cake, pouting when I realized it was all gone.

I walked out of the café with a smile, humming to myself as I started walking home. I heard a mocking voice behind me, "Gee, you sure can eat, bun-head. I saw you devour that cake in one bite."

I huffed and turned around with a glare, staring at his annoying, smirking face, "Leave me alone! I can eat whatever I want, however I want, loser."

He chuckled, smirk still on his face, "If you keep eating like that, you're gonna turn into a pork bun."

I scowled with an eyeroll, turning back around and walking away from him, ignoring his chuckles.


I was sitting at my desk, doing my homework. Luna hopped on the desk, sitting next to my homework, "I've noticed that Ms. Haruna has been acting strange lately. And suddenly she's skin and bones."

I blinked and looked over at Luna, putting my pencil down, "Well, Umino said that she just joined a new gym. The girls and I went to it today to check it out. I didn't really like it, gave off weird vibes. It was called Shaperin."

Luna nodded, "A lot of girls who go into Shaperin have become skin and bones."

I sighed before standing up, "We're going back to Shaperin, aren't we?"

Luna gave me an innocent smile and I sighed once again, quickly grabbing my bag and heading out of my room. I threw on my shoes quickly and shouted to my parents that I was heading to the gym again before leaving the house. I ran all the way to the gym, Luna following behind me as fast as she can. I came to a stop in front of the gym, slightly out of breath, before walking into the gym. I walked into the locker room, quickly changing into gym clothes. I made it to the main workout area and started working out, looking for any clues that could lead me to the evil energy. I frowned when I saw nothing unusual when I heard a strange sound coming form outside. I glanced over to see Luna and I followed her eyes, spotting Ms. Haruna walking in the hallway. I quickly finished what I was doing before slipping out of the room, silently following Ms. Haruna.

I met up with Luna at a staircase and we slowly made our way down, a strange light appearing at the bottom. We made it to the last stair, eyes widening as we saw Ms. Haruna in a capsule that was sucking out of her soul. We heard a chuckle and saw Jadeite, listening to him speak, "This young woman's energy is at an end...We'll be all done draining her today. After that, she'll just grow weak and die..."

Luna and I both gasped quietly before running back up a few steps. Luna gave me a nod and I nodded back, throwing my hand in the air and spoke softly but clearly, "Moon Prism Power Make Up!"

I ran back down the stairs and shouted, "Release Ms. Haruna from there, Jadeite!"

Jadeite turned around with a glare as I stated, "Preying on the dreams of girls who want to be fit! You're an unforgiveable enemy of all women!"

Jadeite smirked as he stared at me, "So, it's you again?"

I smirked back, "You bet it is! I am the pretty guardian who fights for love and justice! I am Sailor Moon...and in the name of the Moon, you will be punished!"

Jadeite chuckled, "Impudent brat. Take care of her!"

The gym trainers appeared in front of me, grinning evilly at me. The guy with short black hair and green tank top swung a dumbbell at me. I quickly jumped back but yelped, dodging the man with long hair that tried to grab me. I held up my fist, being surrounded by the trainers that were way stronger than me. Jadeite chuckled with a smirk, "Go ahead and finish her off!"

He disappeared and I cursed softly underneath my breathe, jumping over the two guys that tried to grab me from behind. Luna shouted at me, "Sailor Moon, they are being manipulated by the rings on their heads! Destroy the rings!"

I nodded and ducked, avoiding a grab once again. My eyes widened as they all ran towards and I quickly turned around, running as fast as I can. I quickly came to a stop, causing the trainers to stop as well. I smirked, beckoning them forward with a smirk. The long hair ran over first, arm stretched out. I ducked under his arm, hitting him right in the gut. He doubled over in pain, and I quickly grabbed the ring, stomping on it and breaking it. I jumped back as the guy with the dumbbell went to attack. I jumped in the air with a twirl, kicking him across the face, knocking the ring off his head. The dumbbell flew out of his hand, hitting the orb with the depleted energy from the women. The last guy covered his face from the bright light, and I smirked, "Moon Tiara Action!"

My tiara destroyed the final two rings before retuning back to me. I put my tiara back on and made my way over to the exit, turning back to the trainers with a smile, "Go back to being good boys."

I winked before running up the stairs and out of the room, heading straight home to get some well-deserved rest.

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